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《新目标英语七年级上册unit4Where_is_my_schoolbag课件1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新目标英语七年级上册unit4Where_is_my_schoolbag课件1.ppt(42页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、 Unit4 Wheres my schoolbag?Wheres Sally?Shes in/on/under/behind/near the box. oninunderbehindnear记忆挑战记忆挑战RevisionWheres Sally? Shesthe box. 1 2 3 4 5Revisionplayertape playerclockradio model planemodel plane tapeNew wordsinunderonWhere are they?between bitwi:n 在在.之间之间 The tables are the sofas.betwee

2、n next nekst 其次其次的;下的;下一个一个next to 在在旁边旁边The chairs are _ the table.next todresserdres 梳妆台梳妆台bed bed 床床The dresser is _ the bed.next totree 树树behind 在在后面后面Where is the house?The house isthe tree.behindin 在在里里在在之下之下在在之上之上在在旁边旁边在在后面后面undernext toonbehindMatch the words with the things in the picture.

3、将下列单词与图中物品匹配。将下列单词与图中物品匹配。Section B1a1.radio _ 2. clock _3. tape player _ 4. model plane _5. tape _ 6. hat _acdfbeLook at the picture in 1a for three minutes. Then close your books and write down all the things you remember. 看看1a中的图片中的图片 3 分钟。然后合上分钟。然后合上书,写出你记住的所有物品。书,写出你记住的所有物品。1bhat, CD, clock, ta

4、pe player, computer game, schoolbag, pencils, bookcase, ID card, books, telephone, door, ruler, pencil box, notebook, bed, quilt, baseball, pillow(枕头)枕头), chair, radio, model plane, hat Listen and circle the things Tom wants from his room. 1cEnglish books tape player clock ruler notebook tape model

5、plane radio Listen again. Where are Tommys things? Write them down. 1dEnglishbooksunderradiorulernotebooktapeThe English books are under the radio.The ruler is on the bed.The notebook is under the model plane in the bookcase.The tape is in the tape player.onbedundermodel plane in the bookcaseintape

6、playerListen again. Where are Tommys things? Write them down. The English books are on the dresser.The video tape is on the table.The CDs are on the bookcase.The notebook is on the bed.The ruler is under the bed.1d Ask and answer questions about the things in Toms room. 根据汤姆房间离得物品的位置进行问答。1e Work in

7、pairs Memory challenge(记忆挑战记忆挑战)Memory challenge(记忆挑战记忆挑战)Object(物品物品)Place(位置)(位置)keyon the tableMemory challenge(记忆挑战记忆挑战)Object(物品物品)Place(位置)(位置)keyon the tableplanton the tableclockunder the tablewatchon the chairschoolbagon the sofabooksin the bookcaseTVon the tableCDsin the bookcasepictureon

8、the wallbaseballsunder the bedMemory challenge(记忆挑战记忆挑战)1. Where i_ my backpack? Its u_ the c_.2. Wheres the p_? Its o_ the t_.3. W_ h_ jacket? Its on the b_. 4. Where a_ your keys? Theyre i_ the d_.5. W_ are her books? T_ on the s_.snderhairlantnable根据句意和单词首字母完成句子hereserhispen/ penciledbookcaserenr

9、awerofahereheyrePractice 6.This is my grandfathers room. 7.That is my parents room 8.These are my sisters and brothers rooms. 9.Children like Childrens Day. 10. Alices parents are in China.Look , translate and learn这是我爷爷的我爷爷的房间这些是我弟弟我弟弟,妹妹的妹妹的房间.孩子们喜欢儿童节儿童节爱丽丝的父母爱丽丝的父母在中国This is my room. Its very ni

10、ce(漂亮漂亮). The computer is _the desk. The baseball is _ the chair. My _ are in the bookcase. Near(在在 旁边旁边) the _ ,you can see my plant. _ my red hat ? Oh, its behind(在在后面后面)the door. on underbooks bedWheres假设图片中是你的假设图片中是你的房间,请房间,请根据根据图片,图片,描述一下你房间中描述一下你房间中物品的位置。要求物品的位置。要求语句语句通顺,不通顺,不少于少于40词。词。Homewor

11、k情况情况 构成方法构成方法读音读音例词例词 一般情况一般情况 加加- s清辅音后读清辅音后读s浊辅音和元浊辅音和元音后读音后读zmapsbagsfriends以以s, sh ,ch ,x等等结尾的词结尾的词加加-es读读izbuses, boxes,watches以辅音字母以辅音字母+y结尾的词结尾的词变变y 为为i再再加加-es读读izfamilyfamilies可数名词复数的加法可数名词复数的加法(单)This is a bookThese are books. (单)That is his brother.Those are his brothers.看看 谁谁 做做 得得 快快(复)

12、(复)(单)He is her cousin.They are her cousins.(复)szz写出下列句子的复数形式:写出下列句子的复数形式:1. This is my friend.2. That is his parent.3. Is she your sister?4. Is this a photo?5. Yes, it is.6. No, she isnt.These are my friends.Those are my parents.Are they your sisters?Are these photos?Yes, they are.No, they arent. (

13、 )1一 _is the backpack? 一Its on the table A. What BWhere C. How D. Who ( )2. His pens _ in the pencil-box. Ais Bam Care Ddo ( )3一Where is the bag? 一 _ AIts a bag BYes,it is COn the desk D. Its not my bag ( )4Her baseball is _ the floor Ain Bon Cunder D. behind ( )5There is a window _ the wall Aon Bin

14、 Cat D. underBCCBB( )6一How do you _ “pen”? 一P-E-N Aask Bspeak C1isten Dspell( )7Please take the book _ the classroom. Ato Bin Con Dat( )8一Jim,please _ my backpack here一OK Atake Bput Cbring Dgive( )9I have a baseballIts _ the bookcase _ the desk. Afrom to Bbetween to Cin on Dbetween and( )10My mother

15、 buys(买)me a new computerIts _ Abehind the wall Bon the desk Cin the bookcase Dunder the bedDACDB用疑问词提问用疑问词提问1. are my books?They are on the desk.2. do you spell picture?P-I-C-T-U-R-E.3. is your bed?Its white.4. is that in English?Its a car.WhereHowWhat colorWhat改错:改错:1. Wheres are the keys?2. Where

16、 are the baseball?3. It are on the table.4. They is under desk.5. Where is the his book?A BCWhere are the keys?Where are the baseballs?They are on the table.They are under the desk.Where is his book?ABCA B CA B CA BCA: Wheres the?B: Its Work in pairsA: Where are the?B: They are My room a math booka

17、radio tapea hatradioCDsSection B, 1c,1d Mom:Hello. Tom: Hi, Mom. Could you bring some things to school for me, please? Mom: OK. Tom: I need my English books Mom: English books? Wherere your English books ? Tom: Hmm, theyre on the chairOh, no, theyre under the radio Mom: OK. Tom: And I need my ruler.

18、 Its on the bed. And my notebook. Mom: wheres your notebook? Tom: Uh, I dont know. Ohits under the modal plane in the bookcase. And Franks tape. He needs it. Mom: Wheres his tape? Tom: Oh, its in the tape player. Mom: OK. Meet you at one at your school. Tom: Thanks, Mom.2c 完成表格完成表格 Kate Gina Things

19、Where Things Wherebooks and tapesin the bookcasekeysin the schoolbagclockon the deskbooksmodel planekeys, ruler, schoolbagdont knowunder the deskeverywhere (on her bed, on the sofa, under the chair)3a Do you have these things? Where are they?WhatYes/NoWherea dictionary yes on my deska schoolbaga pen

20、cil box a radiobooks penstapesCDsyesunder the deskyesyesyesyesyesyesin my schoolbagon the deskin the bookcasein my pencil boxin the tape playerin the bookcase My dictionary and my radio are on the desk. My pens are in my pencil box. My pencil box is in my schoolbag and my schoolbag is under the desk

21、. My books and my CDs are in the bookcase. My tapes are on the tape player.Write about where the things are in 3a 1.Write the things in your room.Furniture(家具家具):desk, sofa, chair, bed, table, bookcase, Stationary(文具文具):pencil, pen, ruler, eraser, pencil box, Other(其他其他):computer, clock, tape, tape player, CDs, telephone, picture, map, Self Check The tape player is on the teachers desk(讲桌)(讲桌) and the teachers desk is in the front of(在在 前面)前面)the classroom. The clock is on the wall(墙)(墙). Our chairs are under the desks.Write about the things in your classroom.


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