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《unit1_sectiona(1a-2d)精品课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit1_sectiona(1a-2d)精品课件.ppt(49页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、初中英语人教版八年级下初中英语人教版八年级下Unit1 Whats the matter?Section A(1a-2d)Warm-up1Presentation2Language points3Exercise4内容结构内容结构Sing a song Warm-upLets learn the parts of the body.Presentationeararmhandlegfoot (feet)head, haireyenosemouthtooth(teeth)facestomachbackWhere is his neck?neckFollow me:Everybody moves

2、your bodyNod your head and touch your faceTouch your nose and close your eyesTouch your ears and clap your handsRaise your arms and look at your backTouch your stomach and tap your footSit down and move your legsHe has a toothache.Whats the matter with him/her?She has a toothache.Look and sayShe has

3、 a fever.He has a fever.He has a sore throat.She has a sore throat.He hurt himself.She hurt herself.He has a stomachache.She has a stomachache.She has a cough.He has a cough.She has a headache.He has a headache.A: Whats the matter with?B: He / She has a 根据下面的图片两人一组编对话根据下面的图片两人一组编对话Pair WorkLook at t

4、he picture. Write the correct letter a-m for each part of the body.1a_arm _back _ear _eye_foot _hand _head_leg _mouth _neck _nose _stomach _toothCheck the answers!hegibajlcdmkfNancy _ Sarah _ David _ Ben _ Judy _Listen and look at the picture. Then number the names 1-5.312541bNurse: You dont look we

5、ll. Whats the matter, Sarah?Sarah: I _.Conversation 2 Nurse: Whats the matter, David?David : I _.Conversation 3Nurse: Whats the matter, Ben?Ben : I _.Listen and find out whats the matter.have a coldhave a stomachachehave a sore backConversation 1 PracticeNurse: Whats the matter, Nancy?Nancy : I _.Co

6、nversation 5Nurse: Whats the matter, Judy?Judy : I _.have a toothachehave a sore throatConversation 4 Look at the picture. What are the students problems? Make conversations.A: Whats the matter with Judy?B: She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. She has a very sore throat now.1c

7、 Listen and number the pictures 1-5in the order you hear them.123452a1.fever a. lie down and rest2.sore throat b. drink some hot tea with honey3.stomachache c. see a dentist and get an X-ray4.toothache d. take your temperature5.cut myself e. put some medicine on itListen again. Match the problems wi

8、th the advice.1- d 2- a 3- b 4- c 5- e2bListen again. Then fill in the blanks.You shouldI have a cough and sore throat drink some hot tea with honey.You should _I have a toothache. see a dentist and get an X-ray. lie down and restI have a stomachache.You should _ _. take your temperature.I have a fe

9、ver.You should _ _You should _ _. put some medicine on it.I cut myself by accident.Imagine you are the school doctor. A few students have health problems. Role-play a conversation between the doctor and the students.Role PlayMandy: Lisa, are you OK?Lisa: I and I cant move my neck. ? Should I ?Mandy:

10、 No, it doesnt sound like you What did you do ?Lisa: I played computer games all the weekend.2dRead the conversation and fill in the blanks. have a headacheWhat should I dotake my temperaturehave a feveron the weekendMandy: Thats probably why. You away from the computer.Lisa: Yeah, I think I sat in

11、the same way for too long without moving.Mandy: I think you should and rest. If your head and neck still hurt tomorrow, then go to a doctor.Lisa: OK. Thanks, Mandy.need to take breakslie down这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句这是询问病人病情时最常用的问句, 意思是意思是“怎么了怎么了?”, 其后通常与介词其后通常与介词with连用。类似的问句还有连用。类似的问句还有: Whats wrong? Whats w

12、rong with you? Whats your trouble? Whats the trouble with you? Whats up? Language points1. Whats the matter? 1) matter n.问题问题, 麻烦麻烦, 事件事件, 通常与介词通常与介词 “with”连用。连用。2) wrong是形容词是形容词, 前面没有前面没有“the”; matter和和trouble都都是名词是名词, 前面应有前面应有“the”, trouble前还可以用形容词性前还可以用形容词性的物主代词。的物主代词。 Whats your trouble, young m

13、an? 年轻人年轻人, 你怎么了你怎么了?1) have vt. 患患(得得)病病, (不用于进行时态不用于进行时态) He had a bad cold last week. 他上周患了重感冒。他上周患了重感冒。 She often has a stomachache. 她常胃她常胃(肚子肚子)疼。疼。一般情况下用一般情况下用havean. 表示患了某种疾病。如:表示患了某种疾病。如: have a cough 咳嗽咳嗽 have a cold 感冒感冒2. I have a sore throat.2) sore“痛痛, 疼疼”, 通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼通常指因发炎引起的肌肉疼, 在表示

14、身在表示身体的某部位疼痛时,常置于部位名词前。体的某部位疼痛时,常置于部位名词前。 ache常指持续性的疼痛常指持续性的疼痛, 它常与身体部位的名词构成它常与身体部位的名词构成复合词,复合词,如如: headache头痛头痛, backache背疼等。背疼等。伤风伤风, 感冒,是固定词组感冒,是固定词组, 表示身体不适的常用词组还有表示身体不适的常用词组还有: 牙疼牙疼 have a toothache 胃疼胃疼 have a stomachache 发烧发烧 have a fever3. have a cold lie down 躺下躺下Dont lie down on the ground

15、. 不要躺在地上。不要躺在地上。与与down有关的词组有关的词组sit down 坐下坐下 come down 下来下来get down 下车下车write down 写下写下, 记下记下4. lie down and rest1) hot adj. 热的热的2) with 介词介词, 意思是意思是“ 有有, 用用, 同同,由于由于, 和和一一致致, 赞成赞成, 关于关于”, 此句中是此句中是 “有有, 带有带有”的意思。的意思。 如如: 有四个口袋的外套有四个口袋的外套 a coat with four pocket5. hot tea with honey 1)过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻

16、或某一时间内进过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一时间内进行或发生的动作。行或发生的动作。其形式为其形式为was/were+ V-ing。常与表示过去的时间状。常与表示过去的时间状语连用。语连用。如:如:last night,last Saturday等;等;或与或与when,while,as引导的过去时间状语连用。引导的过去时间状语连用。6. Bus No. 26 was going along Zhonghua Road when the driver saw an old man lying on the side of the road.2) when常常用来引出时间状语从句,放在过去进

17、行时常常用来引出时间状语从句,放在过去进行时构成的主句后,表示构成的主句后,表示某事正在进行时,另一件事情发某事正在进行时,另一件事情发生了生了。那天下午他们正在商场购物那天下午他们正在商场购物, 就在这时一场大火发生了。就在这时一场大火发生了。 They were shopping in the mall that afternoon when a big fire broke out.我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。我正想着这件事时,突然听到有人叫我的名字。I was thinking of this when I heard my name called.例句例句3) see

18、somebody doing something固定结构,表示固定结构,表示“看到某人正在从事某事或所处的看到某人正在从事某事或所处的状态状态”。类似的结构还有:。类似的结构还有:hear/watch somebody doing see somebody do something “看见某人做了某事看见某人做了某事”,是指看见事情是指看见事情发生的全过程发生的全过程。昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。昨天我看见他在花园里干活了。I saw him work in the garden yesterday. (强调强调“我看见了我看见了”这个事实这个事实) 昨天我见他正在花园里干活。昨天我见他正在花

19、园里干活。I saw him working in the garden yesterday. (强调强调我见他正干活我见他正干活这个动作这个动作) 例句例句7. The bus driver stopped the bus without thinking twice.think twice是英语中一种固定的表述,表示在做某事是英语中一种固定的表述,表示在做某事之前之前“认真思考;权衡利弊认真思考;权衡利弊”。请再三考虑你辞职的事情。请再三考虑你辞职的事情。 Please think twice about leaving your job.在我们做出这个决定前,必须认真思考!在我们做出这个

20、决定前,必须认真思考!We must think twice before we make this decision! 例句例句thanks to someone/something表示表示“多亏;因为;由多亏;因为;由于于”的意思。的意思。由于英语这门语言,我们能从其它国家学到很多东西。由于英语这门语言,我们能从其它国家学到很多东西。 Thanks to the English language,we can learn a lot from other countries8. Thanks to Mr. Wang and the passengers, the doctor saved

21、the man in time.例句例句一一 根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。根据句意及首字母提示写出单词。1. Whats the m_ with you?2. We hear with our e_ and see with our e_.3. He usually goes to school on f_.4. I have a t_, so I want to see a dentist.5. She talked too much yesterday and didnt drink enough water. She has a very s_ throat now.yesootoot

22、hacheatterarsoreExercise二二 句型转换。句型转换。1. You should write him a letter. (就划线部分提问就划线部分提问) _ _ _do?2. I think you should finish your homework first. (改为否定句改为否定句) _3. You are not as popular as your best friend. (改为同义句改为同义句) Your best friend is _ _ than you.4. He has some money, too. (改为否定句改为否定句) He _ _

23、_ money, _.What should youI dont think you should finish your homework first.more populardoesnt have any either三三 用所给动词的正确形式填空用所给动词的正确形式填空1. You should _(go) to see a doctor.2. Mother asked me _(get) up early.3. They are _ (plan) how to spend the summer holiday.4. Lets _(try) our best to make our wo

24、rld more beautiful.5. He _(leave) his bag at school yesterday.goto getplanningtryleft四四 选择填空。选择填空。1. The little baby has two _. A. tooth B. tooths C. toothes D. teeth2. Whats the matter with you? - _. A. Im glad B. I have a cold C. I have something to do D. Sorry, I dont know3. People smell (闻闻) with their _. A. noses B. ears C. hands D. mouths4. If you have a toothache, you should see a _. A. policeman B. teacher C. nurse D. dentistHomework:1. Try to find out the English words for other parts of the body.2. Make a role-play with your partner to practice the article in 3a.


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