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《雅思Task1作文词汇句型积累.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《雅思Task1作文词汇句型积累.doc(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流雅思Task1作文词汇句型积累.精品文档.IELTS Task 1Task1主要考察的是组织能力、呈现方式、数据比较、陈述程序、描述一件物品或事物的能力,说明一样东西的工作原理。流程图、地图、功能图类作文:考察组织能力、呈现方式、陈述程序、描述物品和工作原理的能力。主要考察的是动词、句型、思维、理解力柱状图、饼状图、表格、曲线图、混合图作文:考察组织能力、呈现方式、数据分析比较能力、表达能力。解题步骤:a.看题:明确题中的要求 时间20分钟,字数150以上,一般要求概括主要特征,和比较。b.评分标准 TA任务完成度(不要遗漏信息) CC结构与

2、衔接(储备连接词和句型,在考试中套用) LR词汇丰富程度(储备少量常用高阶词汇) GRA语法应用程度。(时态、语态、从句、句式)流程图:流程图流程图对象写作四个步骤:一、读题目,划题眼二、圈信息,寻步骤三、定框架、写文章四、读文章、做检查流程图的写作套路和模板第一段:写流程图阐述的是一个什么样的过程。把题目中的原话修改一下。(主动改被动,被动改主动等方法)。The flow chart illustrates the recycling process of The process diagram shows the structure of.以下适用于图表中描述两个过程的文章开头:使用as

3、well as连接The two diagrams show the silkworms cycle of life as well as the producing stages of silk cloth.(题目原话:The diagrams below show the life cycle of the silkworm and the stages in the production of silk cloth.)The diagrams tell about the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process as

4、well as how cement is used to produce concrete for building purposes.第二段:用一句话开始引导写过程The process of A always involves the following steps.The whole procedure of A can be categorized/divided into X stages.根据剑桥八和剑桥六中的Test3 Task1,我们基本上可以看出,一般情况下,流程图并不是单一的。第一幅图中的产品或者结果可能会是第二个步骤的原材料(raw material)这与生产生活中的制

5、造加工都是息息相关的。开始写过程:(增加语法和词汇亮点是第二法宝,使用定语从句)Firstly, cement as the raw material of concrete is produced in term of the following steps. (第一步肯定是第二步原材料的制作过程,这个时候,用一个定语从句说明这个是原材料的制作过程,向考官表明,你看懂了这两幅图的关系。同时使用了非限制性定语从句,我个人觉得as比“, which”更适合在小作文中使用。)To begin with, limestone and clay are poured into a crusher, t

6、hrough which they pass and turn into powder. (一句被动,一句主动,用了一个“, which”的非限制性定语从句,一句话解决。)We can clearly see that the first stage in cement production is to put two substances- limestone and clay- through a crusher to create a powder.注意,由于中西方文化差异, 老外跟喜欢主动语态,主动语态用词就很简单了,也很容易得分,这对于像这类比较高难度的流程图题来说是一件好事,如果想

7、拿高分,建议还是使用被动语态,这样可以体现你的词汇量。Then, the powder goes into a mixer.After this, the products pass through rotating heater where they are heated.Afterwards, the mixture goes into a grinder where cement comes out.Once the powder has gone through the mixer and heater, it is ground and the cement is packed in

8、to bags. (once用得比较好,在这里做连接词)At the end of the process, the cement is packaged in bags.第三段:写第二幅图,要求把视线转到第二幅图上去。Referring to the concrete production, the process begins with a combination of 15% cement, 10% water, 25% sand and 50% gravel.The diagram on the right hand side tells us that concrete is a m

9、ixture of four ingredients in differing proportions.(在不同的比例)These four elements are introduced into a concrete mixer.第四段:写总结In summary, the production of cement and the production of concrete appear to be fairly simple processes.Overall 总体上To sum up 总之,概括地说In general 一般而言,总之。The last difference betw

10、een both processes is that the concrete mixer does not work with heat. 这个比较重要,要求找出不同,可以卸载文章的总结里面,总结就是比较一下,再概括。动词积累:倒 pour into/be introduced into 装袋 be packed通过 pass through 占据 make up/take up变成 turn into 说明 illustrate进入 go into 描述 describe加热 heat 在的过程中 in the course of冷却 cool down/off 燃烧 burn成型 sha

11、pe/ come into being 阐明某事throw a light upon混合 mix up 烤 roast释放 release 筛选 select过滤 filtrate 萃取 extract发酵 ferment 运输 transport发霉 mould/mold 切 cut (into pieces)切成丁 diced 切成薄片 sliced切菜条/丝 cut into strips 制造manufacture打浆;捣碎 mashing 用水冲洗 rinsing生育 bear This tree bears well. 戳洞stab holes覆盖在最上面 cover on the

12、 very top 分类 classify依照分类 be divided in terms of 成熟 mature 交配 mate产卵 spawn 存放 deposit、 deposit egg 下蛋迁徙 migrate 固液气态 solidliquidgaseous 蒸发 vapor液化 liquefy 溶解 liquate累积 accumulate 褪色 fade away被吹起来 be blown up 反弹 rebound to使成颗粒状 granulate名词积累:原材料 raw material 在不同的比例 in differing proportion配料 ingredien

13、t 塑料模具 plastic mould/mold(后者美式)物质 substance 温度 temperature混合物 mixture 摄氏度 centigrade degree华氏度 Fahrenheit degree 重量 weight 高度 height生产线 product line 制造工厂 manufactory制造 manufacturing 形成formation食用油 edible oil 混合物;堆肥 compost盐 salt 咸味 saline taste 糖 sugar 甜味sweet taste酱油 soy sauce 醋 vinegar 酸味 sour味精 m

14、onosodium glutamate (谷氨酸glutamate, 钠sodium)钙 calcium 锌 zinc淀粉 starch 番茄酱 ketchup芝麻酱 sesame paste 成熟 maturity光合作用 photosynthesis 颗粒particle高分词汇:elaborate 详细阐述 用于替换illustrate/ throw a light uponapproach 方法;途径 way,methodessential 必不可少的 necessaryconsequently 因此 thereforesimultaneously 同时地 meanwhile, at

15、the same time (这个词确实能加分)subsequently 随后subtle 隐藏的 hidden, invisibleSo as to = in order to namely= i.e.ceaselessly 不停地;不断地= incessantly/uninterruptedly/constantlyexternal 外部的 initially 最初A is completed A完成了 A be ready for 准备做while = whilst表转折,让步状语从句Such a life circle of salmons repeat endlessly in th

16、e river and ocean so that this species goes on and on.(倒装变形,作为循环图的总结)=Ceaselessly repeat such a life circle, the species of salmons goes on and on in the river and ocean.in terms of= according to 依照The situation entirely alters. 情况完全改变了A plays a pivotal role in doing something. A 在做某事的时候起到了关键作用To pr

17、oduce A, B and C are initially picked out of D before they .be changed into= be transferred intoconsist of = be made up of = be composed ofmoderate = pacific =medium =soft = secondary= middlesubserve 促进;对什么有好处to subserve business relationship.地图题:地图题的类别地图题应该完成的任务:1、主要特征的归纳,描述地图中主要有些什么,大体都在什么位置(注意方位的


19、第二段:描述地图第三段:写第一个方案(利弊)第四段:写第二个方案(利弊)第五段:总结词语积累:动词:be divided into three parts by two major roadslocate坐落 situate 位于 sit on坐落 occupy 占据 transformtake up the place built establish rebuild removeconstruct enlarge set up substitute 替代 replacedecrease by half in quantity 数量减半 double in size 尺寸增大一倍emerge

20、出现;浮现方位:opposite to对面 diagonally opposite to斜对面at the intersection of A and B 在A和B的交汇处direction orient besides southeast northwestaround next to border on 接壤 cross 交叉 across穿过corner 角落 neighbor 邻居 pass through 通过surround 包围 expand across the river intersect横穿be adjacent to 毗邻 lead to 通往expand/ be en

21、larged eastboundwestboundnorthboundsouthbound 向东南西北扩张A is just off the main road. A 就在路边(最好转换成Off the main road is A.得分)parallel 平行的 perpendicular 垂直的名词:a block of shops 一片区商店 office block办公楼kerb 路沿 apartment block 公寓楼kiosk 亭子 street light 路灯intersection 十字路口 bollard 安全岛护栏pavement人行道 car park 停车场all

22、ey 小巷 pastor city 田园城市 pedestrian zone 步行区avenue 林荫道 square 广场 flourished forest 茂密的森林manhole 检修井 gutter 排水沟 branch road/river 支路流drain 下水道 relocation plan 移民计划 church 教堂industrial estate 工业区 afford the high cost suburb 郊区skyscraper 摩天大楼 two tails of the river河流的两边 town hall 市政厅farmland 农田 farmyard农

23、家场院 outbuilding 附属建筑物farmhouse 农舍 field 田地 pasture草地;牧场vegetable plot 菜地 hedge树篱 fence围栏livestock家畜 library 图书馆 acreage 面积;英亩数infrastructure 基础设施 hostel 青年旅舍 residential area commercial area shipside码头=pier=quay /ki:/mall 购物中心 plaza 购物广场 stadium 体育场 = gymnasiumdiagonal 对角线 圆形的 round elliptic;oval-sh

24、aped 椭圆形的 diameter 直径 rectangular 成矩形的 square 正方形的trapezium 梯形(trapeziform 梯形的) pentagon 五边形hexagon 六边形 octagon 八边形 dimensions 尺寸(一般有s)高分词汇:previous 先前的 congested city 拥挤的城市with only one road oriented to the city 只有一条通向城市的路decade 十年 a score years 二十年 five score years一百年(注意score没有加s)currently 现在 be r

25、eplaced with 被替代The number of homes in A Town is doubled. 翻了一倍triple the number 乘以三倍 quadruple 四倍dense 密集的 sparse 稀疏的 be convenient for logistics 对物流很方便A walking bridge will be built south to the existent one in the future.The government attaches importance to infrastructure investment.用alterations替

26、代changesThe advantages derived from A are much greater than the problems A entails.从A中获得的好处远远多于A带来的问题。A may be superior to B in., but it brings its own problems.This location has almost equal distance to each of the neighboring towns.arrange logistics 安排物流 with的复合结构parallel 平行的 perpendicular 垂直的Ther

27、e was also several stretches of farmland scattering around the village.As can be observed in the picture, the previous district was just a limited zone along the river side. Two main roads with different directions of north-south and east-west intercrossed with each other in the west of the old dist

28、rict.Moreover, industrial areas emerged both in the east and west of M Town.A has significantly enhanced the development of M town.Opposite the bushes saw a giant court at the northeast corner. 没有用到there bePlan C is proposed to build 功能图:功能图任务要求:1、描述事物是什么(或做什么用的)2、描述事物的基本结构3、描述事物的工作原理4、如果是多个描述对象,则需要

29、对个描述对象的工作或结构原理进行对比。写作四个步骤:一、读题目,知用途二、圈元素,知原理三、定框架、写文章四、读文章、做检查单一对象:介绍图基本构造工作原理(可以和基本构造一起写)总结多个对象:简单介绍用途分别针对每个图的基本构造和工作原理描写对比多个对象的工作原理。时态:常用一般现在时 语态:看题而定介绍装置的重点词汇和流程图给出的大体一致。介绍原理时可以参考流程图介绍时的动词和词组。升 ascend 降descend 国内的 domestic 使用as long as与so long as,介绍条件。除此之外还有on condition that, provided that或if含义的其

30、他词语。在表达伴随时间延续的假设条件时,即during the whole time that(长达之久)或while(只要)的含义时,用as long as.在表示因果关系时,即since, considering that(既然,因为)的含义时,多用as long as.The balloon could fly as long as the hot air in the envelope is much lighter than the air outside.As long as weve driven this far, we might as well go on.名词:funct

31、ion utility device equipment appliance器皿 material principle substancestructure结构 process工序 error problem mechanism机械装置apparatus 仪器 model模具 construction 建造 efficiency 效率 form 形式component 元件;组成部分 cabin 客舱;小空间 注意区别于cabinet内阁;陈列室 deposit沉淀物 ventilation 通风 eave 屋檐 间隔 intervalinstitution 制度;建立;习俗;机构 termi

32、nal 终端 announcement 公告动词:achieve create install fix contain be compose of 由组成form manufacture organize connect transfer alter改变 switch utilize filter过滤imitate 模仿 implement实现 centralize 集中 influx 涌入 disperse 分散save release increase decrease deflate 放气 inflate 充气;膨胀ascend 上升 descend 下降 be deposited 使沉

33、淀 get rid of 去除;摆脱slice 把切成薄片 be projected onto 被投影到 reflect 反射 rebound 反弹institute 调查,起诉 n. 协会;学院 adopt 采用形容词:large giant tiny foursquare 正方形的 circular 圆形的 cylindrical 圆柱形的 additional operational extreme 极端的 identical 同一的 distinguished 卓越的 delicate 纤细的 smooth光滑的 rough 粗糙的 advantageous 有利的partial 部分

34、的seal 密封的sun-exposed透光的=transparent 透明的 flat 平坦的acute急剧的,尖锐的 analog 模拟的 digital 数字的 various 各种各样的drifting 漂浮的=floating synoptic 天气的 remote 远程的词组类:carry out 执行 be made from(看得出原料) be made of(看不出原料)be used for 用来做 for the purpose of 用于 be made up sum up 合计add up to 总计 be armed with 用装备 be equipped wit

35、h 装备set up 建立 on condition that 如果 barely + adj. 几乎不sheerly = entirely 完全的 gather information collect data句型:The image demonstratesA is needed as the sources of BA is created for the purpose of The setting is only effective on condition that.A is able to(which is) based on a simple principle that.By

36、 contrast, 相反Moreover, the construction is a combination of three straight tubes with a total length of 53.85 km to fit the shape of the water.图表类作文:(柱状图、扇形统计图、折线统计图、表格)考察的是组织能力,数据分析能力和表达能力图表类的作文有个共同特点就是,谓语动词没有多大的变化,就是说,这种文章完全可以按照模板来靠拢。只要花些时间在分析上,写一篇小作文不费太多时间。示例:柱状图:The bar chart gives unit sales of

37、 three product lines over a single year.The horizontal axis plots quarter-year periods. During the first quarter, sales volumes of the three products were fairly similar. However, in the second and third quarters, sales of sunglasses were considerably higher than the other two products, reaching an

38、all-time high in the second quarter. Sales of umbrellas peaked in the fourth quarter. Sales of torches were steady throughout the year.曲线图:The line graph shows changes in the use of different forms of communication- email, telephone and letter- over a five-year period, from 1999 to 2003. The vertica

39、l axis of the graph gives percentage use of the three forms of communication. While the choice of telephone as the preferred means of communication remained fairly constant, communication by letter fell significantly, to a low of around 10% in 2003. Conversely, use of email increased dramatically, a

40、ccounting for around 70% of all communication in the department in 2003.饼状图:The pie chart illustrates the relative market share of four brands of tomato paste. Brand C accounts for approximately half of all sales, whereas brand D has the lowest market shares. Brands A and B have a similar share of t

41、he market in the region of (在的附近)20% each.变化趋势的表达:动词上升: rise, increase, go up, climb, grow, pick up下降: decline, dip, fall, drop, decrease, descend, sink, go down, slide变化速度:副词快: sharply, rapidly, dramatically, precipitously, drastically, steeply慢: gradually, gently, steadily, slowly变化幅度:副词幅度大:marked

42、ly, significantly, substantially, amazingly, noticeably, obviously, clearly, remarkably, notably幅度小:modestly, slightly, moderately变化趋势的表达:名词上升:a rise, an increase, a growth, an upward, trend下降:a decline, a fall, a drop, a decrease, a dip, a reduction变化速度: 形容词快: sharp, rapid, dramatic, precipitous, d

43、rastic, steep慢:gradual,gentle, steady, slow变化幅度:形容词幅度大:marked, significant, substantial幅度小:modest, slight, moderate急剧上升:动词:jump, shot up, surge, soar, rocket 名词:surge, leap, explosion急剧下降:动词:dive, plummet, plunge 名词:a dive表示不变:动词:level off, stabilize, level out, reach a plateau, hover, remain stable

44、, stay constant maintain the same level.名词: a leveling out, no change Share values have leveled off at 25 after yesterdays steep rise.表示波动:动词:fluctuate, vary 名词:a fluctuation, a variationThe numer of boys at school fluctuates around 1,000.表示数字第其他动词及词组:达到最高点: peak at, reach the highest point at达到最低点: bott


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