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《中级口译翻译篇.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中级口译翻译篇.doc(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流中级口译翻译篇.精品文档.中级口译翻译篇主讲:雷远旻欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材讲课的主要内容分为两部分,第一部分是翻译的基本理论问题,第二部分是常见的翻译技巧。第一章 翻译基本理论一、翻译的特点学习英语的四项基本技能可以分为输入(听、读)和输出(说、写)两组(一)输入方面的三类错误:语言类错误、文化类错误、政治类错误三类错误的重要性递增、出现频率递减1、政治类错误: Imperial army, 翻译为“日本帝国主义军队”切勿翻译“皇军”中国大陆 可翻译为“Chinese Mainland 或 Mainland China” 后一种说法有争议

2、2、文化类错误: Public school, 私立学校(英) 公立学校(美)英国红学专家把“怡红公子”翻译成green boy. 红色在英国含有“暴力、血腥”之意,而绿色表示没有经验The red flags are up. 危险已经出现Red Army 有恐怖组织之嫌Can you see any green in my eyes? 你以为我好欺负吗?你以为我没有经验吗?green-eyed monster 嫉妒3、语言类错误: (1)句子结构 My Minnesota hometown is a farming community of eight thousand people, tu

3、cked into the northwest corner of the state. Not a lot that is extraordinary passes through.我的家乡偏处明尼苏达州西北一角,共有八千多人,全部从事农业,路经此地者鲜有卓尔不群之人。(2)单词The 1994 Miami Summit of the Americas initiated the process of setting up a free trade area agreement.1994年南北美洲的迈阿密峰会启动了建立自由贸易区协议这一进程。(3)标点问题 choose a gentlewo

4、man for my sake; and for your own, let her be an active, useful sort of person, not brought up high, but able to make a small income go a good way.为了我的缘故,挑选一个淑女,当然也为了你自己。人要活泼能干,出身不必高贵,但要会理家,能靠一笔小小的收入把家里安排得妥妥贴贴。()没有注意“;”为了我,选个有身份的女人;为了你自己,选个能干管用的人,不求出身高贵,但是要会细水长流的过日子。()小结:必须注意语言类错误中的句子结构问题(二)输出方面的问题:

5、1、不够地道Meet the Most Important Living Person摘自人人都能成功一书,该书中文译者翻译为“会见最重要的活人”技巧:(1)词性转换:会见当今世上最重要的人 (2)删除:会见最重要的人2、缺少文采In the savage fighting, Germany itself was laid waste, the towns and countryside were devastated and ravished, the people decimated. 在这次野蛮的战争中,德国全境一片荒芜,城乡处处残垣断壁,惨遭蹂躏,生灵涂炭,十室九空。小知识:decim

6、ated的来源:古罗马士兵兵变被抓后,每十人杀一人。 词根deci表示与“十”有关的,如:decimeter, decibel, decimal (point, system), decade值得注意的是December在古罗马历法中表示十月,古罗马历法只有十个月,March表示一月, October表示八月,来源于octopus(章鱼)一词。古罗马历法只规定了10个月,其余的时间用于观看“角斗”,角斗士的命运取决于观众。观众大拇指向上,表示生存;大拇指向下,表示投入野兽笼。所以引申出 thumb up(支持), thumb down(反对)。二、做好翻译的基本条件1. 扎实的英语功底2. 扎

7、实的汉语功底富贵不能淫:富(money, wealth)贵(rank,high position) 淫(corrupt) There are more than 700 murders a year in cities like New York, Detroit, Los Angeles and Houston, and most of the deaths are of blacks killed by blacks.在纽约、底特律、洛杉矶和休斯敦,一年约有700多起谋杀,大多数受害者都是黑人自相残杀。3. 百科全书式的知识In the race Buddha is in the red

8、corner and Aristotle is in the blue corner.在这场竞赛中,东方文化和西方文化针锋相对、不相上下。小知识:New York:新约克(英)新阿姆斯特丹(荷) Wall Street:华尔街 荷兰为了防御印第安人而修建的墙三、中级口译证书笔译部分简介应当注意的问题笔译考试分两篇,英译汉和汉译英各一篇,每篇150个词左右,时间各为30分钟,占总分的五分之二注意:10分的卷面分全部出在笔译部分,尽量不要涂改、画箭头 严禁使用涂改液第二章 常见的翻译技巧一、词义的多样性表达1、一个单词多种表达a thank-you letter 感谢信a letter of re

9、commendation 推荐信a love letter 情书a suicide letter 绝命书a “Dear John” letter 绝交信(女孩子给男孩子) letter of condolence 唁函letter of confirmation 确认信2、多个词表达一个意思,如表达“死”to go west 归西to pass away 谢世(常用)to die a martyr 牺牲to rest in peace 安息to end ones days 寿终正寝to commit suicide 自杀to kick the bucket 民间说法:蹬腿to abandon

10、the world 撒手人寰to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘to come to a violent death 暴毙to depart to the world of shadows 命赴黄泉to release the souls from suffering 超度、解脱to return to dust 入土除此之外,还有多个词翻译成一个意思(主要指英译汉),不再具体讲。3、几个单词return to dust: 与基督教文化有关fig leaf:遮羞布Adams apple:男性的喉结You came from dust and to dust you sh

11、all return. 来自尘土、归于尘土。original sin:原罪suicide:自杀,cide表示“杀”, 如:insecticide 杀虫剂, pesticide 杀虫剂, herbicide 初草剂, genocide 种族屠杀, homicide 杀人, matricide 弑母, patricide 弑父 , regal君王 君主 , regicide 弑君commit no nuisance 请勿在此大小便restroom 厕所faculty lounge 教室休息室bathroom commode 厕所(委婉的表达厕所之意)Baptist Church 洗礼会教堂二、增减

12、词增词:原文意思在,表达不清楚,英文中如果不增词,就表达不够完整减词:原文中表达意思的词在,如果汉语中不把词减去的话,显得累赘如色狼:wolf 不能说color wolf(一)添词例子: 确保正确,不是100必须 添加解释说明性文字,添加必须性文字(重点)。1、Mr. Edwards and Mr. Cheney offered a striking contrast in appearance as they sat side by side, with Mr. Cheney looking his 63 years and Mr. Edwards looking less than his

13、 51.来自纽约时报:爱得华兹先生与切尼先生并排就座时,外表殊为不同,切尼先生看上去与实际年龄63岁相仿,而爱得华兹先生看上去比实际年龄51岁年轻。2、This great scientist was born in New England.这位伟大的科学家出生于美国东北部的新英格兰。3、Those were the words that were to make the world blossom for me, “like Aarons rod, with flowers.” (high priest) were to表示将来;Aaron是摩西的兄弟正是这几句话,日后让整个世界在我面前如花

14、展开,就像圣经中所说的“亚伦的杖开了花”。(来自美国的海伦凯勒)4、三个臭皮匠,抵个诸葛亮Two heads are better than one.The wit of three cobblers surpasses that of Zhuge Liang, the master mind. (civic pride)5、班门弄斧to teach fish to swim; to teach the old granny to suck eggsto show off ones proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpe

15、nter 阴: negative aspect of things(二)减词例子: 减去解释说明性文字 减去原文有、不减难受的词,减去必须性,必须减。1、According to BTs futurologist, Ian Pearson, these are among the developments scheduled for the first few decades of the new millennium (a period of 1,000 years).英国电信的未来学家Ian Pearson认为,这些成就预计将出现在新千年头几十年之中。2、We take this oppo

16、rtunity to inform you that we are now in a position to make prompt shipment of the merchandise.告诉你们,可以立即装船。3、大会准备工作正在紧张有序地进行。The preparations for the conference are underway in a busy but ordering manner.4、失业问题一直是我们工作的中心。The (issue of) unemployment has always been the centre/focus of our work.三、汉语四字

17、格的使用 只针对英译汉1. Even the most beautiful became bent and toothless, their dark clothes smelling, as the mammas did, of smoke and manure.即使绝色佳人也会弯腰驼背 、皓齿尽落,一身皂衣,如同奶妈的衣服一样,全是烟味,臭气熏人。 2. On this battle rests the fate of our nation. Let every man do his utmost.民族命运决于此役,凡我士兵必须奋力抗敌。3. Drew Pearson, a thirty-

18、four-year-old reporter, described them as “ragged, weary, and apathetic,” with “no hope on their faces.”Drew Pearson,一位34岁的记者,表述他们时说,他们衣衫褴缕,疲惫不堪、冷漠无情,一脸绝望。4. To Henry Kissinger, for whose wise counsel and dedicated services far beyond the call of duty I shall always remain grateful.致Henry Kissinger,

19、精于良言、鞠躬尽瘁、逾于所司,永至不忘。5. a world of difference, take a risk in desperation, await with great anxiety, decline with all sorts of excuses天壤之别、铤而走险(孤注一掷)、翘首以待(望穿秋水)、百般推辞四、词性的转换 (一) 一般情况下:汉语动词用的多,英语名词用的多,汉译英,动词转名词;英译汉,名词转动词1. 绝对不允许违反这个原则。Violation of the principle should never be allowed/tolerated.2. 坚持一个

20、中国的原则是实现和平统一的基础与前提。Adherence to the “One-China” policy should serve as the basis and prerequisite for peaceful reunification. 3. Everyone was away on holiday.每个人都出去度假。4. He came to my home for help.他到我家来请求帮助。5. I am so grateful to my father for his continuous encouragement during my childhood.我非常感谢我

21、的父亲,因为在我还是小孩子的时候,他就不停的鼓励我。(二)单词介绍:apathetic describe1、“a”表示“无”如:: atheist 无神论者, amoral/immoral 无关道德的/没有道德的, atypical pneumonia 非典, SARS: severe acute respiratory syndrome, 严重的呼吸道传染综合症2、“path”表示情感: sympathy 同情, antipathy 反感, empathy 可以将心比心的理解他人, pathology, 病理学3、“scribe”表示写: prescribe 开处方, script 文字资料

22、、脚本, scripture 宗教经典, scribble 乱涂乱划, postscript 附言(商业信函中禁用), inscribe 刻, inscription 碑铭, subscribe 订阅, manuscript 手稿, 五、表达法的正反转换 原文肯定,翻译后为“不+否定”,有意想不到的效果,如:语气缓和或汉语中没有此种表达方法1. Wet paint. 油漆未干2. Keep upright. (Handle with care.) 切勿倒置(小心轻放)3. Admission by invitation only. 非请莫入4. If it rains in Cleveland

23、 today, volunteers will stand in lines with umbrellas to keep voters dry.如果今天克里弗兰下雨,志愿者将打着伞排着队,以免选民淋湿。5. If any mater should be added after this contract comes into force, then such a matter shall be agreed upon by both sides through friendly consultations and confirmed by means of exchanging offici

24、al documents.本合同生效后如有未尽事宜,须经双方友好协商同意,并交换正式文本以确认注意:表达法的正反转换要根据具体情况,主要出于两点:1、 表达习惯;2、语气的缓和与加强六、直译与意译尽量用直译;两种情况下不能用直译:1、比喻在一种语言中可以接受,而在另一种语言中不能接受 2、特别具有丰富文化内涵的词第一种情况的例子1、drink like a fish形容一个人喝水又多又急,中文形容“牛饮”2、turn swords into ploughs 化干戈为玉帛3、pull the chestnut out of the fire 火中取栗4、天下没有不散的筵席No feast las

25、ts forever.The best of friends must part.5、 五十步笑百步The pot calls the kettle black.The soldier who retreated fifty paces laughed at the one who had fallen back a hundred paces.第二种情况的例子1、You are a clever dog. 你真聪明(狗在汉语中有贬义)2、Every dog has his day. 三十年河东、三十年河西;凡人皆有得意时3、In a word, those nonverbal message

26、s speak to hearts, not heads.总而言之,这些非语言信息是诉之于情感、而非理智。(背景:美国总统大选时对着装等的评价)七、句子的分与合(一)合句例子: 1、深圳机场为了方便旅客,设置了四间更衣室。室内设备齐全。For the convenience of the passengers, Shenzhen Airport has set aside four well-equipped changing rooms. locker room(衣帽间).2、卢嘉川挨近她,情不自禁地握住了她的手。这女孩的热情、大胆和奔向革命的赤诚深深感动了他。Lu Jiachuan, de

27、eply moved by the girls passion, bravery/courage and revolutionary spirit, came up to her and couldnt help/resist taking her hands.3、道静气得浑身发抖。她二话没说,立刻向经理辞了职。Trembling/quivering with anger, Daojing gave the manager immediate notice without saying anything. (注意:gave notice表示辞职,预留准备时间,gave a weeks noti

28、ce)(二)分句例子: 1、本科生分为四年制和五年制两种,学生毕业考试及格并且通过论文后,即可获得学士学位。The undergraduate program is either four years or five years. After passing the graduation examinations and defending successfully their graduation theses, the students will be conferred a bachelors degree. (conferred表示授予,汉语常用获得)注意:Bachelors degr

29、ee 学士学位 BA(Bachelor of Arts) 文科学士 BS (Bachelor of Sciences) 理科学士 Master s degree 硕士学位 Doctors degree 博士学位 Associate Bachelors degree 专科学位 Assistant professor 助理教授,不是助教之意 Teaching assistant 助教2、深圳作为全国最早的特区,与内地经济往来极为密切,特别是在香港回归祖国以后,人员往来大为增加,深圳机场是全国十大机场之一。As the Nations/Chinas first SEZ, Shenzhen has e

30、stablished very close economic ties with the Nations inner parts. Especially after Hong Kong was returned to the motherland, the number of people arriving at and leaving Shenzhen has increased greatly. Shenzhen Airport is one of ten largest airports of the nation.注意:1、“全国十大机场之一”可以翻成 is nations Top T

31、en airports. 2、“人员往来大为增加” 可以翻成 human exchange between Shenzhen and the inner parts of Nation, 但与前面有重复八、成语的翻译 首先要弄懂中文意思,其次追求完美(一) 套译汉语中的成语,英语中有一个意思非常接近成语,直接套用call a spade a spade 实话实说;实事求是reap what one has sown 种瓜得瓜/作茧自缚(区别褒、贬义和感情色彩)kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵/涸泽而渔castle in the air

32、海市蜃楼/空中楼阁过河拆桥kick down the ladder格格不入 like a square peg in a round hole(二)直译在成语所包含的比喻和语言内涵被另一种文化完全接受的情况下,可以直译。Trojan horse 特洛伊木马 表示从内部起爆sour grapes 酸葡萄 表示得不到东西的心理Sphinxs riddle 斯芬克斯之谜,表示难解之谜a Judas kiss 犹大之吻,表示叛变、背叛(三)直译套译均可鉴于有些成语有对应的,但有些人喜欢把意思直接译出来to kill two birds with one stone 一石两鸟/一箭双雕crocodile

33、 tears鳄鱼之泪/黄鼠狼给鸡拜年声东击西 to shout in the east and strike in the west/to look one way and row another掌上明珠 a pearl in the palm/ the apple of ones eye对牛弹琴 play a lute to the cow/ cast the pearls before swine(四)意译有些比喻和文化内涵不能另一种语言作接受in a pigs whisper 低声的make a monkey of somebody 嘲弄某人the skeleton at the fea

34、st令人扫兴的人a family skeleton 家丑叶公好龙 professed love of what one really fears毛遂自荐 volunteer ones service初出茅庐 at the start of ones career(五)特别容易弄错的成语pull somebodys leg 嘲弄某人eat ones words 认错,特别承认自己说错话dog-eat-dog 残酷的,特别表示竞争in the seventh heaven 极为开心背景知识: 1、上帝并非只有耶稣基督一个儿子,二儿子是洪秀全2、耶稣基督的出生是因为上帝需要以他的死赎去全人类的原罪耶

35、稣基督是处女生的,第一个血液纯洁的人(英文名麦当娜表示纯洁)3、苏菲的世界,Sophia表示知识,philosophy表示“爱知识”4、goose flesh 鸡皮疙瘩 goose step 正步 goose berry 电灯泡(情侣幽会时的第三者)九、英语从句的汉译与句序的调整英语翻译第一步要保证大的结构调整好,句序结构是基础。1、状语从句调整:挑出主干部分(1)、澳门,南海之滨一颗闪耀的明珠,以她的风采、沧桑和辉煌,更以1999年12月20日这个不同寻常的日子,吸引着全世界的目光。A shining pearl on the coast of South China, Macao attr

36、acts the worlds attention for her charm, history of great events and glory, especially for the unusual date of December 20, 1999.South China Sea 表示中国南海,不是“南中国海”East China Sea 东海(2)、This seems mostly effectively done by supporting a certain amount of research not related to immediate goals but of pos

37、sible consequence in the future.(横线表示状语)通过支持某些与当前目标无关、但是在将来可能很重要的研究,一般情况下似乎可以有效的做到这一点。immediate与in the future相对,表示当前of possiblepossiblymostly表示在一般情况下(3)、For example, they do not compensate for gross social inequality, and thus do not tell how able an underprivileged youngster might have been had he

38、grown up under more favorable circumstances. (横线表示状语)例如,他们不能弥补明显的社会不公,因此也就不能说明,如果一个贫穷的年轻人在更为有利的环境下成长的话,他可能会有多大才干。说明:1、underprivileged字面意思表示特权不足的(委婉语),翻译时an underprivileged youngster与he位置调换,英语提到人名出现在句子主干中,而汉语则出现在第一次提到的地方。2、“ster”加在单词后面表示什么样的人,如:gang表示帮派,gangster表示匪帮;spin表示旋转,spinster表示老处女。3、gross形容不好

39、的意思,表示昭然若揭,非常明显的小贴士:1、翻译时遇到不认识的词,怎么办? 从词性上说,只有名词、动词、形容词、副词四类不认识 形容词、副词不认识,建议省略,错译原比漏译扎眼 名词、动词不认识,则难以处理 2、关于单词的见解 单词主要记general word,中高级口译不会考过于专业的东西,主要考常识性内容,不建议背专项单词。推荐用书time 单挑,刘毅单词5000,上海新东方学校中高级口译词汇必备、上海新东方学校中高级口译笔试备考精要 3、记忆单词分长期记忆和短期记忆 通过记词根和大量阅读,能够帮助大家长期记忆2、定语从句调整英译汉时,定语无非前置和后置,变成形容词性词或单成一句。(1)S

40、ocial science is that branch of intellectual enquiry which seeks to study humans and their endeavors in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena. 两个从句:which和that引导译文:社会科学是知识探索一个分支,它力求用理智的、有序的、系统的、冷静的方法研究人类和他们的种种行为,

41、这种方式正是自然科学家用来研究自然现象的。说明:1、译文中“正是”一词来源于“the same” 2、reason作为动词,表示推理(2) “In short”, a leader of the new school contends, “the scientific revolution, as we call it, was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of science in innumerable directions.

42、”两个定语从句:as we call it 放在先行词the scientific revolution之前翻译 that expanded 分译contends:如果不认识,可以翻译成“说”,因为前后都有引号译文:新学派的一位领导人认为:“简而言之,我们所谓的科技革命,在很大程度上是指一系列工具的改进、发明和使用,这些改进、发明和使用在各个方面都拓展了科学范围”。“名词+介词+名词+定语从句”:定语从句99用来修饰第一个名词”注意:1、定语从句的翻译方法(1)合译:把定语从句放到被修饰词之前(2)分译:定语从句单成一句,先行词重复一下 2、定语从句先行词判断方法(并非100适用) (1)、H

43、e opposed some proposals for opening the economy, like starting a stock market, that were embraced only after he lost power.先找名词,再根据定语从句的谓语动词的单复数判断先行词的单复数,则先行词为“proposals”译文:他反对某些开放经济的提议,如创建股票市场,这些提议只有在他下台之后,才被人们所接受。(2)、It assumes that there is an agreed account of human rights, which is something t

44、he world does not have.根据定语从句谓语动词单复数,易于判断which引导的从句用语修饰account,此处account表示讲述、评论。译文:他假定人们对人权有一个统一的看法,而这种看法根本就不存在。(3)、这所大学的任务是培养德智体全面发展,能熟练运用外语从事外事和文化交流工作的合格人才。翻译时先找主干:这所大学的任务是培养人才(The university aims to turn out qualified graduates )。译文:The university aims to turn out qualified graduates that are all

45、-roundly/well developed in morality, intellect and physique, and that are able to use proficiently foreign languages in foreign affairs and cultural exchanges.翻译词要根据具体情况,如“文明”一词,文明小区“model”;讲文明“politesse, manners”;(4)汉语中的题型“是”两种方法:“,which”或“it is”谋求和平与发展、加强对话与合作,是各国人民的普遍愿望。It is the universal wish o

46、f all the nations to achieve peace and development and strengthen dialogues and cooperations.巩固与东盟面向和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系,推进互利互惠的全方位合作,是中国将长期坚持的基本外交政策。China shall consolidate its strategic partnership with the ASEAN in the direction of peace and prosperity, and promote mutually benefiting cooperation in an all-round manner, which is Chinas long-term and basic foreign policy.第三章 真题点评一、2000年3月份真题(一)英译汉重点句型1、An organization that has open lines of communication with valid, honest information going up, down, and throughout the organization will be much more effectiv


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