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《细胞生物学历年真题试卷.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《细胞生物学历年真题试卷.pdf(35页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、一Translation: (本大题共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分)1.Luxury genes 答案:奢侈基因2.Electron transporter 答案:电子传递体3.Gap junction 答案:间隙连接4.Telomerase答案:端粒酶5.Semi-autonomous organelle答案:半自主性细胞器6.Target cells答案:靶细胞7.F0-F1 coupling factor答案: F0-F1 偶联因子8.Primary lysosome 答案: 初级溶酶体9.Microtubule 答案:微管10.Integrin 答案:整联蛋白二Explanation

2、: (本大题共 55 分,每小题 5 分)1.neural stem cell (NSC)答案:存在于成体脑组织中的一种干细胞,它可生成神经元、星形胶质细胞、少突胶质细胞。亦可转分化成血细胞和骨骼肌细胞。2.X inactivation X答案:雌性成体细胞中两条X 染色体中的一条处于正常失活状态。3.cell line 细胞系答案: 在培养中由原代培养物产生的可无限增殖的细胞群。 一般为肿瘤细胞或转化细胞形成。4.polymorphic nucleus 多形核答案:哺乳动物颗粒白细胞中形状不规则的核。5.voltage-gated ion channel 电压门控通道答案:兴奋细胞质膜上的一

3、种离子通道, 对跨膜电位差的变化极为敏感, 因膜电位达到一定阈值而开放。6.contractile protein 收缩蛋白答案:细胞中参与收缩过程的蛋白质,如肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白。7.cell coat答案:又称糖萼( glycocalyx) ,动物细胞质膜外的一层黏多糖物质,以共价键和膜蛋白或膜脂结合形成糖蛋白或糖脂,它对膜蛋白有保护作用,并在分子识别中起重要作用8.-phage vector -噬菌体载体:答案:由噬菌体 DNA 发展而来的 DNA 克隆载体9.adaptor protein 衔接器蛋白答案:在细胞内信号传递途径中,凡是在不同蛋白质间起连接作用的蛋白质的通称。10.cell

4、 adhesion 细胞黏附答案: 动物细胞通过细胞表面的黏附分子介导细胞之间或细胞与细胞外基质之间的黏附。11.lamin 核纤层蛋白答案:核纤层结构的组成成分, 属于中间纤维蛋白家族; 核纤层蛋白随着细胞分裂发生周期性的磷酸化与去磷酸化变化,某些核纤层蛋白在体外能够自我组装成10nm 的纤维。三Answer questions: (本大题共 30 分,每小题 10 分)1.Why we say that the organelles of endoplamic membrane is a united whole?答: 从功能上看, 细胞内膜结合细胞器的分布是功能越重要越靠近中央; 从层次

5、看, 上游的靠内, 下游的靠外。如细胞核位于细胞的中央,它是细胞中最重要的细胞器,有两层膜结构。细胞核的外膜与内质网的膜是联系在一起的, 细胞核的外膜是粗面内质网的一部分。 粗面内质网的功能是参与蛋白质合成, 其作用仅次于细胞核, 所以内质网位于细胞核的外侧。高尔基体在内质网的外侧,接受来自内质网的蛋白质和脂肪 ,然后对它们进行修饰和分选,它所完成的是内质网的下游工作。溶酶体是含有水解酶的囊泡,它是由高尔基体分泌而来。内体是由内吞作用产生的具有分选作用的细胞器,它能向溶酶体传递从细胞外摄取的物质, 这种细胞器一般位于细胞质的外侧。 另外还有线粒体、过氧化物酶体等分布在细胞的不同部位。 如1果是

6、植物细胞还有叶绿体和中央大液泡, 它们是按功能定位。造成内膜系统的动态特性主要是由细胞中三种不同的生化活动引起的 : 蛋白质和脂的合成活动: 在动物细胞中主要涉及分泌性蛋白的合成和脂的合成和加工。 脂的合成在光面内质网,而分泌蛋白的合成起始于粗面内质网,完成于高尔基体。分泌活动: 内吞活动(endocytosis pathway),是分泌的相反过程, 细胞将细胞外的物质吞进内体和溶酶体。2.What is cell differentiation?Please introduce the mechanism.答:1. 细胞分裂的不对称性:在细胞分裂时一些重要的分子被不均等地分配到两个子细胞中2

7、.细胞间的相互作用 : (1) 胚胎诱导(embryonic induction) :胚胎发育过程中,一部分细胞影响相邻细胞向一定方向分化的作用.进一步更复杂的模式由细胞间相互作用产生诱导的相互作用可以在原本等同的细胞中建立起有序的差异; (2)分化抑制:分化成熟的细胞可以产生抑素,抑制相邻细胞发生同样的分化; (3)细胞数量效应 ; (4)细胞外基质的影响 ; (5)激素的作用3.染色体与细胞分化 : (1)染色体结构的变化; (2) 基因删除:原生动物,昆虫,甲壳动物; (3)基因扩增:果蝇多线染色体; (4)基因重排:免疫球蛋白基因(106108 种抗体); (5)DNA 的甲基化与异染

8、色质化:胞嘧啶的甲基化使基因失活.4,基因与细胞分化无论是母体 mRNA 的作用还是细胞间的相互作用,其结果是启动特定基因的表达.母体基因 间隙基因 成对基因体节极性基因同源异形基因(homeotic gene,Hox)5. 奢侈基因与管家基因生物体细胞中含有决定生长分裂和分化的全部基因信息, 按其与细胞分化的关系, 可将这些基因分为两大类:奢侈基因和管家基因。奢侈基因(luxury gene):编码细胞特异性蛋白,与各种分化细胞的特定性状直接相关,这类基因对细胞自身生存无直接影响。管家基因(house keeping gene):这类基因的表达产物为细胞生命活动持续需要和必不少,但与细胞分化

9、的关系不大,在细胞分化中只起协助作用。从分子层次看,细胞分化主要是奢侈基因中某种(或某些)特定基因选择性表达的结果。某些基因的选择性表达合成了执行特定功能的蛋白质,从而产生特定的分化细胞类型。3.Please narrate the relationship of oncogene and tumer-suppressor gene.癌基因是控制细胞生长和分裂的正常基因的一种突变形式, 能引起正常细胞癌变。 二抑癌基因实际上是正常细胞增殖过程中的负调控因子, 它编码的蛋白往往在细胞周期的检验点上起阻止周期进程的作用。 如果抑癌基因突变, 丧失其对细胞增殖的负调控作用, 则导致细胞周期失控而过度

10、增殖。 由抑癌基因编码的蛋白能够结合到原癌基因的启动子或增强子等位点,使转录复合物不能结合到这些位点, 从而不能完成转录和翻译, 失去了对细胞周期的促进作用。通过癌基因和抑癌基因的协同作用,共同调控细胞的正常的增殖过程。一Translation: (本大题共 15 分,每小题 1.5 分)1.Gated channel 答案:门通道2.Target cells答案:靶细胞3.Determinants 答案:决定子4.ES cells 答案:胚胎干细胞5.Channel protein 答案:通道蛋白6.actin filaments 答案:肌动蛋白丝7.Dedifferentiation答案:

11、脱(去)分化8.Stem cells答案:干细胞9.Molecular chaperone答案:分子伴侣10.G-protein 答案:G 蛋白二Explanation: (本大题共 55 分,每小题 5 分)1.thick filament 粗(肌)丝 答案:横纹肌中的肌球蛋白II 丝,直径约 1214nm。22.laser scanning confocal microscope答案:利用细激光束通过物镜扫描标本成像,将不同光切面的影像经计算机图象处理,获得三维影像。3.ultrastructure 超微结构答案:细胞从亚显微水平到分子水平的结构的统称,亦称亚显微结构(submicrosc

12、opicstructure) 。4.liposome 脂质体用悬浮在水中的磷脂分子人工制备成的脂双层小膜泡。5.transdifferentiation 转分化答案: (1)已分化细胞经去分化后再分化成另一种细胞的现象, 如色素细胞分化成晶状体。 (2)一种组织的干细胞能够分化成他种组织细胞的现象。6.docking protein 停泊蛋白答案:内质网膜上的信号识别颗粒受体。7.thylakoid 类囊体答案:叶绿体基质中由单位膜封闭形成的扁平囊。8.nuclear pore complex 核孔复合体答案:核被膜上沟通核质和细胞质的复杂隧道结构,由多种核孔蛋白构成。 隧道的内、外口和中央有

13、由核糖核蛋白组成的颗粒。 核孔对进出核的物质有控制作用。9.cytoplast, cytosome 胞质体答案:利用物理或化学方法, 将细胞核去除后所得到的细胞部分, 可以用来研究细胞核与细胞质的关系10axonal transport细胞器或分子沿神经细胞轴突定向的运输, 可以是顺向的 (从细胞体向外) 或逆向的 (向着细胞体11.sex determination 性别决定答案:由于性染色体上的性别决定基因地活动, 胚胎发生了雄性和雌性的性别差异。 在哺乳动物中,基因型若为 XY,则为雄性性,XX 为雌性。三简答题: (本大题共 30 分,每小题 10 分)1.Please narrate

14、 the characteristics of the aging cell.答案:1,水份减少,代谢速率减慢2,呼吸速率降低 3,酶溶性下降4,色素,钙以及一些惰性物积累,不溶性废物增加5 胶原弹性降低,张力增强。分子链间的2. Please introduce the main checkpoints during the cell cycle.答:细胞周期检验点是细胞周期调控的一种机制 , 主要是确保周期每一时相事件的有序、全部完成并与外界环境因素相联系。它保证前一个事件完成之后,才启动下一个事件。主要检验点包括:G1/S 检验点:在酵母中称start 点,在哺乳动物中称R 点(rest

15、riction point),控制细胞由静止状态的 G1 进入 DNA 合成期,相关的事件包括:DNA 是否损伤?细胞外环境是否适宜?细胞体积是否足够大?S 期检验点:DNA 复制是否完成?G2/M 检验点:是决定细胞一分为二的控制点,相关的事件包括:DNA 是否损伤?细胞体积是否足够大?纺锤体组装检验点:任何一个着丝点没有正确连接到纺锤体上,引起细胞周期中断。3. What is the basic characteristics of cancer cells?1.细胞生长与分裂失去控制:癌细胞的生长与分裂失去控制,成为不死的永生细胞核质比例3增大,分裂速度加快,结果破坏了正常组织的结构与

16、功能。2.具有侵润性和扩散性:癌细胞粘着性下降,具有侵润性和扩散性,易于浸润周围的健康组织,或通过血液循环或通过淋巴途径转移并在其它部位粘着和增殖。3.细胞间相互作用改变:正常细胞通过细胞表面特异性蛋白的相互作用识别,进而形成特定的组织与器官。癌细胞冲破了细胞识别作用的束缚,异常表达某些膜受体蛋白,以便与别处细胞粘着生长。4.蛋白表达谱系或蛋白活性改变:出现一些错位表达的蛋白,具有较高的端粒酶活性,异常表达与恶性增殖、扩散等过程相关的蛋白。5.mRNA 转录谱系的改变:基因表达和调控方向的改变。体外培养的恶性转化细胞的特征:人工诱导培养的恶性转化细胞同样具有无限增殖的能力,贴壁性下降,失去运动

17、和分裂的接触抑制一 中英互译: (本大题共 30 分,每小条 1 分)1.Gated channel 答案:门通道 2.Discontinuous secretion答案:不连续分泌3.Target cells 答案:靶细胞 4.Trigger protein答案:触发蛋白5.general transcription factors答案:通用转录因子 6.Determinants 答案:决定子7.Cell differentiation答案:细胞分化 8.N-linked oligosaccharides答案:N-连接寡糖9.Germ plasm 答案:生殖质 10.Peroxisome 答

18、案:过氧化物酶体11.ES cells 答案:胚胎干细胞 12.Myeloid body 答案:髓样小体13.Coated vesicle 答案:有被小泡 14.Channel protein 答案:通道蛋白15.actin filaments 答案:肌动蛋白丝 16.calmodulin 答案:钙调蛋白(钙调素)17.Informasomes 答案:信息体 18.Spliceosome 答案:剪接体19.Dedifferentiation答案:脱(去)分化 20.Proto-oncogenes 答案:原癌基因21.Dictyosome 答案:分散高尔基体 22.Stem cells答案:干细

19、胞23.Molecular chaperone 答案:分子伴侣 24.G-protein 答案:G 蛋白25.Carrier protein 答案:载体蛋白(透性酶)26. Membrane differentiation答案:膜分化27.Oncogene 答案:癌基因 28.Ribozyme 答案:RNA 催化剂(核酶)29.Alternative splicing 答案:交替剪接 30. Lysosomal membrane glycoprotein 答案:溶酶体膜糖蛋白二 名词解释: (本大题共 30 分,每小条 2 分)1.thick filament 粗(肌)丝答案:横纹肌中的肌球蛋

20、白II 丝,直径约1214nm。2.osteoclast 破骨细胞答案:在生长中的骨的骨髓中形成的一种巨大的多核细胞,具有破骨功能。osteocyte 骨细胞3.ultrastructure 超微结构答案:细胞从亚显微水平到分子水平的结构的统称,亦称亚显微结构(submicroscopicstructure) 。4.fusin 引信蛋白答案:在各种 CD4 细胞中广泛表达的一种7 次穿膜的 G 蛋白,与趋化因子受体相连,当 HIV 病毒感染 T 细胞时起辅因子的作用。5.glial cells 胶质细胞答案: 神经系统中的支持细胞, 包括脊椎动物中枢神经系统中的少突胶质细胞和星形胶质细胞以及周

21、围神经系统中的雪旺细胞。6.docking protein 停泊蛋白答案:内质网膜上的信号识别颗粒受体。7.lamellipodium 片足4答案: 细胞表面的外被质膜的薄片状突起, 内部有肌动蛋白丝网络的支撑, 与细胞运动有关。8.myofibril 肌原纤维答案:由粗肌丝和细肌丝规则排列构成的肌纤维亚单位。9.cytoplast, cytosome 胞质体答案:利用物理或化学方法, 将细胞核去除后所得到的细胞部分, 可以用来研究细胞核与细胞质的关系。10.axonal transport 轴突运输答案:细胞器或分子沿神经细胞轴突定向的运输,可以是顺向的(从细胞体向外) 或逆向的(向着细胞体

22、) 。11.contractile protein 收缩蛋白答案:细胞中参与收缩过程的蛋白质,如肌动蛋白和肌球蛋白。12.Vital staining, intravital staining 活体染色答案:使用毒性小的染料对活体细胞或组织的染色。13.Barr body 巴(尔)氏小体答案:雌性哺乳动物体细胞在有丝分裂间期的细胞核中染色很深、由一条失活的X 染色体凝缩而成的染色质小体,又称性染色质小体(sex-chromatin body);1949 年为 M. Barr 所发现。14.monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体答案:从某一杂交瘤克隆中分泌的抗体。因为每一个克隆都来自

23、于一个 B 细胞,因此制备的抗体具有高度专一性。15.leucoplast 白色体答案:一种无色的质体。三 简答题: (本大题共 40 分,每小条 8 分)1.细胞分化是被选定的不同特异基因表达的结果,请举例说明分化时特异基因的表达调控方式2.简述衰老细胞的特征。答案:1,水份减少,代谢速率减慢2,呼吸速率降低3,酶溶性下降 4,色素,钙以及一些惰性物积累,不溶性废物增加5 胶原弹性降低,张力增强。分子链间的3.高尔基体在形态结构上至少由互相联系的三个部分组成,请简述各部分的功能。答案:1,高尔基体顺面膜囊中间多孔而且连续分支状的 网结构,接受来自内质网新合成的物质并将其分类后大部分转入高尔基

24、体中间膜囊,小部分蛋白质与脂质再返回内质网;2,高尔基体中间膜囊多为糖基化修饰、糖脂的形成以及与高尔基体有关的多糖的合成的场所;3,高尔基体反面膜囊参与蛋白质的分类与包装最后由高尔基体输出。功能: 合成糖类; 将内质网合成的多种蛋白质进行加工分类包装并运送到特定部位或分泌到细胞外;蛋白质的糖基化作用和其修饰;通过蛋白酶水解作用使其成为活性肽;其它加工过程成为活性肽。4.请详述细胞质膜的分子结构及其基本特性5.核糖体各活性部位及其在蛋白质合成过程中的作用是什么?一:Give a good explanation to the words listed below.1, primary cultu

25、re:The cells are obtained directly from the organism. Most primary cultures ofanimal cells are obtained from embryos, whose tissues are more readily dissociated into singlecells than those of adults. Dissociation is accomplished with the aid of a proteolytic enzyme,suchas trypsin. The tissue is then

26、 washed free of the enzyme and usually suspended in liquid media to5start a cell culture.2, liposome: A important feature of the lipid bilayer is its ability to self assemble, for example,asmall amount of phosphatidylcholine is dispersed in an aqueous solution, the phospholipidmolecules assemble spo

27、ntaneously to form the walls of fluid-filled spherical vesicles, calledliposomes.3, basement membrane: A continuous sheet that (1) surrounds muscle and fat cells, (2) underliesthe basal surface of epithelial tissues, such as the epidermis of the skin, (3)underlies the innerendothelial lining of bloo

28、d vessels. Basement membranes provide mechanical support for theattached cells, generate signals that maintain cell surevival, serve as a substratum for cellmigration, separate adjacent tissues within an organ, and act as a barrier to the passage ofmacromolecules.4, Fibronectin: Consists of a linear

29、 array of distinct “building blocks” that gives each polypeptideof the extracellular matrix a modular construction. Each fibronectin polypeptide is constructedfrom a sequence of approximately 30 independently folding Fn moidules, while Fn-type moduleswere first discovered in fibronectin, they are fo

30、und as part of many other proteins, ranging fromblood clotting factors to membrane receptors and other proteins of the ECM. Each of the twopolypeptide chains that make up a fibronectin molecule contains (1) Binding sites for othercomponents of the ECM, such as collagens and proteoglycans. (2) Bindin

31、g sites for receptors onthe cell surface.5, junctional complex: The cells of certain tissues, particularly epithelia and cardiac muscle, arenotoriously difficult to separate from one another because they are held together tightly byspecialized calcium-dependent adhesive junctions. There are two main

32、 types of adhesive junctions:adherens junctions and desmosomes. In addition to adhesive junctions, epithelial cells oftencontain other types of cell junctions that are also located their lateral surfaces near the apicallumen. When these junctions are arranged in a specific array, this assortment of

33、surfacespecializations is called a junctional complex.6, gap iunction: Gap junctions are sites between animal cells that are specialized for intercellularcommunication. The plasma membranes of adjacent cells come very close to one another but donot make direct contact. Instead, the cleft between the

34、 clls is spanned by very fine strands that arecomposed entirely of an integral membrane protein called connexin. Each connexon is composedof six connexin subunits arranged around a central opening. Gap junctions can put a large numberof cells of a tissue into intimate cytoplasmic contact. This has i

35、mportant physiologic consequences,because a number of highly active regulatory substances, such as cAMP and inositol phosphates,are small enough to fit through gap-junction channels. As a result, gap junctions have the potentialto integrate the activities of individual cells of a tissue into functio

36、nal unit.一:Give a good explanation to the words listed below. (5x8=40 points)1, cell line: Normal (nonmalignant) cells can divide a limited number of times (typically 50 to 100)before they undergo senescence and death. Because of this, many of the cells that are commonlyused in tissue culture studie

37、s have undergone genetic modifications that allow them to be grownindefinitely. Cells of this type are referred to as a cell line.2, Laminin:Laminins are a family of extracellular glycoproteins that consist of three differentpolypeptide chains linked by disulfide bonds and organizedf into a molecule

38、 resembling a crosswith three short arms and one long arm. At least 15 different laminins have been identified. Like6fibronectin, extracellular laminins can greatly influence a cells potencial for migration, growth,and differentiation. For example, laminins play a critical role in the migration of p

39、rimordial germcells. These cells arise in the yolk sac, which is located the embryo itself, and then migrate by wayof the bloodstream and embryonic to the developing gond, where they eventually give rise tosperm or eggs. During their migration, the primordial germ cells traverse surfaces that arepar

40、ticularly rich in laminin. Studies indicate that the primordial germ cells possess a cell-surfeceprotein that adheres strongly to one of the subunits of the laminin molecule.3, Cadherins:The cadherins are a large family of glycoproteins that mediate Ca2+-dependentcell-cell adhesion and transmit sign

41、als from the ECM to the cytoplasm. Cadherins join cells ofsimilar type to one another and do so predominantly by binding to the same cadherin present onthe surface of the neighboring cell. Cadherins are found on the surfaces of many different celltypes in animals, with each particular member of the

42、cadherin family having a specific distributionwithin the body.4, apoptosis:is a form of programmed cell death in multicellular organisms. It is one of the maintypes of programmed cell deaths (PCD) and involves a series of biochemical events leading to acharacteristic cell morphology and death, in mo

43、re specific terms, a series of biochemical eventsthat lead to a variety of morphological changes, including blebbing, changes to the cell membranesuch as loss of membrane asymmetry and attachment, cell shrinkage, nuclear fragmentation,chromatin condensation, and chromosomal DNA fragmentation.5, extr

44、acellular messenger molecules:Cells usually communicate with each other throughextracellular messenger molecules. Cell signaling is initiated with the release of a messengermolecule by a cell that is engaged in sending messages to other cells in the body. In some cases,the messenger molecule need on

45、ly diffuse across a narrow cleft or through a tiny blood vesselbefore the messager is received by an appropriate target cell. In other cases, the messengermolecule may have to circulate through the entire body before it reaches specific target cells. Cellscan only respond to an extracellular message

46、 if they express receptors that specifically recognizeand bind that particular messenger molecule.6, chromatin: Chromatin is the DNA/protein/RNA complex extracted from eukaryotic lysedinterphase nuclei. The major proteins involved in chromatin are histone proteins. And thefunctions of chromatin are

47、to package DNA into a smaller volume to fit in the cell, to strengthenthe DNA to allow mitosis and meiosis, and to serve as a mechanism to control expression.Changes in chromatin structure are affected mainly by methylation (DNA and proteins) andacetylation (proteins). Chromatin structure is also re

48、levant to DNA replication and DNA repair.7,house-keeping gene: Expressed in all cell types, essential for all cells, responsible for the routinmetabolic functions.8,Hayflick limit: is the number of times a cell will divide before it stops due to the telomerereaching a critical length. It was discove

49、red by Leonard Hayflick in 1965, when Hayflickdemonstrated that normal human cells in a cell culture divide about 52 times before entering asenescence phase (refuting the contention by Alexis Carrel that normal cells are immortal). Eachmitosis shortens the telomere appendix on the DNA of the cell, t

50、hus ticking back an inner clockfor each subsequent copy of the cell.This mechanism is believed to have evolved primarily toprotect the body from creating a potentially-cancerous cell. Because of the fragmented way DNAreplicates, a very short telomered cell may lead to genomic instability when the pr


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