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1、会计学1高中英语必修高中英语必修4unit4课文课文(kwn)知识点知识点讲解讲解第一页,共40页。一一. .重点重点(zhngdin)(zhngdin)短语再现短语再现 1._ 1._ 保卫保卫以免受以免受2._ 2._ 舒适,快活舒适,快活3._ 3._ 误解误解4._ 4._ 丢脸丢脸5._ 5._ 总的来说;通常总的来说;通常6._ 6._ 向某人点头向某人点头7._ 7._ 对对表示尊敬表示尊敬8._ 8._ 背对;背弃背对;背弃9._ 9._ 很可能很可能;有希望;有希望10._ 10._ 吻某人的脸吻某人的脸11._ 11._ 相反相反12._ 12._ 靠近靠近 defend

2、againstat easebe wrong aboutlose facein generalnod at sb.show respect forturn ones back tobe likely tokiss sb.on the cheekon the contrarycome closer to第1页/共40页第二页,共40页。二二.重点单词重点单词(dnc) 1.represent Yesterday,another student and I,_ our universitys student association,went to the Capital International

3、 Airport to meet this years international students. (P26)观察思考观察思考 The carvings represent a hunting scene. representing第2页/共40页第三页,共40页。He represented our school He represented our school toto take part in the take part in the competition and all of us were proud of petition and all of us were proud

4、of him.归纳总结归纳总结(zngji)(zngji)represent _represent _。(1)represent.as.(1)represent.as.把把描绘成描绘成 represent oneself as/ represent oneself as/toto be be自称是自称是 represent sth. represent sth.toto sb. sb.向某人说明某事,传达某事向某人说明某事,传达某事(2)representation n.(2)representation n.表现表现 ; ;描述描述; ;描绘描绘; ;表现形式表现形式(3)represent

5、ative n.(3)representative n.代表;代表;adj.adj.典型的,有代表性的典型的,有代表性的 vt.代表(dibio);描绘;表现第3页/共40页第四页,共40页。易混辨异易混辨异represent,stand for represent,stand for (1)represent(1)represent用来表示用来表示“代表某人代表某人/ /某个团体某个团体/ /政府政府等;某种标志代表什么;某物等;某种标志代表什么;某物( (书、雕塑书、雕塑(dio s)(dio s)等等) )表现的表现的是什么是什么”和和“把某人把某人/ /物描绘成什么物描绘成什么”。(2

6、)stand for(2)stand for往往用来表示字母、数字、符号等往往用来表示字母、数字、符号等“代代表表/ /象征什么象征什么”。第4页/共40页第五页,共40页。My name is Dean E.Beller.My name is Dean E.Beller.我的名字是迪恩我的名字是迪恩EE贝勒。贝勒。What does the E stand for?What does the E stand for?EE代表什么?代表什么? 即学即用即学即用(1)(1)她把自己描绘成世界上最好的母亲。她把自己描绘成世界上最好的母亲。 She the kindest She the kinde

7、st mother in the world. mother in the world.(2)(2)那个国家那个国家(guji)(guji)的外交部长代表该国出席了会议。的外交部长代表该国出席了会议。 The country _ The country _ by the foreign minister. by the foreign minister. Represents herself aswas represented at the conference第5页/共40页第六页,共40页。2.likely 2.likely However,people from places like

8、Spain,Italy However,people from places like Spain,Italy or South American countries approach others or South American countries approach others closely and are more _ closely and are more _ toto touch them.(P26) touch them.(P26) 观察观察(gunch)(gunch)思考思考 Snows are likely Snows are likely toto happen in

9、 the next 24 hours. happen in the next 24 hours. One likely result of this heavy rain is the rising of the river. One likely result of this heavy rain is the rising of the river.likelyIts highly likely that he will succeed. 第6页/共40页第七页,共40页。 归纳总结归纳总结 likely _ likely _。 易混辨异易混辨异 likely,possible,proba

10、ble likely,possible,probable likely likely是指从外表、迹像上进行判断,有可能是指从外表、迹像上进行判断,有可能(knng)(knng)发生。发生。 possible possible指客观上有可能指客观上有可能(knng),(knng),但往往含有希望很小的意味。但往往含有希望很小的意味。 probable probable的可能的可能(knng)(knng)性比性比possiblepossible大大, ,表示表示“很可能很可能(knng)(knng),十有八九,十有八九”。adj.可能(knng)的第7页/共40页第八页,共40页。(2)likel

11、y既可以用人也可以用物作主语既可以用人也可以用物作主语,常用句型常用句型(j xn)是是: It is likely that.或或sb./sth.is likely to.。(3)possible和和probable都不能以人作主语,常用句都不能以人作主语,常用句 型有:型有:Possible常用常用It is possible (for sb.) to do sth. 或或It is possible that.;probable只能用只能用It is probable that.句型句型(j xn)。第8页/共40页第九页,共40页。即学即用(1)很有可能这一家人会在周末(zhum)乘着

12、他们的私家车到 乡下去。 _ the family will go to the countryside in their private car on the weekend.(2)由于他们的过失他们可能会被解雇。 They _ by the company just because of their fault. Its likely thatare likely to be fired第9页/共40页第十页,共40页。3.curious 3.curious I saw several young people enter the waiting I saw several young p

13、eople enter the waiting area looking around _.(P26) area looking around _.(P26) 观察观察(gunch)(gunch)思考思考 Children are always curious about everything Children are always curious about everything they see. they see. They looked at their teacher with curious eyes. They looked at their teacher with curio

14、us eyes. Im curious Im curious toto have a look at it. have a look at it.curiously第10页/共40页第十一页,共40页。归纳归纳(gun)总结总结curious _。1.be curious about.对对感到好奇感到好奇2. be curious to do sth.极想做某事极想做某事3. Its curious that.很反常很反常4.from/out of curiosity出于好奇出于好奇5.satisfy ones curiosity满足某人的好奇心满足某人的好奇心6.with curiosity

15、=curiously好奇地好奇地 adj.好奇(ho q)的;奇怪的第11页/共40页第十二页,共40页。即学即用即学即用(1)对你周围的世界感到新奇是件好事。对你周围的世界感到新奇是件好事。 It is good to _ the world around you.(2)我很想知道我很想知道(zh do)孩子们在做什么。孩子们在做什么。 Im _ what the children are doing. be curious aboutcurious to know第12页/共40页第十三页,共40页。4.approach4.approach Tony _ Julia,touched her

16、 shoulder Tony _ Julia,touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek!(P26) and kissed her on the cheek!(P26) 观察观察(gunch)(gunch)思考思考 1. The time for graduation is approaching. 1. The time for graduation is approaching. 2.The approach of winter brings cold weather. 2.The approach of winter brings c

17、old weather. 3.The best approach 3.The best approach toto learning a foreign learning a foreign language is the study of the spoken language. language is the study of the spoken language. approached第13页/共40页第十四页,共40页。归纳总结归纳总结approach _。1.at the approach of在快到在快到的时候的时候(sh hou)2.the approach to sth. 通

18、往通往.的入口,的入口,.的方法的方法3.approach to doing sth.(做某事的做某事的)方法方法(途径途径)v.接近;处理;n.接近;方法(fngf);通路第14页/共40页第十五页,共40页。易混辨异 approach,way,means,method 四者都有“方式,方法;途径”之意,但approach侧 重指待人接物或思考问题的方式;way为一般用语;means指可以得到结果(ji gu)的方法;method指有规律的、有条理的做法。(1)表示“做的方法”时各自的搭配分别是:the approach to (doing) sth.the way to do/of (do

19、ing) sth.the means of (doing) sth.the method of (doing) sth.(2)分别与不同的介词搭配:with this method ; in this way ;by this means 第15页/共40页第十六页,共40页。即学即用即学即用At the meeting they discussed three different _ to the study of mathematics.A.approaches B.meansC.methods D.waysA第16页/共40页第十七页,共40页。5.agreement 5.agreeme

20、nt There are many ways around the world There are many ways around the world toto show _,.(P30) show _,.(P30)观察观察(gunch)(gunch)思考思考1.You have broken our agreement by not doing 1.You have broken our agreement by not doing the work you promised. the work you promised.2.Are we in agreement about the pr

21、ice?2.Are we in agreement about the price?3.Youll have 3.Youll have toto get your parents get your parents agreement if you want agreement if you want toto go on the trip. go on the trip. agreement第17页/共40页第十八页,共40页。归纳总结归纳总结agreement _。1.Sign an agreement签定协议签定协议1.break an agreement违反协议违反协议3.reach/m

22、ake an agreement达成协议达成协议4.under an agreement根据根据(gnj)协议协议5.in agreement (with)(意见等意见等)一致一致 6.agree vt. & vi.同意同意n.协议(xiy);一致;同意 disagree v.不同意(tngy) disagreement n.不同意(tngy)第18页/共40页第十九页,共40页。即学即用即学即用(1)他们他们(t men)撕毁了与我们的协议。撕毁了与我们的协议。 They have _ us. (2)双方商定了谈判的日期。双方商定了谈判的日期。 The two sides have _ th

23、e date of negotiations. broken the agreement betweenagreed on第19页/共40页第二十页,共40页。重点短语重点短语(duny)(duny)与句型与句型 6.at ease 6.at ease The most universal facial expression is,of course, The most universal facial expression is,of course, the smileits function is the smileits function is toto show happiness a

24、nd show happiness and put people _.(P30) put people _.(P30) 观察思考观察思考 1.He is at ease about the matter. 1.He is at ease about the matter. 2.When you feel nervous,youd better listen 2.When you feel nervous,youd better listen toto some light music some light music toto put yourself at ease. put yoursel

25、f at ease. at ease第20页/共40页第二十一页,共40页。归纳总结归纳总结at ease意为:意为:_。1.with ease 轻易地,毫不费力地轻易地,毫不费力地2.put/set sb.at ones ease使某人使某人(mu rn)放松、松弛放松、松弛3.take ones ease休息,轻松一下休息,轻松一下即学即用即学即用(1)微笑旨在使人们轻松自在。微笑旨在使人们轻松自在。 A smile is intended to make people _. (2)不要过度劳累,休息一会儿。不要过度劳累,休息一会儿。 Dont overwork yourself and

26、_. 舒适(shsh),自在at easetake your ease第21页/共40页第二十二页,共40页。7.be wrong about 7.be wrong about We can often _ each other We can often _ each other,. . (P30) (P30) 观察观察(gunch)(gunch)思考思考 You were wrong about Tom;hes not married You were wrong about Tom;hes not married after all. after all. be wrong about第2

27、2页/共40页第二十三页,共40页。 归纳归纳(gun)(gun)总结总结 be wrong about be wrong about意为:意为:_。 1.be wrong 1.be wrong toto do sth. do sth.做某事是不道德的做某事是不道德的/ /不正当的不正当的 2.It is/was wrong of sb. 2.It is/was wrong of sb.toto do sth. do sth.某人做某事是错误的某人做某事是错误的 3.go wrong 3.go wrong出差错;犯错误出差错;犯错误 4.do sb.wrong/do wrong 4.do sb

28、.wrong/do wrong toto sb. sb.冤枉某人冤枉某人误解(wji),弄错第23页/共40页第二十四页,共40页。即学即用即学即用 (1)_ (1)_ (你不对你不对) )toto bully the boy. bully the boy.(2)All the students went (2)All the students went toto see _ see _ _ ( _ (她怎么她怎么(zn me)(zn me)了了). ). It was wrong of youwhat was wrongwith her第24页/共40页第二十五页,共40页。8.Not al

29、l cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. 典例体验典例体验 1._ agrees.不是每个人都同意。不是每个人都同意。 2.She doesnt like them and _. 她不喜欢她不喜欢(x huan)他们,杰夫也不喜欢他们,杰夫也不喜欢(x huan)。 Not everybodynor does Jeff第25页/共40页第二十六页,共40页。归纳总结归纳总结 (1)(1)部

30、分部分(b fen)(b fen)否定句否定句 如果句中使用了如果句中使用了allall,bothboth,everyevery或或everyoneeveryone, everybody,everything,everybody,everything,再使用否定词再使用否定词not,not,无论无论not not 出现在何处,该句都应视为出现在何处,该句都应视为 ,译成,译成“ ” “ ” 。全部否定句全部否定句表示全部否定时,三者或三者以上用表示全部否定时,三者或三者以上用none;none;两者用两者用neitherneither。部分部分(b fen)否定句否定句并不是并不是(b shi

31、)第26页/共40页第二十七页,共40页。(2)(2)“nor are they comfortable.”“nor are they comfortable.”为倒装句。为倒装句。 在表示在表示“某人不怎么样某人不怎么样, ,另外一个人也不怎么样另外一个人也不怎么样”时时, , 可用可用“(and) nor+“(and) nor+助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词/be/be动词等动词等+ +主语主语” ” 句式。此外,句中的句式。此外,句中的nornor可以替换为可以替换为neither/no more.neither/no more. 当表示前面的句子所说的情况当表示前面的句子所说的情况

32、(qngkung)(qngkung)也适合后面的句子也适合后面的句子 时时, ,如果前面是肯定句如果前面是肯定句, ,后面的句子常用后面的句子常用soso引起倒装引起倒装 句句, ,即即“(and) so“(and) so助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词/be/be动词等动词等+ +主语主语”。 He is fond of swimming,(and) so is his sister. He is fond of swimming,(and) so is his sister. 此句式中的此句式中的“and so“and so助动词助动词/ /情态动词情态动词/be/be动词等动词等+ +

33、 主语主语” 可以与可以与“.“.,too”too”句型互换使用。句型互换使用。 He can speak He can speak excellent French. excellent French. So can my brother.My brother can,too. 第27页/共40页第二十八页,共40页。在在“(and) nor/neither/no more+助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词 /be动词等动词等+主语主语(zhy)”句式中的句式中的“(and) nor/neither/no more+助动词助动词/情态动词情态动词/be动词等动词等+主语主语(zhy)”也可与也

34、可与“.not,either”句型互换使用。句型互换使用。 He has never been to Mount Tai before. 即学即用即学即用(1)If Joes wife wont go to the party, _. A.he will either B.neither will he C.he neither will D.either he will Neither/Nor/No more have I.I havent,either. B第28页/共40页第二十九页,共40页。(2)Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the repo

35、rt by Jason, and _. A.I was neither B.neither was I C.I was either D.either was I 解析解析: 表示表示“某人也不某人也不时时”, 应该应该(ynggi)用用“neither/nor+助动词助动词/系动词系动词/情态情态 动词动词+主语主语”。 B第29页/共40页第三十页,共40页。单项填空单项填空(tinkng) (tinkng) 1.Students are warned of not being too _ 1.Students are warned of not being too _ about thi

36、ngs they are not supposed about things they are not supposed toto know. know. A.strange A.strangeB.curiousB.curious C.conscious C.consciousD.amusingD.amusing 2.The Olympic mascots are the Olympic flame, 2.The Olympic mascots are the Olympic flame, the fish,the panda,the Tibetan antelope and the fish

37、,the panda,the Tibetan antelope and the swallow,_ a close group of friends. the swallow,_ a close group of friends. A. A.toto represent B.representing represent B.representing C.represented D.represent C.represented D.represent BB第30页/共40页第三十一页,共40页。3.Peter phoned to say theyd arrived safely, 3.Pete

38、r phoned to say theyd arrived safely, so put your mind _. so put your mind _. A.with ease B.by heart A.with ease B.by heart C.in peace D.at ease C.in peace D.at ease4.Technologically _,Chinas Change 4.Technologically _,Chinas Change project does better than any earlier project project does better th

39、an any earlier project of the same kind. of the same kind. A.speaking B.spoken C.speak D.to speak A.speaking B.spoken C.speak D.to speak DA第31页/共40页第三十二页,共40页。5._,most teenagers now listen to rock 5._,most teenagers now listen to rock music.However,John likes classical music music.However,John likes

40、 classical music better. better. A.In a word B.In general A.In a word B.In general C.In time D.In total C.In time D.In total B第32页/共40页第三十三页,共40页。6.They were hidden in the forest to avoid _ 6.They were hidden in the forest to avoid _ by the enemies. by the enemies. A.to find A.to find B.to be found

41、B.to be found C.being found D.find C.being found D.find7._ at failing in the math exam7._ at failing in the math exam,John John wouldnt like to talk about it to his wouldnt like to talk about it to his parents. parents. A.Disappointed B.To be disappointed A.Disappointed B.To be disappointed C.Disapp

42、ointing D.Having been disappointed C.Disappointing D.Having been disappointed CD第33页/共40页第三十四页,共40页。8.We couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ 8.We couldnt eat in a restaurant because _ of us had_ money.of us had_ money. A.none;any B.all;no A.none;any B.all;no C.many;no D.no one;any C.many;no D.no o

43、ne;any A第34页/共40页第三十五页,共40页。9.If you hurry up,I think it quite _ that 9.If you hurry up,I think it quite _ that you will catch the flight to Hong Kong. you will catch the flight to Hong Kong. There are 40 minutes left. There are 40 minutes left. A.probably B.likely A.probably B.likely C.possibly D.c

44、ertainly C.possibly D.certainly B第35页/共40页第三十六页,共40页。10.Was that the new book that they all 10.Was that the new book that they all mentioned at the fair? mentioned at the fair? _. _. A.They must be A.They must be B.It must have been B.It must have been C.They were C.They were D.It mustnt have been D

45、.It mustnt have been B第36页/共40页第三十七页,共40页。11.Have you been to Australia,which is _ 11.Have you been to Australia,which is _ country? country? A.an English-spoken A.an English-spoken B.a speaking-English B.a speaking-English C.a spoken-English C.a spoken-English D.an English-speaking D.an English-spe

46、aking D第37页/共40页第三十八页,共40页。12.Can you communicate with others _ using 12.Can you communicate with others _ using body language? body language? A.by A.byB.withB.withC.throughC.throughD.inD.in13.Jane is a bright and diligent girl _ 13.Jane is a bright and diligent girl _ her brother Jack is just the o

47、pposite. her brother Jack is just the opposite. A.when A.whenB.asB.asC.however D.whileC.however D.while AD第38页/共40页第三十九页,共40页。14.I think _ impossible that he should be 14.I think _ impossible that he should be so impolite. so impolite. A.this B.that C.it D.which A.this B.that C.it D.which15.Wise tea

48、chers know its impossible for all 15.Wise teachers know its impossible for all the students to learn all the subjects well the students to learn all the subjects well because _ of them are not fit for them. because _ of them are not fit for them. A.every one B.all A.every one B.all C.none D.not all C.none D.not all CB返回(fnhu)第39页/共40页第四十页,共40页。


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