冀教初中英语七下《Lesson 39 Danny's Report》PPT课件 (2).ppt

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1、Unit 7 Sports and Good HealthLesson 39,. 短语互译1. well done _2. get some exercise _3. have fun _4. 妨碍;挡道 _5. 参加 _答案:1. 做得好 2. 锻炼 3. 玩得高兴4. get in the way 5. take part in,. 句型展示1. 今年的体育日是一个很大的成功! Sports Day was a _ _ this year! 2. 运动会有十个不同的项目,像跑步There were _ _ _ _ running. . . . 答案:1. great success 2.

2、ten different events like,3. 来自七年级的金在四个项目中获得了第一名。Kim, from Grade 7, _ _ _ in four events. 4. 希望明年还能见到你们大家!Hope _ _ you all next year!答案:3. won first place 4. to see,Sports Day was a great success this year! 今年的体育日是一个很大的成功。【自主领悟】success 名词, 意为“成功;成功的人/事”,为可数名词。例如:Wish you a big success! 祝你获得巨大成功!,【归纳

3、拓展】与success相关的词形转换,串联记忆:success (n.) successful (adj.) successfully (adv.),【活学活用】 Failure is the mother of _. A. idea B. plan C. success D. dreamThey succeeded _ the exam in the end. A. to passing B. in passingC. pass D. passed,There were many winners this year. 今年有很多获胜者。【自主领悟】winner 为名词,意为“获胜者”,是由动

4、词win双写n再加er构成。例如: Everyone wants to be a winner. 每个人都想当胜利者。,【归纳拓展】win与beat的区别,【图解助记】,【活学活用】Wang Shuai is the_ (win) of the 100-metre race. 努力工作,你将赢得比赛。Keep working hard and you will _ . 答案: winner win the match,. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空win, get some exercise,have fun, event, hard1. Dale is a good student. H

5、e works very _ . 2. Do you know who is the _ of the game? 3. We are _ playing games. 4. To keep healthy, you should _ . 5. How many _ do the Olympic Games have? 答案:1. hard 2. winner 3. having fun4. get some exercise 5. events,. 完成句子1. 你参加学校运动会了吗?Did you _ _ _ the sports meet of your school? 2. 我们学校运动会很成功。Our school sports meet was _ _ _ . 3. 你的汽车正挡着路。Your car is _ _ _ _ . 答案:1. take part in 2. a great success 3. getting in the way,4. 你为什么很匆忙?我要开会。Why are you _ _ _ ? I am going to have a meeting. 5. 获得了第一名我很高兴。I am so happy to _ _ _ . 答案:4. in a hurry 5. win first place,


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