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1、精品名师归纳总结可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结 .情态动词Unit 1Can you play the guitar.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结概念:情态动词表示说话人对所说动作的 。如: 需要、可能、意愿、怀疑等。特点: 形式上没有和的变化 ,有的没有变化。 不能单独作语,由于情态动词本身词义 。必需和不带“ ”的 连用。意义:情态动词一般有个意义。否定式: 情态动词的否定式一般为在其后加 。一般疑问式:一般疑问句通常将其提到 。 . 情态动词 can 的用法A. 意义1. 表示。如:He can speak English very well.他英语

2、说得很好。She can sing some English songs. 她会唱几首英文歌曲。2. 表示。如:You can play the violin after school every day.每天下课后你可以拉小提琴。Students can t take cell phones or Mp3 playersto school. 同学不答应带手机或MP3 到学校。3. 表示。如: Can you tell me an English story. 你能给我讲个英语故事吗?Could you help me with my English.你能帮我学英语吗?温馨提示: 上句中的 c

3、ould是 can 的过去式,用在一般现在时的句子中,表示比can 更客气的恳求。4. cant表示。如: Is that Mr.Smith.那是史密斯先生吗? That cant be him.He is in New York now.那不行能是他。他现在在纽约了。B. 句型变化确定句: He can play the_drums.否定句: Heplay the drums.一般疑问句: hethe drums.两种回答:Yes, he /No, he 对画线部分提问: he play.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结才能提升训练 .完形填空great2.Hecanplay

4、3drumsverywell.Hehasadaughter.She ismy4. 5name is June. She is only four years old,6she can play the guitar very well. She often goes to the music club7her father on weekends.Do you8join the school music club? Please9Jack. His10is 3455678.Jack is my uncle. He is1the school music club.He likes music

5、very much and he is a1.A.onB inC ofD to 2.A.runnerB MusicianC. movie starD actor3.A.aB anC theD / 4.A.cousinB AuntC grandmotherD mother 5.A.She B He C His D Her 6.A.and B toC butD for 7.A.with B andC ofD / 8.A.want B want to C like D go 9.A.need B CallC show D meet 10.A.ID card numberB room numberC

6、phone numberD telephone .阅读懂得Mr.and Mrs.Browncome fromSydney.Theyteach Englishin a middleschool.They love their work.They have two children Jim and Sue.They are all in Hefei now. Mr. Browncan speak Chinese.He can do Chinese kung fu.Mr. Brown likes swimming and reading. But Mrs. Brown likes painting

7、and playing Chinese chess. They often go swimming in the afternoon and play chess in the evening. On Sunday morning Mr. Brown do Chinese kung fu. Jim and Sue like playing games. They often play games with Chinese boys and girls.Jims uncle, Green works on a farm near Sydney. He likes swimming, too. H

8、e also wants to work in Hefei. But he cant speak Chinese. So he is still in Australia and goes to Chinese classes every week. 1.Where are Jim and Sue from.A Theyre from America. B Theyre from Canada. C Theyre from Australia. D Theyre from England. 2.What does Mrs. Brown like.A She likes reading and

9、swimming. B She likes teaching and playing games.C She likes painting and playing Chinese chess.D She likes playing chess and do Chinese kung fu. 3.What does Sues uncle do.A Hes a worker. B Hes a driver. C Hes a farmer. D Hes a teacher.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结4.What does Sues uncle like.A He likes r

10、eading. B He likes playing chess. C He likes his work.D He likes swimming5.Who work in different countries now.A Mr. and Mrs. Brown. B Mr. Brown and his uncle. C Mrs. Brown and her uncle.D Mr. Brown and his brother . 单项挑选1. Can youhim to stop smoking. Sure.A tellB sayC talkD speak2.The little boyEng

11、lish very.A speaks; goodB speaks; well C says; wellD tells; well .用 good 或 well填空1. He is astudent; he isand studies.2. The food smellsand it sells. .使用适当的介词填空1. Running is gooda mans health.2. Parents arent always goodtheir children3. The lady is very goodher cat.4. If you are not gooddriving, youd

12、 better keep the car away. .使用所给词的适当形式填空1. The book is veryinterest.2. I need arelax holiday.3. Are youinterest in music.4. He doesnt feelrelax when he is at work.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结Unit 2What time do you go to school. . 一般现在时态特别疑问句的结构1. 结构: 特别疑问词be 主语?特别疑问词助动词 do/does 主语 实义动词?When/What time is

13、 the party. When do you go to school.What time does he go to work.常用的特别疑问词:/ 什么时候 , 谁, 谁的 , 如何 。2. 对画线部分提问:什么的方 ,可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结1They get dressed at_six. they get dressed. 2She takes a walk at_nine. shea walk.(3) He usually swims in_the_lake. he?(4) Jack goes to school on_foot. Jackto schoo

14、l.温馨提示: what time对详细某一时刻进行提问。when对笼统时间进行提问。 .英语时间表示法1. 使用数字 数 数。如:7: 20seven twenty ; 8: 55eight fiftyfive。2. 使用介词 past 或 to。当分钟数 30 分钟时,使用介词, “分钟数past 小时数”。如:9: 10ten minutes past nine; 10: 30half past ten;当分钟数 30 分钟时, 使用介词 ,“ 60分钟数 to 小时数 1 ”。 如:11: 40twenty minutes to twelve.温馨提示:(1) 特别时间段的表示法:30

15、 分钟可以使用代替。 15分钟可以使用代替。如:5: 30 half past five; 9: 45a quarter to ten。(2) 在某一时刻使用介词。(3) 提问时间使用:“What time is it?” 或“ Whats the time ?” .英语中的频度副词的用法可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结英语中常用的频度副词及含义: 从来没有 , 有时候 等,常用在行为动词前。如:I usually take a walk after dinner.晚饭后我常常漫步。He never goes to school late.他上学从不迟到。They someti

16、mes eat lunch at school.他们有时候在学校吃午饭。才能提升训练 .完形填空 总是。始终 ,通常 , 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结I1a school girl.My school is far2my home.I must3up very early every morning. I usually go to school by4.Every day it5me about half an hour to get there.I have no time6breakfast at home.I often have some bread7breakf

17、ast onmybike.Idontwantto 8lateforthemorningexercises.Ihave 9atschool.SometimesI playbasketballwithmy classmates afterschool.Ioftenget10at about 6 : 00.1.A.beB amC isD are2.A.atB toC inD from可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结3.A.getB getting C getsD to get4.A.a bikeB the bike C bikeD bikes5.A.getsB bringsC use

18、sD takes6.A.hasB haveC havingD to have7.A.toB forC likeD with8.A.beB /C goD come9.A.supperB the supper C breakfastD lunch10.A.to schoolB schoolC to homeD home .阅读懂得Hans says to his friend Kurt, “ Im going to drive to London. ”Kurt says, “ Driving to London is very hard.You arent going to find your h

19、otel.” But Hans is not afraid.He drives to Calais, puts his car on the ship, takes it off at Dover, and drives to London.He stops near the city and looks at his map. Then he drives into London, but he cant find his hotel. Hedrives round and round for an hour, and then he stops and gets out of his ca

20、r. A taxi comes,and Hans stops it.“ Take me to the Brussels Hotel,” he says. But he cant get into the taxi: he gets back into his car. The taxi man laughs, but then he drives to the Brussels Hotel, andHans follows him in his car. They reach the hotel in two minutes. 1.Hans goes to London by.A CarB s

21、eaC AirD both sea and land 2.Hans loses his way in.A Calais B LondonC DoverD Brussels 3.Hans can not find his hotel because.A he has a map B he has no mapC it is not easy to find the way D he is not good at driving易错点针对训练 .单项挑选1. Either you or sheon duty today, dont forget it. OK, I wont.A isB amC a

22、reD be2. My parents ask me to finish my homework after school. Its a good habit.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结A oneB firstC onesD once .用 first, one, ones或 once 填空1. He is thein the English test.2. Please have an apple. Thanks, I have.3. These apples are green, and the redare in the basket.4. He cleans hi

23、s cara week. .用所给词的适当形式填空1. Either she or Ibe busy this week.2. Neither you nor hebe at work now.3. Therebe two books and a pen on the desk.4. arrive at school on time, he gets up very early. .同义句转换He has a job in town.He has in town.Unit 3How do you get to school. . how 引导的一般现在时态的特别疑问句1. 特别疑问词how 提

24、问动作的。如: How do you go to school.“你如何上学了?” I ride my bike to school.“我骑自行车去上学。 ”2. 表达动作行为的方式,使用动词 take 乘坐 、ride 乘车 、walk 步行 、fly 乘飞机 等。使用介词 by 等。主语 take/ride/walk/fly to 的点主语go to 的点 by 交通工具。如:(1) He takes the plane to Beijing. He Beijing. He goes to Beijing by . 2She walks to school. She goes to sch

25、ool . . how far与 how long 的区分how far是提问两的之间的,how long用来提问 或某个事物的。如:It is five kilometers from my home to my school.距离 is it from your home to your school. The river is 1,000 kilometers long.距离 is the river.The meeting is 2 hours. 时间段 is the meeting. . hundred的两种用法1. hundreds of 名词复数,“数以百记的,成百上千的, ”表

26、示一种“ ”。2. 数字 hundred名词复数,“百” ,表示“”。如:There are hundreds of people on the island.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结岛屿上有成百上千的人。He has five hundred interesting books.他有五百本好玩的书籍。才能提升训练 .完形填空Some day little cars may take the place of todays cars. If everyone1such a little car in the future, there will be less poll

27、ution in the air and there will be more parking space in cities, and the streets will be2crowded.The space now for one car of the usual size can hold3one such little car.Thelittlecarswill4muchless toownandto drive.Drivingwillbe5, too,because these little cars can go only 50 kilometers an hour.The ca

28、rs of the futurewillbe fine forgoing6the city, but they willnot be useful for going far away. The little car needs only two batteries电池 one battery for the motor, and 7for the horn and the lights.If we still8the big cars along with the small ones, we will need to9two kinds of roads. Some roads will

29、be used10the big fast cars, and other roads will be needed for the small, slower ones.1.A.drivesB sitsC makesD sells2.A.moreB lessC muchD fewer3.A.at mostB no moreC less thanD more than4.A.payB SpendC costD have 5.A.fasterB harderC saferD more dangerous6.A.overB AroundC fromD past 7.A.anotherB OneC

30、the otherD others8.A.thinkB useC parkD love9.A.buildB putC findD open10.A.to .阅读懂得B asC forD inTrainFromToDepartureArrivalNo.TimeTime11BeijingShengyang6:3517:50186ChengduTaiyuan22:505:05185TaiyuanChengdu13:0919: 30271TianjinBeijing8:3510:21可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结1.The train from Beijing to Shenyang

31、 leaves at .A 5: 05B 6: 35C 8: 35D 17: 50 2.We have to spendon the train if wego to Shenyang from Beijing. A 17 hours and 50 minutesB. 24 hours and 25 minutesC. 6 hours and 35 minutesD. 11 hours and 15 minutes3.If you want to go to Chengdu from Taiyuan,you can take thetrain.A No.11B No.185C No.186D

32、No.2714.The No.186 train arrives in Taiyuan at.A 10: 50 a m.B 1: 50 p m. C 5: 05 a m.D 5: 05 p m.5.It takesfrom Tianjin to Beijing by train.A about 2 hoursB half an hourC about an hourD more than 2 hours易错点针对训练 . 单项挑选1.The island is the biggest oneislands.A among hundred of B among three hundred C b

33、etween hundreds ofD between three hundreds2.takes the old man a long time the door of his own.A It; to openB It; openingC That; to openD That; opens .用 among 或 between 填空1. In the word“ map ”, letter“ a” stands letter“ m” and letter“ p” .2. Look. There is a man standing the students.He is our teache

34、r. .依据汉语提示完成句子1. He has 两百本 storybooks at home.2. 成百上千的 people are relaxing on the square on hot summer nights. .同义句转换1. The girl is five years old.She is agirl.2. He spends half an hour watching TV every可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结night. him thirty minutes TV every night.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结 .祈使句Un

35、it 4Don t eat in class可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结定义:用于表达命令、恳求、劝说、警告、禁止等的句子叫 句。时态:使用时态。结构: 动词原形其他成分please.否定祈使句在动词原形前面加 。如:Be quiet in the classroom, please.在教室里请保持寂静。Dont fight.不要打架 .情态动词 have to和 must1. 情态动词 have to 和 must 都表示“”的意思。 have to表示从 可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结条件上来看必需做某事。must 表示说话人There is no b

36、us, you have to walk home. 没有公交车是客观条件没有公共汽车,你必需走回家。 必需要做某事。如:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结I must study English well.想学好英语是一种主观想法我必需要学好英语。2. have to 有、和的变化,而 must只有一种形式。如:He has to stay at home, its raining.他必需待在家中,下雨了。3. 在否定结构中 dont have to表示“”, 而 mustnt表示“”。如:You dont have to wait for him.你没必要等他。You mus

37、tnt play with fire. Its dangerous.你禁止玩火。那很危急。【练习吧】1. Can I go to the park, Mum. Certainly.But yoube back before six oclock.A. canB.mayC.mightD.must 2. Youstop when the traffic light turnsred.A.canB.have toC.needD.had e late to school tomorrow.A. DoB. DoesC. BeD. Dont . 完形填空Maryis an American 1. She

38、is now in Beijingwith 2parents.Marydoesntknow Chinese, but she is trying to study and 3it.ItsSunday morning.She goes out. She is going to the4to see the elephants and可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品名师归纳总结monkeys, but she doesnt know how to get5. She asks a6schoolboy. The boy cant understand her. Then she takes ou

39、t a pen and a piece of7. She8an elephant on it, and shows the9to the boy. The boy smiles and then he shows Mary the10to the zoo.1. A. schoolboyB. schoolgirlC. teacherD. worker2.A. hisB. sheC. himD. her 3.A. speak B. sayC. tellD. see 4.A. farmB. schoolC. zooD. factory 5.A. the parkB. thereC. the scho

40、olD. the farm6.A. EnglishB. AmericanC. AustralianD. Chinese7.A. paperB. bookC. pencilD. eraser 8.A. writesB. PutsC. drawsD. sees9.A. monkeyB. horseC. pictureD. dogs10.A. wayB. pictureC. elephantD. park易错点针对训练 .用 wear , put on或 dress 填空1. Hehis coat and goes out.2. She isa red skirt today.3. The litt

41、le child can himself now. .用 too many, too much或 much too填空1. There arepeople and traffic in the street. Its crowded.2. Watching TV is bad for our health. .用 too, also或 either填空1. He speaks English. He can speak Chinese.2. I like Mount Tai. He likes it, .3. She isnt late. I am not late, . .用适当的介词填空1. I am afraid you cant pass, because our boss is very strict the quality of it.2. All the workers cant go out at work. The boss are strict them. .同义句转换He often wears an old shirt. H


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