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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业英语演讲稿态度you practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didnt succeed.each time you ask yourself, what happened and why.what i might suggest is that did you have a wrong attitude?positive attitude helps us cope

2、 with the daily affairs of life more easily. it brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. if we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our life, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. with a positive attitude we

3、will see the bright side of life, bee optimistic and expect the best to happen. it is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.so next time, you will practice just as much, still want it just as much, will study just as hard.what will be different is that you will al

4、so put on a smile.a positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to succeed!第二篇:英语演讲稿态度英语演讲稿态度you practiced over and over again; you wanted it more than anyone; you studied the hardest, but in the end, you still didnt succeed. each time you ask yourself, what happened and why. what i

5、might suggest is that did you have a wrong attitude?positive attitude helps us cope with the daily affairs of life more easily. it brings optimism into our life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. if we adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into our lif

6、e, and makes us happier, brighter and more successful. with a positive attitude we will see the bright side of life, bee optimistic and expect the best to happen. it is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.so next time, you will practice just as much, still want

7、it just as much, will study just as hard. what will be different is that you will also put on a smile. a positive attitude might just be the one thing that you need to succeed!第三篇:英语演讲稿 态度篇(attitude matters)attitude mattersgood evening,ladies and gentlemen. its a great pleasure and honor to share my

8、 thoughts with all of you. today my topic is “its the attitude that matters.”attitude matters, two thumbs up for it. there are so many excellent contestants in todays speech contest. the chances of my standing out are very slim. if i attach great importance to the oute, then i would just go away and

9、 wouldnt like to make a fool of myself in front of crowds. but now, i stand on the stage and speak to all of you simply for the idea that attitude matters.do you still remember the college basketball finals last saturday night? our department and the department of public finance were peting for the

10、chionship. the exciting game was really a feast to our eyes. as is known to us, the basketball is the strengths of the public finance and both the boys and girls teams got the first place last year. although we all know it, we never gave up and just did our best to play in the game. if the oute matt

11、ers, its useless to work so hard. then why do we still hold on to it?as to the topic attitude, i want to introduce a great man to all of you, his name is nick vujicis. nick was born without limbs, which really made his parents disgusting at first. but fortunately, his parents didnt abandon him. on t

12、he contrary they expected him to live as normal as mon people. nick lived up to his parents expectation. he spared no efforts to change his life. apart from mastering brushing teeth, swimming, playing golf and some other basic skills, he also got the accounting and financial planning double bachelor

13、s degrees. from no limbs to no limits, he creates a lifepositive attitude is just like the lighthouse, which shows us the road to success, while negative attitude is like the drug, which takes you the road to perdition. whether rich or poor, whether you are somebody or nobody, please keep an active

14、attitude towards life. remember, its the attitude that counts.ok, its time to say goodbye. thank you for listening, my dear friends.attitude matters. it takes effect not only in our daily life but also in the business world. canon, the worlds leading optical pany, sendsthe sentence to those who are

15、interested in working for it. attitude decides everything, said deputy-director of the human resource department of canon in china. “第四篇:态度决定一切 英语演讲稿listening and speaking courseyour attitude determines how high you fly ladies and gentlemen: weve all heard the saying your attitude determines your al

16、titude. it means that it is our attitude, or the orientation of our minds, that determines just how high we can fly!an attitude is any strong belief or feeling towards people or a situation. we cant always choose the situation but we can choose our attitude and how we respond to each situation. grea

17、t leaders will choose the positive attitude. they are usually overheard saying:that sounds great. lets do it. we can. and so on. they look at what is right about a situation rather than finding what is wrong or who is at fault. they look for a solution rather than plain about the problem. they are a

18、s enthusiastic about new challenges as they are about the routine. we all know that helens positive attitude changes the disaster into a pair of wings which de(请继续关注:)termines how high she flies.ladies and gentlemen, its never too late to be the person you want to be. life is like a tv with many cha

19、nnels. all you have to do is hold the remote control firmly in your own hand and youll get the best shows. dont let your empty wallet stop you from taking the trip of a lifetime. just remember: with the right attitude, the best things in life can e pretty cheap. choose to be positive, and you will b

20、e successful.thank you for your listening.第五篇:态度决定一切演讲稿在我们漫长的人生旅途中,态度永远决定一切,所以无论自已处于多么严酷的境界之中,心头都不应为悲观的思想所萦绕!为了追寻自己的理想,我们要飞翔,去接受风雨的洗礼;为了实现人生的夙愿,我们要飞翔,去迎接春风和朝阳.虽然我们并不坚强的翅膀也许会受伤,但我们一定要飞向远方。积极乐观的态度将是我们成功的秘诀。 对已经失去了的,就让它失去吧!与其惋惜,不如积极奋进,让自己在别的方面得到有意义的补偿。 人生的旅途不可能只有鲜花和欢笑,征途中肯定会荆棘,有陡崖,有陷阱,有挫折,面对困难,挫折,面对失败,

21、逆境,不同的人会采取不同的态度,也就拥有不一样的人生,总而言之态度决定一切 面对生活中的”拦路虎”,弱者只会采取消极的态度,只会痛哭流涕,止步不前,埋怨他人之不是,慨叹生命之不公,因而也永远成为生活中的失败者. 三国时期的周瑜自恃才高,眼中没有对手,却步步让诸葛亮占有先机。而周瑜年长于诸葛亮,所以在临终前,发出这样的感叹“既生瑜、何生亮”。 在我们身边,也有同样的事例,例如一些同学由于一次重大的考试失败了,就采取了消极的态度,产生了自卑的心理,而不能自拔.这都是因为他们采取的消极态度决定的。 然而对于强者,则会采取积极乐观的态度,坦然面对一切,珍惜生命中每一个可能成功的机会,把挫折当作通向成功


23、的装饰,这是白血病患者进行化闻和骨髓移植手术,留下的痕迹,这样的伤疤,有人说论甚至喘气时都会颤动,今年27岁的范德韦德颇具游泳天赋,然而20岁的那一年,他被查出患有白血病,病魔夺去了的不仅是他的运动生涯,还可能是他的生命,幸运的是在与病魔的斗争中范德韦德取得最终的胜利,在成功接受了骨髓干细胞移植手术后,他重新回到了赛场上xx年他在北京写下了运动生涯中最壮烈的一笔,金镶玉是对他这橛一个永不言弃的英雄最好的奖赏.由此可见,态度决定一个是否成功,积极乐观的态度将有助于我们通向成功的彼岸 在我们漫长的人生旅途中,态度永远决定一切,所以无论自已处于多么严酷的境界之中,心头都不应为悲观的思想所萦绕!为了追

24、寻自己的理想,我们要飞翔,去接受风雨的洗礼;为了实现人生的夙愿,我们要飞翔,去迎接春风和朝阳. 虽然我们并不坚强的翅膀也许会受伤,但我们一定要飞向远方。积极乐观的态度将是我们成功的秘诀。英语演讲稿我的中国梦我的中国梦演英语讲稿our new president xi jinping came up with the dream of the chinese nations rejuvenation on december 29, XX. he said: the chinese dream is a dream of national strength prosperity and peopl

25、es happiness. our people have an ardent love for life. they wish to have better education, more stable jobs, more ine, greater social security , better medical and health care, improved housing conditions and better environment,they want their children to grow well, have ideal jobs and lead a more e

26、njoyable life. to meet their desire for a happy life is our mission.XX年12月29日,习近平主席提出中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。他说:中国梦就是实现国家繁荣富强和人民幸福安康。我们的人民热爱生活,期盼有更好的教育、更稳定的工作、更满意的收入、更可靠的社会保障、更高水平的医疗卫生服务、更舒适的居住条件、更优美的环境,期盼孩子们能成长得更好、工作得更好、生活得更好。人民对美好生活的向往,就是我们的奋斗目标。he also expounded his views of realizing our great dream. he sa

27、id: to realize the dream, china must take the road of socialism with chinese characteristics. the country must also foster the chinese spirit,in which patriotism and the spirit of reform and innovation play a core role, and unite 1.3 billion people of all ethnicities into a great source of strength.

28、他也表达了关于实现我们伟大的中国梦一些想法。他说:“实现中国梦,我们必须结合国情坚持走社会主义道路,国家也要培养在爱国主义和改革开放的精神中起到重要作用的中国精神,并团结13亿各族人民为力量的源泉”。i always ask myself what can i do for our great chinese dream ? as we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthier the youths are ,the wealthier the nation will b

29、e;the stronger the youths are ,the stronger the nation will be. here the wealthy means: enriching our knowledge reserve. as a new generation of science, every one here shouldering the great historical mission of making china powerful and strong. you may say that this may exaggerate our role, but i w

30、ant to say you are wrong. if i am a little screw our great dream may be a multifunction and plex machine. through this exle i just want to say i am very tiny but i am indispensable .我时常问我自己,我可以为我们伟大的中国梦做些什么?众所周知:少年智则国智,少年富则国富,少年强则国强!在这里“富裕”一词应理解为:丰富我们的知识储备。作为新一代的理科生,在座的每位同学都肩负着实现中国繁荣富强的使命。你可能会说这也许夸大

31、了我们的作用,但是我想三说,你错了。如果我是一颗小小的螺丝钉,那我们的中国梦就是一个复杂而又多功能的机器。通过这个例子我想说:我个人虽然渺小,但是我也是必不可少的。president xi also said: we must make persistent efforts, press ahead with indomitable will, continue to push forward the great cause of socialism with chinese characteristics, and strive to achieve the chinese dream of

32、 great rejuvenation of the chinese nation.we are closer than in any other time of history to the goal of rejuvenating the chinese nation. we are more confident and capable of achieving this goal than in any other period of history, “.”习主席还说,“我们必须再接再厉、一往无前,继续把中国特色社会主义事业推向前进,继续为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而努力奋斗。我们比

33、历史上任何时期都更接近中华民族伟大复兴的目标,比历史上任何时期都更有信心、有能力实现这个目标。”i believe that as long as all of our university students unite together and perform our own functions that study hard in school and work hard after we graduating from university . we must be able to achieve our great dream meanwhile enrich ourselves un

34、wittingly! lets us unite together to realize chinese nations great rejuvenation to struggle!我相信只要我们每个大学生团结起来并且做好我们的本职工作,在学校好好学习知识,毕业后步入社会后努力工作。我们一定能够实现我们的中国梦,在此期间我们也会不知不觉地丰富了我们自己。让我们携起手团结一致共同为实现中华民族的伟大复兴而奋斗!第二篇:我的中国梦英语演讲稿:my chinese dream我的中国梦英语演讲稿:my chinese dreammy chinese dreamfrom “made in china

35、” to “designed by china”dream, with each one of us.dream is beautiful, it is the bottom of my heart the most beautiful expectations, so the dream also bee our long-held beliefs. and my dream is to let my country bee strong.我们每一个人都有梦想,我的中国梦英语演讲稿:my chinese dream。梦想是美丽的,它是发自内心的期望,所以最美丽的梦想也成为我们长久以来的信仰。

36、而我的梦想是,让我的祖国变得强大。the various kinds of products in delicate chinese stores, inns and shops inevitably have the sign of “made in china”。 even if some people do not speak english, after viewing plenty of those goods, are capable of identifying this high-frequency phrase.漫步中国街头,在那些小而精致的店中琳琅满目的商品上,总是印着或刻

37、着“中国制造”。即使是不会英语的人,看多了这些小商品后,也认识了这个出现率很高的句子“中国制造”。when mr. xu mentioned “made in china” during social science class when explaining concepts, he solely referred to this phrase and wished it could bee “designed by china” in the future in a regretful voice. however, when i heard his s, my heart thumped

38、. it is indeed true that at present, most of the miscellaneous goods are made in china instead of designed by china. for instance, some of my pens have the label of “designed by korea made in china” .上回的社会课上,徐老师在讲到“乌鲁木齐”时,讲到了洽谈会,也讲到了“中国制造”。当初,徐老师只是略带遗憾地说:“真是希望以后能从中国制造变成中国创造啊。”我的心里“咯噔”一下:的确,现在市场上,很多小

39、商品都是中国制造的,但显然,制作那些商品所来自的创意,有些并非来自中国。在我的一些笔上写着:“design by korea made in china.i still remember the indignation from my heart last time when i saw the news that a number of multinational panies made use of the low standard of “made in china” to produce illegitimate products. from that on, i have a dre

40、am. i have a dream that one day those pitiable “made in china” labels can transfer into “designed by china” or even “china patent technology”。 though i am neither a professional engineer, nor a sophisticated designer, i am only a student who has no specialized knowledge about invention. nevertheless

41、, i always have the dream that there will be less “made in china” and more “designed by china”。 我还记得上回在网上,有些外国的企业让中国制造一些非法的产品完美的利用了”中国制造”。于是,我的心中,便有了一个梦想:将“可怜巴巴”的“中国制造”,变成“中国创造”甚至“创意来自中国”。但我不是一个工程师,不是一个设计师,我只是个学生,演讲稿我的中国梦英语演讲稿:my chinese dream。我甚至对发明一窍不通。但我的心中有一个恒久的梦想,让那些商品上,少出现“中国制造”,多出现“中国创造”。with

42、out actions, determinate can only be remote dreams generated from my mind. i said to myself silently, only when i take actions can the dreams bee closer to facts. for instance, i should be more focused when having science class, should take some inventive extracurricular activities, should know more

43、 about lifetime stories of renowned inventors should be an active observer, should suggest others to act. through these ways, the dreams are more likely to bee less remote and the pitiful “made in china” are more likely to diminish. 但没有实际行动的梦想,只能是个梦,只能是我脑中空洞的想法。我在心中默默对自己说:“不能将梦想付诸行动,不是明智的选择。要在日常的课程中

44、特别是科学专心听讲。在课外,要多学一些小制作,多了解一些发明家的故事,善于在生活中找到灵感,并呼吁身边的人也行动起来。或许这样,能离梦想更进一步;能让那些缩在角落中的“中国制造”稍少一些。unconsciously, i think of the abstract “patriotism”。 some “patriots” resist the consumption of japanese products. some “patriots” damage japan manufactured cars. some “patriots” make humiliating gifs about

45、japan. some “patriots” attack countries that do not admit the chinas sovereignty of diaoyu island. the exles are endless. at their points of view, these are demonstrations of patriotism. nonetheless, these actions may be too impulsive. probably, it is a better way that we can earn respect from forei

46、gn nations via making china a more powerful country in terms of economics politics. 不觉想到了“爱国”这个很抽象的词。有人坚决不买那个岛国的东西,有人拒绝日本的一些物品,有人砸日本生产的车,有人用电脑制造出一些侮辱日本的gif图片,有人就“钓鱼岛”事件对一些不认为钓鱼岛是中国的国家进行抨击,有人或许,这样的方式,在他们眼中,是爱国的行为,但这样,未免太冲动了一些呢?或许,我们可以试着让中国变得强大,从而使其他国家肃然起敬呢?或许,这样,是表达我们对自己国家的热爱的最好方式?i do not know. but

47、in my heart, i have a firm belief that other countries can respect china genuinely from the change of “made in china” to “designed by china”。 我不知道,也无从知道。但我的心中,有坚定的信念,让其他国家,真正的对中国肃然起敬,让缩在一隅的“中国制造”,变成光明正大的“中国创造”!finally,i want to say: we are the hope of our motherland, we should inherit the tradition

48、of excellence, strive to advanced country contributes own strength. here, i have a kind of inarticulate touched and proud.i for the construction of the chinese people feel proud, proud of themselves as part of this great country!最后,我想说:我们是祖国的希望,我们应该继承的优良传统,努力为先进的祖国贡献自己的力量。在这里,我有一种说不出的感动和自豪。我为建设中国的人感

49、到骄傲,为自己是这个伟大国家的一部分而骄傲!813班肖卓韪 我的中国梦英语演讲稿:mychinesedream第三篇:“我的中国梦”英语演讲稿+中文翻译good afternooneveryone , first of all ,thank you for your listening , i am glad to stand here and impress my thought of chinese dream and my dream .now chinese dream has became a hot topic among chinese people . he said: the chinese dream is a dream ofnationalstrengthprosperityand peoples happiness. our people have an ardent love


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