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《2020托福听力细节题解题技巧.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020托福听力细节题解题技巧.doc(17页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2020托福听力细节题解题技巧托福听力细节题让很多考生都感到很崩溃,托福听力材料尤其是lecture篇幅很长,想要在5-6分钟的听力中把握细节比较困难。今天小编给大家带来了托福听力细节题解题技巧,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来。托福听力细节题解题技巧一. 托福听力细节题通常是怎么提问的?托福听力细节题的提问方式通常有三种,分别是:What point does the professor make when he mentions X.X.X?According to the professor, what have the researchers agreed on?What does the

2、professor say about X.X.X?二.托福听力细节题有哪些解题技巧?(实例解析)细节题的出题点比较固定,只要你能听出提示词,抓住相关的大部分内容,那么细节题还是很容易得分的。细节题的出题点大概分为如下几个方面:1.对听力中的example提问对话或者讲座中的举例一般都是细节题喜欢考察的点。它的提示词要么是for example, for instance, like, in this case这类的连接词,要么是具体的事例的名词。实例解析:What example does the professor give of a memes longevity?l A story h

3、as been changing since it first appeared in the 1930sl A person remembers a story for many yearsl A gene is passed on through many generations without changingl A song quickly becomes popular all over the world这道题是官方真题Official5的第二个讲座的题目。教授的这段话是这样的:First, longevity. A replicator must exist long enoug

4、h to be able to get copied, and transfer its information. Clearly, the longer a replicator survives, the better its chances of getting its message copied and passed on. So longevity is a key characteristic of a replicator. If you take the alligator story, it can exist for a long time in individual m

5、emory, lets say, my memory. I can tell you the story now or ten years from now, the same with the twinkle, twinkle song. So these memes have longevity because they are memorable for one reason or another.这段话的前半部分介绍的是理论,然后通过这个鳄鱼的故事来解释这个理论。所以这道题的答案也是显而易见的B选项。2.对听力材料中的提到的定义或者解释类的内容提问在听力中经常会出现一些专有名词,有些专

6、有名词一带而过,有些专有名词会在后面给出解释,如果我们听到带有解释的专有名词,就需要提起注意,因为它可能是一个考点。它的提示词有:it refers to,that is,that means,This is to say,in other words,in another words等。实例解析:What started the runway effect that led to the Sahara area of north Africa becoming a desertl the prevailing winds became strongerl the seasonal rains

7、 moved to a different areal the vegetation started to die off in large areasl the soil lost its ability to retain rainwater教授是这样说的:What the Sahara experienced was uma sort of“runaway drying effect”. As I said the monsoon migrated itself, so there was less rain in the Sahara. The land started to get

8、drier, which in turn caused huge decrease in the amount of vegetation, because vegetation doesnt grow as well in dry soil, right? And then, less vegetation means the soil cant hold water as well, the soil loses its ability to retain water when it does rain. So then you have less moisture to help clo

9、uds form, nothing to evaporate for cloud formation. And then the cycle continues, less rain, drier soil, less vegetation, fewer clouds, less rain etc. etc.教授说完“runaway drying effect”之后,并没有转移话题,而是接着介绍了这个effect的过程到底是什么样的。如果我们能听到“runaway drying effect”之后的解释,那么这道题也可以迎刃而解。3.针对听力材料中的原因进行提问在听力中,因为考虑到学生的能力,

10、所以句子跟句子之间的逻辑关系没有阅读中那么复杂。因果关系是其中最好表述的一种,所以在听力中也是很常见的。它也是考点之一。前因后果:therefore,consequently,as a consequence,result in,lead to。前果后因:result from,originate from,arise out of。实例解析:According to the professor, what led scientists to characterize the Nightcap Oak as primitivel it has no evolutionary connectio

11、n to other trees growing in Australia todayl it has an inefficient reproductive systeml its flower are located at the bases of the leavesl it is similar to some ancient fossils教授说:Now another interesting thing about the Nightcap Oak is that it represents a very old type kind of tree that grew a hund

12、red million years ago. Um, we found fossils that old that bear remarkable resemblance to the tree. So, its a primitive tree. A living fossil you might say.我们可以看出,fossils that old that bear remarkable resemblance to the tree its a primitive tree。本题给出结果,对原因题型提问。所以D选项正确。4.针对听力材料中的结尾细节进行提问通常我们在对话或者讲座的结尾

13、都会走神,因为听力持续的时间太长,导致我们在听力快要结束的时候,松一口气的同时,注意力也不能集中在听力上了。但是往往结尾也是考点之一。实例解析:What is one way the professor mention that can help with art restoration?l By re-creating the pigments and binding agents used by artists of earlier erasl By removing pigments and binding agents that dissolve paintings over time

14、l By creating protective coatings of paint that do not damage original paintingsl By developing ways to safely remove paint added by previous restorers教授的最后一句话就是答案:Then if we want to undo some bad restoration attempts, we can determine what kind of process we can use to remove them to dissolve the p

15、aint and uncover the original.正确选项是D。在对话中,结尾的位置经常是教授提出建议的位置,或者是教授提出要求的位置。这样就更需要注意他们的内容,因为很大可能会出考题。所以在平时做题的时候,我们要努力克制,一定要听到最后。5.针对数字,地点,人物进行提问在听力中会有一些数字,地点,人物之类的内容。这些数字,地点,人物本身不重要,重要的是他们之后跟着的内容。所以在听到这些内容的时候,一定要了解他们之后的内容的含义。实例解析:According to the professor, what were two ways that the situation of wome

16、n artists had changed by then end of the nineteenth century in Paris? (Click on 2 answers.)l Women and men took art classes togetherl Women artists played a greater role in the Salon exhibitionsl More schools were established by women artistsl Fewer women artists were traveling to Paris教授说:Before th

17、e late 19 century, if the women who want to become an artist have to take private lessons or learn from family members. They have more limited options than men did. But around 1870s, some artists in Paris began to offer classes for female students. These classes were for women only. And by the end o

18、f the 19 century, it became much more common for woman and man to study together in the same classes.By the last two decades of 19 century, one fifth of the paintings in the salon were by woman, much higher than in the past.答案就很显而易见,是AB选项。6.针对对比,类比或者相似的内容进行提问在讲座中尤其喜欢拿两样事物对比或者类比着说,如果出现这种情况,就需要注意两个事物的

19、各自的特征或者相同的特征,因为这里很可能是考点。实例解析:What does the professor compare to a housefly laying many eggs?l A child learning many different ideas from her parentsl Alligators reproducing in New York sewersl Different people remembering different versions of a storyl A person singing the“Twinkle, twinkle”song many

20、 times教授说:Next, fecundity. Fecundity is the ability to reproduce in large numbers. For example, the common housefly reproduces by laying several thousand eggs, so each fly gene gets copied thousands of times. Memes, well, they can be reproduced in large numbers as well. How many times have you sung

21、thetwinkle, twinkle songto someone? Each time you replicated the song, and maybe passed it along to someone who did not know it yet, a small child maybe.教授用housefly的例子来说明基因的传递,然后作类比,说明通过给别人唱“小星星”这首歌,文化基因是如何传递的。所以D选项就是我们的正确答案。三.托福听力细节题的选项有哪些特征?细节题一定是原文出现过的内容,他们可能是同义改写,也可能是用原文中的词汇概述答案。所以对于原文中没有出现过的内容,


23、容,所以在做题过程中也需要注意。托福听力:5步提高速度法第一步:盲听。托福听力不看材料听,了解大概讲的内容就行。同时还把听力的Gist题给练了。第二步:再听。这一遍要照着材料听。新托福听力精听每一个发音和那种洋腔洋调。尤其要注意刚才在遍的时候你没有听清楚的部分,是生词的缘故,还是发音的缘故。 如果是生词,你不用着急,查一下字典,把音标标注一下就好,用金山词霸,那里有发音,尽管个别会有不准的(这个你可以根据音标自己判定),但绝大多数都是准的,而且也还是美式发音。一定要读几遍,声音熟悉就很容易记住单词了。如果是发音的缘故,诊断一下是连音,省音,还是弱读,缩读,同化等现象。这一步你可以多听几遍新托福

24、听力,熟悉句子的连续声音输入的过程。你可以整段泛听,也可以单句精听。根据你当时的感受来。第三步:听后跟读。前两步听熟了,做了很好的铺垫以后,这一步才开始跟读。起初,建议单句跟读,模仿发音。增加托福听力训练,在听下一句的时候要复习前一句里出现的音素,同一音素在不同单词中的发音给你的感觉是不同的,认真体会。这就是外语的差异。同时还要学习新出现的音素,总之无数的材料都是由那48个音素堆积而成的声音集合。 另外,在读的过程中,标注一下重音(具体到每个音节的词重音),语调 (升调,降调和降升调,就是拐弯的调子) 和停顿(不只是标点符号后的停顿,主要是句子内部的意群停顿)。如果你觉得这个复杂,那么就听N遍


26、听写、背单词、学语法提升基础听音能力2、做跟读模仿提升信息处理速度3、做连续听音练习提升听音耐力或做抗干扰练习,比如做听力时,同时播放英文电视广播等二、选项中的单词不认识选项中的单词不认识直接导致选项无法正常翻译理解。例:Why does the professor discuss refugia? Click on 2 answersA. To explain that the location of coralwithin a reef affects the coral s ability to surviveB. To point out why some coral species

27、aremore susceptible to bleaching than othersC. To suggest that bleaching is not asdetrimental to coral health as first thoughtD. To illustrate the importance of studyingcoral that has a low vulnerability of bleaching这道题B选项中的susceptible,C选项中的detrimental,D选项中的vulnerability很多同学不认识,不知其意,所以在选择答案时出现困难。解决方

28、法:课后通过单词书大量积累词汇,做题时在文章中和选项中积累生词,形成自己的生词本。三、选项翻译错误由于对句子成分辨识不清,导致翻译出错。例:What point do the speakersmake about the background of The Dreamer?A. It is a good example ofBeaux s unusual style of brushstroke.B. It resembles the backgrounds ofother Beaux portraits.C. Its lack of clarity emphasizesthe theme o

29、f the painting.D. It is meant to suggest thatthe woman is in a dark room.这道题的正确答案为C,正确翻译是:缺少清晰度的背景强调了这幅画的主题很多同学把这句话中的lack看成了谓语动词,翻译成:背景没有清晰的强调这幅画的主题,和正确的翻译截然相反,导致选错。解决方法:仔细研究语法,确定好词性和句子成分。四、形近词看错由于把选项中的形近词看混,或者把某个词看成另外一个形近词,导致理解错误。例:What is the lecture mainly about?A. The environmental effects of he

30、ap roastingB. The reforestation efforts in the Copper BasinC. The process of mining and producing copperD. Damages caused during an attempt to clean up industrial waste有部分同学把AB选项中的effect和effort看混,或者把B选项中的reforestation看成deforestation,导致理解的意思截然不同,所以选错。解决方法:睁大双眼,仔细审题审选项,二次检查。五、没有关注单词复数在内容主旨题中,做主语的名词的单复

31、数有截然不同的意义,如果是复数名词则意味着这篇讲座必须讲解多个事物或者从多角度多方面讲解某个事物,如果此篇讲座只讲解了单一事物或一个方面,则复数选项为错,很多同学没有仔细关注单复数的变化,导致选错。例:What are the speakers mainly discussing?A. An architect from the United States and a house design she createdB. The disadvantage of houses based on a square designC. Difficulties faced by residential

32、 architects in the nineteenth centuryD. Women who had a major influence on architecture in the United States这道题的正确答案为A,很多同学选D,D选项的主语是women,而这篇讲座只讲了一个女建筑师的事情,所以排除D。解决方法:睁大双眼,仔细辨识单复数结合原文综合思考。六、由于某个关键词而选择该答案托福听力陷阱选项中有一种迷惑型极强的选项,里面包含了原文中的某些关键词,但是整句话做了细节篡改导致似是而非,部分同学由于只看到关键词而没有仔细翻译整个选项的意思就做出选择导致选错。例:What

33、 characteristic of notothenioids helpsthem survive in subfreezing temperatures?A. They maintain an unusually high bodytemperature.B. A special tissue in their eyes enablesthem to see through ice.C. Special proteins make their bloodcirculate too fast to freeze.D. Ice crystals in their bodies are prev

34、entedfrom growing large enough to harm them.这道题原文中的表述是notothenioids这种南极鱼由于体内有某种蛋白质导致它们能在零度以下的水温里生存,很多同学看到C选项中的proteins直接选择了改答案,但是整句话中对proteins的解释和原文是不符的,是典型的细节迷惑型选项,正确答案为D,对proteins的正确解释。解决方法:了解这种细节迷惑型选项的普遍存在性,注意解题时思考避让。七、对题型的解题思路不熟由于对题型的解题思路理解不透彻,不遵守,主观排除正确答案。例:Whathad the man assumed about human i

35、mpact on the environment?A. Thathuman impact on the environment is difficult to measureB. Thathumans have only recently had an impact on the environmentC. Thathuman impact on the environment is always harmfulD. Thathuman impact on the environment cannot be avoided这道题正确答案是C,很多同学认为C选项的描述过于或者不符合事实所以直接主

36、观排除,但是这道题的题干是一道转述型细节题,即问的是文中的男生过去认为人类对环境的影响是什么情况?C选项确实是原文中男生的想法。解决方法:仔细研究听力部分的8种题型,遵守相应的解题原则。八、选错位型选项错位型选项是普遍存在的一种错误选项类型,托福听力出题规律是每一段有一道题,如果某一道题的选项里包含了其他段落的表述,则此类选项叫做错位型选项,应予以排除。很多同学做每一道题都用全文的信息去找答案,这种思路是万万不可的。例:What does the professor say about the function of the papillae?A. They produce dye in di

37、fferent colorsB. They propel the octopus through the waterC. They change the texture of the octopus skinD. They help the octopus contract into a smaller shape这道题题干中的papillae是和原文中的texture相关的表述,所以直接对应C答案,A答案对于color的阐述以及C答案对于shape的描写都是其他段落内容,属于错位型选项。解决方法:了解错位型选项的普遍存在性,做题时按层次思考找答案。九、没有综合应用解题方法在信息漏听时,有一些

38、推荐的某种程度上可以弥补的答题小技巧,时而可以提升答题正确率,部分同学对这些方法掌握不熟练忘记应用导致可以选对的题目后还是选错了。例:What is the professor s opinion about coraltransplantation?A. It is cost-effectiveB. It is long-term solutionC. It is producing encouraging resultsD. It does not solve the underlying problems这道题在听音信息缺失的情况下,可以应用三正一反原则选择D答案,即ABC都是积极肯定的

39、描述,只有D是消极否定的,所以优先考虑D答案。解决方法:在信息漏听时,综合应用老师讲过的方法答题,但注意不要用这种方法纯粹的投机取巧,在平时练习听力时,还是以提升自身实力为主。托福听力相关文章: 2020托福听力5大出题规律是什么 英语文摘 大学英语学习计划书 短期内提升托福听说读写的方法 北京高考英语听力将一年两考 教育部正审批方案 托福听力常见题型解题思路讲解之主旨题和细节题 托福听力7大类关键信号词全面讲解 托福听力备考阶段高效提升必做4件事 改善托福听力表现和得分要从这5个方面入手 托福听力做笔记2个实用小技巧分享托福听力评分标准解析 托福听力考试是托福考试的四大板块之一,它所占分值也与其他版块一致。托福听力考题一 托福听力ETS官方评分标准解读 托福考试的题目大多都是一题一分,然而听力部分虽然满分为30分却有34道题,因此常有考 托福听力经典加试还会出现吗 托福考试中,出现加试的概率非常大,只有一部分考生考试中不会遇到加试。那么,托福听 2020托福听力5大出题规律 得听力者得托福!那不得听力者得什么?那就只能不断给ETS官网充钱了!托福考试是一门学术 第 17 页 共 17 页


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