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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上代词: 人称代词1. Fancy is a pleasant girl with a cheerful face. She is a good friend of _.(I)2. Im talking to you, Jack. Please listen to carefully. (I)3. As soon as you come back from the airport, please give a ring. (I)4. It is no doubt that Liu Xiang is _ favourite star. (we)5. Help _ to s

2、ome fruit, everyone. (you)6.Look! There is a magazine on the teachers desk. Is it _? (you)7.This is not Kittys dictionary._ has an orange cover. (she)8. The poor girl has to depend on依赖 for living because her parents are both ill in bed. (she)9.Simon could look after _ when he was five. Really? How

3、independent he was! (he)10 .Tom. Mary cant open the box. can you give _ a helping hand? (she)11. Peter was sitting in the sofa, talking with _ friends. (he)12.Mike lost_new mobile phone on his way home yesterday. (he)13. Marie Curie and her husband had a lab of own, and there they discovered Radium(

4、镭).(they)14.The twins did part-time jobs every day in order to get enough money for _ trip to Paris. (they)复合不定代词:.something, anything, nothing, everything; someone/somebody, anyone/anybody, no one/nobody, everyone/everybody1.I felt so hungry at midnight, but I couldnt find _ to eat in my flat.A) ev

5、erythingB) somethingC) anythingD) nothing2.May I have your attention, please? I have important to tell you.A) something B) nothing C) anything D) everything3. You neednt tell me about this. _ sent me a message about it three days ago. A) No one B) Anyone C) Someone D) Everyone4. can stop the young m

6、ean from going to Guangzhou to watch the basketball match.A) Something B) Nothing.C) Anything D) Everything5. may have a chance to be successful if he tries his best.A) No oneB) EverybodyC) NobodyD) None6. -Have you brought _ with you? We wont have time to come back. -Dont worry. All the things we n

7、eed are here, in this big bag.A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything7. Who is the man talking to your father? I know _ about him. A) everythingB) nothing C) anythingD) something不定代词1:A. either B. neither C. all D. both1. Which place do you prefer to live in, a city or a countryside? I don

8、t care. _ is fine.2. Trees on sides of the street are decorated beautifully to welcome the great event.3. Tourists can enjoy wonderful views on _ side of the Huangpu River.4._ of the two teachers is pleased with the work. So lets try again. 5. The twins were very tired, but _ of them stopped for a r

9、est.6. -Would you like to see a film called “Let the Bullets Fly” or go shopping this weekend?- . I prefer to surf the Internet at home.不定代词2:A) other B) the otherC) others D) the others E) another1. Im too sleepy to go on reading, Id better have _ cup of coffee.2. I dont like this kind of cellphone

10、. Will you show me ?3.I dont quite understand what you said. Would you please give us _example?4. I still feel hungry after eating two rice dumplings. Could you please give me one?5. Some gave money to the people in the earthquake areas and _ offered clothes and food.6. Some people think that the gr

11、ass is greener on _ side of the hill.7. Would you like this TV set or that one? Im not sure. This one has better sound, but the picture is better on _.8. The Junior Three students had sports in the playground this morning. Some played basketball, _practiced running. 9. Excuse me, sir. I bought the s

12、hoes yesterday, but they are in different sizes. One is size 37, _is size 38.10、Why not try some activities if you are tired of running ?不定代词3: A. fewB. a fewC. little D. a little 1.Xiao Chen has read _ science books, but Im sorry to say he has learnt _ from them.2. Shall we leave now?Dont hurry. We

13、 still have time left.3.I need _ bananas to make fruit salad. Could you please buy some?4.There are_English magazines in my school bag.I can lend you one or two.5. If you save money every day, youll be able to buy a mobile in a year.6. There is still _ milk in the bottle. We can buy it tomorrow.7.Th

14、ere is _ snow in Shenzhen in winter, is there? 不定代词4:it, that, those, many, much, one1._ is necessary to telephone the police if there is an accient. A.That B.This C.It 2. I dont like the weather in February this year because there were _ rainy days.A muchB fewC manyD little3.The play was not intere

15、sting, so there were _ empty seats in the theatre.A) a littleB) a lotC) manyD) much4.There has been _ news about the Nuclear Security Summit(核安全峰会) recently.A.a few B. many C. much D. several5. of the money will go to the Red Cross to help those who need help.A) Many B)Much C) A little D)A few6. The

16、 library of our school is much bigger than _ of yours. A) one B) this C) that D) those7. Miss Fangs never been to Hainan Island for holiday. Mr. Lin.A) Neither is B) Neither has C) So is D) So has8.The picture and sound are far better on a digital Tv set than on an ordinary_. A. it B.one C.another D

17、.名词1.Mark isnt feeling well now as she had too much _ just now. A. potato B. noodle C. bread /pork D. biscuit2.Here is some on the best cities for your studying abroad.A) informationB) ideaC) tipD) question3.Children in the UK call Childline儿童热线 for help with many different .A) advice B) trouble C)

18、information D) problems4.People in England prefer to buy many in the supermarket at weekends.A) bread B) meat C) rice D) potatoes5.At the foot of the hill, you can hear nothing but the _ of the running water流水声.A. speechB. talkC. voiceD. soundsound泛指任何声音,不论其高低、是否悦耳等。Eg: Light travels faster than sou

19、nd. 光比声音传播得快。 noise表示“噪音、喧闹”,指的是人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声。可数名词/不可数名词。voice用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音。如:speak in a loud/low/sweet voice6.Mike hurt one of his _ in an accident yesterday. Shall we go and see him after school?A) arm B) feet C) hand D) leg7.According to a recent survey, more and more _ prefer to shop on line

20、. A. person B. people C. man D. Woman8. -Would you like some_? -OH, yes, just a littleA. milk B. apple C. pears D. oranges冠词 A. a B. an C. the D./1. e-mail ; _ international school ; There is h/ “m”/”n”;_old man; _ artist ; _honest boy; perform _ operation;_hour and _half;_11 -year-old girl; _ exhib

21、ition; _unusual day; _unluncky number; _ umbrella ; _university ; _ useful way; _ European country.2. play basketball / chess / golf and play _piano / violion / gitar ;3. _ lady in blue; 4.lay _ table before dinner; make bed by himself. be ill in _ hospital; have _ walk after_ dinner; go to _town /

22、school /college / university; by_bike / bus / train/ phone /e-mail5.in December, 1941; on _ third Sunday in June.6._poor/rich/young/old7.Lets go for swim; for _ while; has _ history of more than thirteen centuries;8. Its common knowledge that light travels faster than sound.9.Little Tom goes to_scho

23、ol early every day.He studies hard at school.10.At least 89 people were killed when _ fire took place in a hospital in the eastern Indian city of Calcutta. 11.The soldier ran down the stairs, two at time.12.We are planning_ one-day trip to Century Park during the winter holidays. _trip must be full

24、of fun, 情态动词1.She _ look after her children a bit better. A.oughts to B.ought to C.oughts D.ought2.My cousin _ programme computer when he was only fifteen. A.is able to B.can C.was able to D.will be able to3.Must I wash these plates? No, you . The machine can do it.A) mustnt B) cant C) may not D) ne

25、ednt4. Must I finish my homework before I go to play basketball ? Yes, you . A) neednt B) cant C)must D)may5. Only you _ do such a thing, Im sure, and nobody else has such an ability. A) must B) should C) may D) can 6. -Mum, will you buy me the new iPad after the High School Entrance Examination? -

26、Im afraid I_, dear. We are short of money now.A) cantB) mustntC) shouldnt D) neednt7.It _ be fantastic if more students join in the charity show tomorrow.A mustB need C canD may8.You tell him the good news because he has already known it.A) neednt B) may not C) mustnt D) cant9. Every citizen市民 _ try

27、 his best to protect our environment. Its our duty责任. A) need B) must C) can D) may10.Plants and flowers _ water and sun when they start growing.A. need toB. dont needC. needntD. need11. You _ worry about your son. He can take care of himself. A. cant B. may not C. mustnt D. neednt12. It doesnt look

28、 like rain, so you _bring your umbrella with you.A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. may not13. Shall I tell Mike about it? No, you . Hes already known it.A) neednt B) cant C) must D) may14.Can you speak louder, please? I _ hear you clearly.A) mustnt B) shouldnt C) needntD) cant 15.Christy has been in Ch

29、ina for two years, but she still _ speak Chinese. A) needntB) cantC) mustntD) shouldnt16. Peter any money from his parents because he has found a good job and can earn money by himself.A) neednt toB) doesnt need toC) doesnt needD) neednt17. I looked everywhere for the book, but I _find itA. mustnt B

30、. neednt C. may not D. couldnt18.You have already tried your best, so you _worry too much about the exams. A) cant B) neednt C) mustnt D) shouldnt19. Can I take these magazines home? Yes, you _ , but please return them in two days.A) mustB) mayC) shouldD) need20.We _ hurry all the way to the airport

31、, the flight was cancelled 延迟because of the foggy weather. A. mustnt B. couldnt C. neednt D. shouldnt测试五:形/副; 1.The film Tintin s Adventure丁丁的冒险is , so it is welcomed by teenagers.A. amazingB) excited C) boring D) bored2.Mr. Green is in his seventies, but he still looks _. A) wellB) goodC) friendlyD

32、) nicely3.The boy checked his test paper in order to get full marks.A) enough carefulB) enough carefully C) careful enoughD) carefully enough4.The news that our school will move to a,better place sounds _.A) wellB) excitingC) suddenlyD) happily5.Many young people think its more_ to do shopping onlin

33、e.A. easily B. convenient C. quickly D. happily 6.As soon as George heard the bad news, his face turned .A) red B) pale C) sadly D) happily7.The story in the newspaper sounds _, but where did the woman journalist get it?A) well B) true C) loudly D) properly 8.Pass my glasses to me, Robert. I can see

34、 the words in the newspaper.A) clearlyB) politelyC) easilyD) hardly9. In the kindergarten, all the children liked to play with Miss Guo as she looked so _. A) gentlyB) friendlyC) beautifullyD) sadly10.Jessie got the top prize in the writing competition. She felt very_.A excitedB excitingC interested

35、D interesting11.The roast beef tastes so . May I have one more piece, mum?A) well B) bad C) delicious D) terrible12.Miss Fangs never been to Hainan Island for holiday. Mr. Lin.A) Neither is B) Neither has C) So is D) So has13.The fans were so _ to know their favorite singing star Whitey Hustons deat

36、h. A) surprise B) surprising C) surprised D) surprisedly14.Dont worry, Wendy can look after your bird _ when youre out.A. careB. carefulC. carelessD. carefully15.The cheese cake smelt so _ that the kid asked for more.A. wellB. sweetC. awfulD. badly16.The young man fell in love with a _ girl and they

37、 got married two months later. A. lovely B. happily C. gently D. beautifully17. Alices mother bought Alice a new dress. This beautiful dress made her look .A) quietly B) lovely C) politely D) gently18. Matt became so _ when I dropped the coffee on her shirt, which made me quite upset. A. happily B.

38、carefully C. angry D. sadly19.The house price in Shanghai is _ to become lower and lower in the coming years. A. politely B. possibly C. likely D. happily20. We feel so that China has sent its first space lab, Tiangong-1 into orbit轨道 successfully.A) excitingB) excitedC) exciteD) excitedly21. Its dif

39、ficult to live in a foreign country,_if you dont speak the languageA. importantly B. naturally C. especially D. usually22. Jim felt very _ when he saw his favourite film star. A) sadly B.sad C) happily D) happy23.The old fisherman is to go fishing any more. He has to stay at home.A) too weak B) so w

40、eak C) weak enough D) not weak24.Every student likes Miss Green because she always talks to them .A) politely B) lovely C) friendly D) luckily形/副级别1.The film The Flowers of War金陵十三钗is as as the one we saw last weekA) attractive B) more attractive C) most attractive D) the most attractive2.Nowadays t

41、he oil price in the world is getting much _ than before.A highB higherC highestD the highest3.Please walk as _ as possible because her baby is sleeping in the room.A gentleB gentlerC gentlyD more gently4.Among the earrings耳环 I choose pair because I didnt bring enough money that day.A) cheap B) cheaper C) cheapest D) the cheapest5.The red suitcase is _ the black one. I will take the red one to go travelling. A) as heavy as B) so heavy as C) not as heavy as D)


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