Unit3 Developing ideas课文语法填空练习--外研版高中英语选择性必修第四册.docx

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1、选择性必修四Unit3 Developing ideas WELCOME TO DUNHUANG!Welcome 1._ Dunhuang! On the old Silk Road, this city was the gateway 2._and from Ancient China, a place 3._East met West, and a green island in the middle of the desert. You can only imagine how travellers felt 4._they saw the oasis(绿洲) of Dunhuang a

2、head of them.Dunhuangs long and 5._(glory) history represents its 6._( significant )as a centre of cultural and commercial exchange. Today, Dunhuang is a worldclass tourist destination boasting sites with UNESCO 7._(protect) heritage status. Now, we are going to enter some of the citys famous caves,

3、 of 8._there are more than 700 Known 9._the Mogao Grottoes(小洞穴),these ancient caves 10._(carve) out of the rock over a period of 1,000 years. If you look up, you can see the paintings and other artworks 11._are testimony to how the Silk Road 12._(bring) East and West together. Look at these statues!

4、 You can see elements from Ancient Greece, India and Iran. Now look around the walls of the cave. Come a little bit 13._(close) so that you can get a better viewLook at them! The murals (壁画)cover an 14._( astonish )area of 45,000 square metres.The subjects of the Dunhuang murals vary 15._religious s

5、tories to scenes of everyday life. But one type of mural that is unique to Dunhuang 16._(show) the Apsaras, or “Flying Immortals”Representations of these heavenly musicians, singers and dancers decorate the walls of many caves. Take a look 17._this mural. The Apsaras(飞天)are depicted 18._(sail) in th

6、e bright blue sky, with their scarves 19._(fly) , as if they are about 20._(fly) down to meet usAnd here is another one. Move over here where you can see it in more detailThe Apsaras are holding lotuses, playing musical instruments, dancing and throwing flowers.The painting of Apsaras reached a peak

7、 during the Tang Dynasty; these images are full 21._life, reflecting the confidence and optimism of people from that timeNow, something 22._(real) extraordinary happened in 1900, 23._a Taoist priest made one of the most important 24._(find) of the 20th century. In a 25._(seal) cave, now known 26._ t

8、he famous Library Cave, 27._(hide) thousands of manuscripts, paintings and scrolls,as well as silk embroideries. Well have a chance 28._(see) some of them shortlythe Library Cave is only a stones throw from here. 29._(date) from405 AD to 1002 AD, these 30._(hide) treasures give us a picture of Dunhu

9、ang when it was at the very centre of the Silk Road tradeThanks to this ancient library, we now know that goods arrived in Dunhuang from as far away as Northeast Europe, and 31._goods were also exported from Dunhuang across Asia and Europe. The scrolls are so detailed 32._they describe the vast rang

10、e of goods that 33._(import) and exported from Dunhuang, such as ceramics, medicine, perfumes and fruit, to name just a few. The scrolls also reveal how many different communities 34._(live) sidebyside within this great city. However,the reason 35._the Library Cave was sealed up all those years ago

11、remains a mysteryIn the Ming Dynasty, trade routes changed and Dunhuang was not as prosperous 36._it used to beGradually, it 37._(fade) from memory,even though it was once such a great cityThis century is bringing the Silk Road 38._life once more through the Belt and Road Initiative. Dunhuang has on

12、ce again become a 39._(globe) crossroads since it hosted hundreds of representatives from 51 countries for the Silk Road International Cultural Expo in 2017._40._(give) that the theme of the Expo was 41. _( promote )cultural exchange and strengthen mutual cooperation between the countries along the

13、Silk Road, Dunhuang was the ideal place.Now lets move on to the next cave.重点词汇:gateway n通向的门户oasis /ess/n绿洲glorious adj.辉煌的represent v代表significance n重要性;意义significant/snfknt/adj. 显著的,相当数量的;重要的,意义重大commercial /kmrl/adj. 商业的,商务的strengthen/stren/v. 使(情感、决心等)更强烈,使(关系)更加紧密;巩固(地位)strength/stre/n. 体力,力量;实

14、力,影响力;长处,优势Strengths and weaknesses优点和缺点cultural and commercial exchange文化和商业交流destination/destnen/ n目的地boast v(地方、机构等)自豪地拥有(好的事物)heritage /hertd/n. 遗产,传统Initiative/ntv/ n. 措施,倡议;主动性,积极性grotto /rto/n小洞穴carve vt.雕刻testimony/testmni/ n证据;证明statue/sttu/n. (石或金属做的动物或人的)雕像element/elmnt/n. 基本部分,要素;元素mural

15、 n壁画cover an area of覆盖面积religion/rldn/n. 宗教信仰;宗教,教派religious/rlds/ adj.宗教的vary from.to从到不等be unique to.所特有的Apsaras /psrsn飞天mortal/mrtl/adj. 终有一死的,不能永生的;极其严重的,致命的immortal/mrtl/adj. 不死的,永存的;不朽的 n神represent/reprzent/v. 代表;为代言(辩护);代表representation/reprzenten/n. 代理人,代表;描绘,表现representative n代表heavenly adj

16、.天国的decorate/dekret/vt.装饰decoration/dekren/n. 装饰,装饰品depict /dpkt/vt.描绘depiction/dpkn/n. 描述,描绘in detail详细地lotus n莲花peak n巅峰,顶点reflect vt.反映reflection/rflekn/n. (光、热或声音的)反射;反射光,回声optimism n乐观Taoist priest 道士manuscript n手稿;原稿embroidery/mbrdri/ n刺绣date from/back to追溯到thanks to多亏,由于export vt.出口ceramics n

17、陶器制品perfume n香水;芳香reveal vt.揭示;显示seal up封闭,密封prosperous /prsprs/adj.繁荣的fade vt.变淡;衰落bring.to life使复苏;(使)变得生动crossroads n活动中心,汇集地expo/ekspo/n展览会,博览会promote vt.提升,促进strengthen v(使)变强;加强cooperation /kpren/n合作 参考答案:1.to 2. to 3.where 4.when 5.glorious 6. significance 7.protected8. which 9. as 10.were ca

18、rved 11.that 12.brought 13.closer 14.astonishing 15.from 16.shows 17. at 18.sailing 19.flying 20.to fly 21.of 22.really 23. when 24.finds 25.sealed 26. as 27.were hidden 28.to see 29.Dating 30.hidden 31.that 32.that 33.were imported 34.lived 35. why 36.faded 37.as 38.to 39. global 40. Given 41. to promote 学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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