《When was it invented》PPT课件汇总.pptx

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《《When was it invented》PPT课件汇总.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《When was it invented》PPT课件汇总.pptx(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 6 When was it invented? Section APeriod 1 ( 1a2d )What modern inventions do you know?calculatorbulba microwave ovenwashing machineA: I think the TV was invented before the car. Whats your opinion?B: I agree./ I dont think so/disagree. I think the TV was invented after the car.1a. Look and numbe

2、r the things in right order.1 1b b Listen and match the inventions with the dates._ 1876_ 1885_ 1927_ 1971dacbI think the TV was invented in 1876.A: When was the telephone invented?B: It was invented in .The telephone was invented_ 1876.The car was _ _ 1885. The TV _ _ _ 1927.The computer _. in inve

3、nted in was invented in was invented in 1971 According to what you have listened, answer the questions below. 1. What did the grandma have when she was young? 2. Why didnt they have a TV at that time? 3. Does grandma have personal computer now? Telephone and car. Because it was expensive. Yes, she d

4、oes. /Martin Cooper2004/Sony Company 1947/Spencer 19071907Wright1879/ EdisonA: Hi, When was the invented?B: It was invented inA: Who was it invented by?B: It was invented by2a2a Listen and number the inventions in the order that you hear them.123What can you see on the table?Whats the boy doing?What

5、 is the girl doing?What is the scoop used for?What are the shoes used for2 2b b Listen again complete the chart below._ the style of the shoeshot ice-cream scoopseeing _shoes with lights_ really cold ice-creamshoes with special heelsWhat is it / are they used for?Inventionchangingin the darkserving

6、Carol is writing about some of the interesting _ for his English homework. Look! They are shoes _lights. People can _ them _ seeing in the dark when they get up at night. It seems cool because some people may _ their toes on something on the way to the _ at night. The second on is her favorite inven

7、tiona special ice-cream _. It _ _ electricity and becomes hot. It _ _ _ _ really cold ice-cream. The last invention is shoes_ _ _. The _ can be moved _ _ _. People can change the _. They can _ the heels if they are going to a party or _ them if they are just going out _ shopping.inventionswithusefor

8、hitbathroomscoopruns onis used forservingwith special heelsheelsup and downstyleraiselowerforInventionsWhen(Dynasty)Whowas used for compasspaper making printinggun power The Great four inventions of China have great signification to the whole world .They areGive a report with the beginningGive a rep

9、ort with the beginningsongWarring States Period Chinese peopleEastern HanHanCai luntraveling & sailingwriting Bi shengspreading knowledge alchemistsmaking fireworksWhat invention are they talking about?Who invented the zipper?When was the zipper invented?When was it used widely?Where can you see zip

10、pers?The zipper.It was invented by Whitcomb Judson.In 1893.In 1917.On dresses, trousers, shoes, bags, almost everywhere.Sum-up1.被用来2.考虑3.有道理4.电话是什么时候发明的?5.我认为是1876年发明的。6.它们是用来干什么的呢?7.你能帮我考虑一种发明吗?8.它真的是如此伟大的一项发明吗?9.考虑一下它在我们的日常生活中使用的多么频繁。10. 不同发明的先锋都被列了出来。11. 在那时,它还没有被广泛地应用。be used forthink ofhave a p

11、ointWhen was the telephone invented?I think it was invented in 1876.What are they used for?Can you help me think of an invention?Is it really such a great invention?Think about how often its used in our daily lives.The pioneers of different inventions were listed there.At that time, it wasnt used wi

12、dely.discover, invent和和find都是动词都是动词, 它们的词义相近它们的词义相近, 但但是有区别是有区别:discover意为意为“发现发现”, 指发现某种本来存在指发现某种本来存在,但以但以前未被发现或未为人所知的事物或现象。前未被发现或未为人所知的事物或现象。 The lost bike was discovered at the bus stop. 丢了的自行车在公共汽车站那儿找到了。丢了的自行车在公共汽车站那儿找到了。 Later I discovered that he was so kind. 后来我才发现他那么善良。后来我才发现他那么善良。invent 意为

13、意为“发明发明”, 指发明以前不存在的东西。指发明以前不存在的东西。 Do you know who invented the computer? 你知道谁发明的电脑吗?你知道谁发明的电脑吗?find 意为意为“找到找到, 发现发现”, 指偶然发现或几乎没有困指偶然发现或几乎没有困难地发现。难地发现。 I found some old photos in that drawer. 我在那个抽屉里发现了一些旧照片。我在那个抽屉里发现了一些旧照片。 1). Edison _ the electric lamp. 2). I lost my necklace last night. I havent

14、 _ it. 3). Who _ America first? inventedfounddiscovered 4). The telephone _ in 1876. A. invented B. was invented C. was found D. was discovered【点拨点拨】选选B。invent “发明发明”,且,且telephone与与invent 之间是动宾关系,之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态。故选应用被动语态。故选B。3. Can you help me think of an invention? My pleasure.My pleasure也可说成也可说成Its

15、 a / my pleasure.或或 A pleasure ,意思是意思是“我的荣幸;愿为你效劳;这是件愉快的事我的荣幸;愿为你效劳;这是件愉快的事”。 Will you please help me take the books to the classroom? 请你帮我把这些书带到教室里去好吗?请你帮我把这些书带到教室里去好吗? My pleasure. / Its a pleasure. 愿为你效劳。愿为你效劳。 pleasure n. 愉快;高兴愉快;高兴She took no pleasure in her work. 她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣。她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣。I wi

16、ll remember this meeting with pleasure. 我会愉快地记着这次的会晤。我会愉快地记着这次的会晤。It is a pleasure to work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。和你一起工作真是件乐事。 at (ones) pleasure 随便随便You are free to come and go at your pleasure. 来去自由来去自由, 悉听尊便。悉听尊便。 take pleasure in以某事为乐以某事为乐,喜欢做某事喜欢做某事 with pleasure 愉快地愉快地, 高兴地高兴地, 没问题没问题知识链接知识链接 4

17、. Well, you do seem to have a point you do seem to have a point 是个强调句,用是个强调句,用“助动词助动词do +谓语动词原形谓语动词原形”的结构。的结构。He does look well. 他的确看起来气色很好。他的确看起来气色很好。 You did give me a fright. 你真把我给吓了一跳。你真把我给吓了一跳。 have a point 有道理有道理I admit (that) you have a point. 我承认你有理。我承认你有理。I guess you have a point there. 我想你

18、说的有道理。我想你说的有道理。 5. it mentioned that the zipper was mention v. 提到;说到提到;说到Dont mention this problem this evening. 今晚别提这个问题。今晚别提这个问题。Nobody mentioned the real purpose of this meeting. 谁也没有提到这次会议的真正目的。谁也没有提到这次会议的真正目的。1) mention表示表示“提到;提及提到;提及”,是及物动词,是及物动词,其后接名词或代词作宾语时,无需用任何介其后接名词或代词作宾语时,无需用任何介词;另外注意不接双

19、宾语。如:词;另外注意不接双宾语。如: He never mentioned his girl friend to me./ He never mentioned to me that he had a girl friend. 他从未向我提及他有个女朋友。他从未向我提及他有个女朋友。2) 若后接动词,要用动名词,不能用不定式若后接动词,要用动名词,不能用不定式 Whenever I mention playing football, he says hes too busy. 我一提起踢足球,他就说太忙。我一提起踢足球,他就说太忙。3) not to mention意为意为“更不用说更不用说

20、; 还不算还不算” He can speak French, German and Japanese, not to mention English. 他会说法语,德语和日语,更不用说英语。他会说法语,德语和日语,更不用说英语。4) 口语中说口语中说 Dont mention it. 主要用来回答感谢,主要用来回答感谢,有时也用来回答道歉。如:有时也用来回答道歉。如:A:Thank you very much. 多谢你了。多谢你了。B:Dont mention it. 不客气。不客气。A:Im sorry to have troubled you. 对不起打扰你了。对不起打扰你了。B:Dont

21、 mention it. 没关系。没关系。1). (2012辽宁大连辽宁大连) -Thank you for taking me around your school, Daming. - _ A. Dont mention it. B. Never mind. C. Of course not. D. No problem.2). - Sorry, Sir. I made a mistake again.- _. Practice more and you will do better.A. Never mind B. Im not sure C. Youre welcome D. Dont

22、 mention itAA 根据句意和所给汉语提示根据句意和所给汉语提示, 完成下列单词的完成下列单词的确拼写。确拼写。 1. Thats the most _ (有用的有用的) book. 2. It is said that Thomas Edison had 1,093_ (发明发明) during his lifetime. 3. - What is this kind of machine used for? - Its used for _ (听听) to music. 4. If you _ (加热加热) the ice, it will soon become water. 5

23、. Children also need time _ (玩耍玩耍). useful inventions listening heat to play 句型转换句型转换1. The personal computer was invented in 1976. (对对划线部分提问划线部分提问) _ _ the personal computer _? 2. The shoes with lights were invented by Julie Thompson. (对划线部分提问对划线部分提问) _ _ the shoes with lights _ _ ? Whenwasinvented

24、Whowereinvented by3. Knives are used for cutting things. _ _ knives _ _? 4. A Chinese named Cai Lun invented paper. (改被改被)Paper _ _ _ a Chinese named Cai Lun.Whatareused forwas inventedby5. She was interviewed by the local TV station last week. (改为主动语态改为主动语态)The local TV station _ _ _ last week. interviewedher


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