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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 初三英语中考模拟试卷(1)请注意:1、本试卷分为第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。2、考生答卷前,必須将自己的班级、姓名、学号用黑色或蓝色钢笔或圓珠笔填写在试卷的相应位置,并在答题卡上填写姓名、考试号,再用2B铅笔将考试号、科目填涂在答题卡上相应的小框内 。第一卷(95分)请注意:考生必须将所选答案的字母标号用?B铅笔填涂在答题卡上相应的题号内,答在试卷上无效一、 听力(共25小题,每小题1分,计25分)A.情景反应 下面你将听到5个句子,请根据听到的句子,选出最恰当的答语。(听一遍)( )1. A. Its Sunday. B. Its 5 oclock. C.

2、Its December 1st( )2. A. Thank you. B. No, I dont. C. Thats all right.( )3.A.Shes from England. B. Shes a nurse in England. C. Shes in England.( )4. A. Thats OK. B. Im looking for a coat. C. Sorry to trouble( )5. A.I dont think so. B. It doesnt matter. C. That s great.B.对话理解 下面你将听到7段对话,请根据听到的对话及问题,选

3、出正确的选项。(听两遍)听第1段对话,完成6小题。( )6.What is the woman?A. Shes a doctor. B. She is a teacher. C. She is a salesgirl .听第2段对话,完成7小题。( )7.How will the man go to work?A. On foot B. By bike. C. By bus.听第3段对话,完成8小题。( )8.What is Miss Janes nationality(国籍)?A. England B. China C. We dont know.听第4段对话,完成9小题。( )9.What

4、s the weather like today?A. Cloudy B. Fine C. Snowy听第5段对话,完成10-11小题。( )10.Where are the two speakers?A. In a shop. B. At a party. C. In a cinema.( )11.When did the woman return home from abroad?A. Last Saturday. B. Last Sunday. C. This Sunday. 听第6段对话,完成12-13小题。( )12.Where may the two speakers be?A.

5、At the station. B. At home. C. At school.( )13.Whats the matter with Mary?A. Shes all right. B. Shes hurt. C. She met an accident.听第7段对话,完成1415小题。( )14.Who can mend the radio?A. The man. B. The woman. C. The womans father.( )15. What kind of man is the girls father? A. Hes a helpful man. B. Hes a si

6、lent man. C. Hes a noisy man.C.短文理解 下面你将听到2篇短文,请根据听到的短文及问题,选出正确的选项。(听两遍)听第1篇短文,完成1620小题。( ) 16. What was Mike in the passage? A. A teacher. B. A student. C. A doctor.( )17. How many times had Mike been to the USA before he went there? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Never.( ) 18. Why was Mike out on the stree

7、t? A. To do some shopping. B. To see his friends. C. To take a walk.( ) 19. Why was Mike knocked down by a motorbike? A. Because he was careless. B. Because he was on the wrong side. C. Because he was lost.( )20. What did the old man come to do? A. To sell him a map. B. To help him. C. To tell him n

8、ot to sit here.听第2篇短文,完成2125小题。( )21. Why was Jack deaf? A. Because of an accident. B. Because of a bad illness. C. Because of the doctors carelessness.( )22. How did Jack feel when knowing he was deaf? A. Angry. B. Sorry. C. Sad.( )23. What did Jack invite his friends to do one evening? A. To have

9、dinner. B. To attend a party, C. To tell stories.( )24. When did one of his friends tell a story? A. After Jack told his story. B. When they were at the table. C. After they had dinner.( )25. Whats the end of the story? A. Jacks friends thought he was a fool. B. Jacks friends wouldnt like him any mo

10、re. C. Jacks friends knew he was deaf.二、单项填空(共15小题每小题1分。计15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入句中空白处的最佳答案。( )26. - Must I come here at four oclock? -Oh ,no, you _.A. mustnt B. dont C. cant D. dont have to( )27. - My prize is different from _. - But _ is the same as mine.A. Dick, yours B. Dicks, your C. Dick, you

11、r D. Dicks, yours( )28. - How far is it from your home to the school? - Its about _.A.10 minutes walk B.10 minutes walk C.10-minutes walk D.10 minutes walk( )29. - You must be here at six tomorrow morning! - Sorry, I _ be here so early.A. need B. may C. must D. cant( )30 -Is there anyone in the clas

12、sroom? - No, _. A. none B, not any C. nothing D. no one( )31. How _ the music sounds!A. well B. wonderful C. wonderfully D. beautifully( )32. _ he studied harder than before,_ he didnt pass the exam. A. Because, so B. Though, but C. Though, / D. As, so( )33. They were playing basketball on the playg

13、round _they saw something strange flying towards them in the sky. A. when B. and C. after D. while( )34. The man has _ friends in New York, does he?A. a lot of B. a few C. a little D. few( )35. Look! The two _ doctors are talking with the _ students. A. man, boy B. man, boys C. men, boys D. men, boy

14、( )36. I had to write a _ composition.A. two-thousand-word B. two-thousand-words C. two-thousands-word D. two-thousands-words( )37. - Can I help you? - Im looking for a dress. Id like _ with some flowers on it. A. one B. it C. that D. this( )38.-I think it will be colder tomorrow. Do you agree?- _.

15、It has been cold these days.A. I hope so B. Im afraid so C. I wish so D. I know so( )39. -Which of your two brothers _ been abroad? - _of them. David has been to Japan, and Robert has been to the USAA, has, All B. has, Both C. have, Either D. have, Neither ( )40. I dont like this old cap, Mum, but I

16、d like to have _ new one on your head.A. a B. another C. the D. other三、 完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,计15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从下列各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 One afternoon, Jim met two friends in the street, “Come back to my apartment(一套住宅)for 41 ,”he said, “You can see 42 of the city from my 43 .” 44 agreed and they went bac

17、k with Jim to the apartment building where he lived on the 40th floor. When they arrived, however, the lift 45 .“Im sorry,” Jim said, “Well 46 walk.”“But its forty floors!” they said.“Well talk 47 we climb,” Jim said, “You can tell me the jokes youve heard and when we 48 my apartment, Ill tell you a

18、 story.” His friends agreed and they started to climb the forty flights(段) of stairs(楼梯). At last they reached 49 floor and were standing 50 the door of Jims apartment.“Now tell us a good story,” his friends said.Jim looked at them 51 and said, “Once upon a time there was a man who met two friends.

19、He 52 them to his apartment on the 40th floor. The lift wasnt working and they had to climb forty flights of stairs. When they reached the 40th floor, he 53 his hand in his pocket for the key 54 the door of his apartment. It wasnt there. Then he remembered 55 it was. It was in his car.”( ) 41. A. ca

20、keB. a mealC. breakfastD. lunch( ) 42. A. anyB. noneC. the allD. the whole( ) 43. A. bedroom windowB. bedrooms window C. bedrooms window D. bedrooms windows( ) 44. A. Two friends of Jim B. Two of his friendsC. His two friendsD. Two his friends( ) 45. A. is brokenB. was breakingC. have brokenD. was b

21、roken( ) 46. A. mustB. shouldC. have toD. be able to( ) 47. A. asB. for C. sinceD. because( ) 48. A. getB. get toC. arriveD. reached( ) 49. A. groundB. highestC. the topD. the thirtieth( ) 50. A. outsideB. inside C. behindD. in front( ) 51. A. sadlyB. friendlyC. angrilyD. politely( ) 52. A. madeB. i

22、nvited C. showedD. carried( ) 53. A. pulledB. broughtC. heldD. put( ) 54. A. ofB. toC. onD. in( ) 55. A. whatB. whoseC. whereD. which四、阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,计40分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个能回答所给问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。 ADear editor(编辑):I live in a beautiful city. Many visitors come to my city. There are so many colo

23、rful peacocks(孔雀) here.The peacocks mostly live on the grass land of Dongfeng Square. They are given food freely by visitors. They usually throw food to them, and dont think about at all whether the food is right or not. Some of the peacocks became ill, some even died after eating the bad food given

24、 by the visitors.Im sure most of the visitors who throw food to the peacocks really like the birds, but dont realize that they may be doing them harm(伤害).The visitors should be told that what they have done is very harmful to the birds, and this kind of thing must be stopped from happening.Perhaps w

25、e can build some small shops beside Dongfeng Square to sell peacock food. For us every person, its our duty to give more love to these beautiful birds and to look after them carefully.Yours, Sun Yan( ) 56. Many visitors come to the writers city to .A. do some shoppingB. see beautiful peacocksC. play

26、 on Dongfeng SquareD. eat nice food( ) 57. Some peacocks became ill and died because some visitors .A. didnt give them any foodB. gave them too much foodC. threw them some bad foodD. loved them and played with them( ) 58. Some shops can be built beside Dongfeng Square so that they may .A. sell food

27、for visitorsB. sell food for peacocksC. make the square more beautifulD. have the beautiful birds ( ) 59. We can guess the writer of the letter, Sun Yan, may be a .A. visitorB. shopkeeperC. square keeperD studentBThe Tortoises Tug of WarBy Giulio MaestroSomewhere in South America live the worlds str

28、ongest tortoises.Ask the whale. Ask the tapir(貘,产于马来西亚和美洲热带地区的一种动物).The tortoises tricked them into the best tug of war (拔河比赛) ever. And they beat them both.Noisy Nancy and NickBy LouAnn GaeddertNancy likes noise. She also likes living in the city. Her friend Nick hates living in the city. Nancy sho

29、ws him that a city can be a wonderful place to live. Sumis Special HappeningBy Yoshiko UchidaSumi wants to give Ojii Chan a very special gift on his ninety-ninth birthday. Read and find out the exciting gift she gives him. A Bag Full of NothingByJay WilliamsTip wondered if magic (魔术) was real. One d

30、ay, as he was walking with his father, he found a brown paper bag. Tip said it was full of magic. Was there really magic in Tips bag?( )60. Who is the writer of A Bag Full of Nothing ?A. Giulio Maestro. B. LouAnn Gaeddert. C. Jay Williams. D. Yoshiko Uchida.( )61. In the book The Tortoises Tug of Wa

31、r, the tortoise lives in_.A. North America B. South Africa C. Australia D. South America ,( )62. How old is Ojii Chan in the book Sumi s Special Happening?A. 99. B. 9. C. 19. D. 90.( )63 How is Nancy in the book Noisy Nancy and Nick ?A. She is naughty. B. She hates city life. C. She found a paper ba

32、g. D. She likes noise and city life.CCategory(类别)Earth.SaturnAverage distance from the sun93 million miles890 million milesLength(长度) of day24 hours10 hours 39 minutesLength of year365days .about 10,585daysNumber of moons(卫星)133Whats it made ofRock and waterGas(hydrogen and helium)( )64. Which plane

33、t is farther from the sun? A. Earth. B. Saturn. C. They are the same distance.( )65. How many more moons does Saturn have than Earth? A. 30. B. 31. C. 32.( )66. A day on Saturn is _ a day on Earth. A. shorter than B. longer than C. the same as( )67. What is Earth made of?. A. Rock and gas. B. Gas an

34、d water. C. Rock and water. DDolphins live their whole lives in water. But they are not fish. They are mammals(哺乳动物) that live in water. That s why a dolphin comes to the top of the water so often. It has to breathe air. A dolphins nose isnt easy to be seen. Its just a small hole on top of its head.

35、 This hole is called a blowhole(喷水孔). A dolphin comes up every half minute or so to breathe. It opens its blowhole and takes in air. Then it closes the blowhole and dives under the water again. But a dolphin can stay under the water for six or seven minutes if it has to. It can hold its breath. A do

36、lphin listens with two ears. It can hear all kinds of small noises under water. It can hear small stones rolling (滚动). It can hear the sounds that fish and other dolphins make. A dolphin s ears may be small, but its mouth is big. It has to be big. It holds almost one hundred teeth. These teeth are a

37、ll the same shape and size. They are used for catching food, but not for chewing( 咀嚼 ). A dolphin opens its big mouth and seizes a fish firmly between its two rows of teeth. Then it swallows(吞) the whole fish. A dolphin swims very fast. It is said that a dolphin swims faster than anything else in th

38、e water. So men are studying its skin(皮) and shape. They are learning ways to make boats go faster through the water. It is well-known that dolphins are very clever. Some scientists say they are cleverer than dogs. Others say they are cleverer than apes(猿). Dolphins are not all alike. Some are shy.

39、Some like to show off. Some are clever. Some are a little slow to learn. Some are very friendly. Some like to be left alone.( )68.A dolphin is a kind of animal just like a _ but living in water. . A. fish B. bird C. dog D. frog( )69. How long can a dolphin stay under the water without breathing? A.

40、Half a minute. B. Six or seven seconds. C. Six or seven minutes. D. More than seven minutes.( )70. A dolphins mouth is so big that it can_. A. catch fish easily B. breathe easily C. swim fast D. chew fish easily( )71, Men study dolphins skin and shape to learn ways to_. A. make boats go faster B. ca

41、tch more dolphins C. feed dolphins D. catch fishEA Russian, a Cuban (古巴人).an American businessman and an American lawyer (律师) were on a train traveling across England. The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka, gave each of the men a drink and then threw the rest half bottle of vodka out of the w

42、indow.“Why did you do that?” asked the American businessman.“Theres too much vodka in my country,” said the Russian, “and really we have more than we will ever use.”A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana Cigars(雪茄). Then he threw that very good cigar out of the window.“I thought Cuba is

43、 not a rich country,” the businessman said, “but you threw that very good cigar out of the window!”“Cigars,” the Cuban answered, “are the cheapest in my country. We have more than of them than we know what to do with.”The American businessman sat quietly for a moment. Then he got up, caught the lawy

44、er by the arm and threw him out of the window.( )72.The four men in the story _.A. were good friends B. liked drinking C. enjoyed smoking D. were traveling by train( )73.Vodka is a kind of _.A. treasure(财宝) B. medicine C. food D. alcohol (酒)( )74.The Russian and the Cuban both wanted to _.A. tell the businessman what their countri


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