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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上小 龙 上 学Little Dragon Goes To School幼儿园情景英语365句Little Dragon Walking into the Kindergarten Good morning, children. 孩子们早上好!Good morning, teacher. 老师早上好!Hello. / Hi. 你好!Welcome to kindergarten. 欢迎来幼儿园。Whats your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is Xiao Long. 我叫小龙。How old are you? 你几岁了? Im five. 我五岁了。

2、Glad to meet you. 见到你真高兴!Glad to meet you, too. 见到你我也很高兴。How are you? 你好吗?Im fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。Are you happy? 你快乐吗?Yes, I am. 是的。Are you sad (angry)? 你难过(生气)吗?No, I m not. 不是的。Come here. 过来。Follow me. 跟我来。Go there. 过去。Go to your classroom. 去教室。Be happy going to class! 高高兴兴去上课。Thank you, very m

3、uch. 非常感谢。You are welcome. 不客气。Say “goodbye” to your mummy. 跟妈妈说“再见。”Say “bye-bye” to your Daddy. 跟爸爸说“再见。”Little Dragon Entering His ClassroomExcuseme. 打扰了。May I come in? 我可以进来吗?Come in, please. 请进。Waitaminute. 等一下。Dont run. 别跑。Slow down. 慢点。Take off your coat (shoes). 把外套(鞋子)脱掉。Put away your coat

4、(shoes). 把外套(鞋子)放好。Hang up your book bag. 把书包挂好。Go to your seat. 到座位上去。Stay in your seat. 坐到座位上。Please stand up. 请起立。Please sit down. 请坐下。Pay Attention. 注意了。Please be quiet. 请安静!No talking. 别说话。Putyourhandsonyourknees. 把手放在膝盖上。Hurry up. 快点。Are you ready? 准备好了吗?Look at me (the board). 看着我(黑板)。Listen

5、to me. 听我说。Listen carefully. 认真听。Dontbeshy (scared). 别害羞(害怕)。Take it easy. 慢慢来。Thats it! 就这样! Little Dragon in ClassIts time for class. 上课了。Take out your Little Dragon English book. 拿出你的小龙英语书。Open your book. 打开书。Please turn to page 6 and 7. 请翻到第6页和第7页。Please point to the letter A. 请指一指字母A。Close your

6、 book. 合上书。Letslistentothetape. 让我们听磁带。Listentoastory. 听个故事。Whatdidyouhear? 你听到什麽了?Whats the meaning? 这是什么意思?Who knows? 谁知道?Do you understand? 你明白了吗?Whocantellme? 谁能告诉我?Whowantstotry? 谁想试试?Putupyourhand. 把手举起来。Putdown yourhand. 把手放下。Come to the front. 到前面来。Answer me. 请回答。Im sorry, thats wrong. 对不起,错

7、了。Think it over, please. 请再想一想。Can you say it by yourself? Try. 你能自己说吗?试一试。SayitinEnglish. 用英语说。Louder, please. 大声点儿。Youareright. 你是正确的。Say it again. 请再说一遍。Readwithme. 和我一起读。Say it together. 大家一起说。One more time. 再来一次。What are you doing? 你在干什么?Any questions? 有问题吗?Let me see 让我想想。I see 我明白了。Take out y

8、our crayons (colors). 拿出你的蜡笔(彩笔)。Letsdrawsomething. 让我们来画点什么。Show it to me. 给我看看。Please pick up the marker (paper). 请捡起马克笔(纸)。Here, teacher. 给您,老师。 Ill give you some clues. 我要给你们一些提示。Whats different? 有什么不同吗?I need three volunteers, who can do it? 我需要三个人,谁能做? Anyone else? 还有别的小朋友吗?LetswatchTV. 让我们看电视

9、。Lets sing a song 让我们唱首歌。Clap your hands 拍拍手。Class is over. 下课了。Little Dragon is Very Smart Try your best! 努力去做。Keep trying. 继续努力。You can do it. 你能做到。Dont give up. 不要放弃。Not bad 还不错。No problem! 没问题! Thatsagoodidea. 它是一个好主意。Of course! 当然了!I think so 我也这么想。Youaresogood! 你真棒!Youareveryclever! 你真聪明Very g

10、ood! 很好。Good girl (boy)! 乖孩子!You are doing great! 你做得很好。I am very happy with you. 你让我感到很高兴。Good job! 做得真好!Well done. 好样的。Great! 太棒了!Excellent! 太优秀了。 Cool! 真酷。Perfect! 太完美了。Super! 超级棒!This is beautiful! 很漂亮。What a pretty girl! 多漂亮的女生!What a lovely boy! 多可爱的男生!Little Dragon Doing MorningExercises Itst

11、imeformorningexercises. 早操时间到了。May I go out? 我可以出去吗?Letsgooutside (downstairs). 让我们到室外(楼下)去。This way 这边走。Letsgo. 让我们走。Stop. 停。Lineup , please. 请排好队。Stand in a straight line. 请站成一条直线。Make twolines. 站成2路纵队。Atease. 稍息。Attention. 立正。Eyesto the front. 向前看齐。Handsdown. 手放下。Handsup. 手举起。Countoff. 报数。Onebyon

12、e. 一个接着一个。Dontmove. 不要动。Dont look back. 不要向后看。 Lets warm up. 让我们热热身。Turn right (lift, back). 向右(左、后)传。Please turn around. 请转一个圈。Please raise your hand. 请举起你的手。Handinhand. 手拉手。Makeacircle. 围一个圈。Jump up and down. 蹦一蹦,跳一跳。Be in high sprits while doing exercises. 做早操时集中精神。Come together. 集合。Spreadout. 解散

13、。Areyoutired? 你累了吗?Letshavearest. 让我们休息一下。Little Dragon Goes Out to PlayHow is the weather? 天气怎么样?It is sunny. 出太阳了。 Hooray! Hooray! Lets all go play. (欢呼声)让我们一起去玩吧。Letsplayin the playground. 让我们去操场上玩。Have fun! 玩得开心!Lets go run. 让我们奔跑。Letsplayagame. 让我们来做游戏。Letsdance (sing). 让我们来跳舞(唱歌)。Letsswing (sl

14、ide). 让我们来荡秋千(擦滑梯)。Letshavearace. 让我们来个比赛。Get into two teams. 分成两组。Ready? Go! 准备好了吗?开始!Good luck! 祝你好运!Come on! 加油!One point for group A. 给A组加一分。Go on, please. 请继续。Jump high. 跳高点。Keep it up! 坚持下去!Cheer up! 振作起来!Congratulations! 祝贺你!Youarethewinner (first). 你是胜利者(第一名)。Lets give him a big hand! 让我们给他鼓

15、鼓掌。Lets play hide-and-seek. 让我们玩捉迷藏吧。Watch out! 当心!Dont run away. 不要跑开。Dontpushotherchildren. 别推别的小朋友。That is dangerous. 那样很危险。Come back quickly. 快点回来。Times up. 时间到了。Letsgobacktotheclassroom. 让我们回教室。Little Dragon Sharing with OthersThis is my friend. 这是我的朋友。Lets play together. 让我们一起玩吧。Play with the

16、toys. 玩玩具。Whichonedoyoulike? 你喜欢哪一个?I like the red (yellow) ball. 我喜欢这个红(黄)球。Do you like it? 你喜欢吗?Yes, I do. 是的。Me too. 我也是。Here you are. 给你。Its fun. 真好玩。Everybody share. 大家一起玩。.Dont grab (throw) the toys. 不要抢(丢)玩具。Be polite. 要有礼貌。Im sorry. 对不起。Never mind. 没关系。Lets take turns. 让我们轮流玩。I agree. 我同意。It

17、s your (my) turn. 轮到你(我)了。Pass it around. 传过去。Put that away. 把它放好。Hold on 等一等。Help each other. 互相帮助。Its time to clean up. 该整理玩具了。Pick up the toys on the floor. 把地上的玩具捡起来。After playing, replace the toys. 玩具玩过后,请放回原处。Little Dragon Keeps CleanWash your hands (face). 洗手(脸)。Dry your hands and your face.

18、擦干你的手和脸。Brush your teeth. 刷刷你的牙。Rinse your mouth. 漱口。Comb your hair. 梳梳头发。May I go to the bathroom? 我能上洗手间吗?Sure. 可以。Where is the bathroom? 洗手间在哪里?Over there. 在那边。Wait a moment, please. 请等一下。Girls(Boys) gofirst. 女孩(男孩)先去。The floor is very slippery. 地面很滑。Be careful, not to slip and fall. 注意不要滑倒。Flush

19、 the toilet. 冲马桶。Pull up your trousers. 提上裤子。Tuck in your shirt. 把衣服塞进去Turn on the water. 打开水。Usesoaptowashyourhands. 用香皂洗手。Turn off the water. 关上水。Turn the tap tight. 将水龙头关紧。Dont waste water. 不要浪费水。Showmeyourhands,aretheyclean? 让我看看你的手干净了吗?Dont pick your nose. 不要抠鼻子。Get some tissue. 去拿张面巾纸。Cover yo

20、ur mouth when you cough. 咳嗽的时候要用手把嘴巴捂住。You are on duty today. 你今天值日。Get a wash-cloth and wipe the desks. 拿一块抹布把桌子擦干净。Push your chair in gently. 轻轻把椅子推进去。Sweep the floor. 擦地。Keep the floor clean. 保持地面干净。Little Dragon Eating LunchIts time to eat! 该吃饭了。Are you hungry? 你饿吗?Yes, Im hungry. 是的,我饿了。Breakfa

21、st (Lunch, Supper) is ready. 早餐(中餐、晚餐)准备好了。Eat your food. 来吃你的食物吧。Pleaseeatsomesnacks. 请吃些点心。Wash your hands first. 先洗手。Come sit down and eat with me! 来坐下和我一起吃吧!We have eggs, milk and bread. 我们有鸡蛋、牛奶和面包。Here is a sandwich (cake). 给你一个三明治(蛋糕)。Here is an apple (orange). 给你一个苹果(橘子)。Vegetables are good

22、for you health. 蔬菜有益于你的健康。All of them are good for you. 它们都对你有益处。Wouldyoulikesomericeorsoup? 你想要一些米饭还是汤?I want soup, please. 请给我汤。The soup is very hot, be careful! 汤很热,请小心!It smells good. 闻起来好香。Does it taste good? 好吃吗?Yum! / Its delicious. 很好吃。Are you thirsty? 你渴吗?Pleasetakeyourcup. 请拿你的杯子。Drink som

23、e water. 喝点水。Please take your time. 请慢用。Dont eat too fast. 不要吃的太快。Dont talk with your mouth full。 嘴里有饭的时候不要说话。Dont talk during the meal. 吃饭时不要说话。Dontplaywithyourfood. 别玩食物Dont be messy. 不要弄脏了。Clean up the mess. 把脏东西弄干净。Dontspillyourfoodsonthetable. 别把你的食物洒在桌子上。Are you finished? 你吃完了吗?Finish your foo

24、d. 吃完你的食物。Do you want some more? 你还想再吃点吗?Eatalittlemore. 再多吃一点。No more, thank you. 不要了,谢谢。Im full. 我吃饱了。Wipe your mouth. 把嘴巴擦干净。Put your bowl and spoons into the pail. 把你的碗和勺子放进桶里。Clean the table. 把桌子收拾干净。Letsgooutforawalk. 让我们出去走走。Little Dragon Taking a NapIts nap time. / Time for bed. 该午睡了。Go to the bedroom. 去卧室。Go t


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