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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上牛津译林9上Uni1-2单元测试题姓名_班级_得分_一、单项选择 (55分)( )1. China is _Asian country, not _European country. A. a, an B. an, a C. a, a D. an, an ( )2. To us, a miss is _a mile. We cant afford to make any mistakes. A. as good as B. as well as C. as many as D. as much as ( )3. His latest movie has won hig

2、h _from many people. A. price B. prize C. praise D. practice( )4-Is there anything special in todays newspaper?-Yes. It _many people died in the typhoon yesterday.A. writes B. speaks C. says D. tells( )5. He has failed in the maths test and looks sad. Lets tell him some jokes to _.A. pick him up B.

3、give him up C. cheer him up D. wake him up( )6. The boy looks nice_ white and the red sweater looks good _the girl.A. with, on B. in, on C. on, in D. in, with( )7. Some people prefer yellow when they hope for_.A. money B. gift C. success D. health( )8. -Hurry up, _you will miss the school bus.-I kno

4、w that, Mum. Ill be ready in a minute. A. but B. and C. so D. or( )9. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared, people didnt know_ doctors could cure it. A. if B. that C. what D. why( )10. -Why do you like going to Kunming for a holiday?-Because the weather there is _too hot _ too cold.A. eitheror B. neith

5、ernor C. bothand D. not onlybut also( )11.-Can you tell me _? -He is kind and generous. Awhat your friend likes Bwhat your friend is likeCwhat does your friend look like Dwhat does your friend like( )12. Not only my friends but also I _interested in football.A. be B. am C. is D. are( )13. -Are Mr. a

6、nd Mrs. Wang living alone in the house? -Yes, they have three sons, but _of the sons live with them. A. neither B. both C. all D. none( )14. - I hope you dont mind my pointing out your mistake.-_.A. Certainly B. Certainly not C. Youre welcome D. Yes, I dont( )15.-Thank you for recommending me as the

7、 new chairperson.-_.A. Its my pleasure. B. With pleasure. C. It doesnt matter. D. Never mind ( )16. - Im going to the Science Museum tomorrow. - -_ A. Enjoy yourself! B. Come on! C. Good luck! D. Congratulations!( )17. -Mr. Wu, must we bring some water to the park?-No, you_. Drinking water is offere

8、d there. A. shouldntB. mustnt C. neednt D. cant( )18. Green represents and nature. When you feel weak, you can wear green.A. sadness B. purity C. joy D. energy( )19. The child doesnt need any help. He is old enough to _ himself. A. put on B. wear C. dress D. have on( )20. I dont know_. A. where can

9、we buy the tickets B. how much it costs to fly to Hainan C. what is he waiting for D. why was he late for school this morning( )21. Usually, its easier to make _ decision than to take _ action.A. a; anB.; anC.;D. a;( )22. I will recommend Daniel because he never _ at all times. A. gives outB. gives

10、upC. gives inD. gives away( )23. Its creative _ you _ this good idea. A. of; to come up withB. for; to come up withC. of; think ofD. for; to think of ( )24. My parents want me to get further study to be _ an engineer _ a scientist, _ I would like to be a famous surgeon doctor. A. neither; nor; andB.

11、 either; or; butC. not only; but; soD. both; and; or( )25. These photos_ me_ the old days when I was young.A. let, think B. remind, of C. make, think D. take, to( )26. Why not join them in their party?Well, I am not invited. And I _ to go to the cinema. A. preferB. discoverC. wish D. require( )27. I

12、t is _cold today. But unluckily, we still have _homework to do.A. too much, much too B. too many, too much C. much too, too muchD. much too, too many( )28. It seems that Jimmy is feeling bad about the exam.He needs to _. A “C” is not the end of the world.A. cheer himself up B. calm himself down C. l

13、et himself down D. warm himself up( )29. never know how much difficulty we had _the problem. Luckily, we managed to solve it with Mrs. Wus help.A. working out B. work out C. worked out D. to work out( )30. What_ you offered me! Now I can both do sports and finish my homework.A. useful advice B. usef

14、ul suggestion C. used advice D. a useful advice( )31.What do you think of the book? Oh, excellent. It is worth _a second time.A. reading B. to be read C. to read D. being read( )32. I dont know if it _tomorrow. If it _, well go and make snowmen.A. will snow; will snow B. snows; snows C. will snow; s

15、nows D. snows; will snow( )33. This pair of jeans looks nice _ me because I look nice _blue.A. on; inB. in; onC. for.; onD. to; in( )34. Much attention should be paid _ the wild animals as many of them are dying out.A. to protectingB. to protectC. protectingD. protect( )35. _ your English teacher _

16、you ? A. Do, strict inB. Does, strict with C. is, strict withD. is strict in ( )36. Please dont stay up to late. Its bad for your health._.A. No, I didnt.B. No, I wontC. No, I will D. Yes, I do( )37. Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school. Not really, my dear. Youd better stay at home for another d

17、ay or two. A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. ill enough ( )38. Would you mind lending me your bike? _.A. Certainly not, here you are B. Yes, OK C. Yes, my bike is broken D. Yes, here you are.( )39.We will go camping tomorrow, and Id like you to come. _! I have an important meeting to attend th

18、at day. Thank you just the same.A. Congratulations B. What a pityC. Why not D. Good idea( )40. Do you know _A/H1N1 disease? Yes, we should have a good habit about health.A. how we should do withB. what we should do withC. how should we deal withD. what should we deal with( )41. A smile costs _, but

19、gives so much. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything( )42. -How do you like the two pairs of trousers? -They dont fit me well. They are _ too long_ too short. A. not only; but also B. both; and C. neither; nor D. either; or( )43. This picture reminded me _ my childhood. A. to B. for C. o

20、f D. with( )44. -Finish your homework, _ you cant play computer games, Jim. All right, Mum. A. but B. till C. and D. or( )45. The price of the book is ._. It is only five yuan. A. low B. cheap C. expensive D. high( )46. People dressed baby boys in blue in the hope that boys _. A. will-protect B. wil

21、l be protected C. protected D. would be protected( )47. I wondered _ we needed to buy another computer. A. that B. weather C. whether D. how( )48. He didnt feel well this morning. Thats _ he didnt go to school. A. because B. how C. why D. so( )49. His uncle _ here since he got married. A. has left B

22、. had left C. has been away from D. left( )50. The boy is clever, but he never_. A. tells a lie B. shows off C. gives up D. puts off( )51. Can you see _ in the picture? A. something else B. anything else C. else something D. else anything( )52. This chair is made _ wood. A. from B. in C. by D. of( )

23、53. He is _ to explain it to me three times. A. patient enough B. impatient enough C. enough patient D. enough impatient( )54. Go downstairs, _ stand in line in the playground as soon as possible. A. and B. but C. so D. or( )55. My sister is quiet and doesnt like to talk, but her study _. A works B.

24、 plays C. shouts D. reads二、词汇运用(45分)A:根据句意及汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式,每空一词。1. I will go with himI have no other _ (选择).2. Ask him _ (是否) he can come or not.3. The new factory will _(创造) about 2,000 jobs for people.4. The rule _ everyone to wear formal clothes to the meeting. 5. Drunk driving is one of the most

25、common _ (原因) of many traffic accidents.B:用括号内所给词的适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。6. Its _ (help) for them to make a list of the things they need to do.7. Thank you very much. Its my _. (please).8. Only one of these books is worth _ (read).9. Susan gave her a nice scarf on her _(ninety) birthday.10. _(hand) in your

26、homework on time, or your teacher will be angry with you.11. J. K. Rowling likes children. She _ (write) another childrens book these days.12. We were late for the film Roman Holiday, but _ (luck) we didnt miss much.13. My father told me that the earth _(go) around the sun.14. Finally, I made a _ (d

27、ecide) to forgive Jane for her mistakes.15. His _ (think) of being a voluntary teacher in the poor area makes us surprised.C根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,每空一词。1. I am poor in English_(语法)Can you help me?2. His daughter is a_(天生的)dancer. She dances well. .3. His parents are both teachers, but_(两者都不)of them teaches i

28、n our school.4. I dont know_(是否)he is a good helper or not.5. If the medicine_(奏效), you can keep on taking it.D根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. He is patient and he doesnt get angry _ (easy).2. She is so_ (care) that she often makes many mistakes in her homework.3. The story_ (it)is very interesting and we all

29、like it.4. The sad news made all of us_ (happy).5. If you _ feel (sleep), you can have a rest.E根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. I began to learn_ (swim) when I was only three.2. He_ (be) to many foreign countries recently.3. Not only his classmates but also he_ (take) on the challenge from Class 2 next week.4.

30、Tom is organized and he never forgets the things he needs _ (do)5. The sign reminds me_ (not park) here.F 词形变换1 The environment, _ ( include) your education, your experiences and the people around you, can change your personality.2 You should be confident enough_(take) this job.3 Jims granny was dea

31、d and he couldnt get away from the_ (sad).4 The little boy had no difficulty_ (speak) three kinds of languages.5 Jim _ (prefer) dogs to cats in the past.6 Your sons bedroom can_ (paint) orange, because orange usually represents joy.7 He promised_ (not come)to my wedding at last.8 He advised me_ (wea

32、r) white while I feel stressed.9 Personality includes your _ (think), feelings and behaviours which make you different from other people.10 Lots of smokers want to give up_ (smoke), but few of them can make it.11 It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger_ (be) brave.12Why were you _ ( 缺席的

33、) from school yesterday ?13 Nanjing is an _ ( 古老的) city with a long history.14 Would you like to come to my birthday _ (庆祝活动),Millie ?15 Can you _ ( 想象) what life will be like in 100 years ?一、单项选择551.BACCC 6.BCDBB 11.BBDBA 16.ACDCB 21.DBABB 26.ACAAA 31.ACAAC 36.BCABB 41.CDCCA 46. BCCCB 51. BDAAC二、词汇

34、运用30A.1. choice2. whether3. create4. requires5. causes B.6. helpful7. pleasure8. reading9. ninetieth10. Hand11. is writing12.luckily13.goes14.decision15.thoughtC.1. grammar 2. born 3. neither 4. whether 5. worksD.1. easily 2. careless 3. itself 4. unhappy 5. sleepyE. l. to swim 2. has been 3. is going to take/will take 4. to do 5. not to parkF. 1including 2 to take 3 sadness 4 speaking 5 preferred 6 be painted 7 not to come 8 to wear 9 thoughts 10 smoking 11. are 12 absent 13 ancient 14 celebration 15 imagine专心-专注-专业


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