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《2019秋季最新人教版高一英语必修一学案-welcome-unit.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019秋季最新人教版高一英语必修一学案-welcome-unit.docx(21页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2019新人教版高一英语WelcomeUnit学案【知识框架】WelcomeUnit 【核心词汇】1.exchange /kstend/n. C;U交换;交流;交易vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换Im an exchange student from the UK.(教材P2)我是来自英国的交换生。合作探究体会exchange的用法和意义Its really easy to exchange travellers cheques at banks or hotels.在银行或宾馆兑换旅行支票非常容易。Ill go to the bank to exchange some

2、pounds for dollars.我要去银行把一些英镑换成美元。I will take full advantage of the chance to exchange views with them.我将充分利用这次机会与他们交换观点。I gave Mary an apple in exchange for my favorite banana.我送给玛丽一个苹果交换我最喜欢吃的香蕉。自主发现exchange.for.以交换/兑换exchange sth with sb 与某人交换某物in exchange for 作为对的交换或替换词块积累exchange cheques兑换支票exc

3、hange students 交换生cultural exchange 文化交流2. designer /dzan(r)/ n.设计师;设计者3. design / dzan / n.设计;方案;图案 vt.设计;筹划The Hope Project is designed to help those children who drop out of school because of poverty.希望工程旨在帮助那些因为贫困而辍学的孩子们。This room was designed for children as a childrens playroom.这个房间是为孩子们设计作为游乐

4、室的。We dont know whether they did it by accident or by design.我们不知道他们这样做是偶然的还是故意的。自主发现be designed for/to do sth旨在/计划做某事;打算被用来做design sth for. 打算让用作某种目的;为而设计某物by design/chance 故意地;蓄意地思考你知道by design的同义短语和反义短语吗?同义短语:on purpose反义短语:by accident4. anxious / ks / adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的 anxiety n.忧虑;担心;渴望anxiously

5、adv.焦虑地合作探究体会anxious及其相关词的用法和意义She is anxious to go to college now,but anxious about/for not passing the College Entrance Examination.她现在渴望上大学,但又担心不能通过高考。I spent the next several hours filled with anxiety.我在焦虑不安中度过了余下的几个小时。Everybody is waiting anxiously for the doctor.大家都在焦急地等着医生。We waited with anxi

6、ety for the news of her safe arrival.我们焦急地等待她平安到达的消息。自主发现be anxious for/about为担心/担忧be anxious to do sth 渴望做某事with anxiety 焦虑地5.annoyed /nd/ adj.(人感到)恼怒的;生气的I get annoyed (annoy) when someone talks to me while Im reading.6.annoy /n/ vt.使恼怒;打扰My husbands talking with full food in his mouth often annoy

7、s me.Although I sometimes am annoyed with him about his annoying habit,he cant get rid of it.7. frightened /fratnd/ adj.(人)受惊吓的;(人感到)害怕的 frightening adj.令人恐惧的fright n.惊吓,恐怖frighten vt.使害怕,使惊吓合作探究体会frightened及其相关词的用法和意义The little girl is frightened of dogs. 这个小女孩害怕狗。 She was very frightened to look d

8、own from the top floor of the building.她很害怕从那栋建筑物的顶楼往下看。The little girl was frightened at the sight of the frightening snake and shook with fright.这个小女孩一看到这条令人恐怖的蛇就感到很恐惧,吓得浑身发抖。News of the robberies frightened many people into fitting new locks to their doors.发生抢劫案的消息把许多人吓得装上了新门锁。自主发现be frightened o

9、f害怕be frightened to do. 害怕做with fright 害怕地frighten sb into doing sth 吓得某人做某事巩固内化(1)单句语法填空Travelling in an airplane can be a _(frighten) experience for some people.The _ fiction made him _ to death.(frighten)The man frightened the old lady into _(sign) the paper at last.(2)补全句子He was frightened to de

10、ath when he saw the frightening scene.当他看到这令人惊恐的一幕时他吓得要死。8. impression /mpren/ n.印象;感想make an impression留下好印象9.impress/mpres/vt.使钦佩;给留下深刻的好印象vi.留下印象;引人注目The new teacher made/left a good impression on the students by her rich knowledge and humorous talk.那位新老师以丰富的知识和幽默的语言给同学们留下了很好的印象。短语记牢记牢下列短语leave/m

11、ake an impression on.给留下印象be impressed by/with. 被打动impress sth on sb/impress sb with sth 某事给某人留下深刻印象Everyone agreed that they were greatly impressed by Morissettes brilliant music and singing.大家都认为莫里塞特杰出的音乐和演唱给他们留下了深刻的印象。Our teacher impressed us with the importance of learning English well.老师要我们牢牢记住

12、学好英语的重要性。10. what if如果会怎么样呢?【句式解读】句中what if.表示“要是会怎么样呢?”后面跟一个句子,相当于What will/would happen if.?【用法总结】(1)What about./How about.?怎么样?(表建议或征求对方意见)What about/How about going to the movies with me tonight?今晚和我去看场电影好不好?(2)Why not do.? 为什么不?Why not stop them (from) polluting the river?为什么不阻止他们污染这条河呢?(3)How

13、come.?怎么发生的?How come you enjoy collecting stamps?你怎么会喜欢集邮呢?巩固内化(1)单句语法填空What if we moved the sofa over there? What about having(have) a game of chess?(2)补全句子How come they left you alone here?他们怎么会把你一个人留在这里呢?Why not try doing it in some other way?为什么不用其他办法试着做它呢?11. concentrate / knsntret / vt.&vi.集中(

14、注意力);专心于;聚集会神I will leave so that/in order that you can concentrate on your work.我这就走,好让你能专心工作。短语记牢记牢下列短语concentrate on (doing) sth专心(做)某事concentrate ones mind/ones attention on 集中注意力于;致力于;专心于focus on 集中精力于fix/focus ones mind/attention on. 集中注意力于We should concentrate our attention on efficiency to i

15、mprove our work.我们应该把注意力集中在效率上来改善我们的工作。Every one fixed/focused his/her mind/attention on listening to the teacher.大家集中注意力于听老师讲课。巩固内化(1)单句语法填空We must concentrate our efforts on _(improve) education.As a senior high student,I think you should concentrate your attention_your skills of learning.(2)补全句子A

16、s students we must concentrate on our studies.作为学生,我们必须集中精力学习。12. leave.alone不打扰.,不惊动.She shouted “Leave me alone” and ran to her bed.她高声嚷着:“让我独自待一会儿!”然后就跑上了床。短语记牢记牢下列短语leave behind遗留;把抛在后面;落后leave aside 搁置一边;不考虑leave out 省略;遗漏leave for 到地方去;前往I wonder why they left aside such an important question.

17、我纳闷他们为什么不考虑如此重要的一个问题。Either one goes forward or he will be left behind.不进则退。巩固内化用leave相关短语填空The newly married couple are leaving for their honeymoon.The editors decide to leave out this chapter to make the book shorter.We tried to be friendly,but his refusal made us think he wanted to be left alone.

18、13. awkward / :kwd / adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的.Tom arrived at school late again,which made him feel awkward (令人尴尬的).14. confident /knfdnt/ adj.自信的;有把握的15. confidence /knfdns/ n.信心;信任;自信心There will be many challenges ahead,but I have _(confident).16. forward / f:wd /adv.(also forwards)向前;前进 adj.向前的;前进的look forw

19、ard to 盼望;期待Tom is looking forward to meeting the new exchange student.(教材P6)汤姆盼望着见到新的交换生。短语记牢记牢下列短语look into调查;向里面看look through 浏览,仔细看,翻阅look around/round 环视;环顾;四下查看look back on 回忆,回顾look up 向上看,查找look down on/upon 轻视;瞧不起look up to 尊敬,敬仰Its our traditional virtue that the young should look up to th

20、e old.年轻人应该尊重老年人,这是我们的传统美德。We shouldnt look down upon/on the disabled;on the contrary,we should help them.我们不应该瞧不起残疾人,相反我们应该帮助他们。I like to look back on my high-school days,which were the happiest in my life.我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我生命中最快乐的时光。巩固内化单句语法填空Please look through your desk and see if my English dictio

21、nary is there.More and more countries are looking forward to joining(join) the Belt and Road Project.I often look up the words I dont know in the dictionary or on the Internet.思考look forward to 中to为介词,以介词to结尾的短语你还能想出几个?get down to着手lead to导致;通往pay attention to注意be/get used to习惯于17. take notes记笔记18.

22、flash/fl/n.闪光;信号vi.闪耀;闪光;发出信号vt.使闪耀;使闪光;发出(信号)flash card教学卡片;识字卡合作探究体会flash的意义和用法Lightning flashed in the distance.远处电光闪闪。Red lights flashed a warning at them.红灯闪亮向他们发出警告。Flashes of light were followed by an explosion.阵阵闪光后就是一声爆炸的巨响。自主发现flash sth at sb /flash sb sth/flash at sb向某人闪光发出信号词块积累a flash o

23、f lightning一道闪电巩固内化翻译句子A ridiculous thought flashed through Harrys mind.一个可笑的想法在哈里的脑子里闪过。Lightning flashed among the distant dark clouds.远处的乌云中电光闪闪。【即学即练】1介词填空It is illegal for a public official to ask people for gifts or money _ exchange for favors to them.I am going to travel abroad,so I go to exc

24、hange some RMB _ dollars in the bank.Meanwhile,they exchange ideas and feelings _each other.2.巩固内化单句语法填空The project _ (design) to help the disabled is very popular with them.The television programme is designed to _(educate) and not merely to entertain.The houses are specially designed _ the old peo

25、ple.3 巩固内化单句语法填空There is no reason to be anxious _ the exam result.He is anxious _ (spend) the holiday with you.The mother was filled with _ (anxious) about/over her daughters English.She waited _ (anxious) for her mothers letter.4 巩固内化(1)单句语法填空My first_ (impress) of him was that he was a kind and t

26、houghtful young man.The little boy impressed me_ his big,bright eyes the first time I saw him.(2)补全句子The first time she visited Guilin,she_(被打动)the scenery there.Keys: 1介词填空 in; for ;with 2巩固内化. designed; educate;for 3巩固内化: about/for; to spend;anxiety;anxiously 4.巩固内化:impression;with; was deeply imp

27、ressed by/with/at 【语法与句型】1.主语谓语宾语宾语补足语I found most of my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.(宾语为most of my classmates and teachers ;friendly and helpful为宾语补足语)仿写我发现绘画或素描很令人放松。I find painting or drawing very relaxing.【用法总结】(1)能够充当宾语的有名词或代词。宾语补足语主要是对宾语进行补充说明,说明宾语的身份、特征或状态等。We turned around a

28、nd found the little girl struggling in the lake,crying for help.我们转过身来时发现小女孩在湖中挣扎,大声呼救。(2)find复合结构的常见形式有:find宾语宾补When he woke up,he found himself lying in the street.当他醒来时,他发现自己正躺在大街上。I found myself surrounded by a group of children full of curiosity.我发现自己被一群充满好奇心的孩子围住了。(3)当不定式(或从句)作find的宾语时,通常用it作形

29、式宾语,将真正的宾语放在宾补之后,即构成“finditadj./n.to do sth/that从句”,表示“发现/认为做某事”。We find it important to develop low-carbon economy.我们发现发展低碳经济很重要。I find it amazing that theyre still together.他们还在一起,这使我很吃惊。巩固内化(1)单句语法填空She found herself _ (trap) into buying the useless medicines.I find it necessary for us_(learn) a

30、foreign language.(2)一句多译我认为当你有麻烦时帮助你是我的责任。I find that it is my duty to help you when you are in trouble.I find it my duty to help you when you are in trouble.名师提醒形式宾语句型“6123”结构:“6”指主句中常用的动词:think,believe,make,find,consider,feel;“1”指的是形式宾语it;“2”指的是宾补的两种形式:形容词或名词;“3”指的是真正宾语的三种形式:不定式短语,动名词短语或that引导的宾语从

31、句。2.what引导的感叹句What a day (it is)!(1)Whata/an形容词单数可数名词主语谓语!What a fine day it is!(2)What形容词不可数名词主语谓语!What fine weather it is!(3)What形容词可数名词复数主语谓语!What kind women they are!3.What if no one talks to me?要是没有人和我说话会怎么办呢?仿写要是他不同意我会怎么办呢?What if he doesnt agree with me?【综合测试】.课文语法填空Han Jing went to senior hi

32、gh school at 7:00 this morning,1._she was a little anxious because she was not outgoing.But she wanted to leave a good first 2._(impress).In the morning,she had a maths class and found it difficult.But she also found most of her 3._ (classmate) and teachers friendly and 4._(help).In the afternoon,th

33、ey had 5._(they) chemistry class in the science lab.The lab is new and the lesson was great,but the guy next to her made her 6._(bore) so that she couldnt concentrate 7._ the experiment.At night,she was not worried about no one 8._(talk) to her any longer.She believes that she will make new friends

34、and feels much 9._(confidence) than she felt this morning.She thinks tomorrow will be 10._great day.根据提示完成小作文尽管罗斯是一个外向(outgoing)的女孩,但她第一次来我们高中时仍旧觉得有点不安(anxious)。现在她习惯了高中生活。昨天在实验室做实验时她给我留下了印象(make an impression)。实验很难做,但是她集中精力(concentrate on)做实验并最终(at last)做得很好。她对未来很有信心(confident)。III.阅读理解ADear Mom an

35、d Dad,Camp is great!I have met a lot of new friends.Jim is from California,Eric is from Iowa,and Tony is from Missouri.We have a great time together,swimming,boating,hiking,and playing tricks on other campers! Every night,we go to another tent secretly and try to scare other campers by making scary

36、noises.Its so funny to see them run out screaming! Now,dont worry,Mom.Im not going to get caught like I did last year.One thing that is different from last year is how many bugs(昆虫) there are! I have at least 100 mosquito bites and about 25 ant bites.Every time I go outside,horseflies(牛虻) chase me,t

37、oo! Other than all these bugs,Im having the best time!Love,TylerDear Tyler,Are you sure you are okay? All of those bugs sound awful! Have you used all of the“Itch-Be-Gone” cream I got you? How about the “Antsk Awful” lotions(护肤液) for the ant bites? You and your aunt Ethel have always seemed to attra

38、ct those nasty fire ants.Now Tyler,I am very happy that you have met some new friends and that you are having fun together.However,you MUST stop trying to scare other campers.Remember,honey,some campers may be scared easily.I want you to apologise for any anxiety you may have caused them and start b

39、eing the nice,polite boy that I know you are.Do you hear me,Tyler? Please be careful.I want you to come here safely.Love,Mom【语篇解读】第一封信是孩子在外出露营期间写给父母的。根据孩子信中所说的问题,在第二封信中母亲给孩子正确的引导。1.Why did Tyler write the letter to his parents?A.To describe his interesting camp experiences.B.To express his regret ab

40、out scaring others.C.To ask his parents for advice about camping.D.To tell his parents about his sufferings at camp.2.The underlined word “chase” in the first letter probably means “ ”.A.fly away B.get rid ofC.put up with D.run after3.Tylers mother advises him to .A.buy more lotion for the bitesB.re

41、turn with a few friendsC.avoid scaring other campersD.turn to the police when in troubleKeys: A 篇1. A 2.D 3 .CBThis year some twenty-three hundred teenagers(young people aged from 1319) from all over the world will spend about ten months in US homes.They will attend US schools,meet US teenagers,and

42、form impressions of the real America.At the same time,about thirteen hundred American teenagers will go to other countries to learn new languages and gain a new understanding of the rest of the world.Here is a two-way student exchange in action.Fred,nineteen,spent last year in Germany with Georges f

43、amily.In turn,Georges son Mike spent a year in Freds home in America.Fred,a lively young man,knew little German when he arrived,but after two months study the language began to come to him.School was completely different from what he had expectedmuch harder.Students rose respectfully when the teache

44、r entered the room.They took fourteen subjects instead of the six that were usual in the United States.There were almost no outside activities.Family life,too,was different.The fathers word was law,and all activities were around the family rather than the individual.Fred found the food too simple at

45、 first.Also,he missed having a car.“Back home,you pick up some friends in a car and go out and have a good time.In Germany,you walk,but you soon learn to like it.”At the same time,in America,Mike,a friendly German boy,was also forming his idea.“I suppose I should criticize American schools,” he said.“It is far too easy by our level.But I have to say that I like it very much.In Germany we


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