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《2022年外研版三起小学英语三级下册教案.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年外研版三起小学英语三级下册教案.pdf(32页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Module 1 Unit 1 Its the ABC song.Teaching aims: Describing the alphabetsTeaching importance and difficulty: alphabetsVocabulary :favourite, songLetters: A-ZTeaching steps:一Warming up: sing a song 二Revisions: Free talk1. T: Hello How are youS1:T: Hi, good morning! Whats this. What colour is itOh, yes

2、, its Do you like. I like , too. We can also say, my favourite colour is ,Whats your favorite colour 你最喜欢的颜色是什么启发学生用Its 回答问题。教授新单词 favourite。再问 Whats your favourite song 你最喜欢的歌曲是什么教授新单词 song三New lessons:My favourite song is the ABC song. OK, today we ll learn the new lesson Module 1 Unit 1 Its the A

3、BC song.( 板书课题 )Now turn to page 2,listen to the tape carefully. OK , Can you find the new words. Ask the kids one by one.2.教授字母,教师先按字母表的顺序教授,然后导入字母的歌曲。四Games:读字母游戏,看谁迅速反应,然后把字母卡片送给他。另外让学生猜字母。五作业:1.跟录音读课文,手指着。2.把单词复习一遍 .教后记:精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 3

4、2 页 - - - - - - - - - - Unite 2 My favoutite color is yellow.Teaching aims: talking about faviourte things and colorsTeaching importance and difficulty:My favoutite toy is a car. My favoutite color is yellow.Vocabulary : toy car ship dollTeaching steps:一、Warming up:sing ABC song 二、Revisions:复习上节课的字母

5、。可以借助卡片,学生一个一个读(开火车)三.New lessons:1. T: Do you know toy ( 出示卡片 ) 教授新单词There are lots of toys .doll, ship , car, computer game .Teach the new words. 老师问:Whats your favourite toy 启发学生用 Its a .What color is it 回答,并导入新的课题,并板书新课题。2.打开书,听录音并让学生手指着。3.听录音,并跟读。4. Ask the kids to talk about their favourite th

6、ings and colors, 并引导学生会用新句型回答四.作业:听录音,并且复习字母。Module 2 Unit 1 Theyre monkeys.Teaching aims:1.能听,说,读,写本节课的词语。2能,听,说,读本节课的课文3.进一步巩固:Whats this Its a. What are they Theyre .句型Teaching steps:精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 一、Warming up:

7、sing the ABC song .二、呈现新课:1. 导入:熊猫来跟大家打招呼了,欢迎小朋友去zoo 参观: Good morning, Im Panpan .让学生也打招呼。复习前面的知识,让我们跟着熊猫一起去公园走一走,看一看。2. 齐读标题。3. 出示一张有着很多动物的动物园照片, 问学生分别是谁,然后展示动物是如何介绍自己的,让学生注意听,并学会动物的名称。4. 开始放录音,手指着,学生自己听5. 老师示范读,教读,然后学生自己读,最后跟着磁带读6. 老师出示几张卡片让学生猜,Look at this animal. Whats this(出示老虎的卡片 )Yes ,It s a

8、tiger. Its very big.(出示单词并板书: tiger ,Its a tiger.) 并教读OK. there is another animal coming. What s this(狮子,大象,举一反三 )出示猴子图片时, look at the animals, What are they Theyre monkeys. 学生会说:Its small.同样教师做出小的手势,让学生明白动物的特征。7. 看课文,听录音。手指着,一幅图片一幅图片跟着读,让学生明白课文大意。8. 老师领读,自己读,随后同桌自己读,最后全班分角色朗读。三、作业:抄写本节课单词,并能熟练朗读课文。

9、Unit 2 That man is short.Teaching aims:能用英语描述人的特征,并能掌握本节课的单词,熟读本节的课文。Teaching steps一、Warming up 二、复习上节课的内容三、课文导入1. 老师在黑板上分别画几个大物品和几个小物品,会说Its big or small.2. 教师叫几名学生到讲台,谈论学生的外貌,教学单词。3. 教授新单词: thin4. 听录音,读课文(学生自己读,然后再让学生跟着读)5. 听完后完成活动二和活动三三、作业:熟读课文,书写二十六个字母。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载

10、名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - Module 3 Unit 1 I like football.Teaching aims:让学生理解运用I like .和 I dont like 两个句型,并能熟练读单词football, basketball, exercisesTeaching steps:一、Warming up二、课文导入:1.老师是先准备好体育运动的小图,并将图片一小部分的遮盖起来,只露出其中一部分,然后向学生提问,并教授新单词。2.插入游戏:选出小老师,让学生领读。(football ,basket

11、ball, table tennis, exercises )3.老师把单词卡片贴在黑板上,迅速抢答三.学习句型: I like .和 I dont like 1 老师在黑板上画一张快乐的和悲伤地脸,教授新句型2.挂画图,教授课文。3.播放录音,手指着,学生模仿。4.体会句子的整体运用,并学习课文。5.自主练习两个句型。6.看动作练习句子。四。作业:掌握本节课的新单词及课文。Unit 2 I dont like riding my bike.一、教学目标:1.掌握有关运动的词汇: swimming, skipping , riding bikes,2.知道字母 D d E e F f 的写法3

12、.巩固学过的运动词汇 : football,basketball 二、教学准备:一些运动的简笔画图片和磁带。三、教学过程:1. Warming up 2. Revision教师出示运动图片,进行回答精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - T:Which sport Ss: football,basketballT:Which sport do you like and dont you like . 3. 出示新教授的过程:a. 出示一

13、幅 swimming 的图片,引出 I like swimming.b. 让学生做动作说新单词,并说出自己是否喜欢。(同样引出skipping , riding bikes的教授方法。)c. 练习:加游戏炸弹游戏,或者小组讨论自己喜欢的运动d. 听录音,跟读课文四、 作业:书写今天学过的字母及熟读课文。Module 4 Unit 1 Do you like meat Teaching aims: the students to master the following words and sentences : meat, rice, noodles, fish , milk. Do you

14、like Yes, I do. No ,I dont.2. get the students to use the sentences patterns to ask about likes and dislikes.3. through activities , the teacher should cultivate the studentsspirit of competition and cooperation Important points:The mastery of the new words and sentencesDifficult points:The students

15、 can use the sentences patterns to ask about likes and dislikes教学过程:一. Greetings二. Sing a song 三.导入:1. T: I m a . Look, I m very fat. So, I like basketball. Do you like basketballS: Yes, 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - T: You can sa

16、y Yes, I do.(同样引出No,I dont.)2. chantFollow me, do, do , do. Yes , I do.Dont, dont ,dont, No, I dont.3. 同样方法引出本节课的新单词:meat, rice, fish ,noodles. milk.(插入句型 Do you like Yes, I do. No , I dont .)4. 游戏:找小老师教读,小弹簧5. 教授本节课的句型:Do you like Yes, I do. No , I dont .6 .同桌互读单词,检查单词读的情况以及句子7. 跟读录音,手指着四. 作业:书写今天学

17、过的字母及熟读课文。Unit 2 Does Lingling like oranges(一)Revision :请学生展示自己制作的食物类新单词卡片,并把新单词交给全班的学生(二)Warmer:1. 教师事先准备一些水果的实物,出示实物,教授新单词:apple ,orange ,pear2. 把单词变成歌曲(三)导入:1. 教师拿着苹果,对一位女生说:Do you like apples 学生会回答。然后引导全班学生回答3. 同样方法引出水果的新单词,同时老师要问学生:Does he / she like apples 及其回答方式:Yes, she / he does. No, she /

18、he doesnt.4. 出示挂图,引出课文,听录音,学生自己听。5. 再次放录音,学生跟读。5 学生对读,同桌互相检查。6. 进行书上活动三并完成习题。7. 再次复习课文,分角色朗读课文。(四)作业:精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 1. 听录音,熟练读课文。2. 掌握学过的单词及其句型。Module 5 Unit 1 She goes to school on Mongdays.Module 5 unit 1 She goes

19、 to school on Mondays教学目标1、谈论家庭成员的日常活动2、 全体学生能初步运用: He /She goes to school on Mondays. goes, go to school ,on ,Monday, play, phone, on the phone, with, friend, at, home, who, only, year.3、全体学生能听懂He /She goes to school on Mondays.能说 He /She goes to school on Mondays.能整体感知 goes ,go to school, friend,

20、work, go to work.教学内容分析:本课的教学内容是谈论家庭成员的日常活动,课文情境是M 是 Ms Smart 和朋友在电话里聊天的内容。教学过程:一、warm up1、师生相互问候2、请学生拍手说 M3U2 第四部分的韵句,有节奏的拍手说三遍。二、lead in。1、播放 M5U1 第一部分的动画,请学生看图。2、让学生自己理解语境,再次播放动画,请学生跟读。三、text teaching1、利用卡片教读本课新单词,goes, go to school ,on ,Monday, play, phone, on the phone, with, friend, at, home,

21、who, only, year.部分学生能读出新单词后, 用小组练习的方式在小组内练习读新单词。2、以小组竞赛的形式展现教读成果,确保大部分同学能掌握新单词3、播放第二部分的动画,请学生看图理解课文大意。并回答Amy, Sam, Tom 在星期一会做些什么。4、再次播放动画, 请学生逐句跟读, 并注意模仿录音中的语音语调。然后讲解课文大意,请学习在小组内讨论课文意思并逐句翻译。5、在小组内朗读课文,读熟后以小组为单位进行对话练习,最后对每个小组的表演进行评价。6、请学生边看第三部分的图片边听录音,并跟读模仿。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载

22、名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 四、practice完成第四部分。请学生看图,教师向学生讲解活动要求:第一个学生小声向第二个学生讲述自己在星期一的活动,其他三个学生依次向下一个学生转述第一个学生所说的话,第五个学生要把他所听到的句子说给全组听,看看这个句子与原句是否一致。请学生五人一组开展活动,并以小组为单位上前展示。五、Summary总结本课所学知识,并对各小组表现进行评价。六、homework将课文第一二部分及单词读熟,并用所学句子讲述自己在星期一的活动。Unit2 Does your mum go to w

23、ork on Saturdays教学目标知识目标掌握单词和句子Does she/he . ”及其回答“Yes,she does/No,she doesn t.”技能目标掌握一般疑问句的第三人称单数的句型及回答。情感目标培养学生的英语学习兴趣。教学重点掌握单词和句子Does she/he . ”及其回答“Yes,she does/No,she doesn t.”教学难点掌握单词和句子Does she/he . ”及其回答“Y es,she does/No,she doesn t.”教学过程:Step1 Warm up.words.Step 2 Study new words new words

24、by the small blackboardand write the new words Step 3 Study sentence patterns 1.问学生星期一你去学校吗引出句型“Do you go to school on Mondays ”2.“ 学生回答 ” 引出“Yes,I do./No I don t.”3.问: “ 他/她星期一去学校吗”引出句型:Does he/she go to school on Mondays 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 32

25、 页 - - - - - - - - - - 引出“ Yes ,she/he does./No she/he doesn t.”Step 4 Group discussion1. Two students make a dialogue A:你的妈妈星期六去上班吗B:不,不上班。A:你的爸爸星期六去上班吗B:是的,他上班。up and show the dialogue Step 5 Read the textbookteacher lead to the student reading book together Step 6 Game1.先找四个同学上讲台做对话。甲生:“Do es * l

26、ike meat” 乙生: Yes ,he does.丙生: No , he doesn t. 甲生: * ,do you like meat 丁生: do /No ,I don t. Step7 Homework the new words the text 6.板书设计Unit 2 Does your mum go to work on SaturdaysDo you.Yes, I doNo, I don t.Does she/he Yes,he/she does.No he/she doesn tModule 6 Unit 1 What do you do on Sundays一、War

27、ming up:1. Greeting:T: Hello, boys and girls. Let us recite the seasons. OkSs: Ok.精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - T and Ss: spring, summer, autumn and winter.T: What day is it todaySs: Today is 2. Saying a chant:Hello, Meg, hello, T

28、ed.Whats his name He is Ben.Whats her name She is Pat.How old is she She is eight.How old is he He is nine.3. Singing “Head, shoulders, knees and toes.二、New concept.T: Oh, you are great .Today let us learn Module 6ActivitiesUnit 1 What do you do at the weekend (Writing and reading)1. T: Do you like

29、playing footballSs: Yes, I do.T: What do you do at the weekend (explain in Chinese )Ss: I play basketball.T: I like reading at the weekend .What about youSs: I like swimming.T: You are great.T: And what do you have at schoolYou can say: I have Ss: I have English and Chinese.T: Do you like mathsSs: Y

30、es, I do. / (No, I dont.)T: What do you do at 5 oclock in the morningI sleep in the morning. What about youSs: I sleep , too.2. Do exercises: On the board write the following list1) What do you do at the weekendI .2) What do you have at school精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - -

31、 - - - - -第 10 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - I have and 3. Listen and say. Play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let the Ss repeat the sentences.4. Show the Ss some books .For example “Maths” “Chinese ” “Science ”Show the Ss some pictures “football” “sleep ” “swimming6. Text1) Listen and l

32、ook.2) Answer questions:What do you do at oclock in the morningWhat do you have at school三、Homework:1) Read the text frequently and recite the text.2) Copy the following sentences 2 times.Module 6 Unit 2 What does Lingling have at school教学目标:知识目标: 单词: today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, h

33、as 技能目标: 句子: What does Lingling have at schoolShe has 学习歌曲 We like school.情感目标: 喜欢听说英语并敢于用英语表达。教学重点:单词: today, music, Chinese, maths, art,science, PE, has句子: What does Lingling have at schoolShe has 学习字母 Ll, Mm, Nn教学难点:主语第一人称及第三人称时,动词使用上发生的变化。教学过程 :1.热身复习(1)英语展示角。学生可以上台表演英语节目,唱英语歌曲、讲英语故事、猜英语谜语、做英语游戏

34、等,其他学生在台下积极回应,通过此环节让学生尽快融入学习英语的氛围中。老师要对学生的英语展示给予适当的评价,激发学生参与的兴趣。(2)老师出示一本日历, 打开日历到今天的日期, 并强调突出星期几, 随后翻阅日历到周日,在周日出现的时候老师用愉快的口吻说: “It s Sunday. I like Sunday very much. I play basketball 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - on Sunday. Wha

35、t do you do on Sunday ”引导学生运用“ I.on Sunday. ”的句型回答问题。并出示打乒乓球和踢足球的图片。最后学生两人一组进行操练。(3)再出示另外的六幅图片, (游泳,骑车,看电视等)让学生在小组内进一步练习巩固句型:What do you do on Sunday I.on Sunday. 并在班内展示,师生要给出适当的评价。2.课文学习(1)通过实物与图片的结合来学习有关科目的单词。利用小游戏“猜猜看”来巩固所学单词,为学习课文做好铺垫。老师边出示图片边说: “What s this ” 学生回答: “Its a book. ”师补充: “Yes. It s

36、 an English book. ”以此来学习其他科目的单词 (English, music, Chinese, maths , art, science, PE )等。并提问其中的一名女学生: What do you have at school 生答:I have English at school.然后问其他学生: What does she have at school 并引导学生回答:She has English at school.同样换一个男生提问,并引出句型:What does he have at school He has English at school.两人一组进

37、行问答,操练句型。(2)出示重点词组进行操练。特别标注动词第三人称单数的单词。在小组内操练,老师要给出适当的评价。(3)运用 chant 进行巩固练习What does she have at schoolShe has Maths. She has Music.What does she have at school She has Art. She has PE.What does he do on SundaysHe plays football. He plays basketball.What does he do on SundaysHe goes swimming. He goe

38、s skipping.(4)听课文录音。 听过第一遍录音后, 老师可以提一些问题, 例如: “What does Lingling have in the morning What does Lingling do in the afternoon ”请学生带着问题听第二遍录音。第二遍录音过后,老师可以请理解了课文内容的学生向全班提出新的问题,全班学生回答。听第三遍录音时,请学生边看书边跟读,画出新单词,并试着找出新问题的答案。再次播放录音,请学生模仿跟读。(5)然后请学生以小组为单位分角色表演课文。最后请几组学生到教室前面展示。(6)学习歌曲 We like school.老师把全班学生分成

39、六人一小组,学生每人在纸上写下school 中的一个字母。播放第一遍录音,让学生熟悉歌词和旋律。第二遍录音,老师单句停顿,学生跟着音乐唱。第三遍录音,精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 学生在唱到 S-C-H-O-O-L 时,按字母顺序依次举起手中的纸。(7)学习字母 Ll, Mm, Nn。师出示字母卡片,让学生认读,随时注意纠正学生的发音。师在板书这些字母时,要在字母旁标明笔顺,并提醒学生注意正确的占格和书写笔顺。把字母和单词相

40、结合, 编成歌谣: L is for lion. M is for monkey. N is for noodles. 然后进行扩展练习,比赛谁扩展的单词最多。3.巩固练习请选出下列不属于同一类的词。()B. fat C. tall D. short (). lions B. pandas C. tiger D. monkeys()B. meat C. fish D. small(). English B. Art C. Chinese D. colour()B. orange C. apple D. desk 4.课堂小结5.课后作业1)听录音,朗读课文。2)请学生收集有关中西方学校开设学习

41、课程的资料。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - Module 7Unit 1 We fly kites in spring知识与能力目标:1.知识目标:(1)能够听说认读课文内容。(2)能够简单运用 It s warm in spring. We fly kites in spring .这类句型谈论季节特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。2.技能目标:能够在日常生活中谈论四个季节的基本特征以及不同季节发生的各种活动。3.情感目标:让

42、学生意识到保护环境的重要性。4.教学重点:能够听说认读课文内容。能够简单运用 It is warm in spring. We fly kites in spring. 这类句型谈论季节特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。5.教学难点:能够谈论四个季节的特征以及不同季节发生的不同活动。6.教学准备 : 多媒体课件、单词卡片、小贴画、录音机。教学过程Step 1 Warming upinto groups。把全班学生分成三个组,并把小组的代表图画贴在黑板上,在课堂上,同学表现好了,他们组就可得到一个星星,最后比比哪组在课堂上得的星星多,哪一组便是优胜小组。into groups。把全班学生分成三个组

43、,并把小组的代表图画贴在黑板上,在课堂上,同学表现好了,他们组就可得到一个星星,最后比比哪组在课堂上得的星星多,哪一组便是优胜小组。利用学习新单词及短语。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - It spring. It s warm in spring. We fly kites in spring.It s summer . It s hot in summer. We go swimming in summer.It s aut

44、umn . It s cool in autumn. We play football in autumn.It s winter . It s cold in winter. We go skating in winter.【设计意图】利用课件教学,让学生在视觉上耳目一新,满足了学生的好奇心,激发学生的学习兴趣。2. 练习新知T:课件出示操练新单词。播放PPT 中的图片,让学生在练习中区分和掌握这四个表示天气的单词。T: 待学生熟悉后,问: What do you do in springS1: I fly kites in spring.像这样,请学生描述四季都能进行的活动。并请个别学生起

45、立回答。等抽个别学生到了一定数量后,让学生以小组为单位进行讨论。【设计意图】课件提供的这些图片和声音,方便根据学生的需要去听读或跟读,避免倒磁带的麻烦,并且图文并茂,更加形象、直观、易懂、易会Step3:New teaching(课文教学 )T:播放课文动画,让学生认真听,边听边指到相应内容处。Ss: Listen and point.T:向学生提出问题:“What do we do in spring/summer/autumn/winter” 播放第二次课文动画,让学生带着问题听录音,试着找出具体答案。Ss: Listen and answer.T: 再次播放课文动画, 让学生指着课文跟读

46、, 教师在学生跟读的过程中及时纠正不正确的读音。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - 再次播放课文动画,让学生指着课文大声跟读。【设计意图】 播放课文动画 ,让学生对课文内容有了一个整体的感知,利用回答问题的形式进一步理解和掌握课文。又让学生听音重复,使听说结合,有效地培养了学生的听说能力Step 4: Pracice( 趣味操练 )教师利用让学生用新学的单词和句型进行描述T:播放 PPT中的听力练习,让学生在练习中操练新知。【设计

47、意图】 三年级教学以听说为主,课件出示声、画并茂的练习题,激发学生的学习热情。T:课件出示调查表用所学的知识,以四人为一组,调查同伴最喜欢的季节,并描述该季节的特点及在该季节他喜欢做的事情。【设计意图】通过学生在小组内交流,激发学生的参与意识,培养学生的合作意识。这一环节能充分发挥学生的主体作用,激活学生思维,让学生完成对知识的识记、理解和运用,达到巩固和学以致用的目的。Step5: ChantSpring is green.Summer is hot.Autumn is yellow.Winter is white.【设计意图】这环节不仅让学生得到了放松,也达到了巩固所学知识的作用,同时也培

48、养了学生的创造能力1总结评价 .2教师用生动的语言概括: 正是因为有了一年四季的轮换交替,我们的世界才如此美丽。 号召学生热爱生活,热爱大自然。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 16 页,共 32 页 - - - - - - - - - - Step 6 HomeworkListen and read the text 3 times.Module 7Unit 2Unit 4 Its warm todayaims and demands and ability Objects(a)Key v

49、ocabulary: hot,cool,cold,warm(b)Key structures: Its warm today.It s cool in Lhasa.(c)Listening practiceaims: Learn the words and sentences.3 Emotional aims:(a)Raise the students interest to learn English. (b)Encourage the students to have good cooperation with each other and learn from each other.II

50、. Teaching Key PointsKey vocabulary: hot,cool,cold,warmKey structures: It s warm today.It s cold/warm inDifficultiesHow to let the students read the words correctlyMatter: (It s warm today.)Teaching aids :a recorder ,the computer,real objectives.V Teaching proceduresStep 1 Greeting(a)Is everyone her


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