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《2016年3月公共英语二级考试真题及答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016年3月公共英语二级考试真题及答案.doc(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、2016年3月公共英语二级考试真题及答案1-20 略第一节短文理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Text 1Andy lived high in the Rocky Mountains.He hunted(打猎) wild animals there.He also took other men hunting.That was his work.One day a letter brought Andy a new job.This job changed both his feeling about animals and his

2、 way of hunting.The letter said: I want to write a story about bighorn sheep.I need pictures to go with my story.Will you get pictures of the sheep for me?Andy s two sons wanted their father to take the job.We will help you ! they said.Bighorn sheep are very wild.Andy knew it would be hard to get pi

3、ctures.But why not try? they said.For days, Andy and his sons tried to get pictures.They did not want the sheep to hear them or see them, so they walked softly.They hid behind rocks, but the sheep always ran away.Then one day, Andy and his sons walked around a big rock.They met some sheep face to fa

4、ce.But the sheep didn t run ! Now I know why the sheep run away, Andy said.They run because we come up behind them.From now on, we will stay where they can see us.The next day, Andy saw some sheep fight out in the open.He and his sons walked toward them.The men did not try to hide, but they did walk

5、 slowly.They knew that any fast move will frighten them away.Don t look fight at the sheep, Andy said.Wild animals do not like to be looked at.They will run away. The men looked off to this side and to that side, but they walked closer and closer.And soon they were close enough to get good clear pic

6、tures.They made good friends with the wild sheep and sent many fine pictures to the writer for his story.Since then, they have never hunted the bighorn sheep again.21.What was the new job Andy got?A 1 to hunt bighorn sheep.B.to write a story of bighorn sheep.C.to protect bighorn sheep.D.to take pict

7、ures of bighorn sheep.22.What is the right way to get close to bighorn sheep?A.Look directly at them.B.Walk slowly to their faces.C.Run to them from one side.D.Follow them from behind.23.What did Andy gain from his new job?A.He won respect from his children.B.He was well paid by the story writer.C.H

8、e knew better how to use a camera.D.He leamed more about bighorn sheep.【参考译文】Textl安迪住在洛基山的高处。他在山上捕猎野生动物,也带其他人打猎。那是他的工作。一天,一封信给安迪带来了一份新的工作。这个工作不但改变了他对动物的看法,也改变了他的狩猎方式。信中写道:“我想写一篇关于大角羊的故事。我需要为故事配上图片。请问你可以为我拍摄大角羊的照片吗?”安迪的两个儿子希望父亲接受这份工作。“我们会帮助你的!”他们说。大角羊野性很强。安迪知道给大角羊拍摄照片会很困难。“但是为什么不试试呢?”他的儿子们说。几天来。安迪和他的


10、到足够给羊群拍摄清晰照片的位置了。他们跟这些野生羊群成了朋友,还帮那位作家拍摄了很多精彩的照片。从那时起,他们再也没有捕猎过大角羊。21D【精析】细节题。题干意为“安迪得到了一份什么新工作?”文章第二段最后“The letter said:l want to write a story about bighorn sheep1 need pictures to go with my storyWill you get pictures of the sheep for me?”提到,安迪收到了一封信,信中作家请求他帮忙拍摄大角羊的照片。文章的最后一段也提到他们帮作家拍摄了很多照片。故D正确。2

11、2B【精析】细节题。题干意为“接近大角羊最好的方法是什么?”根据第七段第一句安迪的口述“Dont look fight at the sheep,”可知。不能直视羊群,所以排除A。第六段最后一句“They knew that any fast move will frighten them away”说明走路速度过快也会吓跑羊群,更不用说跑了,所以排除c。第四段最后一句“They hid behind rocks,but the sheep always fan away”说明跟在羊群后面,羊群也会逃跑,故排除D。结合第五段及第六段内容可知,慢慢地从正面接近大角羊是正确的方式,故B正确。23D

12、【精析】归纳题。题干意为“安迪从这份新工作中收获了什么?”文章第一段中提及这份工作带给安迪的变化,最后一段也说明他们和大角羊成了朋友,安迪通过这份工作对大角羊有了更多的了解。A、B、C三项在文中都没有体现,故D正确。第二节短文理解Text 2Everywhere in the world, plants and animals live together.Some animals eat plants they live with, Some plants stay alive because many plant-eating animals have natural enemies tha

13、t eat them.Rich soil for the roots of plants is produced by worms and other very small animals that live underground.Green plants feed animals and people.It takes all the plants and animals living together to keep the earth a good place to live in.Plants and animals trade with each other.They trade

14、for things they both need to stay alive.Animals breathe and the air gets changed inside their bodies.When they breathe the air out again there s something called carbon(碳) in it.Animals can t use this air again.But plants need carbon.The plants trade fresh air for the carbon they need.Plants make fo

15、od from carbon and water.They use sunlight for this work, just as a machine uses gas or electricity to keep running.The plants store the food they make inside themselves.But what do the plants get in return? Many things.Plants make food from the carbon and other things that come from animals bodies.

16、Insects like bees carry pollen(花粉) from one flower to another and the pollen forms seeds.Birds and other animals eat the fruit in which seeds grow and often drop the seeds where they can grow up into new plants.So animals help the growth of new prants.24.Which of the following is the closest in mean

17、ing with trade with in paragraph 2 ?A.live forB.give to and take fromC.stay withD.teach and learn from25.What is compared to electricity in paragraph 47A.Sunlight.B.Water.C.Air.D.Carbon.26.What is the main idea of the text?A.Living things are connected in nature.B.Some animals stay in plants for saf

18、ety.C.Animals and plants are of different types.D.Some plants can stay alive by themselves.【参考译文】Text2在世界的每个地方,动植物都是生活在一起的。有些动物以吃植物为生。一些植物得以存活是因为食草动物会被其他天敌动物捕食。植物根部所需的肥沃土壤得益于蠕虫和其他生存于地下的非常微小的动物。绿植哺育着动物以及人类。动植物的共存使得地球成为适宜居住的好地方。动植物之间互相给养。他们互相交换所需物品以维持生存。动物呼吸空气,并在体内产生变化。当它们呼出气体时,其中包含一种被称为“碳”的物质。动物不能再用它

19、们呼出的气体。但是,植物需要碳气体。植物吸入它们生长所需要的碳气体,呼出新鲜空气。植物通过碳和水生成食物。它们利用阳光完成这项工作,就如同机器借助汽油或电力维持运转。植物将生成的食物储存于它们的体内。但是,植物可以获得怎样的回报呢?很多的回报。植物从动物产生的碳和其他物质中生成食物,像蜜蜂这样的昆虫,它们将花粉从一朵花传到另一朵花,而这个花粉可以形成种子。鸟类和其他动物在种子生长出的地方吃到果实,又将种子带到可以让它们生长的地方。所以说,动物帮助了植物的再生。24B【精析】推断题。题干意为“下面哪个选项与第二段中的词组trade wim意思最为接近?”由第二段最后一句“They trade f

20、orthings they both need to stay alive”可知,他们互相交换所需物品以维持生存。故可以推断出划线部分的含义应该是互相交换的意思。故B正确。25A【精析】细节题。题干意为“与第四段中的电力作对比的是什么?”由第四段第二句话中的“They use sunlight for this work”可知,它们利用阳光完成这项工作,由此可以看出“电力”是用来和“阳光”作对比的,故A正确。26A【精析】归纳题。题干意为“文章的中心思想是什么?”全文基本可以分成两个部分。第一部分说明一些动物靠食草为生,植物为动物提供了生存养料。第二部分说明植物也可以借助动物获取一定的生存养料

21、。所以两者是相辅相成的。故A正确。短文理解CText 3It is reported that bags are getting bigger all the time, and that there are more bags per person on the street today than at any other time in history.If this is true, possible explanations could include the wide use of small electric and electronic gadgets(装置), a readin

22、g-material explosion, a popular interest toward tight or pocketless clothing, or cheap bagmaking labor overseas.But, much as nature finds ways-such as disease-to control overpopulation, city life has thrown up impediments(障碍) to bags.to enter many public buildings, theatres, ballparks, and perhaps e

23、ven underground railway stations, you must go through a search or go bagless.The city has countless bag rules.It is hard to keep them all straight, and youre never sure, when leaving home for the day, whether it might be a bad idea to bring one along.Last week, the New York Public Library got in the

24、 game.Students, researchers, writers, historians, and anyone else who has got used over the years to treating the vast Rose Main Reading Room as an office or a reading room came up against a new rule.You are no longer allowed to bring a bag larger than eleven inches by fourteen inches into the libra

25、ry.If you walk in with one, you must leave it at the coat check.You may keep its contents with you, however, and the library provides big clear plastic bags for them.You return them when you come back for your own bag.What the library is trying to prevent, in this case, is people taking things out,

26、rather than bringing things in.A librarian said on the second day, It s a big change for people who used come and bring in half their flats.The people who use the library responsibly will continue to do so.The people who steal will continue to get away with it, if they really want to.27.What does th

27、e writer mainly talk about?A.The history of the bag rules.B.The importance of using libraries.C.Different bags used in our daily life.D.The use of bags and the rules against it.28.The bag rules in many public buildings require people toA.leave the places baglessB.pay for bringing in bagsC.have their

28、 bags examinedD.use big clear plastic bags29.What is the purpose of the new rule at the New York Public Library?A.to change people s way of reading.B.to help people better use the library.C.to prevent people stealing from the library.D.to stop people from bringing in dangerous things.30.How is the e

29、ffect of the new rule according to the librarian?A.Excellent.B.Limited.C.Harmful.D.Unclear.【参考译文】Text 3据报道,包一直在增大,而且现今在街上人们手中包的数量比历史上任何时候都要多。如果属实的话,可以将原因归结为广泛使用的电器类或电子类产品,大量的阅读材料,以及紧身衣或是没有口袋的服装的流行,又或者是由于海外低成本的包袋制造劳动力。但是,如同大自然利用疾病来控制过量人口一样,城市化的生活为包的使用设置了很多障碍。携带包进入很多公共场所,诸如剧院、球场,或许还有地铁站时都需要通过检查或选择不带包进


31、图书馆管理人员表示,“对于那些习惯于随身携带很多物品的人来说,这是个很大的变化。负责任的读者将会支持这一规定,然而此规定并不能有效制止那些偷书者。”27D【精析】主旨题。题干意为“作者主要讲述的是什么?”全文述说了包袋使用的现状,接着又说明在城市中存在很多不允许携带包袋的地方或场合D项符合题意。文中其他三项在文中均没有体现,故D正确。28C【精析】细节题。题于意为“在许多公共场所,包的使用规则要求人们。”由文章第二段第二句“to enter many public buildings,theatres,ballparks,and perhaps even underground railway

32、 stationsYou must go through a search of go bagless”可知,想要进入一些公共场所要么不带包,如果带了包都要接受检查。故C正确。29C【精析】细节题。题于意为“纽约市图书馆实施新规则的目的是什么?”由文章最后一段第一句“What the library is trying to prevent,in this case,is people taking things out,rather than bringing things in”可知,图书管新规的目的是为了防止个别人未经允许带出图书资料。故C正确。30B【精析】细节题。题于意为“图书馆理员

33、认为新规则的效果如何?”由最后一段最后一句中的“The people who steal will confinue to get away with it,if they really want to”可知,图书管理人员认为新规对于不同的人有不同的影响,但是那些真心想偷取图书资料的人不会受到太多的制约,所以新规的作用是有限的。故B正确。【补全文章】根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for about two hundred yea

34、rs, but no one is sure who first made this popular two-wheeled machine.31 The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there werent any pedals (踏板), Riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground.32 In 1879 an Englishman had the idea of connecting them

35、to the back wheel with a chain.Gears(此轮), which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.There are now about one billion bicycles in the world.33 They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world s cities, and the two forms of transport don t always

36、mix well.In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously hurt in accidents.Because bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, now many governments encourage people to ride rather than drive.34 The number of yearly journeys made by bicycle in London h

37、as increased 50% over the last five years.However, although one in three British people owns a bicycle, they still dont use them nearly as much as they could 35.It is hoped that more people will rely on bicycles to move around.The reasons are obvious-cycling helps to protect the environment, keep us

38、 fit, and it is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car in many cases.A.Pedals fmally arrived in the 1840s.B.Cycling is on the rise in the Unilted Kingdom.C.Bicycles are used for only 2 % of journeys in the UK.D.The first person who made a bicycle was an Englishman.E.The numbe

39、r of bicycles is twice more than that of cars.F.The early models didn t look much like the bicycles of today.G.Cycling helps improve peoples health.【参考译文】你可能会惊讶于自行车已有两百年的历史了,但是没有人知道是谁发明了这个如此受欢迎的两个轮子的机器。(31)早期的自行车并不是现在的样式。前轮比后轮大很多,而且没有踏板。骑乘的人要靠两脚蹬地才能使自行车前行。(32)踏板出现于十九世纪四十年代。l897年,一位英国人想到用链条将踏板和后轮连接起来



42、5C【精析】根据上下文,此处内容应该为转折,说明拥有自行车的人不在少数,但使用率不高。故C正确。第一节完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D.四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。The taxi driver was a man in his late thirties.He picked me up and36 me to my place.I usually like to have brief37 with people no matter where I come upon them and this situation was no38.

43、I started by asking him how39was.He told me briefly that his business was just40but the cost of gas was really hurting his41 line: We then got around to42 the job environment.He told me that he had difficulty getting another type of work because of his43I used to be a con (罪犯), he said44People look

44、at my record and then I m45, but you know Ive turned my life around and have been 46 for several years.You don t seem to be at all47 that you are riding with a con? As we parked at my place, I thought about my48 for a few seconds.It is never easy to start a new49, I said, but I m glad you are starti

45、ng.If you don t want to drive taxi for the50 of your life, then youcanmove51 to some other job you may be52 The driver seemed to be quite53 as he took my money.What you said to me makes a lot of54, hesaid.I will remember your55 and that you were real easy to talk with-I hope to see you again.36.A.le

46、d37.B.drove38.C.showed39.D.guided37.A.instructions B.comparisons C.conversations D.meetings38.A.different B.easy C.funny D.good39.A.weather B.family C.marketD.business40.A.slow B.large C.hard D.fine41.A.broken B.bottom C.straight D.body42.A.discussing B.improving C.considering D.following43.A.knowle

47、dge B.education C.background D.age44.A.honestly B.angrily C.fairly D.secretly45.A.away B.back C.out D.up46.A.bright B.strict C.clean D.regular47.A.curious B.worried C.brave D.confused48.A.reply B.excuseC.position D.reason49.A.way B.courseC.Direction D.life50.A.half B.part C.rest D.whole51.A.in B.Down C.around D.on52.A.famous for B.interested in C.regretful over D


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