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1、 第二学期高一级英语导学案【单元标题】B4U1 第4.6 课时Reading for Writing 导学案【单元主题】本单元通过介绍中外“卓有成就的人物”,鼓励学生认识、思考、探索卓有成就的人物获得成功的原因,以及人生的价值和意义的所在。【学习目标】1.To read the essay about Albert Einstein and answer the questions.2.To learn the organization and language features.3.To write about the life and achievements of a person.【重

2、点难点】1.To learn the organization and language features.2.To write about the life and achievements of a person.【课前自主预习】I. 词形变化1. commit vt.承诺、保证; _adj. 忠诚的、投入的 _ n.保证、承诺2. object n. 物体、物品; _adj.客观的 & n. 目标3. botany n. 植物、植物学; _adj. 植物的、植物学的4. evaluate vt. 评价、评估; _ n.评价、评估5. analyse vt.分析_ n.分析、解析; _ad

3、j.分析的6.science n.科学;_adj. 科学上的;_n.科学家7. conclude v. 推断出、作结论;_n.结论 8. novel n.小说;_n. 小说家9. politics n. 政治;_adj.政治的;_n.政治家10. gentle adj.温柔的、文静的;_adv. 温柔地 11. gradual adj.逐渐的; _adv.逐渐地12. consequent adj.作为结果的; _adv. 结果、然而; _n.结果II重点单词 1. 至关重要的 _ 2. 有区别的、清晰的_ 3.目标、目的、客观的_4.提取、摘录_ 5.性质、财产_ 6. 承认、公开感谢_7.

4、 显而易见_ 8. 坚持、坚决要求_ 9.条件、环境、状况_10.结论/推论_11. 创建/建立 _ 12. 结果/后果 _13.非凡的、不一般的_【阅读导学案】I阅读文章细节,填写爱因斯坦人生事件表格TimeEvents1879189619001905192119331955II阅读并回答以下问题Q1: Which of the following about Einstein is true according to the text? A. Once the gentle genius was not so good at studying. B. He managed to enter

5、 university in Switzerland at 16. C. He was born in west Germany on 14 March 1879. D. He didnt obtain exceptional scores in maths and physics. Q2: Why was he awarded the 1921 Nobel Prize?_Q3: Why did he have to flee Germany?_Q4: What can be indicated from the sentence “Always I am mistaken for Profe

6、ssor Einstein”? _III分析文章的行文组织和架构Para 1 General introduction to Einstein: Review: not only a 1. _, but a 2._ and kind figureContribution: the theory of relativity and the famous formula E=mc.Para 2 The life as a studentHe 3. _ to enter university in Switzerland after studying for another year in 1896

7、 and graduating in 1900.Para 3 The life as a 4. _ in Swiss patent officeOut of 5. _ for knowledge, he continued to study and earned a 6. _ in physics.He published four 7. _ physics papers and became famous throughout the world.He was 8. _ the 1921 Nobel Prize for Physics.Para 4 The reason of fleeing

8、 Germany Because he was Jewish and found the doors of academic institutions closed to him, he had to flee Germany.Para 5 Einsteins character and funny storiesHe had a thick moustache and long white hair.He was loved by his friends and neighbours despite his 9._.He was 10._ to ask for help. Para 6 Th

9、e loss of the greatest scientist【主题写作指导】I如何写一篇人物简介榜样总是给我们力量, 那么, 我们如何对榜样做人物简介呢? 人物介绍是高中生基础写作任务中常见的一种话题类型。它涉及人的出生、家庭背景、教育、生平经历、成就和评价等。同学们要注意其文体应该是记叙文, 同时还要注意人称和时态的合理使用。II人物介绍类写作的基本步骤:(1)出生日期以及出生地。这是人物写作的基本信息,应该详细而且具体。(2)家庭背景。也就是人物的家庭状况或者是人物的早年家庭生活的基本情况。(3)教育背景。人物受教育的基本过程,以及取得的成就。(4)生平大事。这也是人物写作的提升,也就

10、是做出的贡献或者取得的成就。(5)人物评价。人物评价是对所描述人物进行评价,评价必须客观公正;可以是作者自己的评价,也可以是社会人士的评价。【写作佳句】1. Born in America, Thomas Edison was a great scientist and inventor.托马斯爱迪生生于美国,是一位伟大的科学家和发明家。2.He was born on 8th March,1965 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, and he had been serving as a bus driver for many years.他1965年3月8日出

11、生于浙江省杭州市,从事公共汽车司机工作多年。3.Between 1930 and 1935,he studied at Tsinghua University and then had further study in London where he received his Doctors Degree.1930年至1935年,他就读于清华大学,后赴伦敦深造,获得博士学位。4.She got killed in a car accident on 31st August 1997 in Paris, which made people in great sorrow.1997年8月31日,她

12、在巴黎的一场车祸中丧生,人们沉浸在巨大的悲痛之中。5.On 8th May 1981, she died in Beijing at age 88, which brought great sorrow to the Chinese people.1981年5月8日,她在北京逝世,享年88岁,这给中国人民带来了巨大的悲痛。6.People were deeply moved by his deeds and he was honoured as the most beautiful driver of China!人们被他的事迹深深感动,他被誉为中国最美丽的司机!【例题展示】I假定你所在的兴趣

13、学习俱乐部计划开展以“名家与名著”为主题的英语征文活动。现在,请你根据下面表格中的信息提示,写一篇100词左右的英语短文介绍一下你所喜爱的著名作家Mark Twain。写作大纲:第一段:引出人物马克吐温,说明介绍原因;第二段:马克吐温的生平、家庭背景、工作和成就;第三段:对马克吐温进行评价“美国文学之父”。范文1:Mark Twain, whose real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens, was one of the greatest American writers.Born on November 30,1835 into a poor lawyer

14、family, Mark Twain was brought up in Missouri along the Mississippi River. Early in his life, he did many different jobs. He had worked as a worker, a sailor and a journalist. All his life, he wrote many famous stories and many of them were translated into Chinese, including his masterpieces The Adv

15、entures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.Mark Twain died on April 21,1910 and was remembered as “the father of American literature”.II请你根据下面表格中的信息提示,写一篇100词左右的英语短文介绍一下马可波罗。范文2:Marco Polo, born in the city of Venice, Italy, in 1254, was a famous traveler.Together with his uncle an

16、d his father, in 1271, Marco Polo set out on a journey to China. It took them four years to get to China, after which Marco lived in China for 17 years. During those years, he found that the Chinese culture was remarkably great and different from that of his own country. All the things he had seen a

17、nd heard in China were written down. Except China, Marco Polo had also traveled to Japan, Southeastern Asia, India and Eastern Africa. In 1295, the great voyager went back to his motherland with the information and knowledge he had learned in China.His journey to China had a great influence on Europe.【实战演练】假定你是李华,你校开展了一次主题为“用英语讲好中国故事”的英语写作比赛活动,你对出生于普通农民家庭的诺贝尔文学奖获奖者莫言非常钦佩,请根据下列内容写一篇文章。莫言生平本名管谟业,1955年出生于山东省,小学五年级辍学后从事务农工作,一直酷爱阅读中国经典名著莫言作品红高粱、蛙,2011年凭借小说蛙获得茅盾文学奖,2012年获得诺贝尔文学奖你的感悟参考词汇:红高粱 Red Sorghum;蛙 Frogs;茅盾文学奖 Mao Dun Literature Awards 第 4 页 共 4 页 学科网(北京)股份有限公司


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