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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1. Tell me about the most creative or unique idea you have shared. Was it implemented? Why or why not? 请说出一个您最有创意或最独特的观点。 它被采纳了吗? 为什么?1. Describe a process or procedure in your area that works well and that you consider innovative or creative. 请描述一个在您的工作范围内,您认为是有创新的并且效果很好的流程或方法。1. Tell

2、me about a best practice you have shared with or learned from others. What were the benefits? 请说出一个您与别人分享或从别人那学到的最好的方法, 它有什么好处?1. Describe a time when you had to come up with a creative solution because there was no policy that fit a particular situation. What did you do? What was the outcome? 请描述:当

3、在某个特定的情况下,因为没有现成的政策规定,您不得不创造一个新方法时,您是怎样做的? 结果怎样?1. Give an example of a creative contribution you have made. How did the idea come to you? How was it received/used? 请举例说明您做出的创造性的贡献。 您怎样会有这个想法的? 它是怎样被应用的?1. Describe your style of contributing to a work team. What does the team expect from you? How cr

4、eative or innovative are you compared to other members? 描述您对工作小组做贡献的风格。您的团队对您的期望是什么? 与其他成员比较,您的创造力如何?1. Just about anybody can give a routine answer to common problems; however, the payoff is often in developing unique solutions to common problems. Give me an example of one of your unique solutions.

5、任何人对普通问题都有常规性的答案,但决定因素经常是对普通问题有自己独特的解释。请举您自己有独特见解的一个例子。1. Give an example of a time when you think you were particularly creative in presenting information using graphics, models or displays. In giving your example, focus on how your methods produced results. 请举一个您认为自己非常有创造力地用图表、模型或展示来传递信息的例子, 并重点描述

6、您的方法怎样产生了结果的。1. Creativity often means departing from regimented ways of thinking. When have you been able to break out of a structured mind set and intuitively play with concepts and ideas? What was the outcome? 创造力通常意味着与有规则的思考方法背道而驰。您何时曾脱离结构性思维模式而凭知觉得到概念和观点?结果怎样?1. Tell me about a time when you we

7、re working as part of a team and felt that you could achieve better or faster results on your own. How did you handle it? What was the outcome? 请告诉我, 当您作为团队的一员工作时,您感觉如果是您自己做可能会更好或更快的情况。您是怎样处理的?结果如何?1. Tell me about a time when you were a part of a team that worked very well together. What did you do

8、 to foster the success of that team? 请告诉我, 您作为工作得很好的团队的其中一员的例子。为了促进团队的成功,您做了什么?1. Describe a time when you were part of a team but were not clear about your role. What did you do about it and what was the outcome? 当您是团队的其中一员,但是不明确自己的角色时,您是怎样做的,结果怎样?1. Tell me about a specific time when you experienc

9、ed conflict with another team member. How did you handle it. What did you learn from the experience? 当您与其它的团队成员发生冲突时,您是怎样处理的? 您从中学到了什么?1. Describe a time when a project did not go well due to a lack of teamwork. To what did you attribute the lack of teamwork? What action did you take and what was th

10、e outcome? 请描述一个因缺少团队合作精神而导致项目进展不顺利的情况,您对缺少团队合作精神的看法是什么?您采取了什么行动,结果如何?1. Describe actions you have taken to encourage team members to feel comfortable sharing their opinions, even if they differ from your own. Give a specific example. 请举具体例子说明,即使您的团队成员与您意见不同,您也鼓励他们分享各自观点。1. Give examples of what you

11、 have done to model collaboration and teamwork. 请举例,您做过的团队合作的模范行动。1. Describe a time when you helped a team member who joined the team later or in mid-stream. How did you bring this team member up to speed with the rest of the group? What was the outcome? 请举例说明,您是怎样帮助后进的团队成员赶上团队速度的?结果如何?1. Tell me a

12、bout a project for which you were that required getting outside help. What did you do and what was the outcome? 请告诉我一个您需要请外援的项目?您怎样做的,结果如何?1. Describe a time when you shared your teams successes with others. Why?请描述您与其他人分享您团队的成功的例子,为什么?1. To what extent do you consider yourself a team player? What d

13、oes that mean to you? 在哪种程度上,您将您自己看做团队组织者?这对您意味什么?1. Describe a time when team requirements came into conflict with your individual goals and objectives. How did you handle it and what was the outcome? 请举例说明,当团队要求与您个人目标相冲突时,您是怎样处理的,结果如何?1. Tell me about a time when you had to work with a team member

14、 who was less experienced or knowledgeable than other team members. What effect did it have on you and the team? What did you do and what was the outcome? 请描述一个您必须与一名缺乏经验或知识的队员合作的情况,这对您和您团队的影响?您是怎样处理的,结果如何?1. Do you feel more motivated when working as a team member or when working as an individual c

15、ontributor? Explain. 您做为团队成员或独立工作者,哪一个更有动力?为什么?1. Tell me about a time when it was necessary to confront a negative attitude in your team. Specifically what actions did you take and what was the outcome? Now, tell me about a time when you were not successful. 在您的团队里,当您面临消极的态度,您如何处理,结果如何? 并请举一个您未能成功的

16、例子。1. Tell me about a time when you had your greatest success in building team spirit. What specific results were accomplished by the team? 请举一个您在建设团队精神方面的最成功的例子。团队完成了什么具体任务?1. Describe your style of contributing to any team in which you work. What does the team look to you for? How creative are you

17、 at problem solving compared to the other members? 在您工作的团队中,您的风格怎样?其他人希望您怎样? 与其他成员比较,您解决问题的创造性有多强?1. Describe a time when you built a collaborative partnership that helped your area become more productive. How did you go about establishing that partnership and how did your area benefit? 请举例说明,您是怎样建立

18、合作伙伴关系以帮助您的工作更有效率,您怎样从中得益?1. Tell me how the network of colleagues you have established has been beneficial to your success. Give me an example. 您的成功是怎样从您与同事建立的人际关系中受益的?请举例说明。1. Describe a time when you took a directive rather than a collaborative approach. What situation made this approach necessar

19、y? What was the result? Would you use the same approach again? 请描述一个您采用指导性的方法而非合作关系的情况是,结果如何?有再次采用这种方法吗?1. Describe a situation where you have less than a perfect working relationship with someone? What did you do? 请描述您与某人的工作关系不好的情景, 您怎样做?1. Tell me about a time when you got upset/frustrated with so

20、meone at work (or they with you). How did you handle it and what was the outcome? 请描述一个在工作中某人使您(或您使别人)失望或受挫折例子,您怎样处理的?结果如何?1. Describe a time when you had specific accountabilities but did not have direct authority over individuals whose support was necessary. How did you achieve results? 请描述:当您负责某项

21、具体工作,需要某人支持,但您对他没有直接领导关系时,您怎样做?1. Tell me about the most challenging group you have had to get cooperation from. What did you do, were you successful, and why? 请描述您合作过的最有挑战性地团队。您是怎样做的?成功了吗?为什么?1. Tell me about a project that was someone elses responsibility but which you were asked to assist with. W

22、hat help did you offer and how did it impact your workload or priorities? What was the outcome? 别人请求您协助完成他们负责的项目,您帮了什么忙?对您的工作量和主次有怎样的影响?结果如何?1. Tell me about a time at work when someone came to you for help or information and you refused them because of other commitments. How did you handle this? 某人

23、找您寻求帮助或信息,但您因为其它的工作而拒绝了他。您如何处理?1. To what extent does your job require you to operate across departmental and/or functional lines? Describe some of the networks youve developed, how you developed them and their purpose. 您的工作需要您跨部门工作的程度如何?描述一些您发展的人际关系网络,您是怎样发展他们的?目的?1. What approaches have worked bes

24、t for you in establishing alliances/relationships with employees in another department or group? Why have they been effective?您用什么最好的方法与其他部门或小组的成员建立合作关系?为什么有效?1. Describe a situation where you had to influence another employee or group in order to achieve your objectives? How did you do it and what

25、happened? 请描述为了达到您的目的,您不得不影响其他员工或小组的情景。 您怎样做的?结果如何?1. Describe a time when you had to obtain sponsorship from someone who was not supportive of the project, initiative, etc. What did you do and what was the outcome? 当您不得不向不支持您项目的人寻求帮助时,您怎样做?结果如何?1. Tell me about a time when you had to explain someth

26、ing you knew well to someone who had difficulty understanding the subject. How did you do it and what was the outcome?当您不得不向某人解释您自己很清楚的事,而对方理解上有困难时,您怎样做?结果如何?1. Describe a time when you were unsuccessful in getting your point across. Why? What was the outcome? 请描述您不能成功地表达自己的观点情景,为什么?结果如何?1. Describe

27、 a time when you were very effective in getting your point across and convinced others to change their position. What method did you use? 请描述您非常有效地表达自己的观点并说服别人改变立场的情景。您用了什么方法?1. Describe a time when you had to adjust your verbal communication style to your audience. Specifically what did you do and

28、how did it help? 请描述您不得不调整口头的沟通风格的情景。您是怎样做的?它有什么帮助?1. Describe a time when you had to adjust your written communication style to your audience. Specifically what did you do and how did it help? 请描述您不得不调整书面的沟通风格的情景。您是怎样做的?它有什么帮助?1. Describe a time when you picked up on non-verbal cues from your liste

29、ner(s) that told you to change your communication approach. What was the outcome? What did you learn? 当您的听众暗示您应改变您沟通的方法时,您怎样做?您学到什么?1. How do you go about assuring that your verbal and/or written messages are clearly understood? Give an example. 您怎样保证您的口头或书面的信息被清晰地理解?举例说明。1. How do you avoid verbal

30、overkill? How do you reduce messages to their essence without losing the main intent and content? 您怎样避免说得太多?在不影响主要主题和内容的前提下,您怎样言简意赅?1. What types of experiences have you had in talking with customers or clients? Tell me about a time when you had to communicate under difficult circumstances. What was

31、 the outcome? 在与客户谈话中,您有什么经验?请描述您不得不在困难的情况下沟通的情景。结果怎样?1. Describe a time when you used verbal skills to change an attitude, sell a product/idea, or influence others. What were some of the outcomes? 请描述您用口头技巧试图改变别人的态度、销售产品或影响别人的情景。结果如何?1. Tell me about a time when your verbal skills made a difference

32、 in a decision making setting. What was the outcome? 请描述您用口头表达能力改变了决策的情景。结果如何?1. When do you write something and when do you handle it face to face? Give an example. What was the outcome? 您何时用书面表达,何时面对面表达? 请举例说明。结果如何?1. Tell me about a recent written report or proposal you wrote. Describe the proces

33、s or guidelines you followed in developing it. 您近期写的报告和建议书是遵循什么样的指导和程序?1. Give two examples of when you have asked for feedback from others on your written work. Did you incorporate their suggestions? Why or why not? 关于您写的文字,请举两个您如何得到别人的反馈的例子。您同意他们的建议吗?为什么?1. In some jobs it is necessary to document

34、 work thoroughly in writing to meet guidelines. Provide an example of your experiences in this area. 请以您的经验举例说明,就某些工作而言,为了达到要求,以书面的形式将工作文件化是必要的。1. Describe what you have done in the last month to keep up-to-date on industry trends. How have you used this information? 上个月您做了什么更新自己对行业趋势的知识?您怎样使用这些信息?1

35、. Describe what you have done in the last month to keep up-to-date on customers needs. How have you integrated this information into your work plan for your customers? 上个月您做了什么更新自己对客户需求的知识?您怎样将这些信息与为客户制定的工作计划结合在一起?1. Describe what you have done in the last month to keep up-to-date on new products. H

36、ow have you integrated this information into your work plan for your customers? 上个月您做了什么更新自己对新产品的知识?您怎样将这些信息与为客户制定的工作计划结合在一起?1. Tell me about outside events that could impact your departments operations. How did you learn about them and what action did you take? 请描述外部环境对您的部门运作的影响。您是怎样知道的并会采取什么行动?1.

37、Tell me about future trends, products, or policies that may impact your work. How did you learn about them? 请告诉我未来可能影响您工作的市场趋势、产品更新换代或政策。您是怎样知道的?1. What professional association meetings have you attended in the last 6 months? Give an example of one that increased your business/industry knowledge. H

38、ow did you apply that to your work? 在过去6个月中,您参加过什么学术会议?请举个例子说明,它增加了你的业务、行业知识。您怎样将它们应用到工作中去?1. What professional journals have you read in the last 3 months? Tell me about one piece of information you picked up and how you have used it on the job. 在过去3个月中,您阅读过什么学术杂志?告诉我你从中获得的信息,及怎样将它们应用到工作中去。1. Tell

39、me about a competitors product that you feel is impacting the way you do business. How did you learn about it and what did you do with this information? 告诉我您感觉到那种竞争者的产品正在影响您做生意的方法。您是怎样知道的并会采取什么行动?1. Tell me about a time when you made a change and/or recommendation (in process, strategy, procedure) a

40、t work in response to a change in the external environment. Was your change or recommendation implemented and what was the outcome? 请描述,对应于外部环境的变化,您对工作(流程、战略、程序)进行改变或提出建议的情景。您的建议得到实施吗?结果如何?1. What are your major sources of business information? Give me some examples of how you apply and what did you

41、 learn. 您的业务信息的主要来源是什么?举例说明您怎样运用并学到什么。1. Tell me about a situation of when you developed a business partnership with a client. What was your process and outcome? 请告诉我您与客户发展业务伙伴关系的情况。过程和结果怎样?1. Tell me about an effective technique you have used to understand your clients business needs and/or operati

42、ons. How did you learn about this technique and how did you apply to the clients business? 请告诉我,您用来理解客户需求或运作的有效技术。您是怎样学到它的? 您是怎样将它应用到客户的业务上?1. What are some of the key questions that need to be answered to best serve your clients? Provide an example. 请举例说明,为了最好地满足客户要求,必须回答的关键性问题是什么?1. Describe a tim

43、e when a client faced a complex problem. How did you tap into their multi-functional units to effectively create the solution? What was the outcome? 当客户面临一个复杂的问题,您怎样进入他们的多职能部门的公司,提供有效的解决方案?结果如何?1. Describe a recent difficult project and your process for getting started. Why was it difficult? How did

44、 you handle it and what was the outcome? 请描述一个最近正在启动的困难的项目。它为什么困难?您怎样处理它?结果如何?1. Describe for me the contingency plan you developed for a recent project. How did you develop it? Did you have to put it into effect and if so, why? 请描述您为一个最近的的项目制定的应急计划。您怎样制定它?您需要实施它吗?如果是,为什么?1. Tell me about a project

45、you are currently working on. Describe your process for tracking the projects milestones. 请告诉我您最近正在做的一个项目。请描述您追踪该项目的重要事件的过程。1. Tell me about a time when you were not pleased with your project planning skills. Why? What did you do? 请举一个您对自己项目计划技巧不满意的例子。为什么不满意?您怎样做?1. Describe a time when your plannin

46、g skills enabled you to complete a project ahead of the delivery date. To what did you attribute your success? Why? 请举一个您的计划技能使您能提前完成项目的例子。您将此成功归因于什么因素?为什么?1. Tell me about a time when your deliverables were impacted by other team members. What were the circumstances and how did you handle it? What

47、was the outcome? 请告诉我一个您的成果受到其他团队成员的影响的例子。情况是怎样的?您如何处理,结果如何?1. Tell me about a time when you had to plan around another team or individuals schedule. How did you coordinate or integrate your schedule with theirs? What was the outcome? 当您需要约定另一个团队和个人的时间安排时,您怎样将您自己的计划与他们的结合起来?结果如何?1. Give an example o

48、f a problem or roadblock that impacted your project timeline. How did you handle it? What was the outcome? 举例说明影响您项目时间进展的问题或障碍。您是怎样处理的?结果如何?1. Describe a time when you were not satisfied with the results of a project. What caused your dissatisfaction? What would you do differently on a future project? 请描述一个您对项目结果不满意的情景。原因是什么?对以后的项目,您的做法会有些什么不同?1. Describe a time when you were satisfied with the results of a project. What factors led to a satisfactory conclusion? 请描述一个


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