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《2022年初二英语M7教案范例.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年初二英语M7教案范例.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、小学英语教案设计外研版小学英语三年级上第五册Module 9 Unit 1 Tomorrow is Friday. 北京市海淀区中关村第三小学孙冬梅课题实验课教案课题号: 115053 教学目标:语言知识目标功能询问是否想到哪里去和做什么事情与回答。语法进一步巩固 Will 引导的将来时态。Will you ? 及其肯定,否定回答。词汇初步掌握新授词汇: tomorrow, picnic, take, why 巩固复现词汇:表示星期的词汇巩固短语 see the monkeys, fly a kite, buy hamburgers 语音利用点读笔,巩固Sunday 到 Monday 这七个词

2、每个单词的发音。并利用点读笔学习新授词汇的发音:take,tomorrow ,why 以及歌曲中的连读、失去爆破发音。语言技能目标听利用点读笔,让学生对故事进行部分听,完整听。训练学生听辨疑问句的语调和感叹句的语气,以及在听的过程中抓大意,抓细节。说学生在教室设定的师生对话,生生对话,点读笔与学生的对话活动中,在点读笔中音频的引导下,充分练习本课中的句型,并与实际生活相联系,进行说的训练。读学生利用点读笔, 模仿课文录音中原汁原味的发音, 在读的过程中,重点强调语音,特殊情境中的语调和连读发音的模仿,进行有感情地朗读的训练。写在听、说、读的基础上和实际操练后,学生选择自己本周末要去的地点和要做

3、的事情,模仿例文写计划。运用学生将写好的周末计划,读给同学听,相互讨论,完善计划。学习兴趣对数码点读技术产生好奇心,对模仿语音语调和有感情地朗读产生兴趣。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 策略交际学会用 Will you ?进行提问和用 Yes, I will. 或 No, I won t 来回答。文化意识了解西方国家家庭喜欢户外野餐的情趣和野餐地点和内容。情感态度1、通过学习故事,体会与家人沟通交流的其乐融融。2、通过户外野餐话题

4、,培养学生热爱大自然,保护大自然的情操。3、通过与其他学生相互纠正发音,模仿朗读课文,增进同学之间的互助和友谊。任务用学到的问语句型询问同学的周末打算。就度周末话题谈论自己的打算。教学重点1、学生能够利用拼读规律正确掌握单词读音和模仿录音中的语调、语气朗读课文。2、能使用 Will you 句型正确进行问答, 并在实际生活中正确使用。教学难点解决方法正确模仿语音,语调,连读,失去爆破。充分利用点读笔的优势,用全班跟读,个人跟点读笔一句一句模仿读,分角色读并录音对比的方式,解决上述难点。教学工具点读教师机,点读词卡,课件,食物图片和实物,作业表格。学情分析三年级的学生已有两年半的英语学习,有兴趣

5、和爱好,乐于参与课堂学习。大部分学生在校外学习英语,基础较好。而且他们对have a picnic的话题很感兴趣, 愿意谈论这个话题。 本课的学习方式学生喜欢:充分利用点读笔,进行听,读模仿训练,到最后练习学生的实际生活,学生乐在其中。板书设计Module 9 Unit 1 Tomorrow is Friday. Will you go to tomorrow? Will you take to the picnic tomorrow? Yes, I will. No, I won t. Things to eatThings to play with 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - -

6、- - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 教学内容分析:本模块的故事以将来时态为主,句型主要是“Will you ?” 及其回答。通过故事载体,呈现出句型,并在故事中讲解句型,是本课课文的主要特点。“Will you ?”句型在前面的故事中出现过,在本课是旧识复习。本课的故事主人公是学生熟悉的 Sam和 Amy 一家人,主题是谈论周六要做的事情。内容极为贴近学生生活。周六一家人要去野餐, Sam和 Amy 非常高兴,他们的对话是本课学习的重点。在故事中还出现了一个小曲折:Sam将

7、日期搞错, 闹了笑话,增加了故事学习的趣味性。引导学生发现Sam 所犯的错误,可以使他们更好地理解课文中的语言内容。教学过程1复习与导入1)教师与学生打招呼,进行关于“星期”的自由问答。T: Hi, there! Good morning. Good Tuesday morning. So, what day is today? S: Today is Tuesday. T: How many days are there in a week? S: There are seven days in a week. T: What are they? S: They are Sunday, Mo

8、nday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. T: Good! Here is a song about the weekdays. Let s listen. 2) 歌曲跟唱:步骤 1:用屏幕显示歌词,用点读笔点唱The week song 。T: OK, kids. First, read the lyrics silently while listening to the song, pay much attention to the underlined words and see how the singer sin

9、gs these words. ( 教师将歌词中连读, 失去爆破的地方用下划线显示出来。在学生听唱过程中用激光笔点击提示。 ) 步骤 2: 听过一遍之后 , 学生跟唱。T: Now, lets sing the song together with the recording. 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 3)单词学习:用点读词卡复习“一周七天”的单词。教师出示任意一张词卡:Monday T: What day is toda

10、y? 学生回答后,教师呈现单词卡中单词的拼写并用点读笔强化或纠正发音。T:What day is tomorrow? 学生回答后,教师呈现单词卡中单词的拼写并用点读笔强化或纠正发音。学习 tomorrow 这个词,用断开音节的方法教学生任读:com-pu-ter, 一直练习到“周六,周日”。出示词卡的同时,点读单词发音,音形同时呈现,学生认读,跟读。教师依次将周一到周末的单词呈现,点读并按顺序贴到黑板上。2任务呈现1) T: Saturday and Sunday are weekend. We don t go to school. Now, We ll talk about where w

11、e go and what we do this weekend. We ll also learn some expressions and new words to talk about weekend. This weekend, where will you go? What will you do this weekend? 2) T:You ask me these questions. S: This weekend, where will you go? What will you do this weekend? T: This weekend ,I will go to t

12、he park to have a picnic. (to have a picnic与前句中间有停顿,让学生有思维的空间。 )What is “ picnic” ? Do you know? 教师解释 picnic 一词。To have a picnic is to eat a meal outdoors. (教师同时出示 picnic 的图片,辅助学生理解。同时用点读笔点击词卡呈现单词的发音。)Look,this is picnic food. We take the picnic mat and put the picnic food on it. We usually have a p

13、icnic in a park, in a forest, on the beach or on the river bank. These places are beautiful. There , we can enjoy our meal more. 教师每说道一个地点就出示一张对应的幻灯片。1.This Saturday, I will go to the park to have a picnic. Look, this is my picnic bag. I will take something to eat there, and take something to play w

14、ith there. What will I take? 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - Can you guess? You can use the question “ Will you take ? to ask me. 教师出示句卡:Will you take ? 并用点读笔点2 次,让学生听Will you take , 然后重复。2. 学生用 Will you take ?句型提问教师,教师一边回答一边出示图片,并将图

15、片分别贴在黑板板书things to eat 和 things to play with 的分类项目下面。3. 出示上面图片的有声词卡,教师点词,请学生根据发音将词卡与图片对应贴在一起。(没有点读词卡的老师可将学生单词手册中的单词剪下来贴在词卡上,即可点出声音。)4. 在学生提问,教师回答时,教师讲解take 这个词,出示词卡,点发音-扩展类似的词: lake-make-snake-cake- bake -mate 让学生通过语音关联的方法掌握字母音素的读音和单词的拼写记忆。教师读句子: I ll take some cake to the picnic. ( 屏幕显示配图 )之后,请学生迅速

16、口头拼出 take, cake两词,并用幻灯片订正。3. 课文学习1) 看课文图片,初步理解故事。T:I m very happy to have picnic each time. Are you happy to have a picnic? Are our friends Sam and Amy happy, too? Let s see. 教师出示课文图片,用图片引导学生通过回答问题来理解课文。P1: How do they feel? P 2: What is Sam talking about? Is Amys answer “ Yes ” or “ No” ? P 3: What

17、 is Sam talking about in this picture? What does Amy say? P 4: Why do they laugh? What day is today in the picture? 2) 学生看图回答问题后 , 再次完整听故事。(教师用点读笔点击课本引导学生做音频视读,将文字与声音联系对应起来。)3)教师分图片讲解课文。(1)T: Look at this picture. What are they going to do? S:They are going to have a picnic. T:Is he right? Let s lis

18、ten. 教师再用点读笔点一下这句话的答案( We are going to have a picnic.) T: Look at this picture. Are they very happy to have a picnic? What do they say? And how do they say it? 教师先出图,引出句子。引导学生将语气充分模仿精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 出来和将感情充分表达出来Listen

19、and do the same. “ That s a good idea!” -请学生将高兴的语气说出来。T: One more time. One more time. (点读 2 遍,学生反复听并重复模仿) (2)第 2、3 幅图:T: Here are two questions, now, listen to the text and answer the questions. Q:Will Amy take her kite to the picnic tomorrow? Will Amy take her ball to the picnic tomorrow?学生听这两幅图的录

20、音,然后回答:No, she won t.教师用点读笔订正答案 -。Listen to the recording and do it one more time. 角色扮演:教师问,学生答:T:Amy, will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow? ,引导学生回答:S:No, I won t. 教师板书 No, I won t.。(3) 第 4 幅图: Why not? (用点读笔来点出声音 ) -学生听此段的录音来回答问题-教师用点读笔订正答案,并出示PPT展示。-教师问学生问题: Amy, will you take your kite

21、to the picnic tomorrow? Will you take your kite on Saturday? - 引出板书: Yes, I will. 4)学生再完整听一遍故事。 (用点读笔引导),深刻体会情景和模仿朗读。T: Ok, kids. Let s listen to the story again. T:While you are listening, pay close attention to the underlined words and see how they are pronounced. 教师将故事中所有能够连读或失去爆破的句子打在PPT上,跟读时进行强

22、调。引导学生反复听并模仿读。5)学生自己用点读笔点读并朗读课文,模仿语气。T: Now, its your turn to listen and read aloud the text after the recording. Use the e-pen s earphone. Try to sound the same as much as the recording does. 6)Time s up. Now form a group of three, and role play the text. 学生三人一组分角色展示朗读课文,7)Which group would like to

23、 come to the front and role play the text? 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - 教师用点读笔给小组录音。 之后,教师回放原声与录音作对比评价,提问学生他们读得怎样,好在哪里。T:Good! How do you like this group s reading? Is it good? Which part did they sound the same as the recording?

24、T: What about this group s reading? Which part or point in their reading is really good? 4训练巩固1) T:On Saturday I will go to the park to have a picnic. Where will you go? What will you do there? 2) T : Will you do these things? Let s watch and read. 教师出示一些短语图片, 如:去动物园的图片。 学生迅速读出短语: go to the zoo. 教师在

25、学生读出短语后用点读笔点击图片正音。3) 之后师生问答:T/S:Will you go to the zoo on Saturday? T/S:回答。T/S:Will you see flowers on Sunday? T/S 回答。之后学生两人一组练习,然后全班展示34 组。T:OK, now, find a partner and do the same practice. T: Which pair would like to show your practice to the whole class? 5. 任务完成教师与一学生示范问答练习:任务布置:T: Now, we ll ha

26、ve more practice on talking about weekend plans. I ll show you how to do it. Susan , would you give me a hand?( 教师请一位学生帮忙。 ) T:Susan ,I will go to the park on Saturday. Will you go to the park? S: Yes, I will . / No, I won t. I will go to the . T: What will you do there? S:精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - -

27、- - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - - T: What will you take? S: T : Sounds good! Have a good time. 2)教师与两个学生做问答示范后,学生两人一组做问答,然后展示。T: Now, its your turn. T: Mary and Tony, would you please show us your talk? 3) 学生选择自己周末要去的地点,按照上面的话轮写出来,然后与同学交换,互评。T: Good talk! Now,

28、class, choose a place you like to go and things you like to do this weekend, and write them down based on the conversation. When you finish writing, exchange your work with your partner, read and correct your partners work if there are something incorrect. 6布置作业Everybody did a good job today. Now, here we go with your home work: 1)跟随点读笔流利阅读和有感情地朗读课文并将自己的朗读录音。2)尝试复述课文。给家长复述一下。2)使用点读笔复习和预习本模块单词表中的单词,熟练掌握单词词义、发音和拼写。让家长利用点读笔帮助学生听写本课单词并做出评价。补充活动(无)精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 8 页 - - - - - - - - - -


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