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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 八年级英语下册期中试卷及答案八年级英语下册期中试卷及答案lass:_ Nae:_ Sre:_Part I 听力测试 (20分)一.听句子,选择你所听到的单词。 (5分)( )1.A.rwd B.rwded .surprised( )2.A.basket B.bk .tiket( )3.A.ther B.the ther .anther( )4.A.nervus B.surprise .ad( )5.A.happy B.happen .happened二.选出与你所听到的句子内容相同或相近的句子。(5分)( )6.A.uld yu d e a favr?B.uld y

2、u help hi,please?.uld yu lk after hi?( )7.A.e will fly t the n fr vaatin.B.e wuld like t live n the n.e want t g t the n by spaeship.( )8.A.D yu think peple like rbts in their hes?B.D yu think there will be puters in peples hes?.D yu think there will be rbts in peples hes?( )9.A.She said she liked t

3、 take a walk with the hild.B.She said she enyed playing with the hild.She said she liked t take gd are f the hild.( )10.A.I think I a ging t leave he trrw.B.I think I a nt ging ut trrw.I think I a ging t see y new he trrw.三.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。 (10分)( )11.A.n Sunday nn.B.n Saturday night.n Sunday evening.

4、( )12.A.Its Luys birthday.B.Its Luys grandfathers birthday.Its Luys grandthers birthday.( )13.A.At Luys he.B.At the Greenland Htel.In the yard.( )14.A.At seven. B.At eight. . At seven thirty.( )15.A.yes,he will. B.N,he wnt. .yes,he is.Part II 笔试部分四.选择题。 (25分)( )16.There will be _ pllutin in the futu

5、rein the wrld.A.re B.any .fewer D.fe 17. kids wnt g t shl. They will study _ he _puters.A. in, in B. at, n . at , by D. at; fr 18 Peple will live _ 200 years ld in the future.A. / B. be . t be D. in( )19. hat d yu think ike will be_five years?A.after B.in .fr D.befre 20. -ill there be fewer trees? -

6、_.A.yes, there will. B.yes, they will.N, there arent. D.N, they wnt. 21.yang Liwei is a faus hinese _.A.sientist B.puter prgraer.astrnaut D.engineer 22 There were _ peple in the park.A.hundreds f B.tw hundreds f.tw hundreds D.tw hundred f 23.He _ knw where her huse is.A.aybe B.ay be .ay D.ust be 24.

7、He desnt have any ney, _.A.t B.als .either D.neither 25.I think yu shuld _ se ney _ yur friends.A.brrw; fr B.brrw; fr.lend; fr D.brrw; t 26.y friend has the sae hairut _ I d.A.as B.like .see D.lks like 27.Dnt run _ shut _ the party.A.and; at B.r; in .and; in D.r; at 28. If yu bring snaks t the party

8、, the teahers will _.A.take it away B.take the away.take away it D.take away the 29.I ging t _ tie with y grandparents this vaatin.A.spend B.take .st D.pay 30.If yu play sprts _a living, yur b will seties be very dangerus.A. fr B. at . by D. f 31.I think it wuld start a _ habit if yu py y hewrk.A.gd

9、 B.bad .well D.wnderful 32.I finished y _ exas last week.A.end f year B.end-f-year.year-f-end D.year-end( )33.She said she _ a party fr aria.A.is having B.was having .has D.will have( )34They _ TV at ten lk last night.A.was wathing B.were wathing.wathed D.wathes( )35 _ I was wathing TV, the telephne

10、rang.A.hile B.hen .hat D.hy( )36.yu shuld _ a new pen fr yur sister.A.buy B.t buy .buying D.bught( )37.If it _ trrw, well g t the park.A.dnt rain B.wnt rain.rained D.desnt rain( )38.-y bag is style.-aybe yu shuld buy a new ne.A.ut f B.ut fr .ut fr D.ut( )39.If yu are faus,peple will fllw yu _.A.sewh

11、ereB.anywhere .everywhere( )40.I was _ t see the plie at y he yesterday.A.surprised B.surprising .interesting五.完型填空:(10分)A generus gap(代沟) has bee a serius prble. I read a 41 abut it in the newspaper. Se hildren have killed theselves after 42 with parents. I think this is beause they dnt ften have a

12、 talk with eah ther. Parents nw 43 re tie in the ffie, 44 they dnt have uh tie t stay with their hildren. As tie passes, they bth feel that they dnt have the 45 tpi(题目) t talk abut. I want t tell parents t be re with yur 46 , get t knw the and 47 the. And fr hildren, shw yur 48 t yur parents. They a

13、re the peple wh lve yu. S 49 the yur thughts(思想). In this way, yu 50 have a better understanding f eah ther.( )41.A.reprt B.all .letter( )42.A.talk B.argue .fight( )43.A.have B.stay .spend( )44.A.s B.if .beause( )45.A.interesting B.sae .true( )46.A.business B.wrk .hildren( )47.A.get n well with B.lk

14、 after .understand( )48.A.interest (兴趣) B.seret(秘密) .feelings(感情)( )49.A.tell B.ask .answer( )50.A.an B.shuld .wuld六.阅读理解 (20分)Ae are learning English, but hw an we learn English well? A student an knw a lt abut English, but aybe we ant speak English.If yu want t knw hw t swi, yu ust get int the riv

15、er. And if yu want t be a ftball player, yu ust play ftball.S, yu see, yu an learn by using it, yu shuld listen t yur teaher in lass. yu shuld speak English t yur lassates every day and als yu uld write sething in English. Then ne day yu ay find yur English very gd.( )51.yu knw a lt abut English, bu

16、t aybe_ it.A.yu an speak B.yu an study.yu ant speak( )52.yu ust get int the river_.A.t learn hw t swi B.t play .t up( )53.D yu want t be a ftball player?Please _.A.buy a ftball B.play ftball.have se lessns( )54.yu an learn by using it. Fr exaple:_A.listen t yur teaher in lassB.Speak English t yur la

17、ssates every day.A and B( )55.hih d yu think is the best title fr thisartile? _.A.Hw t swiB.Hw t play ftball .Hw an we learn English wellBSeveral years ag Rbert knew a girl at a party. He lved her at ne. But he hadnt enugh ney t arry(娶)her. He went t anther village and wanted t brrw five thusand dll

18、ars fr Peter, ne f his lassates. He said he was ging t return the ney in tw years.Peter Blak believed hi and lent the ney t hi. And Rbert thanked the yung an very uh.In the past fur years Rbert arried the girl and she had a baby. They lived a happy life, but he didnt give the ney bak t Peter.ne day

19、Peters ther was ill and needed an peratin. He lked fr Rbert fr a few ties, but he never et hi. ne day Peter heard that the yung an was in. He hurried there. He knked at the dr fr a lng tie and Rberts wife ae ut t eet hi.“I srry, r Blak.” said the wan. “y husband has ust gne ut.”Peter thught fr a whi

20、le and said, “yes, I et hi n y way here. He tld e that he had left all his ney at he and let yu return it t e.”“Dnt believe hi, dear!”Rbert ae ut in a hurry(匆忙) and alled ut. “Ive never tld hi abut it!”( )56.Peter believe Rbert beause _.A.they were ld lassatesB.they lived in different villages.Peter

21、 was a rih anD.Rbert ne helped Peter( )57.Rbert wuldnt eet Peter beause _.A.he did nt want t pay bak the neyB.he had paid Peter all the ney.he was always very busyD.his wife didnt let hi d s( )58.Rberts wife said srry t Peter beause she wanted _.A.t pay Peter the ney B.t ake Peter leave.t let Peter

22、in D.t g ut t eet Peter( )59.Rbert ae ut in a hurry beause _.A.he was afraid Peter wuld beat his wifeB.he was afraid Peter wuld take his wife t the plie.he deided t give the ney bak t PeterD.he was afraid his wife wuld give the ney t Peter( )60.hih f the fllwing is true? _.A.The wan didnt knw her hu

23、sband was at he.B.Rbert had n ney t pay Peter.Peter was lever enugh t ake Rbert e ut.D.Rbert thught Peter was a gd friend.七、用动词的适当时态填空.(10分)61 Betty _(fly) t Shanghai trrw.62 Lk! any girls _ (play) gaes ver there.63 y father usually _(g) swiing in suer.64 She said she _(an) speak three languages.65

24、He _(read) an English bk nw.66 They _(nt have) any lasses next week.67 He tld us that he _(visit) his grandpa next week.68 Last year, they _(buy) a new puter.69 e wnt g t vies if it _(rain) trrw.70 i _ (talk) n the phne when the an ae in八补全对话 (20分)A篇(10分)Tina: Hell !71 _?Ann: Hell ! This is Ann spea

25、king. 72_?Tina: This is Tina, yur penfriend. I ust in yur ity nw.Ann: w,terrifi ! Hpe t eet yu at ne.Tina: e, t.73_?Ann: Hw abut the ity Square?Tina: Gd idea ! But 74_?Ann: ell, first walk alng Dalin Rad and take the first turning n the right. The square is abut 50 etres alng n yur right.Tina: Thats

26、 easy. Ill be there sn.Ann: k. I there waiting fr yu. See yu later.Tina: 75_.B篇(10分)A=harley B=SteveA:e n,Steve76._B:ait a ent.77_A:k.Steve.By the way,an we give y sister aride he tnight?A:Sure.78_B:yes.She wants t take se pitures.A:79_B:yeah.She wants t wrk fr a newspaper se day.A:But I think it ig

27、ht be hard fr her t sueed.80_选项:A.ell,she always eny sprts gaes,desnt she?B.I didnt knw Eva was interested in phtgraphy.There are a lt f phtgraphers ut there.D.yu ean shes ing t the gae,t?E.I ust have t lse up the shp.F.Its tie t g.九 作(15分)老师要他注根据提示,写一篇短。短要包括以下要点:1杰克今天上课迟到了。2老师问他迟到的原因。3他说,昨天晚上他有一些数学

28、题要做,直到11点才睡觉,因此今天起床晚了。4注意休息,并告诉他足够的睡眠对身体健康和学习都有好处。要求:(1)所有要点提示必须都用上,并可以适当发挥。(2)语法正确,语句通顺、流畅。(3)词数:不少于60。听力稿及笔试部分参考答案一.听句子,选择你所听到的单词.1.ities will be very big and rwded.2.yu shuld give hi a tiket t a ball gae.3.Davy et anther a dg utside the statin.4.I always get nervus when I see the envelpe fr shl.5

29、.hat will happen if they wath a vide at the party? (1-5 BAB)二.选出与你所听到的句子内容相同或相近的句子.6.ay I ask yu a favr?7.e will g t the n fr hlidays by spaeship.8.D yu think peple will have rbts in their hes?9.She tld e she liked t lk after the hild well.10.I think I ging t stay at he trrw. (6-10 AAB)三.听对话及问题,选择正确

30、答案。:Hi,ihael. hat are yu ging t d n Sunday night?:Nthing,Luy.:Sunday is y grandfathers birthday. y parents are ging t have aparty. y grandfather hpes yu an e. yu went t see hi inthe hspital with e last week. He wants t say “Thank yu.”:Thats very nie f hi. I ing. here is it? In yur he?:N, there are g

31、ing t be any peple at the party. e are ging t have it at the Greenland Htel n est Street. Thats near kF.:hen is the party ging t start?:At eight lk. But ihael,an yu e a little earlier and give e a hand?:N prble! I ging t be there at half past seven. By the way,what wuld yur grandfather like fr his b

32、irthday?:h.dnt wrry abut that! ust e t the party!:Thanks a lt fr inviting e t the party.:yure wele.Questins:11.hen are they ging t have the party?12.hy are they ging t have the party?13.here is the party ging t be?14.hat tie is the party ging t start?15.ill ihael g there earlier? (11-15 BBBA)笔试部分参考答

33、案:四.选择填空16-20 ABBA 21-25 AB 26-30 ADBAA 31-35 BBBBA 36-40 ADAA五.完形填空.41-45 ABAB 46-50 AA六.阅读理解.51-55 AB 56-60 AABD七、用动词的适当时态填空.61 will fly 62 are playing 63ges 64 uld 65 is reading 66 wnt have 67wuld visit 68 bught 69 rains 70 was talking八、补全对话71 an I talk t Ann?72 h is it?73 here are yu ging t eet?74 an yu tell e whih is the way t ity Square?75 See yu专心-专注-专业


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