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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1-6课跟踪训练一、用不定冠词a/an填空。1. This is _ umbrella. It is _ Chinese umbrella.2. It is _ Ford. It is _ American car.3. This is _ Mini. It is _ English car.4. Its _ Fiat. It is _ Italian car.5. Is this _ Volvo? Yes, it is.6. My daughter is _ teacher. She is _ English teacher.二、用be(am/is/are)补全句子

2、。1. Hi, Miss Liu! This _ my son. He _ Tom.2. Here _ your watch.3. The books _ in the room.4. What _ it? Its a Mercedes.5. You _ my student and I _ your teacher.6. Your daughters _ teachers.7. This dress _ American. It _ nice.8. Your skirt _ in the classroom.9. My car _ not a Mercedes. It _ a Peugeot

3、.10. Sophie _ not an English student. She _ a French student.三、单项选择。()1.Is this your coat? No, it _ .A. isB. isntC. arentD. not is()2. Is he a new student? Yes, _ .A. he isB. is heC. he isntD. it is()3. Is your teacher American? _ .A. Yes, he isB. AmericanC. No, he is AmericanD. He is American()4. I

4、s she Chinese? No, _ .A. she isB. isnt sheC. she isntD. is she()5. Is this _ umbrella? No, it isnt. It is _ skirt.A. /; aB. an; aC. a; /D. an; an()6. This is _ Italian car and it is my _ car.A. a; anB. a; aC. an; anD. an; /四、将下列句子改为一般疑问句。1. This is your coat._2. It is my house._3. This is my pencil.

5、_4. It is my handbag._5. My pencil is here._6. This is a nice umbrella._五、对下列一般疑问句分别作出肯定回答和否定回答。1. Is this your skirt?_2. Is this her skirt?_3. Is this his suit?_4. Is it your book?_5. Is it your car?_6. Is this your ticket?_7. Is it your dress?_8. Is he your teacher?_9. Is this your handbag?_10. Is

6、 she your daughter?_六、将下列肯定句改为否定句。1. This is your coat._2. This is my teacher._3. This is your car._4. It is your school._5. It is my watch._6. Your student is German._七、连词成句。1. not, your, coat, is, it_2. your, is, pencil, this_3. student, Li Ming, not, new, a, is_4. watch, my, here, is_5. car, a, m

7、y, Toyota, is_6. is, my, not, school, this_八、英汉互译。1. Im sorry, sir. Is this your umbrella?_2. He is an English teacher._3. Is this your teacher? No, he isnt. He is Mr. Blake._4. 这是你的手表吗?不,它不是。_5. 这不是你的房子。它是我的房子。_6. 这不是我的汽车。它是你的汽车。_九、补全对话,每空一词。Tom: Excuse me!Mary: Yes!Tom: 1. _ this your coat?Mary: P

8、ardon?Tom: Is this 2. _ coat?Mary: No, it 3. _ . Its 4. _ shirt.Tom: Is this your skirt?Mary: 5. _ , it is.Tom: Is 6. _ your dress?Mary: Yes, it 7. _ . Thank you very much.Tom: Is this your handbag?Mary: No. Its 8. _ umbrella.Tom: Is this Lucy? 9. _ this her umbrella?Mary: I dont know her.Tom: 10. _

9、 is a new student in my school.Mary: Oh, I see.7-12课跟踪训练一、从中给栏的答语选择合适的问句。()1. This is a book.A. Are you an operator?()2. I am a teacher.B. What nationality is she?()3. She is Japanese.C. Is this his shirt?()4. He is a milkman.D. Where are they from?()5. Yes, I am.E. Whose is this blue tie?()6. She i

10、s an engineer.F. What is this?()7. She is fine, thanks.G. What is he?()8. No, it isntH. What are you?()9. Its my brothers.I. How is Helen?()10. They are from China.J. Whats her job?二、对画线部分提问。1. My name is Robert. _ _ name?2. Steven is very well. _ _ Steven?3. Miss Brown is Italian. _ _ _ Miss Brown?

11、4. I am fine. _ _ you?5. My father is an engineer. _ is your fathers _ ?6. My blouse is white. _ blouse _ white?7. That woman is fat. _ _ that woman?8. That hairdresser is busy. _ _ that hairdresser?三、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.你是哪国人?我是意大利人。_ _ are you?2.他是做什么工作的?他是一名机械师。_ _ _ job?He is a mechanic.3.你爸爸今天怎么样

12、?_ _ your father today?4.这是谁的?它是格林先生的。_ is it?Its Mr. Greens.5.这些是谁的袜子?它们是怀特先生的。_ _ are these?_ Mr. Whites.6.这个包是谁的?它是汤姆的。_ is this bag?It is Toms.7.那个手提包怎么样?那个手提名包很好。_ is that handbag?That handbag is very nice.8.这是谁的钢笔? 这是我的钢笔。 _ pen is this? It is my pen.9.这个谁的连衣裙?这是莉莉的连衣裙。_ _ is this?This is Lily

13、s dress.10.什么不是蓝色的?我的衬衫不是蓝色的。_ isnt blue?My shirt isnt blue.四、用两种句型翻译下列句子。1.他今天很好。_2.你的父亲是做什么工作的?_3.那是谁的领带?_4.这是我弟弟的外套。_5.这是谁的衬衫?_6.他是哪国人?_五、根据示例,仿写对话。示例1: hairdresser / heWhats his job? Is he a hairdresser?Yes, he is.1. housewife / she_示例2: thin/ JackHows Jack?He is thin.3. busy/ Sophie_4. dirty/ t

14、hat keyboard_示例3: blouse/ HelenWhose is this blouse?Its Helens, Its her blouse.5. tie/ my father_6. book/ her brother_六、根据对话内容回答问题。Helen: Whose handbag is this, Mr.Black?Mr.Black: Its my mothers.Helen: Oh. Its her handbag.Mr.Black: Yeah.Helen: It is a beautiful white handbag.Mr.Black: Yes, it is. Th

15、anks.Helen: Is that suit yours, Mr.Black?Mr.Black: Yes, it is. It is a blue suit.Helen: Is this your tie, Mr. Black?Mr.Black: No, it isnt. Its my brothers. Look at it. It is white. But my tie is blue.1. Is this Mr.Blacks handbag?_2. What colour(颜色)is the handbag?_3. Whose suit is that?_4. Is the sui

16、t blue?_5. Whose tie is this?_13-18课跟踪训练一、写出下列名词的复数形式。1. coat _2. handbag _3. dog _4. blouse _5. case _6. tie _7. watch _8. ticket _9. engineer _10. dress _11. man _12. deer _13. policeman _14. suit _15. hat _16. postman _17. umbrella _18. housewife _19. pen _20. roof _二、从方框中选择正确的疑问词补全句子。Whose, what

17、 colour, how, what, who1. _ is your father? The fat man.2. _ carpets are they? They are Tims.3. _ is your mother, Tom? She is fine. Thanks.4. _ is your job, Sam? Im an office assistant.5. _ is Lucys dress? Its yellow.三、单项选择()1._ is the carpet? Its green.A. WhoB. What colourC. WhatD.How()2._ is this

18、old man? He is Mr. Jackson.A. HowB. WhoC. WhatD. Whose()3.What _ their jobs? They _ customs officers.A. am; isB. are; isC. is; isD. are; are()4.What is your good friends job? He is _ .A. a waitressB. taxi driversC. a policemanD. air hostesses()5.Are your friends French? _ .A. Yes, it isB. Yes, they

19、areC. No, it isntD. No, arent they四、按要求改写句子。1. These are hats.(改为单数句)_ _ a hat.2. Who are these girls?(改为单数句)_ _ this girl?3. Those women are very hard-working.(改为单数句)_ _ _ very hard-working.4. This is an orange tie.(改为复数句)_ _ orange _ .5. He is not my friend.(改为复数句)_ _ not _ _ .6. Is that your new

20、car?(改为复数句)_ _ your new _ ?五、对画线部分提问。1. That dog is brown and white._ _ _ that dog?2. My dresses are green._ _ _ your dresses?3. Their coats are grey._ _ _ their coats?4. These handbags are Lucys._ _ these handbags?5. Jim is well._ _ Jim?六、连词成句。1. are, your, colour, cases, what_2. your, those, carpe

21、ts, are_3. grey, these, hats, are, his_4. is, who, man, this, hard-working_5. Norwegian, tourists, those, are_七、根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1. These are _ _(棕色的帽子).2. Are these _ _(灰色的外套)? Yes, they are.3. They are _ _(黑色的伞).4. Are these _ _(红色的汽车)? No, they arent. They are black.5. These are _ _(蓝色的钢笔).八、根据示例,

22、仿写对话。示例: engineers/ postmenWhat are their jobs?They arent engineers. Theyre postmen.1. teachers/ nurses_2. taxi drivers/ air hostesses_3. sales reps/ mechanics_4. milkmen/ hairdressers_5. policemen/ customs officers_九、补全对话。从方框中选出合适的句子,填在对话空缺处,使对话内容完整、连贯。A. Thank you.B. No, I am not.C. The red cases!

23、D. What colour are your cases?E. Here you are.Customs Officer: Your passport, please.Lily: 1. _Customs Officer: Are you Korean?Lily: 2. _ I am Japanese.Customs Officer: Are these your cases?Lily: No, they arent.Customs Officer: 3. _Lily: My cases are red. But they are black.Customs Officer: Look! 4.

24、 _ Are these your cases?Lily: Yes, they are. 5. _19-24课跟踪训练一、把含义相对的单词连起来。1. bigA. hot2. shutB. large3. lightC. dirty4. longD. full5. youngE. blunt6. emptyF. short7. littleG. old8. sharpH. open9. coldI. small10. cleanJ. heavy二、根据汉语提示填字母完成单词。1. sh_ _ p尖的,锋利的2. _ _pty空的3. t _ _ _d疲乏的4. l _ _ge大的5. r _

25、_ _t好,可以 6. th_ _sty渴的三、单项选择。()1. The book on the table is _ .A. youngB. tallC. sharpD. new()2. David, there are some pens on your desk, Please give _ to me.A. themB. theyC. itD. their()3. Some books are _ the shelf.A. fromB. atC. onD. to()4. _ are on the table?A. Which boxesB. Which boxC. How boxD. How boxes()5. _ is a good teacher.A. HisB. HimC. HeD. They()6. _ one is Lucys? The blue one.A. WhereB. HowC. WhichD. Who()7. _ am young and thin.A. YouB. SheC. HeD. I()8. Look at _ , and her


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