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《七年级英语上册Module7Computers模块单元测试卷(新版)外研版(共10页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册Module7Computers模块单元测试卷(新版)外研版(共10页).doc(10页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Module 7第卷 选择题 (45分)I.单项选择(15 分)( )1.Dont_ the TV.My baby is sleeping now.A.turn onB.turn off C.look at D.pick up( )2.When you write English,read it and _ your spelling.A.write B.planC.check D.speak( )3.Do the students often_online_school?No,sometimes.A.play;at B.go;withC.go;at D.play;i

2、n( )4._ seeing the TV play Scheming Beauty(美人心计)?Thats a great idea.A.How many B.How aboutC.How old D.How often( )5. _ does Li Ming usually do in the evening?He usually writes his homework.A. How B. Why C. What D. When( )6.Are there _ computers in your classroom No, There arent _computers in our cla

3、ssroom A some ; some B some ; any C any; any D any ; some ( )7 My brother _ his computer _computer games. A. use; playB. use; to play C. uses; playD. uses; to play( )8.If you want to watch the match (比赛), you should buy a _ first. A. trainB. ticketC. clothes D. game ( )9.Connect the monitor _ the co

4、mputer, and then you can do your homework _ it. A. to ; in B. with ; at C. to ; on D. in ; of( )10._ do I save the document? You click “save”, and write a name for it.21cnjycomA. What B. When C. Where D. How( )11.Usually, Sally has noodles for breakfast. _she has hamburgers. A. Sometimes B. Sometime

5、C. Some times D. Some time( )12. _My friends. A. When do you use a computer? B. Who do you write emails to? C. Where do you write emails? D. What do you do on the Internet?( )13.Jill and Bill_their homework in the afternoon. A. doesntB. doesnt doC. dontD. dont do( )14.I love ice-cream, _I cant eat t

6、oo much, because I dont want to be fat. A. and B. butC. or D. so( )15.Daddy, can you come home for supper with us this weekend? _ , but I might be a little late. A. Im busyB. Hard to sayC. Of courseD. Never mind.完形填空 (10分)Do you know how to make a phone call?Let me _16_ you.First,you must _17_ the r

7、ight number.If(如果) youre not sure about the _18_,you can check it.Second,you should _19_ the person some time to answer the phone.Please _20_ patient(耐心的)and wait for a few more minutes.Third,you must speak clearly.Dont shout(喊)_21_ mutter(嘀咕).And your mouth should be one inch(英寸)away _22_ the phone

8、.Fourth,after _23_ “hello”,you should tell the person your name and who you are.Fifth,if the person isnt _24_,you should let the person who is answering the phone take a message for you._25_,please put the telephone gently(轻放电话).Its not polite to throw the phone.( )16.A.say B.tellC.talk D.speak( )17

9、.A.write B.readC.know D.see( )18.A.website B.personC.number D.email( )19.A.give B.useC.take D.spend( )20.A.am B.isC.are D.be( )21.A.so B.orC.but D.then( )22.A.to B.fromC.near D.beside( )23.A.saying B.tellingC.speaking D.asking( )24.A.at B.toC.from D.in( )25.A.Finally B.FirstlyC.Usually D.Last.阅读理解(1

10、5分)AComputers are very popular with students now.Its very easy for them to surf the Internet(网上冲浪).Most of them go to the Internet bar and spend more than two hours there.They can do their homework,get some information for their study,download music,and send emails on the computer.But some of them s

11、pend too much time playing computer games,and it is bad for their study.( )26.Which of the following is popular with students today?A.The television.B.The radio.C.The recorder. D.The computer.( )27.Where do most students surf the Internet?A.At home. B.At school.C.At the Internet bar. D.In the librar

12、y.( )28.How many hours do most of the students spend on the computers?A.Two hours. B.More than two hours.C.One hour. D.Less than two hours.( )29.What can the students do on the computer?A.They can download music.B.They can send emails.C.They can do their homework.D.All of the above( )30.Spending too

13、 much time _ on the computer is bad for their study.A.playing games B.getting information for the students studyC.doing their homeworkD.practising EnglishB Computers are very important in our life. People can search for information, send emails and do many other things. Many people shop on the Inter

14、net, because they have no time to go shopping. But there are still many people shopping in the stores. We have got some numbers in a survey(调查). Lets have a look! 45% people like shopping on the Internet and 55% people like shopping in the stores. 64% people learn about things on the Internet before

15、 buying them in the stores. 71% women buy things on the Internet, but only 52% men do this. Why do many people shop in the stores? Some people dont want to wait for their things to arrive. And some want to see the real things before buying them. What do you think of it? ( )31. Many people like shopp

16、ing on the Internet because theyre_. A. funnyB. tiredC. busyD. different( )32. If(如果)there are 100 people, _of them like shopping on the Internet. A. 45B. 55C. 52D. 71( )33. _can help people learn about things before buying. A. Watching TVB. Going on the InternetC. Reading a bookD. Writing emails( )

17、34. _women shop in the stores. A. 64% B. 71%C. 48% D. 29%( )35. We can see the passage(文章)in a_. A. dictionaryB. Chinese bookC. newspaperD. science bookCLisa: Im a history teacher. I often use my computer to do my work. Its very helpful (有用的). Sometimes I watch movies on it. Daniel: I have a compute

18、r at home. But I dont use it too often. Its bad for my eyes. I only check my emails on it. My brother often plays games on it. Jenny: I love my computer. I like shopping on the Internet. And every Friday night I use my computer to talk with my friends.Thomas: I only use the computer in the computer

19、room in our school. I go there after school every day. I usually search for information and do my homework. ( )36. Lisa often uses her computer to _. A. do her work B. play games C. watch movies D. do some shopping ( )37. _ often plays computer games.A. Daniel B. Daniels brother C. Daniels sister D.

20、 Daniels father( )38. Jenny talks with her friends on the computer _. A. every Sunday nightB. every Thursday night C. every Saturday nightD. every Friday night( )39. Thomas uses the computer _.A. at home B. at his friends home C. at the school D. at the school library( )40. Which of the following is

21、 TRUE? A. Lisa is a maths teacher. B. Jenny is the manager of a shop. C. Thomas uses the computer to shop. D. Daniel thinks using the computer too often is bad for his eyes. .情景交际(5分)从方框中选出最佳选项完成对话, 有两项多余。Mike: Lucy, do you have a computer? Lucy: 41 Mike: What do you often do on it? Lucy: I often vi

22、sit websites and get some information for my homework. Mike: 42 Lucy: No, never. I think playing computer games wastes(浪费)too much time. What about you, Mike? Do you have a computer? Mike: Yes. 43 I think its very interesting. Lucy: Oh, I usually send emails to my teachers. 44 Mike: Do you chat with

23、 your friends on the Internet? Lucy: Yes. 45 A. I like playing computer games. B. Do you play computer games? C. How do you do your homework on it? D. They check my homework. E. But I often chat with them at the weekend. F. Yes, I do. G. What games do you play? 第II卷 非选择题(55分).任务型阅读(5分)根据短文内容完成表格My n

24、ame is Zhang Tian. There is a computer in my bedroom. I often use it to do many things. I can do my homework on it. Sometimes I go online and download some information for my lessons. It helps me a lot. Now I am good at all the subjects at school. When I have time, sometimes I watch movies on the In

25、ternet. I can also download music from the Internet. I have some good friends from different cities, so we often talk with each other at the weekend. My mother always tells me not to play computer games, because its not good for my eyes. I dont have a printer now. My father is going to buy one for n

26、ext month.Information CardThe place that Zhang Tians computer is in46._What to download for Zhang Tians lessons47._The subjects that Zhang Tian is good at48._The person(人) who asks Zhang Tian not to play computer games49._The things that Zhang Tians father will buy for him50._.词汇运用(10分) ()根据句意及汉语提示完

27、成单词。(5分)51. What is your travel p_for the summer vacation? Im going to Beijing to visit the Great Wall. 52. I want to book a t_to Shanghai on the computer. 53. At weekends there are lots of_(顾客)in the supermarket. 54. My uncle works in a big_(公司). 55. Where do you want to go for your winter_(假期)? ()

28、用所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)56. _(final), I thank everyone for coming to my birthday party this evening. 57. I want_(play)a game with you. Do you have enough time? 58. My sister often uses her mobile phone_(listen)to music. 59. Lets_(go)for a walk, OK? 60. Henry_(not visit)his grandparents on Sundays. 句型转换(10分)

29、61. They have some new computers. (改为一般疑问句)_they have_new computers? 62. I click on “new document” on the left of the screen. (对画线部分提问)2 _ _ you click on “new document”?63. I write ten emails every Sunday. (对画线部分提问)_ _emails do you write every Sunday? 64. There is no computer in my home.(同义句转换) Ther

30、e _ _computer in my home.65. My father checks his email every day. (对画线部分提问)_ _ his email every day?.综合填空(10分) 请用适当的词完成这篇短文,每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。 People like the computer (66)_ it can help us do a lot of things. (67)_ can we do on the computer? We can do (68)_ homework, learn English and (69)_ movi

31、es. We can use the computer to (70)_ for information all (71)_ the world. We can talk (72)_ others and make friends (73)_ people from different countries. We can send (74)_ and photos to our friends. We can (75)_ the same game with others in different places together (一起). The Internet makes the wor

32、ld a large family. .完成句子(10分) 76. 你经常上网吗? 是的, 我每天在网上看新闻。Do you often_ _ _ _? Yes, I watch news on the Internet every day. 77. 家里只有一个苹果了。你应该和你妹妹分享。There is only an apple at home. You should_it_your sister. 78. 我在网上与朋友交谈, 但是我不玩游戏。I_ _my friends on the Internet, but I_play games. 79. 郭先生经常在网上搜寻关于课程的信息。

33、Mr Guo often_ _information about his lessons on the Internet. 80. 每周我都要给我的朋友们发一些邮件。I_some emails_my friends every week. .书面表达(10分)请你写一篇题为“My computer”的短文,向大家介绍一下自己经常在电脑上做的事情。内容包括:1.简要介绍电脑的情况;2.列举一个事例,说明电脑对自己的帮助;3.呼吁同学们少玩电脑游戏,多做一些对学习有帮助的(helpful)的事情 参考答案Module 7I.1. A 句意:不要打开电视,我的宝宝正在睡觉。turn on打开;tur

34、n off关掉;look at 看,pick up捡起。2. C 句意:当你写英语时,读出来,检查拼写。check“检查”,符合题意。3. C go online和at school都为固定搭配词组。4. B “How about.?”用于提出建议。5.C 6.C 7.D考查固定短语。use. . . to do sth. “用做某事”, 固定短语。8.B9.C 考查固定搭配。connect. . . to. . . “把连接到上”。10.D11. A 考查副词的辨析。句意: 通常, 萨莉早餐吃面条, 有时吃汉堡。sometime“某时”; some time“若干时间”; sometimes

35、“有时”; some times“若干次”。12 B 考查固定句式。A项意为: 你什么时候使用电脑? ; B项意为: 你给谁写的邮件? ; C项意为: 你在哪里写邮件? ; D项意为: 你上网做什么? 根据答语: 我的朋友, 可知选B。13. D 考查主谓一致。句意: Jill和Bill在下午不做作业。一般现在时, 当第三人称单数作主语时, 否定形式是: 主语+doesnt+动词原形, 其他人称用主语+dont+动词原形。故选D。14. B 考查连词辨析。and和, 又, 而, 表示并列关系; but但是, 表示转折关系; or或者, 表示选择关系; so所以, 表示因果关系。根据句意: 我喜

36、欢冰激凌, 但是我不能吃太多, 因为我不想变胖。可知选B。15.C考查情景交际。根据“. . . but I might be a little late. ”可以推断是“答应了请求”。故选C。.16. B17. C 联系句意“你必须知道正确的号码”,可知正确答案为know,意为“知道”。18. C 由上文的“First,you must know the right number.”可知,此处应填入number,意为“号码”。19. A20. D 此处为祈使句,祈使句中谓语动词用原形。21.B 此句是否定句,否定句中用or连接两个相同性质的词,意为“或者”。22. B one inch aw

37、ay from the phone表示“离电话一英寸远”。23. A say后可以直接接说话的内容。24. D be in意为“在家”。25. A 建议的最后一条,其前面加finally意为“最后”。.26. D 由短文中“Computers are very popular with students now.”可知电脑在学生中很受欢迎。27. C 由短文中“Most of them go to the Internet bar.”,可知学生上网的地方一般是在网吧。28. B 由短文中“Most of them.spend more than two hours there.”可知他们一般会

38、花费两个多小时上网。29. D 综观全文,选项A、B、C中提到的活动学生都会做。30. A由短文最后一句可知花费太多时间玩电脑游戏对学习有坏处。31. C 细节理解题。根据短文第一段第三句Many people shop on the Internet, because they have no time to go shopping. 可知选C。32. A 细节理解题。根据短文第二段45% people like shopping on the Internet and 55% people like shopping in the stores. 可知选A。33.B 细节理解题。根据短文第

39、三段64%people learn about things on the Internet before buying them in the stores. 可知选B。34. D 数字推算题。根据短文第四段71% women buy things on the Internet. . . 推算可知有29%的女士在商店购物。故选D。35. C 推理判断题。通读全文可知本文是一篇对于电脑在我们生活中应用情况的调查, 可知应该是在报纸上可以看到。故选C。36-40 ABDCD. 41-45. FBADE.46.His bedroom. 47.Some information. 48.All the subjects.49.His mother. 50.A printer.51. plan 52. ticket 53.customerspany 55. holid


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