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《江苏省泰州市2016年中考英语试卷(共9页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省泰州市2016年中考英语试卷(共9页).doc(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2016年江苏省泰州市中考英语试卷一、单项选择从下列每题所给的选项中,选择一个最佳答案.(15分,每小题1分)1When leaders of Chinese mainland(大陆)and Taiwan met in Singapore for_first time since 1949,President Xi said,Today will be remembered in_history()Athe;theBthe;/C/;/D/;the2What_will you get after winning the competition in the progra

2、mme Stay to the end(一站到底)?A free trip to Bali Island()AawardBattentionCadviceDability3Simon used to be_,but now he takes part in different activities and has made many new friends()AhonestBlivelyCactiveDquiet4Lunar Probe(月球探测器)Change5_into space this yearIt will land on the moon and return with luna

3、r samples(样品)()AsendsBwill be sentCwill sendDis sent5Could I smoke here?SorryI am afraid you_Look at the signNo smoking!()AcouldntBneedntCcantDwont6Firemen in Jingjiang,together with those from other areas,successfully_the big fire after sixteen hourshard work()Aput inBput throughCput upDput out7The

4、 service is very wonderful and the weather is quite fineYes,this holiday is so great,we have never hadbefore()Athe better oneBa good oneCa better oneDthe best one8Excuse me,wheres the meeting room?I will show you there()AThis way,pleaseBThats rightCI can manageDIn your dreams9Is thereelse in the cla

5、ssroom?It is emptyis listening to a speech in the school hall()Aanyone;AnyoneBanyone;EveryoneCeveryone;AnyoneDeveryone;Everyone10As a nurse,her work goestaking care of her patientsYes,she always thinks of others()AbeyondBbesideCbehindDbetween11Mom,I want to watch The legend of Miyue(芈月传)on China 8 t

6、onightOh,dear,itfor a few minutesCome on!()Ahas begunBwill beginChas been onDwill be on12Wechat(微信)really influences peoples lifeIt is easier for us to keep in touch with others()AMainlyBExactlyCSimplyDMostly13The novel seems a little boringYou wont enjoy ityou put your heart into it()AwhenBifCafter

7、Dunless14Mr LingI have some difficultythe articleRememberit three or four times at least()Ato understand;readingBunderstanding;readingCunderstanding;to readDto understand;to read15Could you tell me?Every four yearsThe 24th will take place in China in 2022()Ahow long the Winter Olympic Games lastBhow

8、 long do the Winter Olympic Games lastChow often are the Winter Olympic Games heldDhow often the Winter Olympic Games are held二、完形填空阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.16On Thursday,I dropped my kid off at school and was on my way to San FranciscoWhen turning a corner,I noticed an eagle which seemed to be (

9、16)in the middle of the roadI changed my direction to go round but saw it (17)in my rearview mirror(后视镜)So I slowed down and turned aroundHe was alive!I(18)the car,went over and took him quickly back to my carSitting with the eagleI spoke (19)to himHe was beautifulHis eyes were golden orangeHe seeme

10、d scared (20)was not badly hurt,only his feet were curled(扭曲)Then I drove to a vet(兽医)The eagle sat on my (21)and he seemed to be improving the whole way thereWe(22)twenty minutes laterWhen I stopped the car,the sudden movement made (23)nervousHe was looking at me (24)his mouth open wideTherefore,we

11、 sat there and looked into cach others eyesI wanted to tell him he was not (25)and my only wish was loveHe seemed to understand and (26)on my legWhen the vet came up to the car with a (27),the eagle got frightened and flew to the back seatOnce again I (28)the amazing animals eyes and told him it was

12、 OkI placed him in the boxHe trusted meHe didnt move wildly and moreSuddenly a feeling came over me that felt like sweet bitterness(难过)I was (29)to leave this bird,but I was full of joyI think I will see those golden (30)eyes for the rest of my life16AprettyBaliveCdeadDnervous17AmoveBflyCrunDfall18A

13、pushedBdroveCpulledDstopped19AloudlyBgentlyCquicklyDcoldly20AbutBsoCasDor21AfootBlegChandDarm22AcameBleftCwentDarrived23Athe birdBmy kidCthe vetDmy car24AthroughBinCbyDwith25Ain useBin placeCin dangerDin order26AstoodBrelaxedCsangDbasket27AbookBbagCboxDbasket28Alooked afterBlooked intoClooked throug

14、hDlooked up29AluckyBhappyCscaredDsad30AorangeBredCblueDblack三、阅读理解阅读下列短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案.31Interesting festivals in the worldThrowing tomatoesSpain(西班牙)Spain takestomatoes fightsto a whole new levelBut the tomatoes are being thrown,not eatenThe fetival takes place during the last Wednesday in AugustTru

15、cks(卡车)carry tomatoes into the squarePeople rush to the tomatoes and throw them into the crowdRolling cheeseEnglandThis festival is celebrated on the last Monday in MayIt takes place on Coopers HillA large wheel of cheese(奶酪)is rolled down Coopers HillThe festival is actually a race where people run

16、 down the hill after the rolling cheeseThe first person to cross the finish line at the bottom of the hill wins the cheeseBurning manThe United StatesThe Burning Man Festival lasts a week,it is from the Monday before labor Day to Labor Day(which falls on the first Monday in September in America)The

17、festival takes place in the Black Rock DesertThe best part of the festival is the burning of a large sculpture of a manPouring waterThailandThe Songkran Festival is the celebration of the New Year in ThailandRather than a single dayThailand celebrates the New Year from April 13th to April 15thThai p

18、eople run after each otherpouring waterSongkran is one of the most important reasons why foreigners travel to the beautiful land31How many festivals are mentioned in the pasage?AOne BTwo CThree DFour32Where will you probably go to enjoy one of the festivals above in May?ASpain BEngland CThe United S

19、tatesDThailand33Which festival is held in Black Rock Desert?AThrowing tomatoesBRolling cheeseCBurning manDPouring water34Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe tomatoes are thrown into crowd to eatBNot all the festivals above fall on the single dayCBurning a large real man is t

20、he best part of the festivalDSongkran is the only reason for attracting lots of tourists35The passage is most probably taken fromAa tour guide Ba science report Ca story book Da fashion magazine36Emojis(表情符号)Have you found that more and more people are using emojis to communicate online?For example,

21、Happy Birthdayhas become a cake with lit candlesAndI am happyhas become a smiling faceEmojis have been warmly welcomed since they were invented in the 1990s in JapanAccording to a survey of a mobile technology company,6 billion emojis are used in text messages around the world every dayLast year,20

22、percent of all emojis used in the UK and 17 percent of those used in the US was the iconIt became the most widelyused icon in 2015Emojis are now used asa new form of expression,and one which can cross language barriers(障碍)Emojis are popular among millennials,who were born between late 1980s and earl

23、y 2000s,because they welcome new technology and new things and they think emojis areflexible(灵活的)and show meanings beautifully,president of Oxford Dictionaries told The Wall Street JouralSince millennials became the biggest part in the American workforce(劳动力),emojis have been more accepted in the wo

24、rkplaceFor many people,the tiny pictures also show that the users are part of mainstream(主流)societyIn the digital age,emojis arehow most people communicate and show their personality many times every dayBut not everyone thinks the use of emojis is a good thingJonathan Jones of The Guardian said that

25、 the success of emojis isa step back for humans,hurting peoples ability to use languagesThere are strict limits on what you can say with picturesthe written word is necessary to express your ideas and feelings to their highest level,he saidDo you feelor about emojis?36What emojis ishappy Birthdayacc

26、ording to the passage?37Where ere emojis invented?AIn Japan BIn China CIn the UK DIn the US38What does the underlined wordmillennialsin the 3th paragraph mean in Chinese?A80后 B00后 C独生子女 D千禧一代39Why are emojis popular among millennials?ABeacuse emojis limit what they say with picturesBBeacuse they thi

27、nk emojis are a step back for humansCBeacuse 6 billion emojis are used in text messages every dayDBeacuse young people are easily attracted by new technology and new things40The writer makes us learn about the emojis in Paragraph 2 byAtelling stories Bexplaining the worldemojisClisting numbers Dmaki

28、ng comparisons(比较)41The first time I ever really noticed a disabled person,I was studying in the third gradeI saw some disabled people before,but I never really knew or cared about what those persons go through(经历)When a new student arrived in my third grade class,I thought it would just be a common

29、 student,but this student was differentHis name was Derek and he had autism(孤独症)He sometimes had random outbursts (随意的发作)during class and we would stand there,doing nothing because we didnt know why he was doing thatWhen he sat down at desk,we would try to get away from himAfter class,we would play

30、jokes on each other,imitating(模仿)Derek,and laughing about itThen one day,Dereks mom came to our class and talked with usShe told us that Derek wasnt just having random outburstshe was trying to communicateThen she chose a volunteer and filled that persons mouth with soft sweetsWhen we found the volu

31、nteer had great trouble in trying to speak,the mother explained that was what Derek was going through every dayWe all understood her meaningAfter this talk,no one tried to make fun of Derek or run away from himWe accepted his outbursts in class and he became one of our friendsHaving a class with Der

32、ek has taught me to have an open mind to those who are different from usMy experience in having an autistic classmate has provided me with a good lessonNow whenever I meet a family with a child whos behaving differentlyI always remember what I have learned in my third grade class and go up to him or

33、 her41What did the author think of the boy before the mothers talk?Afriendly BHumorous CGenerousDStrange42Which order is right according to the passage?We got away from himWe got on well with DerekDerek arrived in my classDereks mom talked to usABCD43According to Dereks mother,DerekAwas too shy to b

34、e with othersBhad problems in expressing himselfCwas good at communicating with othersDdidnt like the way others treated him44After Dereks moms talk,we did the following EXCEPT thatAwe became friends Bwe played togetherCwe played jokes on himDwe communicated with him45Which is the best title for the

35、 passage?ALiving with an open mind BBelieving in yourselfCBehaving in different ways DMaking friends with the disabled四、阅读表达阅读下面的短文,根据短文内容回答问题.46An 8.3magnitude(里氏8.3级)earthquake can often cause fallen buildings and hundreds or even thousands of victimsBut only 13 people were killed in the powerful

36、earthquake in Chile on Sept 16,2015That is the most surprising thingAccording to New York TimesChile had spent quite a lot of money on the project of making its buildings strongerAlso,it had changed its tsunami(海啸)warning systemBoth of these helped prevent a disaster in the countryBesides,strict law

37、s and rules have made people more ready for earthquakesSchools have increasingly started doing drills(演练),all society is filled with creative ways to keep safe in earthquakesChile,a South American country,is one of the places where earthquakes are most likelyIts 17 million people have been taught mo

38、re than enough information about earthquakeThe strongest earthquakes ever recorded happened in Chile:a 9.5magnitude earthquake in 1960 that killed more than 5,000 peopleAnd most recently,an 8.8magnitude earthquake in central Chile in 2010 killed more than 500 people and destroyed 220,000 homesThe 20

39、10 earthquake was 5.6 times more powerful than the 2015 earthquakeAnd the 2010 earthquake hit in the middle of the night,while the 2015 earthquake happened during an evening when many people were outside for barbecues and other celebrations before the countrys Independence Day on Sept 18The biggest

40、problem in 2010 was human mistakesThe government failed to warn people to move off the coast after the earthquake hit near the southern city of ConcepcionThe government made no such mistakes this time giving tsunami warnings minutes after the earthquake hitTo reduce more risk in the earthquake,class

41、es were canceled and factories closed across the country on Sept 17回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过6个词46Where is Chile?47What is the most surprising thing about the powerful earthquake in 2015?48How many people died in the earthquake in 1960?49What was the biggest problem during the 2010 earthquake in Chile?50Why w

42、ere classes canceled and factories closed on Sept 17,2015?五、任务型阅读阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一个最恰当的单词,每个空格只填1个单词.51Summer schools Summer vacation means long days,sleeping in or enjoying the summer sunIt is quite true for students to enjoy a rest after a long and difficult yearBut more and more parent

43、s fear their kids forgetting a lot of knowledge,so they send their children to summer schoolsBecause summer schools can help children go over the knowledge that they have learnt during the school yearIn summer schools,students probably study in a more relaxing situation and can come up with interest

44、ing topics for discussion with their teachersUsually,the number of students attending summer schools is smaller,so this gives them a good chance to connect with other students and teachers betterIf a student has failed a course,summer schools may help him or herMoreover,they are building their creat

45、ivity (创造力)and imagination(想象力)as well as learning social skillsOn the other hand,summer schools bring children problems at the same timeIt takes children the whole summer vacation to learn without playingThat is too longAs a result,it may make them less interested in school during the coming yearFor many students,taking summer classes can be a tiring experienceTeachers teach the subjects too quicklywhich only harms the whole education of studentsSummer schools are usually expensiveThey usually offer only a few subjectSo many students have to take classes that they dont likeA


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