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《Unit-1-How-can-I-get-there-新版教学设计(共12页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit-1-How-can-I-get-there-新版教学设计(共12页).doc(12页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上教学设计课题Unit 1 How can I get there?科目英语年级六年级设计者XXX课时第一课时一、教材内容分析本单元主要学习“问路”和“指点方向”这两个话题。这一单元分主情景图,A, B和C四个部分,分别是:主情景图是对本单元所学知识的总体预览,比学生对本单元将要学习的知识有个初步的了解。A部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn,Make a map and talk 四个环节。主要学习地点名词以及关于问路的句型,综合训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。B 部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets

2、learn, Be a tour guide, Read and write, Lets check, Lets wrap it up七个环节。主要学习指点方向的话题,内容由单词到句子再到短文,遵循了由浅入深的原则。C部分只有Story time个环节。主要在学习A, B部分的基础上进行拓展,综合前面所学的知识了解故事内容。二、教学目标(知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观)1.知识目标:1)能够听、说、读、写单词hospital、cinema、post office、bookstore,能够听、说、认读science museum。2)能够听、说、认读句型Where is the lib

3、rary? Its near the post office.并能进行关键词的替换。2.能力目标:1)能够在实际情境中正确使用询问路线的语言并能简单回答,如:Where is the library? Its near the post office.3.情感态度目标:1)培养学生团结友爱、乐于助人的优良品质。2)培养学生在生活中自觉遵守交通规则的意识。三、学习者特征分析小学六年级的学生通过三年的英语学习,在听、说、读、写等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教师的指导下很好地完成活动,达到既定的目标。但是他们还不能很好地控制情绪,集中注意力,这就需要教师在活动过程中作为教学活动的组织者、学习知识的指

4、导者、学生学习的合作者、学习过程的评价者、问题情境的创设者,运用呈现、操练、交际等活动,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。四、教学重点、难点教学重点: 掌握Lets learn部分的四会单词和短语。教学难点: 正确书写四会单词和掌握三会单词museum的发音。五、教学环境及资源准备依据教学目标和教学重难点的设置,教学准备了教学卡片,自制课件,学生自制单词卡片等等。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备一、热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)Sing a song: Where is the hospital?Daily Oral PracticeT: How can

5、 I get there, if I want to buy some books?S1: You can go to the bookstore.听录音,跟着唱歌,初步接触新句型以及单词。利用free talk的形式为学生提供语言交际的机会,通过让学生说说以何种交通方式到某个地方,巩固复习学过的单词和句子,并为学习新课奠定基础。二、呈现(Presentation)Learn the new words(1) T: The park is very beautiful, but I want to send a letter to my friend now. Where should I g

6、o? (T points to the board), can I go to a cinema?S: No. You can go to the post office.(2) T: I have sent the letter. I want to buy a new book now, where should I go?S: Bookstore.T: Yes, but where is the bookstore?S: Its behind the post office. (3) T: Oh! I feel bad now. (教师做不舒服状) Ive got a cold. I h

7、ave to go to the hospital. Where is the hospital, can you help me?S: Its in front of the post office.(4) T: Im OK now. I want to see Harry Porter, where should I go?S: Cinema.T: I know you all like robots. Theyre very interesting. If you want to visit robots, where should you go?S: Science museum.机械

8、操练每个新单词,通过个人读、小组读、游戏等方式训练学生,提高学生对单词的记忆。通过帮助老师送信这一情景,在板书和图片的帮助下,引导学生帮助老师找到post office,同时利用方位介词确定post office 的方位,自己总结出本课所学核心单词以及句型。三、 操练(Practice)1. Listen to the tape.Listen to the tape and read after it.2. Say the words according to the picture. ( read and spell)3. Make a dialogue.T: Use the map and

9、 make a dialogue with yourpartner.S1: Excuse me, where is the post office?S2: Its near the science museum.S1: How can I get there?S2: its near the bookstore.S1: Thank you.4. Play a game.One student describes the location, the other student guess what place it is.学生通过不同形式的练习,巩固这节课的新句型以及单词。1、通过听录音并跟读这

10、一环节,再次训练单词和句子的发音并且纠正学生的错误发音,同时也锻炼了听力。2、再次强化词汇教学,进一步指导学生不够熟练的词汇。3、通过看图自创对话这一任务,灵活运用本节课所学内容,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和创新思维能力。4、本环节首先考查了学生如何正确描述某个方位,同时考查了学生对本节课板书的注意程度。除此之外还运用了句型Is it,为下节的对话学习做好铺垫。四、作业(homework)Make a dialogue based on the map, which is designed by the students.课后以作业形式去巩固新课。七、板书设计课题Unit 1 How can I

11、get there?科目英语年级六年级设计者XXX课时第二课时一、教材内容分析本单元主要学习“问路”和“指点方向”这两个话题。这一单元分主情景图,A, B和C四个部分,分别是:主情景图是对本单元所学知识的总体预览,比学生对本单元将要学习的知识有个初步的了解。A部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn,Make a map and talk 四个环节。主要学习地点名词以及关于问路的句型,综合训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。B 部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn, Be a tour guide, Read and wri

12、te, Lets check, Lets wrap it up七个环节。主要学习指点方向的话题,内容由单词到句子再到短文,遵循了由浅入深的原则。C部分只有Story time个环节。主要在学习A, B部分的基础上进行拓展,综合前面所学的知识了解故事内容。二、教学目标(知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观)1.知识目标:Be able to understand and read the sentences “Where is the museum? Its near the door. Is there a school near here?” 能理解句子了解对话大意. 2.能力目标:Be

13、 able to use the sentences in the certain condition. 能在特定的场景中正确的运用句子.3.情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的品质.三、学习者特征分析小学六年级的学生通过三年的英语学习,在听、说、读、写等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教师的指导下很好地完成活动,达到既定的目标。但是他们还不能很好地控制情绪,集中注意力,这就需要教师在活动过程中作为教学活动的组织者、学习知识的指导者、学生学习的合作者、学习过程的评价者、问题情境的创设者,运用呈现、操练、交际等活动,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。四、教学重点、难点1. 句子Where is the museu

14、m? 以及对其的回答 “Its near the”2.一般疑问句 “ Is there a hospital near here?”的询问和回答.五、教学环境及资源准备依据教学目标和教学重难点的设置,教学准备了教学卡片,自制课件,学生自制单词卡片等等。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备一、热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)1. Sing the song “ Where is the hospital”2. Review the words “ near, next to , behind, in front of , beside”T: show a

15、map. Read the words. 3. Free talk: S1: Where is the school?S2: Its near the bank. 听录音,跟着唱歌,初步接触新句型以及单词。利用free talk的形式为学生提供语言交际的机会,通过让学生说说以何种交通方式到某个地方,巩固复习学过的单词和句子,并为学习新课奠定基础。二、呈现(Presentation)1. Lets try.T: Our old friend Wu Yifan and Robin are looking at some robots. Listen and answer the question

16、here.(1)Where are they? (2) Is Grandpa there?2. Lets talk T shows a postcard. (read and understand the word postcard.)Where can I go? I should go to the post office.Is there a post office near here?Where is the post office? I want to send the postcard.3. The text(1) Listen to the tape and answer: Wh

17、ere is the post office? Where is the museum shop?(2)Read after the tape and then read together.(3) Read the dialogue freely and then read in pairs.通过问题,引入小短文的学习;再进行拓展学习。通过小短文的问题学习,以及拓展,让学生能在上节课单词的基础上,运用句子进行巩固。再通过问题,进一步深入对短文的了解,灵活运用本节课所学内容,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和创新思维能力。三、 操练(Practice)1. Make a new dialogue.Make

18、 a similar dialogue with your partner.A: I want to _. Is there ?Where is the _?B: Its_A: Thank you!B: You are welcome.(Pair work and feedback.)2. Finish the book on P10.Lets wrap it up. Then check the answers.学生通过不同形式的练习,巩固这节课的新句型以及单词。通过课本的内容,进一步拓展,考查学生是否掌握本节课的重难点;训练学生自主练习的情况,拓展学生的口语表达能力以及创新思维能力。四、作

19、业(homework)1. Read the text and try to recite it.2. Finish the exercises on the book.3. Write the sentences on the exercises book.课后以作业形式去巩固新课。七、板书设计Where is the post office?Its next to/ behind/ in front of the museum.课题Unit 1 How can I get there?科目英语年级六年级设计者XXX课时第三课时一、教材内容分析本单元主要学习“问路”和“指点方向”这两个话题。

20、这一单元分主情景图,A, B和C四个部分,分别是:主情景图是对本单元所学知识的总体预览,比学生对本单元将要学习的知识有个初步的了解。A部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn,Make a map and talk 四个环节。主要学习地点名词以及关于问路的句型,综合训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。B 部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn, Be a tour guide, Read and write, Lets check, Lets wrap it up七个环节。主要学习指点方向的话题,内容由单词到句子再到短文,遵循

21、了由浅入深的原则。C部分只有Story time个环节。主要在学习A, B部分的基础上进行拓展,综合前面所学的知识了解故事内容。二、教学目标(知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观)1.知识目标:Be able to understand , read and write the words “crossing, turn left, go straight, turn right” 能在确定的场景中进行熟练运用. 2.能力目标:Be able to understand and use the words “ crossing, turn left, go straight, turn r

22、ight ” 能在问路场景中正确使用。Go straight and turn left there.3.情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的好品质。三、学习者特征分析小学六年级的学生通过三年的英语学习,在听、说、读、写等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教师的指导下很好地完成活动,达到既定的目标。但是他们还不能很好地控制情绪,集中注意力,这就需要教师在活动过程中作为教学活动的组织者、学习知识的指导者、学生学习的合作者、学习过程的评价者、问题情境的创设者,运用呈现、操练、交际等活动,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。四、教学重点、难点1. 词组 crossing, turn left, go straight,

23、turn right的理解,尤其在地图上能准确运用这些词,顺利找到目标地址。五、教学环境及资源准备依据教学目标和教学重难点的设置,教学准备了教学卡片,自制课件,学生自制单词卡片等等。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备一、热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)1. Sing the song “Where is the hospital?”2.Free talkWhere is BoKu bookstore?ItsWhere is your apartment?Its听录音,跟着唱歌,初步接触新句型.利用free talk的形式为学生提供语言交际的机会,通过让

24、学生描述地点位置,巩固复习学过的单词和句子,并为学习新课奠定基础。二、呈现(Presentation)1. GPS (T shows the app baidu map.) I often use baidu map to find my way. GPS” short for “Global Position System”2. learn the phraseWhere are we now?Located on the map.Now we are on Wener Road.( show the picture)Where is the Xingzhi Primary School?

25、1) Go straightT: Lets go straight first.(Learn the word “ straight” s-tr-ai-ght.)Listen to the tape and read after it.2) crossingThis is Xueyuan Road, this is Wener Road. This is a crossing. ( north, south, east, west) 3) turn left & turn rightT: Then we turn left at the crossing.T: Oh, no. Turn rig

26、ht.Y: So the school is on my right.4) Consolidation. (Find the way again.)I am on Wener Road. I want to go to the XingZhi Primary School.Now you are on Wener Road, tell us your way home.机械操练每个新单词,通过个人读、小组读、游戏等方式训练学生,提高学生对单词的记忆。通过帮助老师送信这一情景,在板书和图片的帮助下,引导学生如何走到指定位置,并且用英语正确地说出来。三、 操练(Practice)Be a tour

27、 guide:T: Show the map of Tiananmen. This is the Place Museum. This is the Beihai Park. Lead students to be a guide.You are the tour guide in Hangzhou.Choose one of them to guide.S: Now we are in front of Yuemiao.Go straight and you can see (Pair work)学生通过不同形式的练习,巩固这节课的新句型以及单词。本环节首先考查了学生如何正确指引索要到达位置

28、的路线,并通过现实生活进行描述。同时考查了学生对本节课路线的描述情况。四、作业(homework)1. Write down the new words and phrases.2. Prepare for the dictation.3. Finish the exercises on the book.课后以作业形式去巩固新课。七、板书设计Where is the Italian restaurant?Go straight and turn left at the crossing. turn right课题Unit 1 How can I get there?科目英语年级六年级设计者X

29、XX课时第四课时一、教材内容分析本单元主要学习“问路”和“指点方向”这两个话题。这一单元分主情景图,A, B和C四个部分,分别是:主情景图是对本单元所学知识的总体预览,比学生对本单元将要学习的知识有个初步的了解。A部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn,Make a map and talk 四个环节。主要学习地点名词以及关于问路的句型,综合训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。B 部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn, Be a tour guide, Read and write, Lets check, Lets wr

30、ap it up七个环节。主要学习指点方向的话题,内容由单词到句子再到短文,遵循了由浅入深的原则。C部分只有Story time个环节。主要在学习A, B部分的基础上进行拓展,综合前面所学的知识了解故事内容。二、教学目标(知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观)1.知识目标:Be able to listen, read, recognize and write the sentences: Where is the restaurant? Its next to the park on Dongfang Street. How can we get there? Turn left at

31、the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.” 2.能力目标:Be able to use the sentences in the certain condition.能在特定的场景中正确的运用句子.3.情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的品质.三、学习者特征分析小学六年级的学生通过三年的英语学习,在听、说、读、写等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教师的指导下很好地完成活动,达到既定的目标。但是他们还不能很好地控制情绪,集中注意力,这就需要教师在活动过程中作为教学活动的组织者、学习知识的指导者、学生学习的合作者、学习过程的评价者、问题情境的创设者,运用呈

32、现、操练、交际等活动,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。四、教学重点、难点1.句子How can we get there? 以及对该问题的正确回答。2.运用词组“go straight ,turn right/left at”五、教学环境及资源准备依据教学目标和教学重难点的设置,教学准备了教学卡片,自制课件,学生自制单词卡片等等。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备一、热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)1. Sing the song “ Where is the hospital”2. Review the words “ turn right, turn

33、left, crossing, go straight”(T shows some pictures)听录音,跟着唱歌,初步接触句型以及新单词。利用free talk的形式为学生提供语言交际的机会,通过让学生指引如何到达目的地,巩固复习学过的单词和句子,并为学习新课奠定基础。二、呈现(Presentation)1. Italian restaurant.T: I am hungry. I want to eat Italian food. (Thailand, French restaurant, Vietnamese restaurant, South Korea restaurant,.)

34、2. How can we get there?T uses the GPS.( fine the place)T: Where is the restaurant?Ss: its near/in front of.T: How can we get there?Learn the sentence.3. Show the way to the restaurant.1) Pair work and ask some of them2) Show the answer.4. Lets try.Listen to the tape, tick or cross.Check the answer.

35、5. Lets talk.1)Listen and answer the questionsWhere is the Italian restaurant?2) Read freely and answer the question. How can they get there?3) Listen and read after the tape. Read together. Read in roals.4) act out the dialogue通过free talk以及问题,引入小短文的学习;再进行拓展学习。通过小短文的问题学习,以及拓展,让学生能在上节课单词的基础上,运用句子进行巩固

36、。再通过问题,进一步深入对短文的了解,灵活运用本节课所学内容,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和创新思维能力。三、 操练(Practice)Finish the activity book.学生通过完成活动手册的配套练习,巩固这节课的新句型以及单词。通过课本的内容,进一步拓展,考查学生是否掌握本节课的重难点;训练学生自主练习的情况,拓展学生的口语表达能力以及创新思维能力。四、作业(homework)1. Read the text and try to recite it.2. Finish the exercises on the book.3. Write the sentences on the

37、exercises book.课后以作业形式去巩固新课。七、板书设计Where is the restaurant?Its next to the park on Dongfang Street.How can we get there? Turn left at the bookstore. Then turn right at the hospital.课题Unit 1 How can I get there?科目英语年级六年级设计者XXX课时第五课时一、教材内容分析本单元主要学习“问路”和“指点方向”这两个话题。这一单元分主情景图,A, B和C四个部分,分别是:主情景图是对本单元所学知识

38、的总体预览,比学生对本单元将要学习的知识有个初步的了解。A部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn,Make a map and talk 四个环节。主要学习地点名词以及关于问路的句型,综合训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。B 部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn, Be a tour guide, Read and write, Lets check, Lets wrap it up七个环节。主要学习指点方向的话题,内容由单词到句子再到短文,遵循了由浅入深的原则。C部分只有Story time个环节。主要在学习A, B部

39、分的基础上进行拓展,综合前面所学的知识了解故事内容。二、教学目标(知识与技能,过程与方法,情感态度与价值观)1.知识目标:Be able to understand, read and act the dialogue, can use the following sentences freely. Were in front of the cinema. Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore.2.能力目标:能运用以上的句子准确找到自己的位置,并通过map, compass, GPS, stars等工具来指路.理解故事并能自己朗读故事。

40、3.情感目标:培养学生独立自主的能力。三、学习者特征分析小学六年级的学生通过三年的英语学习,在听、说、读、写等方面都有了很大提高,并且能在教师的指导下很好地完成活动,达到既定的目标。但是他们还不能很好地控制情绪,集中注意力,这就需要教师在活动过程中作为教学活动的组织者、学习知识的指导者、学生学习的合作者、学习过程的评价者、问题情境的创设者,运用呈现、操练、交际等活动,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。四、教学重点、难点运用句子 Were in front of the cinema. Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore.等等来描述自己的路径

41、,能借助工具顺利找到目标地址。五、教学环境及资源准备依据教学目标和教学重难点的设置,教学准备了教学卡片,自制课件,学生自制单词卡片等等。六、教学过程教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图及资源准备一、热身 / 复习(Warm-up / Revision)1. Sing the song “Where is the hospital?”2.Free talkI want to go to the Tongde hospital.Where is it?It is.Is it far/near here?( Try to understand the meaning of this question)Y

42、es/No,.How can I get there?课前小对话,巩固本单元的基本单词以及举行。利用free talk的形式为学生提供语言交际的机会,通过让学生指引如何到达目的地,巩固复习学过的单词和句子,并为学习新课奠定基础。二、呈现(Presentation)1.How can we find a wayT: When you lost your way, how can you find the way?Answer the question freely.Learn the word compass.(T shows some pictures of compass)T shows t

43、he stars(北斗星)2. Robin has a new feature, he has GPS.Learn the word “feature”Raise some examples2. Listen and answer the question: What is Robins new feature?( )He can find food. ( ) He can find the way.T write down: Robin has a new feature. He has GPS.3. Read by themselves and underline the places t

44、hey passed by? (cinema, bookstore, hospital)4. Read after the tape and find the way step by step5. Retell the passage.Then finish the exercise on P9.通过借助小工具找路线,先了解四种工具,再以free talk形式呈现对话,引入小短文的学习;进行拓展学习。通过小短文的问题学习,以及拓展,让学生能在上节课单词的基础上,运用句子进行巩固。再通过问题,进一步深入对短文的了解,灵活运用本节课所学内容,锻炼学生的口语表达能力和创新思维能力。三、 操练(Pra

45、ctice)1. Find another route to the restaurant. Use the map above.学生通过自主练习对话,完成活动手册的配套练习,巩固这节课的新句型以及单词。通过课本的内容,进一步拓展,考查学生是否掌握本节课的重难点;训练学生自主练习的情况,拓展学生的口语表达能力以及创新思维能力。四、作业(homework)1.Write down the main sentences2. Read the text and try to recite the text.3. Finish the exercises on the book.课后以作业形式去巩固新

46、课。七、板书设计Robin has a new feature. He has GPS.Were in front of the cinema.Lets go straight and turn left at the bookstore.Were behind the hospital.Lets turn right and then turn right again.There is the restaurant.Robins new GPS works课题Unit 1 How can I get there?科目英语年级六年级设计者XXX课时第六课时一、教材内容分析本单元主要学习“问路”和“指点方向”这两个话题。这一单元分主情景图,A, B和C四个部分,分别是:主情景图是对本单元所学知识的总体预览,比学生对本单元将要学习的知识有个初步的了解。A部分主要包含 Lets try, Lets talk, Lets learn,Make a map and talk 四个环节


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