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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上20192020学年度第二学期期中考试七年级英语试题满分:120分,考试时间:100分一、听力(共20分,1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分。)A.听下面几个句子,选出与所听句子相符的图片。(听两遍)1.How will the woman go to Beijing ? 2.What did Bob do yesterday afternoon?3.What kind of fruit does Nancy like best?4.What does the man want to buy?B.请听下面几段对话,根据对话及问题选择正确答案。(听两遍)( )

2、5. What does Lily like ?A .Dancing . BSinging . C.Drawing ( )6.Why cant the man go to the birthday party ? A.Because he is ill. B.Because he is busy . C.Because he will go to Shanghai . ( )7.What do we know about the new teacher ?A.He often keeps silent . B.He talks too much . C. He has no chance to

3、 speak . ( )8. What will Mike do ? A. Turn down the TV . B. Turn up the TV . C.Turn off the TV .( )9. Where are they talking ? A. In a factory . B. In a hospital. C. In a museum .( )10.Whats in the womans purse? A. Some photos . B.Some money . C. Some cards .C. 根据所听短文,选择正确的答案(听两遍)( )11.How old was L

4、iangliang ?A. 5 .B. 4 . C.3 . ( )12. Where did Liangliang live ?A.In a big city . B.In the countryside . C. In a small town .( )13. What was his mother ?A. A teacher . B. A nurse . C. A worker . ( )14. What did the boy say to his mother ?A. I love you . B. Im sorry . C. How are you ? ( )15. What kin

5、d of boy do you think Liangliang was ?A. Quiet . B. Lazy . C.Clever . 二、单项选择(10分):( ) 16. Do you know there is “f” in word “knife”? A.a,an B.an, an C. a ,the D.an , the ( ) 17. Millie sits Amy and . A. between ,I B. among ,I C. among ,me D.between, me ( ) 18. Heres a number “twenty-three million , t

6、wo hurdred and sixty thousand ,one hurdred and one”. Which of these is right ?A. 230,260,101 B.23, 260, 101 C. 23, 206, 110 D. 23, 206, 101( 19.-Which floor does Mary live on ?-She lives on the floor . A. two B.twice C.second D. twoth ( ) 20. meet and oranges do you want ?A.How much , how much B. Ho

7、w much , how many C. How many , how many D.How many , how much ( )21.A supermarket is to my home and it is often at 9.30pm . A.closes , close B.closed , closed C.close, closed D.close, closes( ) 22.What othings do you want to buy ?A.other B. else C.else things D. others ( )23. I like going to school

8、 my bike . A. in B .on C. by D. at ( )24.If you go to Japan , which place can you visit ? A. B. C. D. ( )25.-You look very cool in the blue Tshirt . - .A.Dont say so . B. Really ? C.Thank you . D. Thats right .三、完形填空。(10分)Christmas was coming .A lot of _26_were going to town . They hoped to _27_ som

9、e vegetables , fruit and meat in the market .And then they were going to buy some _28_ for their families . A bus came . They tried to _29_ .Robert ,a strong young man ,rushed in first. He occupied(占) two _30_: one for his girlfriend Mabel and the other for himself.The bus started. Robert had a look

10、 _31_ the bus . He saw a lot of people _32_ there . There were some old men among them. He hurried to _33_his eyes . Mabel found it and thought he felt _34_and asked , “Whats wrong with you ,dear ?”“ _35_ ,”answered the kindhearted young man . “I cant bear(忍受) to see the poor old men !”( ) 26. A.wor

11、kers B. soldiers C. farmers D. drivers ( ) 27. A. lend B. sellC.borrow D. show ( ) 28. A.books B. pens C. newspapers D.presents ( ) 29. A.get on B. get off C. lift D. sit down ( ) 30. A. tables B. seats C.boxes D.steps ( ) 31. A. after B. for C.up D. around ( ) 32. A.standing B. sitting C. lying D.s

12、leeping ( ) 33. A. touch B.look over C. open D. close ( ) 34. A. terrible B. sad C.happy D. dangerous ( ) 35. A. Something B. Anythiny C.Nothing D. Everything 四、阅读理解 阅读短文并选择正确答案(20小题,计40分) AMrs Green lives in a small village . Her husband is dead ,but she has one son .His name is Jack . He is twenty

13、-one .He worked in the shop in the village and lived with his mother , but then he found a job in a faraway ()town named Green Sea .He went and lived there .Mrs Green was not happy about it .Last Sunday ,Mrs Green was angry .She got on a train and went to her sons house in Green Sea . Then she said

14、to him,“Jack ,why do you never telephone me ?”Jack laughed , “But ,mother ,you dont have a telephone .”“No,”she answered, “I havent , but you have one !”36. Mrs Greens home is in . A.a city B. a small village C. Green Sea D. a big town 37.Jack lived with his when he worked in the village. A.mother B

15、.father C. brother D.sister 38. Green Sea is the small village . A.in B.next to C.near D. far from 39. Last Sunday ,Mrs Green went to Green Sea . A. by bike B. by train C.by air D. by bus 40. Jack didnt telephone his mother because . A. he didnt like her B.he could see her every day C.he had no tele

16、phone D. his mother had no telephoneBSunny English Club For students 16:0018:00Every Saturday200 yuan a month 9 Zhou Yu Street Tel: Foreign teachers , English songs and films and more!Ocean Museum9:0017:00 From Thursday to SundayTicket :50 yuan132 Xue Yuan StreetTel:Show you a full picture of sea li

17、ves !Health Centre9:0017:3016 Yong Le StreetTel: Free examinations for those over 70Give you good advice to keep healthy !41. Sunny English Club is for .A. nurses B. policemen C. businessmen D.students 42. You will pay _if you want to stay in the English Club for half a year .A.300 yuan B. 600 yuan

18、C. 1,200 yuan D. 2,400 yuan 43.You can visit Ocean Museum _.A.on Saturday . B.on WednesdayC. on Monday D. anytime 44. One can get free examinations in Health Centre if he is .A. 9B. 17C. 67D.7345. If you are interested in the life of fish , you should go to . A. Health Centre B. Ocean Museum C.Sunny

19、 English Club D. 16 Yong Le Street CMeet Your NeighboursWendyCarloLindaChrisJoboffice workerartistcollege studentteacherPersonalityhelpfulcrazyfriendlyfunnyLifestyle into watching old films into travelling cant stand going home early loves to dance loves playing sports enjoys cooking meals for frien

20、ds loves to tell jokes46. What does Chris do?A. An office worker.B. An artist.C. A college student.D. A teacher.47 Whats Wendy like?A. Helpful.B. Crazy.C. Friendly.D. Funny.48 Which neighbour can you ask for help if you want to be in a dance show?A. Wendy.B. Carlo.C. Linda.D. Chris.DDinner decisions

21、!Sally: The boss has asked me to dinner. What do I do? Should I take a gift?Bob, Joe and Ellen: Yes!Sally: OK, what should I take? What about wine?Bob: No! It is too hard to pick the right wine. It is difficult because you dont want to spend too much or too little. You have to pick a wine he likes.

22、Whats more, you have to pick a wine that will go with the dinner! Dont even think about it! Get some chocolates for his wife instead.Ellen: No! What if shes on a diet (减肥)? 40 You have to pick chocolates she likes. Some people like plain chocolate, while others like different fillings. So, not choco

23、lates, Sally.Sally: Flowers, then?Joe: No! He has an allergy (过敏) to flowers. They make him sneeze (打喷嚏). Take some good coffee. I know he LOVES coffee.Ellen: Anyway, Sally, thats not the most important question. What are you going to wear? You mustnt be better dressed than his wife. But you still h

24、ave to look smart enough, or it is disrespectful.Sally: Oh no! Its too hard! I dont want to go!Bob: Well, that would be rude (无礼的)!49. What does Bob want Sally to take to her boss?A. Wine.B. Chocolates.C. Flowers.D. Coffee.50. Which sentence is the best for the blank (空白) in Line 8?A. Chocolates usu

25、ally cost a lot.B. Chocolates are bad for her teeth.C. It is hard to keep chocolates for long.D. It is too hard to pick the right chocolates.51. What can we infer (推断) from the dialogue?A. Sally wont go to the dinner.B. Joe knows the boss very well.C. The bosss wife likes plain chocolates.D. Bob, Jo

26、e, Ellen and Sally are classmates.EThere is a big apple tree. A little boy loves to come and lie around it every day. He climbs to the tree top, eats the apples, takes a nap under the shadow . He loves the tree and the tree loves to play with him.Time goes by. The little boy grows up and he no longe

27、r plays around the tree every day. One day, the boy comes back to the tree and he looks sad. “Come and play with me,” the tree asks the boy. “I am no longer a kid. I dont play around trees any more.” The boy answers, “I want toys. I need money to buy them.” “Sorry, but I dont have money. You can pic

28、k all my apples and sell them. So, you will have money.” The boy is so excited. He picks all the apple son the tree and leaves happily. The boy never comes back after he picks the apples. The tree is sad.One day, the boy comes back and the tree is so excited. “Come and play with me,” the tree says.

29、“I dont have time to play. I have to work for my family. We need a house to live. Can you help me?” “Sorry, I dont have a house. But you can cut off my branches to build your house.” So the boy cuts all the branches off the tree and leaves happily. The tree is glad to see him happy, but the boy neve

30、r comes back. The tree is again lonely and sad.One hot summer day, the boy comes back and the tree is delighted. “Come and play with me!” the tree says. “I am sad and getting old. I want to go sailing to relax myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build your boat. You can sail far away a

31、nd be happy.” So the boy cuts the tree trunk to make a boat. He goes sailing and never shows up for a long time.The tree is happy, but it is not true.52. Every time the boy comes to the tree when he grows up, he wants to _.A. get some helpB. take a napC. play with the treeD. eat apples453. When the

32、boy isnt with the tree for a long time, the tree feels _.A. excitedB. lonelyC. delightedD. happy454. The word “trunk” in the LAST paragraph means “_”.A. a large strong boxB. the part of your bodyC. the main part of a treeD. an elephants long nose455. The boy and the tree in the story are just like _

33、.A. brothers and sistersB. classmatesC. children and parentsD. neighbours五、情景对话(共5小题;每空2分,满分10分) 根据对话内容,从所给选项中选出填入空白处的最佳选项,并填在答题卷上。选项中有两项为多余选项。A. Can I help you?B. What kind would you like?C. Would you mind my paying online(在线支付)?D. I love my grandparents very much.E. Maybe you can buy some clothes

34、for them.F. You can buy some carnations(康乃馨)。G. Could you please send some to my house tomorrow?A:Hi, this is Sunny Flower Shop. 56 B:Yes, please. Tomorrow is the Chongyang Festival. Id like some flowers for my grandparents.A:We have many kinds of flowers. 57 B:Im not quite sure. Can you give me som

35、e advice(建议)?A:Of course. 58 They can show your love for them.B:Sounds good. 59 A:No problem. Anything else can I do for you?B:Yes. 60 A:Up to you. Ill call you when I get there.B:Thank you. Bye!六 .选词填空(10分)Sell bad meat ask out see clever show cook friend of Someone stopped Mr Hunt while he was wal

36、king in the street .He found it was Mr Brown ,one of his old 61.They were both happy because they didnt 62 each other for years .Mr Hunt asked Mr Brown to dinner and he agreed. Mr Hunts wife bought some 63 and vegetables in the shop . They were talking in the sitting room while the woman was 64 in t

37、he kitchen . Suddenly she called Mr Hunt into the kitchen and said something was wrong with the pot(锅) and asked him to buy a new one .He said sorry to Mr Brown and left . He wanted to borrow one from his neighbours,but they were all 65 .He had to go to the shop to buy a new one .On his way to the s

38、hop ,he saw a man selling some kinds of pots by the road . He stopped to 66, “Are these pots of high quality (质量)?”“Certainly , sir ,”the man said . “I can 67 it to you !”The man dropped a pot to the ground. 68 luck !It was broken into pieces . The man was very 69 and said ,“Ive never sold such a pot of low quality like it ! I would rather break it into pieces than 70 it to you !”61 62. 63 64 65 66. 67. 68 69. 70. 七、书面表达(20分)。请根据下面的中文提示以“My Friend “写一篇英语短文。要点如下:1. Mike , 1994、9、21出生。7年级4班学生。2. 家庭成员:父亲,医生; 母亲,语文老师;妹妹:学生。3.爱好:读书和打篮球。4. 要求:不要逐句翻译,可适当发挥。字数:不少于60字。专心-专注-专业


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