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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar ( 第二部分词汇和语法)Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共26分)31. There will be _interview between the manager and his assistants this afternoon.A. an B. a C. the D. /32. Do you know whose this pair of _is?A. taxis B. flowers C. jeans D. umbrellas33. Though I had spe

2、nt much time_ maths, still I got a “C” in the last test.A. for B. in C. on D. with34. Jack and Mary have tried, but _has succeeded in getting the chance to study abroad.A. both B. neither C. all D. either35. Its good for her health if she can find a way to relax_ from time to time.A she B. her C. he

3、rs D. herself 36. Helen is quite busy today. She has_ meetings to attend.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few37. Among all the teachers in this school,Miss Tao is one of _.A. young B. younger C. the youngest D. most young38. Thanks to Mrs. Lin! With her help,we finished our work an hour_.A. late B.

4、 later C. early D. earlier39. The light music sounded very_ . I enjoyed every minute of it.A. well B. beautiful C. wonderfully D. boring40. Are you going to leave_ ?A. the open windows B. the windows openingC. the windows open D. the windows opened41. _of the two teachers show great interest in talk

5、ing about net-games.A. All B. Neither C. Both D. None42. Her dream is_ an actress when she grows up.A. to become B. become C. became D. becomes43. Can children under the age of twelve ride bicycles in the city?No. According to the law,they_ .A. may not B. neednt C mustnt D. shouldnt44. The headmaste

6、rs praise for our group singing yesterday made us all _happily.A. smile B. smiled C. smiling D. to smile45. She didnt go to see the dolphin show (海豚表演)with us because she_ it already.A. sees B. saw C. has seen D. had seen46. In old China,many palaces_ in Beijing,Xian and Nanjing.A. built B. have bui

7、lt C. were built D. were building47. Dont_ the street when the red light is on.A. cross B. across C. through D. over48. Susan usually walks to work with an umbrella in hand. She uses it to_ the sunlight.A. carry out B. keep off C. take off D. hold in49. The electric fan can blow away the terrible sm

8、ell in the hall,_?A. can it B. cant it C. does it D. doesnt it50. _enjoyable the Spring Outing last Friday was!A. What B. What an C. How D. How a51. Uncle Peter failed to buy a house of his own two years ago_ the money problem.A. instead B. instead of C. because D. because of52. An earthquake sudden

9、ly_ New Zealand at 12:51 p. m.,on Feb. 22,2011.1. happened in B. focused C. beat D. took place53. It turned out to be true. The underlined part means_ .A. came out B. later proved C. came true D. brought out54. I accepted his invitation. The underlined word means_ .A. agreed to have B. received C. g

10、ot D. gained55. Here we are. Enjoy your time here. -_.A. Thats OK. B. I will do C. The same to you D. Thank you to say so56. Sorry,I didnt tell you the truth. -_.A. Youre welcome B. Thats all right C. I hope so D. Of course notComplete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms57. Jack

11、 told us his_ experiences in China. (interest)58. Tom has the_ of managing everything on the show. (able)59. Although he began to learn English in his_,he still got a great success.(forty)60. We dont want to make friends with any_ person. (honest)61. M a n y foreigners will become _of shanghai in th

12、e future. (city)62. There are three_ engineers in the modern car factory. (German)63. Sally in now able to write stories on the Blog by_ . (she)64. We must know the_ of the playground. (long)Rewrite the sentences as required 65. On weekends,Mr. Li has breakfast at school.(改为一般疑问句)_Mr. Li_ breakfast

13、at school on weekends?66. We keep in touch with our friends by sending E-mails.(对划线部分提问)_ _you keep in touch with your friends?67. I saw several mice running in the teachersoffice yesterday.(改为被动语态)Several mice _ _running in the teachers,office yesterday.68. Can you tell me where I should put the va

14、se?(改为简单句)Can you tell me _ _put the vase?69. If you speak English as often as possible, you will improve your spoken English quickly.(保持原句意思)_you speak English as often as possible,you_ improve your spoken English quickly.70. She is a good singer.(改为感叹句)_ _she sings!Part 3 Reading and Writing ( 第三部

15、分读写)Reading comprehension(阅读理解)(共 56 分)A. True or false (判断下列句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用“T表示,不符合的用“F表示):(7分)Amy planned a birthday party for her boyfriend Victor last Tuesday night after work. However,the evening turned out differently than either of them had expected. In the late afternoon a huge electricity b

16、lackout hit seven northeastern states and three provinces in Canada. Just after four oclock,a time when millions of people leave their offices and go home, the electricity stopped, so elevators and the subway systems in large cities like San Francisco and Toronto didnt work. Flights could not land o

17、r take off at the airports. As soon as most people found out about the blackout,they put their mobile phones to good use and call their families to let them know where they were.Amy works on the 70th of an apartment tower in San Francisco, She had just left her office and was kept in an elevator in

18、the 65th floor. At first she was worried. She called Victor and discovered what had happened. He told her not to give up hope. Then Victor remembered that his friend Jack also worked high in that building. Jack could take care of thesituation. About five oclock, Jack and some other workers found out

19、 they could get Amy out of the elevator through its roof. Amy was saved. Amy still ended up having to walk down a lot of stairs,but that wasnt terrible. Amy felt tired,but she also felt lucky. When she got down to the street at eight oclock,she found Sam waiting for her. A number of their friends we

20、re there too. A s for the birthday,it turned into a picnic by candlelight because the city without electricity for several days. Victor said hed never forget it.( )71. Neither Amy nor her boyfriend Victor has ever expected such a different evening as that one.( )72. A blackout means it is dark,witho

21、ut electric lights.( )73. People in seven northwestern states had the terrible problem.( )74. No one knew where Amy was.( )75. Elevators and subways did not run,but airports worked as usual.( )76. Jack alone saved Amy at last.( )77.Amy had to walk down 65 floors of stairs.B.Choose the best answer(根据

22、短文内容,选择最怡当的答案):(7分)There was one thing that I found rather strange on m y first day as a housekeeper (管家)at Monks House. The bathroom was just above the kitchen,and when Mrs. Woolf was having her bath before breakfast ? I could hear her talking to herself. On and on she went,talk,talk,talk,asking qu

23、estions and giving herself answers. I thought there must be two or three people up there with her. When Mr. Woolf saw that I looked surprised,he told me that Mrs. Woolf always said the sentences out loud that she had written during the night. She needed to know if they sounded right and the bathroom

24、 was a good place for trying them out.I was not allowed to make coffee at Monks HouseMr. and Mrs. Woolf were veryparticular(挑副的)about coffee and always made it themselvesso Mr. Woolf came into the kitchen at eight oclock every morning to make it. When we carried breakfast to Mrs.Woolfs room,I notice

25、d that she had always been working during the night. There were pencils and paper beside her bed so that she woke up and she could work. Mr. Woolfs bedroom was outside the house in the garden;I used to think it must not be a bit convenient to have to go out in the rain or to go to bed. His wifes had

26、 been added onto the back of the house. I can always remember her coming to the house each day from her writing-room. She used to walk down through the garden, smoking one of her favourite cigarettes in a long holder. She was tall and thin and very beautiful. She enjoyed buying dresses in the shops.

27、 She wore long skirts一usually blue or brownin the fashion (式样)of the day,and silk jackets of the same colour.( )78. The writer is_ at Monks House.A. the owner of the House B. a housekeeperC. a coffee maker D. a garden cleaner( )79. Mrs. Woolf usually talked with another person about the sentences sh

28、e wrote at the bathroom,didnt she?A. Yes,she did. B. Yes,she was.C. No,she was. D. No,she didnt.( )80. In what ways did Mrs. Woolf find out if she had written her sentences properly?A . She said them out loud in the bathroom.B. She talked with her friends on the phone at night.C. She sent them to Mr

29、 Woolf and asked him to correct them.D. She asked the writer to read them out in the garden.( )81. Mr . and Mrs. Woolf liked to make coffee themselves because_ .A. they had special taste for itB. they wanted the writer to have a good restC. they woke up early and had time to make itD. they wanted to

30、 drink more and sleep more( )82. How did the writer know that Mrs. woolf had always been working during the night?A . She put pens and pencils beside her bed.B. She woke up every night.C. She asked her husband to make coffee.D. She didnt allow the writer to make coffee for them.( )83._ was outside t

31、he house in the garden.A. The bathroom B. The kitchenC. Mr . Woolfs bedroom D. Mrs. Woolfs bedroom( )84. Mrs. Woolf wore clothes of the day which were_ .A. made by her husband B. bought in shopsC. good for country life D. rather dull and unattractiveChoose the words or expressions and complete the p

32、assage(选择最恰当的单词或词语,完成短文):(14分)A hobby is an interesting way of spending your 85 time. There are 86 different hobbies for different people to select to make their life colourful. 87 hobbies are very popular,while others are quite unusual. You may 88 one for yourself that interests you most. You may e

33、njoy collecting things, 89 stamps,foreign coins,etc. 90 you like to work with your hands,you may enjoy paper cutting model making. Or you may enjoy creative hobbies,like painting. Many people like active 91 hobbies better than the activities indoors,sailing,cycling and so on. They can enjoy themselv

34、es as well as with others.Wherever you live,there is always a hobby for you to choose. The hobby will give you many hours of pleasure and make your spare time interesting and creative.( )85. A. busy B. free C. night D. difficult( )86. A . so many B. so much C. so few D. so little( )87. A Many B. Lot

35、s of C. Some D. A lot of( )88. A . choose B. send C. give D. make( )89. A. so as B. many as C. as D. such as( )90. A. Unless B. Until C. If D. So( )91. A . out B. outdoor C. inside D. seasideRead the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给):(14分)A number o

36、f people living near the Hongqiao Airport in Minhang District are c 92 about the noise created by red-eye flights,but environmental protection official said the airport is not violating noise-control regulations.China stopped flights from taking off or 1 93_ after midnight over safety concerns in 20

37、02. But on March 26,the government dropped the ban in order to make f 94 use of airports.Residents (居民)knew they would have to put up with noise from planes every day when they moved to the village, but they never imagine there would be so much noise at night. They said they are awaken a 95 every ni

38、ght,and they cant fall asleep again.According to an official surnamed Chen with the Jiabao neighbor committee,most people living in the area are elderly and they said flights take off from Hongqiao Airport every day at 2:00 a. m . and 5:45 a. m., which has c 96 their sleep for a whole night into thr

39、ee pieces.According to Environmental Protection Partition of Shanghai, residential area should be kept at a certain d 97 from airports to cut down on complaints about noise and air pollution. The distance depends on the surrounding environment. Local residents have written to the government, they ho

40、pe the p 98 can be solved as soon as possible.92._ 93._ 94._ 95._ 96._ 97._ 98._Writing(作文):(共 18 分)106. Read the following advertisement,write a letter applying for a job. (At least 60 words.)(阅读广告写一封应聘信)C A A International CompanySecretary wantedRequirements : Well-educated/good at using computerHard working/good writing skill/in good healthGood English in both speaking and writing Part 2 Vocabulary and


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