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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上1989年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷41.Marys score on the test is the highest in her class; she _ have studied very hard.A) mayB) shouldC) mustD) ought to42._ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point.A) During the 1960sB) It was in the 1960sC) That it was in the 1960sD) It

2、 was the 1960s43.He suggested _ to tomorrows exhibition together.A) us to goB) we wentC) we shall goD) we go44.No agreement was reached in the discussion as neither side would give way to _.A) the otherB) any otherC) anotherD) other45.With agreement was reached I the discussion as neither side would

3、 give way to _.A) mustnt goB) wouldnt goC) oughtnt to goD) shouldnt have gone46.If you want _ you have to get the fund somewhere.A) that the job is doneB) the job doneC) to have done the jobD) the job that is don47.There is more land in Australia than the government knows _.A) what to do withB) how

4、to doC) to do with itD) to do it48.Its no use _ me not to worry.A) you tellB) your tellingC) for you to have toldD) having told49.I have two boys but _ of them likes sweets.A) bothB) neitherC) eitherD) none50.Only by shouting at the top of his voice _.A) was he able to make himself hearB) he was abl

5、e to make himself hearC) he was able to make himself heardD) was he able to make himself heard51._ such a good chance, he planned to learn more.A) To be givenB) Having been givenC) Having givenD) Giving52.If it _ too much trouble, Id love a cup of tea.A) isntB) wasntC) werentD) hadnt been53.My siste

6、rs professor had her _ her paper many times before allowing her to present it to the committee.A) rewrittenB) to rewriteC) rewriteD) rewriting54.silver is the best conductor of electricity, copper _ it closely.A) followedB) followingC) to followD) being followed55.They are considering _ before the p

7、rices go up.A) of buying the houseB) with buying the houseC) buying the houseD) to buy the house56.She was glad that her success would _ for the women who would follow.A) make things easierB) make it easierC) be easierD) be easier to make57.They will have it finished in _.A) three quarter of an hour

8、 timeB) three quarters of an hour timeC) three quarter of an hours timeD) three quarters of an hours time58.A Dream of the Red Chamber is said _ into dozens of languages in the last decade.A) to have been translatedB) to translateC) to be translatedD) to have translated59.He went ahead _ all warning

9、s about the danger of his mission.A) in case ofB) because ofC) regardless ofD) prior to60.We object _ punishing a whole group for one persons fault.A) againstB) aboutC) toD) or61.Jack is good, kind, hard-working and intelligent; _; I cant speak too highly of him.A) as a resultB) in a wordC) by the w

10、ayD) on the contrary62.The man to whom we handed the forms pointed out that they had not been _ filled in.A) consequentlyB) regularlyC) comprehensivelyD) properly63.I shall have companion in the house after all these _ years.A) singleB) soleC) aloneD) lonely64.After a long and exhausting journey, th

11、ey arrived _.A) till the lastB) at lastC) by the endD) at the end65.None of the servants were _ when Mr. Smith wanted to send a message.A) availableB) attainableC) approachableD) applicable66.I cant _ what that object is.A) make upB) make overC) make outD) make for67.I want to buy a new tie to _ thi

12、s brown suit.A) go intoB) go afterC) go withD) go by68.The newest satellite can _ a thousand telephone conversations and a colour TV program at the same time.A) carryB) extendC) bringD) take69.I can _ some noise while Im studying, but I cant stand loud noises.A) come up withB) catch up withC) put up

13、 withD) keep up with70.When the whole area was _ by the flood, the government sent food there by helicopter.A) cut awayB) cut downC) cut up D) cut off41.C42.B43.D44.A45.D46.B47.A48.B49.B50.D51.B52.A53.C54.B55.C56.A57.D58.C59.C60.C61.B62.D63.D64.B65.A66.C67.C68.A69.C70.D1990年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷41.The

14、 bridge was named _ the hero who gave his life for the cause of the people.A) afterB) withC) byD) from42.There were no tickets _ for Fridays performance.A) preferableB) considerableC) possibleD) available43.It wasnt such a good dinner _ she had promised us.A) thatB) whichC) asD) what44.They decided

15、to chase the cow away _ it did more damage.A) unlessB) untilC) beforeD) although45._ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.A) EachB) AnyC) EitherD) One46.All _ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life.A) what is neededB) for our needsC) the thing nee

16、dedD) that is needed47._ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A) When comparedB) CompareC) While comparingD) Comparing48._ she first heard of the man referred to as a specialist.A) That was from StephenB) It was Stephen whomC) It was from Stephen thatD) It

17、 was Stephen that49.If these shoes are too big, ask the clerk to bring you a smaller _.A) suitB) setC) oneD) pair50.Many new _ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education.A) opportunitiesB) necessitiesC) realitiesD) probabilities51.He must have had an accident, or he _ then

18、.A) would have been hereB) had to be hereC) should be hereD) would be here52.It was essential that the application forms _ back before the deadline (截止日期).A) must be sentB) would be sentC) be sentD) were sent53.We _ our breakfast when an old man came to the door.A) just have hadB) have just hadC) ju

19、st hadD) had just had54.The rain was heavy and _ the land was flooded.A) consequentlyB) continuouslyC) constantlyD) consistently55.The children went there to watch the iron tower _.A) to erectB) be erectedC) erectingD) being erected56.The engine _ smoke and steam.A) gives upB) gives inC) gives awayD

20、) gives off57.The manager promised to keep me _ of how our business was going on.A) to be informedB) on informingC) informedD) informing58.Dont _ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A) releaseB) relieveC) relateD) retain59.She never laughed, _ lost her temper.A) or she ever didB)

21、nor did she everC) or did she everD) nor she ever did60.The goals _ he had fought all his life no longer seemed important to him.A) after whichB) for whichC) with whichD) at which61.I should like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and _ in a quiet neighborhood.A) all in allB) above allC) after all

22、D) over all62._ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work.A) For nowB) Now thatC) Ever sinceD) By now63.What you have done is _ the doctors orders.A) attached toB) responsible toC) resistant toD) contrary to64.John regretted _ to the meeting last week.A) not goingB) not to

23、 goC) not having been goingD) not to be going65.They _ in spite of the extremely difficult conditions.A) carried outB) carried offC) carried onD) carried forward66.Mrs. Brown is supposed _ for Italy last week.A) to have leftB) to be leavingC) to leaveD) to have been left67.My camera can be _ to take

24、 pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.A) treatedB) adjustedC) adoptedD) remedied68.A new technique _, the yields as a whole increased by 20 per cent.A) wording outB) having worded outC) having been worded outD) to have been worded out69.Children who are over-protected by their parents may become _

25、.A) hurtB) damagedC) spoiledD) harmed70.When Mr. Jones gets old, he will _ over his business to his son.A) takeB) handC) thinkD) get41.A42.D43.C44.C45.B46.D47.A48.C49.D50.A51.A52.C53.D54.A55.C56.D57.C58.A59.B60.B61.B62.B63.D64.A65.C66.A67.B68.C69.C70.B1990年6月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷41.The boys father bough

26、t him a large toy train _.A) which to play withB) to play with itC) to play withD) at which to play42._ you poor record in school, we think you should study harder.A) In view ofB) In charge ofC) In spite ofD) In case of43.There are more than fifty proposals _ at the conference.A) discussedB) to be d

27、iscussedC) discussingD) having been discussed44.Police have _ to the public to come forward with any information which might help them in their inquiries.A) urgedB) claimedC) appealedD) called45.I am sorry I _ your glasses off the desk when I was wiping it.A) drewB) hitC) struckD) knocked46.Why dont

28、 you have a night out? It would take your _ off your worries.A) caresB) heartC) headD) mind47.Some hard plastics can be _ metals in manufacturing machine parts.A) substituted forB) taken the place ofC) replaced inD) given way to48.His understanding made a deep impression _ the young girl.A) inB) onC

29、) forD) to49.They have been trying to arrive at a practical solution _ the problem.A) inB) toC) onD) with50.In many American families, parents feel that children should make important decisions _.A) to themselvesB) on themselvesC) of themselvesD) by themselves51.There is hardly an environment on ear

30、th _ some species of animal or other has not adapted successfully.A) to whichB) whereverC) so thatD) as to52.Some metals are better conductors of electricity than others _ means that the former have atom that contain more free electron than the latter.A) thatB) thisC) whichD) it53.A good friend is o

31、ne who will _ you when you are in trouble.A) stand forB) stand byC) stand up toD) stand up with54.The speaker _ his notes before the lecture.A) ran downB) ran intoC) ran outD) ran over55.I find this treatment very _ to my health.A) advisableB) invaluableC) beneficialD) worthy56.Dont have him for a f

32、riend. Hes _ a criminal.A) anything butB) but forC) rather thanD) nothing but57.Most doctors recognize that medicine is _.A) an art as much it is a scienceB) as much an art as it is a scienceC) as an art as much it is scienceD) much an art as it is a science58.As a _ president, his views are treated

33、 with respect when he is interviewed.A) priorB) previousC) lateD) former59.It is highly desirable that a new president _ for this college.A) appointedB) be appointedC) is appointedD) has been appointed60.The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighboring districts has had to be _.A) weakenedB) o

34、mittedC) restrictedD) lowered61.If the earth suddenly _ spinning, we would all fly off it.A) had stoppedB) stoppedC) has stoppedD) would stop62.Is it advisable to _ our body to the sunlight.A) revealB) displayC) exposeD) show63.He demanded that we explain what was happening, _?A) hadnt weB) didnt we

35、C) hadnt heD) didnt he64.It was impossible to avoid _ by the stormy weather.A) being much affectedB) to be much affectedC) having much affectedD) to have been much affected65._ in England. Anne Bradstreet both admired and imitated several English poets.A) Having born and educatedB) To be born and ed

36、ucatedC) Since born and educatedD) Born and educated66.After searching for half an hour, she realized that her glasses _ on the table all the time.A) had been lyingB) had been lainC) have been lyingD) were lain67.They hurried there only to find the meeting cancelled. In fact, they _ at all.A) might

37、not have goneB) mustnt have goneC) neednt have goneD) wouldnt have gone68.The time has come _ we can make extensive use of nuclear energy.A) whenB) whileC) asD) since69.Hardly _ the helicopter _ when the waiting crowd ran toward it.A) had ., landedB) has ., landedC) did., landD) was., landing70._ th

38、e punishment was unjust. Helen accepted it without complaint.A) HoweverB) So long asC) Even thoughD) Since41.C42.A43.B44.C45.D46.D47.A48.B49.B50.D51.A52.C53.B54.D55.C56.D57.B58.D59.B60.C61.B62.C63.D64.A65.D66.A67.C68.A69.A70.C1991年1月大学英语四级(CET-4)真题试卷41.It is not difficult to _ the idea that machines

39、 may communicate information to us.A) admitB) receiveC) acceptD) convince42.I have not the least _ of hurting your feelings.A) conceptB) intentionC) mindD) purpose43.As the shortage of certain metals approaches, others must be found to take their _.A) shareB) placeC) roleD) shape44.The new power sta

40、tion is reported _ within three years.A) to have completedB) to have been completedC) having Been completedD) to complete45.Mary is in bed with a fever and she cant hope to _ the cold in a few day.A) get overB) get awayC) get offD) get out46.Although the weather was very had, the buses still ran on

41、_.A) listB) planC) scheduleD) arrangement47.The situation today is obviously quite different from _ it was only 50 years ago.A) whatB) whichC) whenD) such48.Soon, Americans hope, the rains will return and ease the hardship _ U.S. farmers.A) facedB) facesC) facingD) to face49.Ever since the family mo

42、ved to the suburbs last year, they _ better health.A) could have enjoyedB) have been enjoyingC) had enjoyedD) are enjoying50.It is much easier to talk about social change than to _.A) bring it onB) bring it aboutC) burning it upD) bring it out51.Jane was hit on the head by the robber and was knocked _.A) mindlessB) unawareC) brainlessD) unconscious52.He likes doing some reading at home to the cinema.A) than to goB) than goingC) more than goingD) rather than to go53._ neglecting our education, my father sent my brother and me to a summer school.A) Accused ofB) Accusing ofC) That h


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