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《初中英语-Unit-5-Why-do-you-like-pandas-教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思(共16页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《初中英语-Unit-5-Why-do-you-like-pandas-教学设计学情分析教材分析课后反思(共16页).doc(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (2d-3c)教学设计一、 教学目标:(一)知识目标1、 通过本节课的学习,能正确使用why,what,where引导的特殊疑问句进行问答。A:What animals do you like?B:I like pandas.A:Why do you like pandas?B:Because they are kind of cute.A:Why dont you like tigers?B:Because they are really scary.A:Where are they from?B:Th

2、ey are from South Africa.2、掌握重点新单词pet,sleep,cat等,并灵活运用形容词cute,lazy,smart,beautiful,scary等。(二)能力目标1、 学习由“why ,what,where”构成的特殊疑问句在一般现在时中的用法,并能熟练地进行相应的回答。2、 能听懂有关动物的介绍,进一步运用所学语言与他人对话交流自己所喜欢的动物。3、 能在提示性语言的作用下,运用目标语言写出简单的句子。二、 教学过程Step 1: Warm upGreeting. lets have a memory challenge.teacher shows some

3、pictures to review some words about the animals and some phrases. Then review them together.(让学生通过记忆挑战的方式复习上一节课学过的单词,为导入下面要学习的内容做好铺垫。)Step 2: Presentation Teacher show two pictures of a dog,then introduce him.He is my pet.He is a lovely dog.His name is Qiuqiu.I like him very much because he is cute

4、and very smart.He can play balls very well.Do you like him? Then let students have a free talk.Give them some questions to help them like this:Does your family have pets?What pets do you have?What color is it ?Is it a boy or a girl?Whats his/her name?Do you like it?Why?After that,let students show t

5、hem.(教师通过展示自己宠物的图片导入新单词pet,并介绍宠物球球,他的颜色,他的爱好以及我为什么喜欢他等等,引导学生思考他们自己的宠物,列出一些问题帮助学生思考,并积极引导学生展示,这样,一方面给了学生更多的展示机会,同时,为下面2d的学习做了很好的铺垫,做好读前准备。)Step 3 Reading1、read 2d quickly and answer four questions:1).Who is Dingding?2). Is Dingding smart?And why?3). Who is Lazy?4). Does Jenny like her pet?Why or why

6、not?Give them 3 minutes to finish them.Ask four students to answer the questions and read them together.(给学生设置四个简单的问题,基本掌握2d的答题内容,训练学生阅读能力。并给学生充分展示的机会,齐读加深印象。)2、 Retell .Read the conversation again and fill the blanks.Jenny and Peter are classmates. Peters new _name is Dingding.Jenny thinks the dog

7、is _. Peter _ him very much because hes _ and he can _ _ _ _ and _. Jennys mom has a big cat, her name is _.But Jenny _ _the cat because shes _ _ _ and _ _ _.Peter thinks Lazy is a good name _the cat.(复述帮助学生在理解原文的基础上学会总结对话,进一步训练了学生的理解能力和读写能力。)3、 Role-play the conversationJ: Your dog is really cute,

8、Peter!P: Hes my new pet, Dingding. Hes very smart.J: Really? What can he do?P: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too.J: Wow!P: Does your family have a pet?J: My mom has a big cat, but I dont like her.P: Why dont you like the cat?J: Well, because shes kind of boring. She sleeps P: Haha, then tha

9、ts a good name for her!学生分角色表演对话,并学会自己做对话讨论自己喜欢或不喜欢的宠物。Step 4 Do exercises.1.Fill in the blanks and practice. A: _are lions from?B: _ from South Africa. Do you _lions.?A: No, I dont.B: Why _ you like lions?A: Because theyre really scary. But I like giraffes.B: Really? _ do you like giraffes?A: Well,

10、 _ theyre kind of interesting. Do you like pandas?B: Yes, I do. But I like tigers a lot.A: Tigers? Why _ you like tigers?B: Theyre really _!(读后练习,让学生进一步学习由where,why引导的特殊疑问句)2.Write names of animals in the blanks to make sentences that are true for you.1).I like _ because theyre cute.2).I like _ beca

11、use theyre smart.3). I like _ because theyre interesting.4). I dont like _ because theyre lazy.(通过以上的学习让学生学会表达自己的喜好,学会用英语表达。)3.Guessing game(猜谜游戏)1)Its big and fat.Its quiet(安静) and gentle(温和).Its black and white. 2)Its quiet(安静) and gentle(温和).Its tall. It has a very long neck(脖子). 3)Its strong(强壮)

12、 and big.It looks like the cat.It eats meat(肉).It runs fast(快).Its the king(王) of the forest(森林).4) It has grey fur(灰色的皮毛). It is lazy.It lives in trees(树) and eats leaves(树叶).4.Make a surveyTeacher show a chart and let students make a survey.Then make a report.5 minutes,after that ,students show th

13、e report like this:In our group, Lucy likes cats best, because they very interesting.They are from China._.(3,4为拓展练习,根据提示猜测动物名称,既巩固了动物名词,又拓展了课外知识,同时问卷调查,以小组为单位调查小组内的一到两个同学,他们喜欢的动物、原因以及来自哪里,并做报告,让学生变输入为输出,同时也简单训练了学生的写作能力。)Step 5 Summary1. What do we learn?师生集体简单复习。2. Love pets,love animals.Animals ar

14、e our friends. We live(居住)in the same(相同)world(世界). To Love animals is to love ourselves(我们自己).3. Enjoy a video and think about it.No buying,no killing.(这一部分通过简单复习本节课内容,并观看图片和视频,通过学习懂得爱护动物,了解自然,体会到保护环境的重要性。)Step 6 Homework1.Surf the Internet and find out more information about animals and how we can

15、 help them. (上网搜集更多关于动物的信息并弄明白我们怎样保护他们。)2.Remember the new words. Practice the conversations with your classmates.(记忆单词练习对话。)Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (2d-3c)学情分析我所教授的学生以七年级为主,他们对学习英语有较强的记忆力和模仿能力,有较强的求知欲和表现欲,但部分学生存在不自信,羞于表现等思想顾虑,但又希望能得到他人的肯定。因此我在教学活动中尽量让这部分学生参与到活动中来,有更多的机会来说英语,减少他们的恐惧感;有一些学习困难生

16、由于基础薄弱,缺少丰富的语言基础,对某些任务的完成有一定的难度,我就采取小组奖励的办法,通过学生间的合作学习,促进小组成员之间的互帮互学,鼓励小组中的优秀成员主动帮助学习困难生,培养学生的团队意识。提高他们综合运用语言的能力,让他们都能体验到成功的喜悦,使各层次的学生都有所收获。 Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (2d-3c)效果分析 本节课,由于设计的思路明确,环节清晰,教师的引导和技巧的指点到位,学生听说练习充分,基本上都能掌握并运用本节课的重点句子。在教学过程中,学生参与的积极性较高,课堂气氛比较活跃。我觉得基本上达到了教学目标,在重点的把握,难点的突破上效

17、果还不错。Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (2d-3c)教材分析本单元是人教版义务教育课程标准实验教科书英语(新目标)七年级下册第五单元的内容,本单元的话题为“描述动物,表述个人爱好,并说明理由”。该部分的内容涉及动物,是中学生比较感兴趣的话题,贴近学生的实际生活,容易激发学生的学习兴趣,本单元的学习,学生应掌握why问句以及答语,并能流利的运用所学词汇与句型描述动物,表达个人爱好。同时,在本单元的听说读写各个环节中,唤起大家保护动物的意识。 课时安排:本单元一共五个课时,Section A 分为两个课时,1a-2c是听说课,其中,1a-1c展示了“参观动物园”的

18、情景,集中呈现了一些常见动物的名称和描述性形容词,听的活动介绍了两位参观者商讨先去参观那些动物的过程,并呈现重点句型。2a-2c延续了参观动物园的主题,但该部分在谈论对动物的喜好并陈述原因的基础上,增加了谈论动物的产地,三个听力任务层次清晰,2d-3c部分要求学生能够根据所听的内容进行问答,变语言输入为语言输出。Section B 分为两个课时。其中,1a-1d是听说课,主要围绕Tony 和Mary 参观动物园的场所展开。2a_2c是阅读课,2a-3b部分可根据学校课时安排以及学生实际,具体安排教学课时。Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (2d-3c)测评练习1、r

19、ead 2d quickly and answer four questions:1).Who is Dingding?2). Is Dingding smart?And why?3). Who is Lazy?4). Does Jenny like her pet?Why or why not?4、 Retell .Read the conversation again and fill the blanks.Jenny and Peter are classmates. Peters new _name is Dingding.Jenny thinks the dog is _. Pete

20、r _ him very much because hes _ and he can _ _ _ _ and _. Jennys mom has a big cat, her name is _.But Jenny _ _the cat because shes _ _ _ and _ _ _.Peter thinks Lazy is a good name _the cat.5、 Role-play the conversationJ: Your dog is really cute, Peter!P: Hes my new pet, Dingding. Hes very smart.J:

21、Really? What can he do?P: He can walk on two legs. He can dance, too.J: Wow!P: Does your family have a pet?J: My mom has a big cat, but I dont like her.P: Why dont you like the cat?J: Well, because shes kind of boring. She sleeps P: Haha, then thats a good name for her!4.3a Fill in the blanks and pr

22、actice. A: _are lions from?B: _ from South Africa. Do you _lions.?A: No, I dont.B: Why _ you like lions?A: Because theyre really scary. But I like giraffes.B: Really? _ do you like giraffes?A: Well, _ theyre kind of interesting. Do you like pandas?B: Yes, I do. But I like tigers a lot.A: Tigers? Why

23、 _ you like tigers?B: Theyre really _!5.3b Write names of animals in the blanks to make sentences that are true for you.1).I like _ because theyre cute.2).I like _ because theyre smart.3). I like _ because theyre interesting.4). I dont like _ because theyre lazy.6.Guessing game(猜谜游戏)1)Its big and fa

24、t.Its quiet(安静) and gentle(温和).Its black and white. 2)Its quiet(安静) and gentle(温和).Its tall. It has a very long neck(脖子). 3)Its strong(强壮) and big.It looks like the cat.It eats meat(肉).It runs fast(快).Its the king(王) of the forest(森林).4) It has grey fur(灰色的皮毛). It is lazy.It lives in trees(树) and ea

25、ts leaves(树叶).7.Make a surveyTeacher show a chart and let students make a survey.Then make a report.5 minutes,after that ,students show the report like this:In our group, Lucy likes cats best, because they very interesting.They are from China._.Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (2d-3c)课后反思本节课主要围绕“描述动物,


27、保护环境意识。当然,我的这节课还有许多不足之处,比如,可能没有照顾到个别学生的接受水平,同时在表达的时候由于时间限制,没有给更多同学表达的机会,我会在以后的学习中不断渗透,帮他们理解和掌握;还有就是在设计的时候,要多考虑语用的角度,让英语这门语言为学生服务,为生活服务。Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? (2d-3c)课标分析二、 本单元在教材中的作用:本单元的话题为“描述动物,表述个人爱好,并说明理由”。该部分的内容涉及动物,是中学生比较感兴趣的话题,贴近学生的实际生活,容易激发学生的学习兴趣,本单元的学习,学生应掌握why问句以及答语,并能流利的运用所学词汇与句型

28、描述动物,表达个人爱好。同时,在本单元的听说读写各个环节中,唤起大家保护动物的意识。三、 教学目标:(一)知识目标2、 能正确使用why,what,where引导的特殊疑问句进行问答。A:What animals do you like?B:I like pandas.A:Why do you like pandas?B:Because they are kind of cute.A:Why dont you like tigers?B:Because they are really scary.A:Where are they from?B:They are from South Afric

29、a.2、掌握重点单词和短语。(二)能力目标4、 学习由“why ,what,where”构成的特殊疑问句在一般现在时中的用法,并能熟练地进行相应的回答。5、 能听懂有关动物的介绍,进一步运用所学语言与他人对话交流自己所喜欢的动物。6、 能在提示性语言的作用下,运用目标语言写出简单的句子。(三)情感目标1、 通过学习懂得爱护动物,了解自然,体会到保护环境的重要性。、2、 通过活动,了解国家拥有的各种丰富资源强化国家和民族的自豪感。(四)策略目标1、 在阅读中学会根据情景推测句子的含义。2、 能根据句子的含义、性质、特点等分类记忆单元词汇。3、 能通过阅读语篇内容构建基本的思维导图。专心-专注-专业


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