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《2012年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷及答案(共6页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2012年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷及答案(共6页).doc(6页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2012年江西省三校生高职英语高考试卷单项选择题(共30小题;第小题1分,满分30分)1. Thank you very much, Mr. Smith. .A. You are welcomeB. Dont. say soC. Youre rightD. Dont do that 2. is your brother? He is a teacher. A. WhichB. WhatC. HowD. Who 3. Have you seen Tony Story?Yes. is a good film for kids.A. HeB. SheC. ItD. Ther

2、e4. Look! A student playing basketball on the playground.A. isB. areC. wasD. were5. is your new bicycle? 150 dollars.A. How longB. How manyC. How oldD. How much6. Would you like another cup of coffee?No. .A. Thank youB. All rightC. Never mindD. With pleasure7. How do you usually go to work?By . bus,

3、 but yesterday I walked. A. aB. theC. 不填D. an8. We have a sports meeting . September every year.A. at B. in C. on D. of9. Yesterday Lily invited Bob and to her birthday party. We had a good time.A. I B. mine C. myself D. me10. Do you have a pet? Yes, I have a I like it very much.A. carB. magazineC.

4、dogD. computer11.How long can I the book?A week.A. keepB. borrowC. lendD. buy12. I cant tell you what Jane will do this afternoon. I know of her daytime habits.A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing13. It is a street. Please be careful when crossing it.A. longB. busyC. modernD. heavy14.Smith

5、, somebody wants you on the phone. no one knows I am here.A. ButB. SoC. ForD. And15. you help me? I cant carry the heavy box upstairs.A. NeedB. MayC. MustD. Can16. Do you want me what the story is about?A. tellingB. to tellC. toldD. tell17. You should talking. We must keep quiet in the library.A. co

6、ntinue B. enjoyC. stopD. learn18.Can you tell me you got to the park?On foot.A. whereB. howC. whenD. why19. That sounds rather simple, but its very difficult.A. in factB. in timeC. in turnD. in need20. Willy owned number of books than anyone else I have ever met.A. a largeB. a largerC. the largestD.

7、 the larger21. I am writing a letter to Rose, father works in a bank.A. whoseB. whoC. thatD. which22.I to the post office.While you are there, can you get me some stamps?A. wentB. have goneC. am goingD. go23. I suggested her out to dinner for a change.A. takenB. takeC. to takeD. taking24. We have to

8、 hurry up we can catch the last train.A. as ifB. so thatC. whileD. unless25.Has Kate finished her report?I dont know. She it last night.A. will writeB. has writtenC. is writingD. was writing26. Dont too late, or you will fell sleepy in class tomorrow.A. stand upB. look upC. stay upD. get up27. You h

9、ave had your hair ; it looks great.A. cutsB. cuttingC. to cutD. cut28. Its too late to go to the football match now; , its beginning to snow.A. besides B. exceptC. howeverD. therefore 29.The room is dirty.I know. It for weeks.A. hasnt been cleanedB. hasnt cleanedC. wasnt cleanedD. didnt clean30.Talk

10、 to you later.All right. .A. Id like toB. See youC. Not at allD. No way完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)I woke up early this morning. I have the habit of getting the morning news. So I tried to watch 31 before I 32 to my office, but I couldnt. I had an empty feeling and I have had that 33 so many times before

11、.I walked out of my house into the street. On my way to 34 , I decided to get something to 35 from the little store just down the road. I had never been there before but I was 36 and it would be 5 hours before I 37 work. It was a long 38 .I walked in and the owner of the 39 took my order. When I sai

12、d “I heard you make great cheese” , he seemed very 40 .I looked around and found an empty 41 to eat my food. Next to it there was an old woman. She looked at me and said, “Has anyone ever 42 you that you have the most beautiful brown eyes?”“No, never, 43 my eyes are blue,” I said.She said, “Oh, yes.

13、 You have beautiful the 44 ”.I 45 and said thank you. She began to tell me some more 46 and they made me laugh.She then said, “Your smile really makes a room a nice place.”I said, “ 47 you very much.”She looked at me with kindness 48 her eyes and said, “ 49 care of that smile.”I felt very 50 . It wa

14、s really a good start of a day.31. A. TVB. moviesC. magazinesD. games32. A. rodeB. sailedC. flewD. went33. A. coffeeB. televisionC. feelingD. habit34. A. schoolB. workC. homeD. breakfast35. A. readB. eatC. smellD. wear36. A. hungryB. angryC. thirstyD. sleepy37. A. went toB. went forC. got upD. got o

15、ff38. A. timeB. wayC. storyD. trip39. A. factoryB. farmC. storeD. station40. A. upsetB. coldC. disappointedD. pleased41. A. boxB. seatC. roomD. plate42. A. orderedB. doubtedC. toldD. seen43. A. becauseB. ifC. thoughD. before44. A. dressB. hairC. shoesD. eyes45. A. criedB. wonderedC. smiledD. left46.

16、 A. newsB. jokesC. songsD. left47. A. ThankB. KnowC. LoveD. Hate48. A. forB. atC. inD. on49. A. LookB. GetC. TakeD. Have50. A. tiredB. puzzledC. strangeD. happy阅读理解(共30小题;每小题2分,满分60分)ARose Garden HotelThis popular hotel is in the heart of London. All rooms have colour TVs and bathrooms. Prices are l

17、ow and the service is excellent. And you can have free breakfast. Everyone is welcome here.Price a nightOctoberMay JuneSeptermberSingle room 40.00 55.00Double room 65.00 70.00Address: 27 Cherry Road, LondonTel: 0717-402-8277Airspeed to the USADo you often travel to the USA on business?Airspeed is a

18、different airline. It can arrange(安排) interesting one-day sightseeing tours of American cities like Seattle and New York. You can also go to see the White House or have a meal in China Town.Youll enjoy your business trip, and you will feel as if youre on vacation!Phone 0171-368-4925 for more informa

19、tion.51. If you want a double room in Rose Garden Hotel on October 4th, you should pay .A. 40.00B. 55.00C. 65.00D. 70.0052. If you stay in Rose Garden Hotel, you can have free .A. breakfastB. lunchC. bathroomsD. movies53. Which phone number will you ring to book a room in Rose Garden Hotel?A. 0717-4

20、02-8277B. 0717-402-8298C. 0171-368-4925D. 0171-368-492654. Airspeed can arrange for you to visit .A. SeattleB. BeijingC. ParisD. London55. How can you get more information Airspeed to the USA?A. By sending an E-mail.B. By making a phone call.C. By going to the White House.D. By writing a letter.56.

21、We can probably find the two advertisements in a .A. storybookB. textbookC. dictionaryD. newspaperBThis is my story. Im French. I fly planes in Africa.One day, when I was flying a very small plane, there was something wrong with the engine(发动机). The engine stopped. I was the only one in the plane. T

22、he plane was light and finally I managed to land it. I was OK and the plane was OK, too. Where was I?I didnt know. I couldnt see and houses or farms. I had only one bottle of water and two oranges in the plane. So the first day I didnt eat anything. Luckily, I had a map. In the evening, I began walk

23、ing. Where should I walk I looked at my map. I looked at the moon and the stars. I walked and walked.The sun came up on the morning of the second day. It was too hot to walk. I stayed in the same place for many hours. In the evening, I began walking. I ate one orange and drank a little water. The ho

24、t sun came up on the fourth day. Would this be my last day on the Earth I didnt know. Suddenly I saw a man on a hill I walked to him excitedly and said hello to him. He looked at me and then gave me some water. I drank and drank and drank57. Where does the writer come from?A. America.B. France.C. It

25、aly.D. Britain.58. What happened to the plane?A. I got broken.B. It couldnt land safely.C. Its engine went wrong.D. It ran out of gas.59. Why did the writer eat nothing on the first day?A. He was hadly ill.B. He was seriously injured.C. He hadnt enough food.D. He had lost his map.60. When did the wr

26、iter see a man on a hill?A. On the fourth day.B. On the third day.C. On the second day.D. On the first day.61. How did the writer feel when he saw a man on a hill?A. Frightened.B. Surprised.C. Excited.D. Interested.62. The writer wrote the text to .A. tell his own storyB. explain an experimentC. tea

27、ch how to fly a planeD. stress the importance of a mapCThree-year-old Gaby loves soccer. Every Saturday morning, her mom Jeanne takes her for a 45-minute soccer practice. But soccer season will be over soon. Whats next? Ice skating lessons. Besides sports on the weekends, Gaby also goes to school du

28、ring the week.“Gaby goes to preschool(幼儿园) from nine to noon Monday through Friday except Tuesday. On Tuesdays, she goes to preschool in the afternoon. She also has cooking lessons on Wednesdays, gymnastics on Thursdays and dance on Fridays. Right now, shes playing soccer,” said Jeanne.She said even

29、 though Gaby was just 3, she needed to take part in lots of different activities to find out what kinds of things she likes doing.“She likes to keep busy. She hasnt taken a rest at noon since she was 22 months old. She likes to keep up with her big sisters!” Jeanne said. Gabys 6-year-old twin sister

30、s Julia and Sophie have lessons six hours a day, five days a week.“Are your kids tired of these activities?” I asked. “No, and Im not, either. You see, in order to live a better life in the future, children need to learn teamwork, sportsmanship, get exercise and have fun.”63. How often does Gaby go

31、to soccer practice?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.D. Four times a week.64. What will Gaby learn after the soccer season in over?A. Skating.B. Swimming.C. Running.D. Riding.65. Gaby neednt go to preschool on .A. Monday morningsB. Tuesday morningsC. Thursday morningsD. Friday mor

32、nings66. Gaby has dance lessons on .A. MondaysB. TuesdaysC. WednesdaysD. Fridays67. Jeanne sends Gaby to take part in so many activities to find out .A. how to teach kidsB. when a kid should go to schoolC. what Gaby is interested inD. why Gaby likes soccer68. What do we know about Jeannes kids?A. Th

33、ey are very busy.B. They are very naughty.C. They are unhappy about their life.D. They are tired of lessons.DMost Americans pay attention to their health.In school, children learn to eat healthy food. They are told not to eat too much junk food. They know what is good or bad to eat. Many Americans r

34、ead the information carefully about what they eat. The U.S. government also requires(要求) strict food, so the food has higher quality and people can eat better food.Keeping fit is often on the top list of Americans New Years resolutions. Most Americans like Joining health clubs to take enough exercis

35、e. Many stores sell sports shoes and clothing. People can even buy equipment(设备) and set up their own exercise center at home.Now Americans exercise less than they did before. The number of people taking part in health activities is becoming smaller. Of high school students, only 37% of them exercis

36、e three time a week. However, 70% of the young men watch TV at least an hour every day, and 38% of them watch over three hours. At least one-third of Americans weigh 20% more than their ideal weight.Though these problems are worrying, we still say Americans enjoy good health, because medical care in

37、 the United States is the best in the world.69. What food to American children learn to eat in school?A. Healthy food.B. Junk food.C. Sweet food.D. Snacks.70. What is on the top list of Americans New Yearss plan?A. Keeping fit.B. Seling sports shoes.C. Selling sports clothes.D. Watching TV.71. Most

38、Americans take enough exercise by .A. walking after dinnerB. joining health clubsC. seeting up home exercise centersD. runningn outside in the morning72. What dose the underlines word “ideal”(Paragraph 4) probably mean?A. Important.B. Right.C. Great.D. Balanced.73. According to Paragraph 4, what pro

39、blem are Americans facing?A. Exercising less than before.B. Eating less than before.C. Watching less TV than before.D. Working less than before.74. According to the text, in America is the best in the world.A. educationB. scienceC. medical careD. car makingEDo you like meeting new people? Do you lik

40、e talking? Are you shy? Whatever your answers are, the following tips can help you.Have some topics ready to start a conversation. Say something about the weather or the place where you are. Talk about the weekend-we all have something to say about weekends.Make the conversation interesting. Read th

41、e latest news. Find out information about popular music or whats new in fashion or sports.Listen actively. Dont just say “Yes” or “No” when you answer a question. Youd better show your own poinion, too.Dont talk about yourself all the time. Ask “How about you?” and show that you are interested in th

42、e other person. People love to talk about themselves!Ask information questions. Ask questions like “What do you do in your free time?” or “What kind of food do you like?” Use questions to keep the conversation going. But dont ask too many questions. Its not an interrogation(审问)!Be positive. Negative

43、 answers can sound rude. And if you dont want to answer a personal question, simply say, “Oh, Im not sure I can answer that.”Smile! Everyone loves smile. Just be relaxed, smile and be yourself.75. What is helpful to start a conversation according or Paragraph 2?A. Talking about one e own problems.B.

44、 Tell others what youre interested in.C. Listening to others carefully.D. Getting some topics ready.76. How many tips are mentioned in the text?A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 777. According to Paragraph 3, what can we do to make the conversation interesting?A. Sing a pop song.B. Get the latest news.C. Do some sport

45、s.D. Ask “How about you?”.78. What does the writer suggest readers do in Paragraph 4?A. Dont talk to strangers.B. Dont say “yes” or “no”.C. Be an active listener.D. Be an active speaker.79. What can keep the conversation going according to Paragraph 6?A. Information questions.B. Personal questions.C. Being confident.D. Being honest.80. The text in mainly about some .A. conversation skillsB. business skillsC. language skillsD. study skills. 情


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