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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上湖北省2019中考英语试卷一、 听对话,从所给的A、B、C中选出正确答案( )1. What are they talking about?A. Tims family photo? B. Tims younger brother. C. Tims twin sister ( )2. What does Ben look like now? A. He is short B. He is thin C. He is tall ( )3. What can we learn from the dialogue? A. The woman likes travelling

2、. B. The woman is worried about her son. C. The woman cant speak English. ( )4. Where will the man work? A. In the bank B. At the TV station C. The man hasnt decided yet.( )5. Which tie is the man going to probably take?A. The black one B. The blue one C. The pink one 二、听对话,从所给的A、B、C中选出正确答案 听下面一段对话,

3、回答6、7小题( )6. What exercise does Mike take? A. Riding a bike B. Going swimming C. Playing basketball ( )7. How often does Lucy take exercise? A. Every day B. Once a week C. Twice a week 听下面一段对话,回答8、9小题( )8. What will Alice do if she were Bob? A. Go to university B. Get a job C. Study medicine( )9. Ho

4、w does bob feel when he asks his parents for money? A. Happy B. Angry C. Sorry 听下面一段对话,回答10、11、12小题( )10. Can you guess who the woman is? A. She is a teacher B. She is a painter C. She is a guide( )11. When will the modern things be shown in Japan? A. In five weeks B. In one week C. In six weeks ( )

5、12. Who inverted those new things? A. Tom Brown B. Edison C. We dont know 听下面一段对话,回答13、14、15小题( )13. If the man decides to book a two-bed room, how much will he pay? A. 285 dollars a month B. 250 dollars a month C. 35 dollars a day ( )14. Which of the following is NOT true? A. A two-bed room is much

6、 bigger. B. A one-bed room has a CD player. C. A one-bed room is a little cheaper ( )15. What cant they do if they book the two-bed room? A. Cook by themselves B. Swim in a pool C. Watch CDs 三、听短文,从所给的A、B、C中选出正确答案( )16.Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Elise was having trouble learning English

7、B. Elise solved her problem of learning English C. Elises challenges, solution and influence. ( )17. How did Elise pronounce right? A. She borrowed some tapes from her English teacher. B. She listened to her teachers tapes and repeated the easy sentences. C. She listened to her teachers tape and rep

8、eated the difficult sentences.( )18. How often did Elise club meet a week? A. Once B. Three times C. Twice ( )19. Who helped Elise practice her writing? A. Her teacher B. Her classmates C. Her pen pal ( )20. What should we learn from Elise when we are in trouble? A. Go away from the difficulties B.

9、Face the challenges C. Worry about the problem 四、听短文,完成表格 A Notice What Well have a(n) 21 game.WhenThe game will be held on 22 20th.HowWell need to train 23 during the next few weeksHow oftenWe should 24 three times a week. What number You can call Gary at 25 .五、单项选择( )26. Why did you laugh just now

10、? Ted wanted to tell us _ very story, but he forgot _ ending himself. A. a; an B. the; the C. the; a D. a; the( )27. Lucy, you look so excited. Why? -I will have a _ holiday. A. two-week B. two weeks C. two-weeks C. two weeks ( )28. She has cut the cake into _ pieces. Which piece do you want?-The _

11、one. Its the biggest. A. five, four B. five, fourth C. fifth, fourth D. fifth, four ( )29. Thats _ brothers shirt. It isnt _. A. my, your B. yours, mine C. hers, his D. his, yours ( )30.-_ will the dinner be ready? -Just a minute.A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How often( )31. I really like t

12、o watch the TV program I AM A SINGER.-Me, too. Its one of the _ TV programs Ive ever seen. A. least boring B. least interesting C. most boring D. most interesting ( )32. Do you have your summer plan, Bill?-Well, I want to go _ to relax with my family.A. interesting somewhere B. nowhere interesting C

13、. somewhere interesting D. interesting nowhere ( )33. When is Jays concert? Its _ three oclock _ the afternoon. A. at; in B. at; on C.in; in D. on; in ( )34. Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish_ the story by yourself. A.to ask, write B. to, writing C. ask, writing D. asking, to writ

14、e ( )35. I think the girl under the tree must be Alice. No, it _ be her. She is in the gym. A. cant B. mustnt C. may D. may not ( )36. Smoking is bad for your health, youd better _. A. set it up B. give it up C. pick it up D. give up it ( )37-The Amazing Spider Man 2 is on these days. Its fantastic.

15、 -Really? But I _ it yet. A. dont see B. wont see C. havent seen D. am not seeing ( )38.After the earthquake, we heard of lots of _ stories, and all of us were deeply _. A. moving; moved B. moving; moving C. moved; moving D. moved; moved ( )39.If you want to go to see the movie this evening, so _I.A

16、. do B. am C. will D. should ( )40. could you please tell me _?Lf course. On the second floor. A. when you bought the shoes B. where you bought the shoes C. why you bought the shoes D. where did you buy the shoes六、完型填空 “Its raining cats and dogs!” Grandpa shouted. Little Richie came running to the w

17、indow. He wanted to see the _41_ falling from the sky. He looked out of the window, but it was _42_ that there were no cats or dogs. He only saw small pools of water on the ground. “Man, its really coming down out there!”Uncle Bob agreed _43_ he looked out of the window,too. Richie scrached his head

18、(挠头). What was coming down? First they talked about cats and dogs that _44_ be seen. Now someone said”it”. What was going on with these_45_?“wow!”Aunt Susie shouted as she looked out of the window. “Its raining really hard.” Richie _46_ his aunt. “Its raining hard,” he agreed, “but _47_ are the cats

19、 and dogs?”Grandpa laughed, “Gichie, that just _48_ its raining really hard.”“So why didnt you just say that?”Richie _49_. It was irritating( 恼人的) when people spoke like they were not speaking English at all.“We did. You just didnt understand these _50_.” Richies cousin said with a big smile.“Well,

20、now I do.”Richie said. ( )41. A. tigers and lions B. pigs and sheep C. cats and dogs D. chickens and ducks ( )42. A. important B. possible C. necessary D. strange ( )43.A. unless B. after C. till D. though( )44.A. couldnt B. shouldnt C. neednt D. mustnt ( )45.A. days B. animals C. ideas D. people( )

21、46.A. shouted at B. looked at C. laughed at D. pointed at ( )47.A. what B. how C. where D. who ( )48.A. explains B. proves C. means D. shows ( )49.A. ordered B. thought C. repeated D. asked ( )50.A. sayings B. questions C. objects D. stories 七、阅读理解AMr.Leewasinbedandwastryingtogotosleepwhenheheardthe


23、bed,turnedoffthelightandtriedtogotosleep.A fewminuteslaterheheardthebellagain.Mr.Leejumpedoutofbedveryquicklyand rushedtothedoor.Heopenedit,butagainhefoundnoonethere.Heclosedthedoorandtriednottofeelangry.Thenhesawapieceofpaperonthefloor.Hepickeditup.Thereweresomewordsonit:Itisnowaftermidnight ,soiti

24、sAprilFoolsDayAprilfooltoyou!Oh,itwastheEnglishboynextdoor!Mr.Leeexclaimed(惊叫)andalmostsmiled.Hewentbacktobedandfeelasleepatonce.Thebelldidnotringagain.( )51.WhendidMr.Leegotobed? Hewenttobed_.A.beforetwelveoclockB.aftertwelveoclockC.whenthebellrangD.whenhesawtheboy( )52.Whydidherushtothedoorwhenheh

25、eardthebellringthesecondtime?A.HewantedtoopenthedoorforthevisitorB.Hewantedtofindoutwhothevisitorwas.C.Hewasafraidofthering D.Hewaswaitingforsomeone.( )53.Fromthispassage,welearnthatwecan_onAprilFoolsDay.A.sayHellotoeachotherB.danceandsingatnightC.playjokesoneachotherD.sendpressentstochildren( )54.W

26、hatdidMr.LeethinkabouttheEnglishboy? Hethoughthe_.A.wasagoodboyB.wasfriendlywithhimC.shouldntringthebellatmidnightD.didadangerousthingjustnow BBabieslovechocolateandsometimestheyalsoeatthepaperaroundit.Mycatenjoysamealofgood,thickpaper,oldletters,forexample.Shedoesnotlikenewspapersverymuch。Ofcourse,



29、mwood.Thenextthingisnotverydifficult.Whatisthenextthing?Perhapsitisfoodfrompaper.Scientistssay,Wecanturnpaperintofood.Itwillbegood,cheapfood,too,cheaperthanmeatorfishoreggs.Sopleasekeepyouroldbooksandletters.(Dontfeed喂yourcat.)Oneday,theywillbeonyourplate,ifwhatscientistssaymaycometrue。( )55.Thewrit

30、erasksustokeepouroldbooksandlettersbecause_.A.theyareusefulforreading B.TheymaybeusedtofeedcatsC.Wecanmakefoodfromthemsoon D.wecanreadthematbreakfast( )56.Fromthepassage(段落),wecaninfer(推断)that_donotcomefromplantsinsomeway.A.fewkindsoffood B.meatandfishC.cheeseandchickenD.woodandpaper CInEnglandrecen

31、tlythreeforeigngentlemencametoabusstopandwaited.Aboutfiveminuteslater,the bustheywantedcamealong.Theywerejustgoingtogetonwhensuddenlytherewasaloudnoisebehindthem.Peoplerushedontothebusandtriedtopushthemoutoftheway.Someoneshoutedatthem.Thebusconductorcamerushingdownthestairstoseewhatallthetroublewasa




35、.Ifyouthinkthatyouhavehadenough,youshouldtakethecuporglassesinyourhandandgiveitalittleshakefromsidetosideorplaceyourhandoverthetop. InEuropeitquiteusualtocrossyourlegswhenyouaresittingtalkingtosomeoneevenatanimportantmeeting.DoingthisinThailand,however,couldbringabouttrouble.Also,youshouldtrytoavoid

36、(避免)touchingtheheadofanadult(成人)itsjustnotdoneinThailand.( )57.TheBritishpeopletriedtopushthethreegentlemenoutoftheway,becausethegentlemen_.A.wereforeigners B.didnthavetickets C.madealoudnoise D.didntlineupforthebus( )58.Accordingtothearticle,ifyouwanttohaveapleasantjourneyinaforeigncountry,youshoul

37、d_. A.learnthelanguageofthecountryB.understandthemannersandcustomsofthecountryC.haveenoughtimeandmoney D.makefriendswiththepeoplethere( )59.InIndiaitisconsideredimpolite_.A.tousetherighthandforpassingfoodattable. B.topassfoodwiththelefthand.C.toeatfoodwithyourhands. D.tohelpyourselfattable.( )60.Toc

38、rossoneslegsatanimportantmeetinginEuropeis_. A.acommon(平常的)habit B.animportantmanner C.aserious(严重的)trouble D.abadmanner 八、任务 型阅读Hundreds of years ago, life was much harder than it is today. People didnt have modern machines. There was no modern medicine, either .Life today has brought new problems.

39、 One of the biggest problems is pollution. Water pollution has made our rivers and lakes dirty. It killed our fish and _a_ our drinking water. _b_ pollution makes us talk louder and become angry more easily. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution. Its hard to all the living things in th

40、e world .Cars, planes and factories all pollute our air every day, (2)sometimes the polluted air is so thick that it is like a quilt(被子) over a city. This kind of quilt is called smog .Many countries are making rules to flight pollution. Factories must now clean their water before it is poured away,

41、 they mustnt blow dirty smoke into the air. We need to do many other things. We can put waste things in the dustbin and not throw it on the ground. We can go to work by bus or with our friends in the same car, (3)开车的人少了,空气污染就少了。 61. 在横线上填入适当的单词 a._ b. _.(每空一词)62. 将句子(2)译成汉语 63. 将句子(3)译成英语 64. 找出Dirty water must be stopped from dumping into the riv


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