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《英语情景对话(告别-送别)(共3页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《英语情景对话(告别-送别)(共3页).doc(3页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上酒店房间:A:: Good morning! Miss Zhang, Did you have a good sleeping?B:: Yes ,good.A:: Have you packed?B:: I am packing now.A:: EnI think you should take an umbrella. As a old saying goes “ There is no danger when there is preparedness.”B:: Yes. The weather is changeable.A:: If youre ready,

2、we can go and check out.B:: OK. Lets go.酒店结账:酒店接待:: Good morning .How can I help you? B:: Excuse me I will leave todayId like to pay my bill now 酒店接待:: Ok, your name and your room number, please? B:: Zhang hui ting, 113. 酒店接待:: Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the ho

3、tel dining room, miss Zhang?B:: Yes, I just had breakfast at the dining room,but I didnt use any services酒店接待:Ok. Your bill totals 120 dollars.B:: I see.酒店接待:: How would you like to make the payment, Miss Zhang? B:: Credit cards. May I use my visa card? 酒店接待:: Yes. Let me take a print of your card.

4、B:: Here it is.酒店接待:: Please wait a moment. Sorry to have kept you waiting. Please sign on the print. B:: OK 酒店接待:Thank you Heres your receiptB:: Thank you.开车去机场:B:We need a taxi to the airport.A:: I think it is difficulty, because now is the rush hour. Ill see you off at the airport.B:: Oh, ok. It

5、is really troublesome.A:: Never mind. This is what I should do.(上车)B:Wow, there is a heavy traffic.A:: Yes. So we must pay more attention to afford missing the plane.B:: Yes, you are right. A:: Id like to thank you for coming, and I hope you enjoyed your time during the journey. Do you have any ques

6、tions about the things we shared with you during our factory tour?B::No, your explanation was quite thorough, I pretty much saw all that we came to see. Thank you for spending the afternoon with us. A::It was my pleasure! Well, if you dont have any questions now, but think of something later, please

7、 dont hesitate to email me.B:: Thanks! Well be sure to keep in touch.A::Yes.B::How long is the ride?A:: About half an hour. B:: En.It should be in time.A:: There is a magazine in the back of the seat, you can read it.B:: Ok, thank you. 机场送别:A:Here we are. This is the airport.B:: Here I must say good

8、-bye to you.A:: Im sorry to see you off. What airline are you flying with?B:: Um. . . Let me look at the ticket. . . Oh, Japan Air.A:: Japan Air is in terminal B, this is the international terminal, so all you have to do is walk straight through those doors and turn to your left, you should be able

9、to see the check-in counter. B:: Thanks again for all your help.A::Is there anything else I can do for you before your departure?B:: No. I very much appreciate everything you have done for me. I really dont know how to thank you.A:: Dont mention it. Im sure your visit will help to promote the friend

10、ship and understanding between both of us. Heres a present for you.B:: I really appreciate all of your hospitality. Im looking forward to your visit Japan.A:: I promise Ill take the first chance to call on you when I get there.B:: Ok. Lets keep in touch.机场播音:机场播音: Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen, may I please note that your Flight number BA066 is now boarding. Please bring your belongings by Gate 2 on the plane. I wish you a pleasant journey, thank you.B:: Thank you for all your help again.A:: Dont mention it, I wish you a pleasant journey. Good-bye.B:: Good-bye and thank you.专心-专注-专业


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