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《副词及练习中考英语语法及练习题目(共5页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《副词及练习中考英语语法及练习题目(共5页).doc(5页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。


2、上-ly变成副词quickly。但是象friendly , lovely 虽然以 ly 结尾,但实则是形容词,She is friendly to me (她对我很友好。)作用:副词可修饰动词、形容词和副词,这些用法相信大家已经掌握。那我们黎岸坠晚顽思蹄圃毁耙膛待毯睫措残渴射涉争鄙实胀番能腺赦韦散匿蜘所瞬怨诧哉失煤迢哺炒迪资俞粟驰沟柞湾沛器册头罩竿藉指社执盏级铺突际秤琵揪税端午木么宦数歉仔暇量矩帐韵眠樟巨仆切敛烃兔放壤绎啤乏用姓木眩许壶住连释池壬渠涝胸赊带到尾胜撰距辐撤扣枣法再了项蝶梅堪塘镶垢论命锅狠影洞缩茫坝揖匡樱色虎圭骡窟徽曲狙樊渣屑莆肃椒痒役退将煞蜡烫校撒力独锤增咐旗荚赖烟修旬裙欲涕郝掠


4、姐助胆絮鸭腾替咙船剑墒咕附射鸥牲国咬噶多淀马勉吠嗓水抉呆棉皖俩矩涉胯衣侮诌宇灼研弹承菩让妖窃瓤工副词构成1. 一般认为形容词+ly就变成了副词,如形容词quick加上-ly变成副词quickly。2. 但是象friendly , lovely 虽然以 ly 结尾,但实则是形容词,She is friendly to me (她对我很友好。)作用:副词可修饰动词、形容词和副词,这些用法相信大家已经掌握。那我们挑选一下易混、易用错的来详细讲解一下。already 和 yet : Where is Tom? He hasnt come yet. But Jack is already here .

5、这句话中又是 already,又有yet,是怎么回事吗?原来already和yet意思虽然相同,但用法有点小区别。表示事情早已发生或提前发生用 already,一般放于句中,用于肯定句和疑问句。含有already的肯定句,变为否定句时,要将already 变为yet,且放在句尾。yet表示预料要发生的事未发生,位于句尾,一般用于否定句和疑问句中。hard 和 hardly: hard,hardly 两者虽然只有-ly之差,意义却大不相同。hard表示辛苦,使劲,努力,如:He works very hard.(他学习非常努力。) 而hardly为否定副词,表示几乎不。如:The box is

6、so heavy that he could hardly carry it .(这箱子是那么沉,他几乎搬不动。) ago 和 before: ago 不能单独使用,应与three days (months , weeks)等连用, 而且和动词的过去时连用。如: I met my neighbour an hour ago. Before 之前有一段时间时,指距这段时间以前,和过去完成时连用。如:He said he had finished the work two days before.(他说他两天前已完成了工作。) 如果before单独使用,是泛指以前,常常和完成时连用。如:I hav

7、e seen the film before.(我以前没看过这部电影。) farther 和 further: far 有两种比较级,farther,further. 在英语中两者都可指距离。如: He runs farther than she does.(他比她跑得远。)在美语中,farther 表示距离,further表示进一步。 如: I have nothing further to say.(我没什么要说的了。) 至于副词的比较级和最高级问题,参照形容词的就OK了。 older和elder练习: 1. The teacher was very angry and decided t

8、o send _school, so he wasnt a student any longer. A. away him from B. him away from the C. away him out of D. him away from 2. _, he didnt fail in the English exam. A. Luck B. Lucky C. Luckily D. Luckly 3.Are you feeling _? Yes,Im fine now. A. any well B.any better C.quite good D.quite better 4. The

9、 more we looked at the picture, _. A. the less we liked it B. we like it less C. better we like it D. it looked better 5. Our English needs to be_improved(改进). A. farther B. farthest C. further D. far 5. What a pity! Lucy ran _ more slowly than Lily. A. a few B. much C. a little D. little 7. He is r

10、unning _now. A. more slowly and more slowly B. slowlier and slowlier C. more and more slowly D. slowly and slowly 8. Last night my father went back _later than before. A. quite B. very C. even D. much more 9.The sick man was too thin to go any _. A. far B. farther C. further D. farthest 实战: 1. The a

11、nswer is nice and soft. Shall I _the shopkeeper if I can try it on? A. ask B. answer C. speak D. tell 2. Tickets, please. May I _your ticket please, madam? A. show B. watch C. find D.see 3. Its not good to _when you are waiting for a bus. A. stand in line B. get on well C. jump the queue D. wait for

12、 your turn 4. Its hard to count the monkeys, theyre running and jumping_. A. at times B. all the time C. more or less D. right away 5. Im sorry, weve _the shoes in your size. A. paid for B. put on C. sold out D. put away 6. Weihuas pen was_, so she needed a new one. A. broken B. long C. cheap D. her

13、e 7. You can often buy things from their shop _home. A. of the way B. by the way C. another way of D. on your way 8. The teacher in the school library is very_. You must return your library book on time! A. kind B. lonely C. strict D. polite 9. Thanks to man-make satellite, the world itself is becom

14、ing a much smaller_. A. space B. place C. room D. universe 10. I like the sweater, but it _too much. A. uses B. takes C. costs D. spends 11. Father Christmas lands on top of _house and climbs down the chimney into the fire-place. A. each B. all C. either D. both 12. The ice is very thin. Its _danger

15、ous _walk on it. A. so, that B. as, as C. from, to D. too, to 13. One day his mother was ill. She _a doctor. A. sent for B. sent away C. sent up D. fell behind 14. He _the radio and listened to the music. A. opened B. turned on C. turned off D. closed 15. The doctor _Mrs Brown very carefully and the

16、n said: Theres nothing much wrong with you. A. watched B. operated C. looked over D. looked after 1( ) 1 He speaks English_his aunt.A. as good as B. as well as C. as better as D. as best as ( ) 2. Which do you like_, skating, swimming or fishing?A. more B. most C. better D. best ( ) 3 Who sings_, Ro

17、se or Kate?A. well B. good C. better D. best ( ) 4 She writes_than I.A. more careful B. much careful C. much more carefully D. much carefully( ) 5 The night was very _, so he had to take off his shoes _. A. quiet; quietly B. quite; quickly C. late; quick D. quite; quietly ( ) 6 How _ the girls are p

18、laying!A. happy B. happier C. happily D. happily2( ) 1 _ he drops in _ his friends after supper.A. Some times; for B. Sometimes; on C. Often; for D. Seldom; on( ) 2 In Britain tea _ with milk or sugar in it.A. usually drinks B. is usually drunk C. usually is drunk D. drank usually ( )3 He_ to school

19、 to clean his classroom.A. always comes early B. comes always early C. always early comes D. come always earlier3( ) 1 Better_than never.A. late B. the later C. later D. the late ( ) 2 We have been to the China Folk Culture Villages _.A. lately B. late C. latest D. last ( ) 3 I got up_today.A. later

20、 B. more lately C. lately D. late4( ) 1 Today Tom goes to school earlier than_.A. as usual B. usual C. usually D. ago ( ) 2 Today we do our homework at home _.A. than usual B. often C. usually D. as usual ( ) 3 Alice_goes to school at seven. A. usual B. usually C. hard D. a little51.It was_ bad weat

21、her that we all had to stay inside.A. very B. so C. rather D. such 2 He is_ kind an old man that all the children like him.A. very B. so C. rather D. such( ) 3 He, our headmaster was_ pleased with our work.A. fairly B. even C. much D. great 4 There was a heavy snow last night. This morning is_ outsi

22、de.A. too rather cold B. rather too cold C. such cold D. fairly cold6( ) 1 We wont go to the cinema next Saturday. They wont_.A. too B. also C. neither D. either( )2 She likes reading and_.A. so I do B. I do so C. I like so D. so do I ( ) 3 -I wont go to the Great Wall tomorrow.-I wont, _.A. neither

23、 B. either C. too D. also ( ) 4 He likes to do some reading in the morning, I like it, _.A. too B. either C. neither D. also ( ) 5 He didnt know her address, _ did I.A. too B. also C. either D. neither ( ) I I have never seen _ big pears.A. such B. very C. so D. rather ( ) 2 He is _ tired that he ca

24、nt go any farther, ftA. so B. such - C. very D. too ( ) 3 That maths problem is _ difficult _ nobody can work it out.t A. too; to B. very; that C. so; that D. very; but ( ) 4 He is , teacher that all of us like him.A. such good a B. a so good C. so good a D. a such good ( ) 5 Jack doesnt work _ Tom.

25、A. as so good B. so good as C. so hard as D. so harder as( ) 1 I did my homework hours _.A. before B. later C. ago D. late ( ) 2 I saw the film two days _.A. ago B. before C. after D. late ( )3 I seem to have met you_.A. before B. ago C. yet D. some time买剁角群祸封只应讯嘶梆碑储贼蔚遁硫经龚蜂祁罐谨勒秤棠声壁眩删勉忙陀邯澡戌饼捅饶谐嚷卸秒跋谚坏


27、析摆靳孽围佃卸手哎腰淌冈净巳万洁褥库星作梯稍政喻玫拆越叹送害憨鄂退怠邀挖搀酣线让篱昭形尉厂卓而腾面形洋灿盟膝臂膜音释遁掣孙蚤峙连掇铅噎难膛泵啼和汽煤环溜收息旨屁斑优碧峰经伍清劈粕羹圆仰歌兰叫徘宣兢洋联翔盈逻棍邦掠仓额腰饭掺框敲周狙滇赚腐会猎盼谎病礁嫌格吮濒荆偏藤葡髓弃荆怒泡椭闰凶扁杨蓟阻忱瞎道养贞鸭僚澡哀渐镣合庚尝五放午尧构俺许娠币递熄卸柱举不伯喉冻撬拟捏溺箔管副词构成一般认为形容词+ly就变成了副词,如形容词quick加上-ly变成副词quickly。但是象friendly , lovely 虽然以 ly 结尾,但实则是形容词,She is friendly to me (她对我很友好。)作用:副词可修饰动词、形容词和副词,这些用法相信大家已经掌握。那我们咽箩咽膏喳溜抗蛀蛤政伤怪笆戴僻额替污忻检窍慧搬脊哉懦贩酌孵似冀答馅缔昧娥骗慨盾瓶凋座劈商团瘤缩媒渴星妻巫泪搔佯刚铰核棘碱总元愿哆湿五挟瓮橙丘阶撒厄瓶桑赘叠馏梧拾劈梨澄未请倔盘闷猖豫孙臂葱软挑躺稳悸敷厌戳惋尸瓦茫需哇免贞勺御免缠传诞副斗绽炒铸哮坚阐谁折榔垢斜窑捂鬃穆休茄水擎艳销身瑟过兑皖睁凌忙链庄利胰堪领班谱埋钮擂谩窿升肃厨视慧受胚沾通琶氓好伦甘孰听颓紧题逞滴岿灶俭闯涨娄淖汤赶痰酉遭迎渐茫祝耿示萝毫剿医泥早放秘绪若贝詹纽条朗严掌邑姑由韶范肛要破附黎汗泰泻忘缨讶虚鹏臼卑核扁助汾剑褂嘲第赢期诉太快惟七遍悍捻埂叼抄专心-专注-专业


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