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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上2018年湖北省咸宁市中考英语试卷及答案注重理解 导向性强 点评人:温中英语教研组全体老师 今年英语试卷难度与去年持平,题型有所变化,阅读理解难度大。整张试卷适应城乡考生,涉及话题广泛,内容关注社会热点,具有导向性和时代感。b5E2RGbCAP 本次中考单选和填空题难易适中,在平常的习作中很常见,学生容易拿分。阅读理解是整张试卷的难点,词汇量大、注重考察学生的英语阅读能力。平时词汇能力强的学生,本次阅读就能取得好成绩。作文题重点突出地方特色,思维开放,学生很容易把握主题。p1EanqFDPw温泉中学英语教研组老师介绍,今年中考的英语阅读理解难度最大,与武汉中考的英语试

2、卷接近。学生不仅要夯实课内知识,更要广泛阅读课外英语书籍,扩大词汇量。整张试卷题目很活,适应城乡考生,贴近生活、贴近社会、有地方色彩、有选拔性、有导向性、有时代性,让学生能学以致用。从本张试卷可以看出,今后我市的英语教学水平会越来越高,对学生的语言、词汇、写作、阅读等能力都会逐步加强。 陈志茹)DXDiTa9E3d第一部分 听力测试共30分)一、听对话选图每小题1分,共5分)1.A. B. C.2.A. B. C.3.A. B. C.4.A. B. C.5.A. B. C.二、对话理解 每小题1.5分,共15分)请听第一段对话,回答68小题。6. What are they talking a

3、bout?A. A sports meeting. B. Their favorite sports. C. A class meeting.RTCrpUDGiT7. What is Steven interested in? A. Jumping. B. Running. C. Swimming.8. Who runs the fastest?A. Amy. B. Steven. C. Lily.请听第二段对话,回答第911小题。9. Where is Tommys Math book?A. Under the bed. B. On the table. C. On the dresser.

4、5PCzVD7HxA10. How many things will Tommy need?A. Five. B. Three. C. Four.11. When will they meet?A. At 12. B. At 11. C. At 10.请听第三段对话,回答第1215小题。12. What does Lin Shuhao do?A. He is a football player. B. He is a volleyball player. C. He is a basketball player.jLBHrnAILg13. Where is Lins father from?A

5、. America. B. Taiwan. C. Japan.14. How old was Laura when she became a skating champion?xHAQX74J0XA. Four. B. Nine. C. Ten.15. What does the girl think of her grandmother?A. Hard-hearted. B. Kind and loving. C. Unfriendly.LDAYtRyKfE三、短文理解 每小题2分,共10分)16. What did the girl find while she was walking?

6、A. Kangaroos. B. Rabbits. C. Birds.17. Why did the girl love the birds? A. Because the birds liked staying in the cage quietly .Zzz6ZB2LtkB. Because the birds greeted her every morning.C. Because the birds were hungry but very strong.18. What happened to the birds when the girl left the cages door o

7、pen?dvzfvkwMI1A. The two birds stayed in the cage.B. The two birds flew away.C. One of the birds flew out of the cage.19. What happened to the two birds at last?A. Both the birds died. B. Both the birds were free.C. One of the birds died and the other was free.20. How did the girl feel when the bird

8、 was flying happily in the sky?rqyn14ZNXIA. Happy. B. Sad. C. Worried.第二部分 笔试部分共90分)四、单项选择 每小题1分,共15分)21.What do you want to be in the future, John? I want to be _ fashion designer. It is _ amazing job.EmxvxOtOcoA. a ; the B. an; a C. a; an D. an; the 22.Do you like talking with your friends on the

9、telephone or mobile phone? _. I enjoy chatting on-line.SixE2yXPq5A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. None23.Mrs. Zhang was sent to teach English in a poor mountain village last year.6ewMyirQFLShe said she would never forget some pleasant _while working there.kavU42VRUsA. experiments B. expressions C. ex

10、periences D. emotionsy6v3ALoS8924.Zongzi _ to students for free in our dining hall on Dragon Boat Festival.M2ub6vSTnPReally? That sounds cool!A. offer B. have offered C. are offered D. will be offered0YujCfmUCw25. I think drinking milk every morning is good _ our health.eUts8ZQVRdYes. I agree _ you.

11、A. to; to B. with; to C. at; with D. for; with26. Tom, you _ play with the knifeYou_ hurt yourselfsQsAEJkW5TA. wont; cant B. mustnt; may C. shouldnt; must D. cant; should27.Jim, can you _ this word in Chinese?Yes, I can_ a little Chinese.A. speak; say B. say; speak C. tell; speak D. talk; sayGMsIasN

12、XkA28.Three _ injured students died in a hospital ineast Chinas Jiangsu Province last year.TIrRGchYzgSorry to hear that. But our government _ much about the school bus safety management.7EqZcWLZNXA. serious; did B. bad; didC. seriously; has done D. badly; was done29. We all like the story about the

13、teacher _ happened in our school last week.lzq7IGf02EA. which B. who C. whom D. whatzvpgeqJ1hk30.Are these CDs _?No, they are not mine. They belong to _.A. your; her B. yours; herC. you; hers D. yours; she31. I didnt see Lucy at the party last night. Do you know_?NrpoJac3v1A. why didnt she come B. w

14、hat happenedC. when would she arrive D. where she has been32. Drivers shouldnt be allowed _ after drinking, or they will break the law.1nowfTG4KIA. drive B. driving C. to drive D. to be drivenfjnFLDa5Zo33. Jack _ dislike the weather in Beijing in spring, because there is so much wind and sand. But n

15、ow he _ it.tfnNhnE6e5A. is used to; used to B. used to; is used toHbmVN777sL C. was used to; is used to D. used to; uses to 34. Which of the following underlined parts has different pronunciation?V7l4jRB8HsA. great B.feature C. peaceful D. dream35. Teddy, dont draw on the wall. Its not a good behavi

16、or. _.83lcPA59W9A. Never mind B. Yes, Id love toC. Sorry, I wont D. Of course notmZkklkzaaP五、完形填空 每小题1分,共15分)Start Today What can you do when you have done nothing but mess up your whole life long? These were the words I heard when I 36 the TV the other day. They were coming from one of the talk sho

17、ws 37 are so popular on TV these days. I started to turn the channel but the words I had 38 made me stop for a moment. I 39 the speaker of them. He couldnt have been more than 18 years old, but already he was writing off their pasts and live 42 the present. There are so many people like that talk sh

18、ow guest. There are people still in their teen years 43 that their lives are over. There are people in their twenties who already think they have 44 the boat to success and happiness. There are people in their thirties and forties who sit around complaining that life has passed them by. I want to sh

19、out to them all: Wake up! Youre still 45 ! What have you done today?If you want a happy life, you cant dwell on(细想、纠缠于your past 46 . If you want joy and love in your life, you have to choose them today. God gives us a new chance at life every time we wake up in the morning. It is up to us to seize i

20、t.2MiJTy0dTT Today 47 be the beginning of a new life for each of us. We can choose joy right now. We can share love today. We can live in delight starting at this moment. It doesnt matter how hard our past has been. Our present can be full of joy and our future can be full of 48 . It doesnt matter i

21、f we are eight 49 eighty-we can still make our lives 50 . Life isnt over until your last heartbeat. Start today, then, to make your heart beat with joy, love, and light.gIiSpiue7A36. A. turned down B. turned off C. turned on D. turned upuEh0U1Yfmh37. A. when B. that C. one D. what38. A. heard B. fou

22、nd C. seen D. listened toIAg9qLsgBX39. A. looked up B. looked after C. looked for D. looked atWwghWvVhPE40. A. death B. dead C. die D. died41. A. so B. so a C. such D. such a 42. A. at B. with C. in D. to43. A. think B. thinking C. thinks D. to thinkasfpsfpi4k44. A. taken B. caught C. missed D. lost

23、45. A. alive B. living C. lively D. lovelyooeyYZTjj146. A. mistake B. mistakes C. wrong D. ideas47. A. must B. mustnt C.cant D. can48. A. pain B. happiness C. sadness D. challengeBkeGuInkxI49. A. and B. to C. or D. between50. A. wonder B. wondering C. wondered D. wonderfulPgdO0sRlMo六、阅读理解 during the

24、 war. She simply hated the place: the heat was almost unbearable, 125 degrees in the shade, the wind blew incessantly, and there was sand-sand everywhere. Finally, in desperation(不顾一切地she wrote her parents in Ohio that she couldnt stand it another minute and was coming home.h8c52WOngM Quickly came t

25、he reply by airmail from her father-just two lines:v4bdyGious Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw the mud, the other saw stars.J0bm4qMpJ9 The daughter did some real thinking, not only with the intellect (思维but also with her heart. She decided to stick to her post.XVauA9grYP She made friends

26、 with the natives, learned to love the country, and eventually wrote a book about it.bR9C6TJscw The desert hadnt changed, but her attitude had. Because she listened with her heart to the words her father sent, a whole new world opened up to her.pN9LBDdtrd A change of attitude could change everything

27、. After reading the article, I was deep in thought that _.wt6qbkCyDEA. two men looked out from prison barsB. one man was in prison, the other was out of prisonKp5zH46zRkC. two men were out of prisonD. her parents wanted her to stay there with her husbandYl4HdOAA6154. Which of the following is wrong

28、according to the passage?ch4PJx4BlIA. A woman went to live with her husband in a big city.qd3YfhxCzoB. The woman finally made friends with the natives.E836L11DO5C. She wrote her parents that she was coming. D. The woman received her parents reply by airmail.S42ehLvE3M55. The main idea of this passag

29、e is that _. 501nNvZFisA. a woman went to live with her husband in campB. the desert hadnt changed, but her attitude hadC. the daughters parents wanted her to stay with her husbandjW1viftGw9D. a change of attitude could change everythingB LiNa jumps two places in WTArankings(排位 Chinas Li Na moved up

30、 two places to seventh in the latest WTA rankings released on Monday despite (尽管 losing the Rome WTA final last Sunday to Russian Maria Sharapova, Yahoo reported.xS0DOYWHLP Li will begin her French Open title defence next week in Paris. It was the first win ever at a Grand Slam event for someone rep

31、resenting China.LOZMkIqI0w LiuXiang back toworld top With a world fastest time of the season so far, Chinese star hurdler Liu Xiang showed the world that he is back to the world top level.ZKZUQsUJed Running into 13 seconds on a wet track. In spite of running on a wet track, the 28-year-old Liu claim

32、ed (宣称 an overwhelming victory against three American first-class hurdlers at the 2018 Diamond League Shanghai last Saturday.dGY2mcoKtT The Athens Olympic champion clocked a world leading time of 12.97 seconds to claim title of mens 110m hurdle event, and the result bettered (胜过 the previous season

33、best of 13.03s set by Americas Aries Merritt two weeks ago.rCYbSWRLIA David Oliver of the United States finished second in 13.13s whi le another American Jason Richardson, newly crowned world champion in Dague last year, settled third in 13.16s. Merritt was fourth in 13.26s. FyXjoFlMWh56. The passag

34、e aboveis about _. A. a story B. an advertisementC. sports news D. a poemTuWrUpPObX57. Li Na was _ in the latest WTA rankings despite losing the Rome WTA final.A. second B. ninth C. seventh D. sixth7qWAq9jPqE58. There are _ players at the 2018 Diamond League Shanghai mentioned in this passage.A. 3 B

35、. 4 C. 5 D. 6llVIWTNQFk59. Liu Xiang was first in _ at the 2018 Diamond League Shanghai.A. 12.97s B. 13.03s C. 13.13s D. 13.26syhUQsDgRT160. Which of the following isnt mentioned in the passage?MdUZYnKS8IA. Merritt was fourth in 13.26s at the 2018 Diamond League Shanghai.09T7t6eTnoB. Li Na lost the

36、Rome WTA final by 1:2 last Sunday.e5TfZQIUB5C. The Athens Olympic champion clocked a world leading time of 12.97 seconds.s1SovAcVQMD. Chinas Li Na moved up two places to seventh in the latest WTA rankings.GXRw1kFW5sC Dragons can be friendly or fierce (凶狠, they can bring good luck or cause death, but

37、 one thing is sure-people talk about them almost everywhere in the world. For a creature that doesnt actually exist, thats quite something.UTREx49Xj9 In Chinese culture, dragons are generous and wise, although they can be unpredictable. The dragon was closely connected to the royal family: theempero

38、rs robes (礼袍have a symbol of a gold dragon with five claws. Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and of a different colour. According to popular belief, if you were born in the year of the dragon, you are intelligent, brave, and a natural l

39、eader.8PQN3NDYyP But in the west, dragons had a different reputation 名声). The very first text in English, the Anglo-Saxon poem Beowulf, tells the story of a Scandinavian hero, Beowulf, who fights and kills a dangerous dragon but is himself killed in the fight. However, across the border in Wales, th

40、e red dragon which appears on the Welsh flag is a positive symbol, indicating strength and a sense of national identity.mLPVzx7ZNwWhy should the dragon have a different character in different parts of the world? Some experts believe it is due to the animals that the myths grew out of. In the west, t

41、he idea of the dragon probably came from the snake-an animal which people hated and _ _of. So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of good fortune.NDOcB141gT61.(A 请写出文中画线部分unpredictable的汉语意思:_.1zOk7Ly2vA (B 请从文中找出与画线部分good fortune意思相近的短语:_.fuNsDv23Kh62.将文中画线部分改成主动语态:They _tqMB9ew4YX63.将 文 中 画 线 句 子 翻 译 成 汉 语 :_HmMJFY05dE64.根据文中处的汉语提示,用英语将句子补充完整,每空一词。 In the west, the idea of the dragon probably came from th


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