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《2013年北京市丰台区中考一模英语试题及答案(共16页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2013年北京市丰台区中考一模英语试题及答案(共16页).doc(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上丰台区2013年初三毕业及统一练习英语试卷 2013.5 听力理解(共26分)一、听对话,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。每段对话你将听两遍。(共4分,每小题1分)1 A. BC2. ABC3 A B C4 A BC 二、听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下面各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。(共12分,每小题1分)请听一段对话,完成第5至第6小题。 5. Where is Linda going now? A. To the school. B. To the park. C. To her ho

2、me. 6. What time is it now? A. 8:00. B. 8:10. C. 8:30.请听一段对话,完成第7至第8小题。 7. When does Benny usually go to movies? A. On Monday. B. On Wednesday. C. On Saturday. 8. What kind of movies does the man like? A. Cartoons. B. Action movies. C. Comedies. 请听一段对话,完成第9至第10小题。 9. Why didnt Jenny go to school? A.

3、 It was raining hard.B. She hurt her leg.C. Her parents were ill. 10. Who might Mr. Smith be? A. Her teacher.B. Her father.C. Her doctor. 请听一段对话,完成第11至第13小题。 11. Where are the two speakers? A. B. C. 12. What does the man think of his photos? A. Just so so. B. Excellent. C. Not too bad. 13. What can

4、we infer from the dialogue? A. The woman often goes to the exhibitions. B. The man lived in China before he was eleven. C. The woman has never traveled to China before.请听一段独白,完成第14至第16小题。 14. Whats the speaker mainly talking about? A. Birthday traditions in different countries. B. How to celebrate b

5、irthday around the world. C. How to hold birthday parties around the world. 15. _ girls have a special birthday celebration at the age of 15. A. Japanese B. British C. Mexican 16. What can you learn from the talk? A. You can become the owner of your house at the age of twenty-one. B. In many countri

6、es, you can become a soldier at the age of eighteen. C. Children may be given special cakes at their fifth birthday in Japan. 三、 听对话,根据所听到的对话内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题卡的相应位置上。 对话你将听两遍。(共10分,每小题2分) Janes Summer CourseWhere she went: _17_ How long she stayed: about _18_ daysWhere she lived: in Mr. Smiths _

7、19_ What she learned: mostly listening and _20_Why she liked it: The teachers are nice and the classes are very _21_.知识运用(共25分)四、单项填空(共13分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。22. Is this your MP3, Kathy? No. _ is in the bag. A. My B. Mine C. Your D. Yours23. The Ninth Garden Expo is on May 18t

8、h, 2013 _ Fengtai.A. in B. on C. at D. to24. They were all very tired, but _ took a rest. A. everybody B. somebody C. anybody D. nobody25. May I smoke here? No, you _ . This is a no-smoking room.A. neednt B. mustnt C. couldnt D. wouldnt26. I _ in the hospital yesterday. I had to look after my sick m

9、other.A. am B. was C. are D. were 27. Id like to go swimming with you, _ I am too busy today. A. but B. and C. so D. or28. Roast duck is one of _ dishes in Beijing.A. delicious B. more delicious C. most delicious D. the most delicious29. _ did you visit the Great Wall? Last Sunday.A. WhereB. WhatC.

10、WhenD. How30. After he finished _ the exciting story, he talked about it on and on with his friends.A. reads B. read C. reading D. to read31. Mr. White is my English teacher. He _ in this school for about 5 years.A. has worked B. will work C. is working D. works32. We_ to see the movie Life of Pi as

11、 soon as school is over.A. go B. went C. will go D. was going33. This famous tower has a long history. It _ more than 300 years ago.A. buildsB. built C. is built D. was built34. Do you know _? Next Monday.A. when will he come backB. when he will come backC. when did he come backD. when he came back五

12、、完形填空(共12分,每小题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 Each day I took the same route to work and passed by a security guard (保安). 35 greeted everyone walking by and made small talk with many of the passers-by and wishing them well. His simple “hello” made people feel 36 . His cheerful smile

13、 became a part of my day. When he was absent, many people noticed it, and I felt a little bit empty. The first few times, I didnt say hello back to him when he greeted me. I was 37 in my own world. On Monday the security guard asked me:“How was your weekend?” I told him about my visit to California,

14、 to see my mother, who had colon cancer. I 38 how I visited her each month. “The time with my mother is so precious(珍贵的), 39 I know that each time may be the last.” He listened like a close friend Id known for years. He felt my 40 and my love. He shared how he had lost his father to cancer two years

15、 before. He said, “I understand what you are going through. My father passed away while I was serving in Germany. Because of some reasons I was unable to fly back in time. I was unable to say goodbye to him. I wish I could have been with him, given him a hug, and told him I loved him. You are really

16、 lucky to have the gift of 41 .” As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his name. The following day, on my way to work, I said: “After we spent all that time 42 yesterday, I still dont know your name.” He answered, “Gary.” I responded back, “Im Deborah.”After that, we talked and shared sto

17、ries about our weekends, dreams and families. Later, Gary got 43 a new job and moved away. Its been several years since I last spoke to him, yet the memory feels like yesterday. Gary reached out to me, 44 me and made my morning the best part of the day. I experienced the beauty of friendship and lov

18、e. In the business of life, we often forget to wish a stranger hello although how easy it is, and how great and lasting a 45 it can make. When you say hello to a stranger you become like a pebble(鹅卵石) thrown into a pond. With each ripple (波纹)you create, you spread love that continues to 46 . Make a

19、point of saying hello to a stranger today. You will give the gift that keeps on giving.35. A. SheB. TheyC. HeD. I36. A. nervousB. funnyC. specialD. surprised37. A. lostB. leftC. missedD. dropped38. A. wonderedB. sharedC. realizedD. found39. A. becauseB. soC. andD. but 40. A. weaknessB. illnessC. sor

20、rinessD. sadness 41. A. godB. timeC. natureD. friendship 42. A. thinkingB. callingC. cryingD. talking43. A. offeredB. affordedC. invitedD. chosen44. A. movedB. touchedC. toldD.helped45. A. progressB. senseC. troubleD. difference46. A. receiveB. sendC. giveD. create阅读理解(共44分)六、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的

21、A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共26分,每小题2分) AHappy City Public LibraryService for young peopleReaders Service Center From Monday to Friday 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The services staff help children and parents select reading materials and find information for school projects. Summer Reading Club The Summer Readi

22、ng Club aims to encourage reading during the school holiday. It holds some activities for students, such as drawing, cartooning and making masks. Bookings are necessary. Preschool Story Time Gives young children and their parents a chance to share stories, poems and a simple craft activity. Each cla

23、ss lasts about thirty minutes. Story time is held during school term at:East Hills Monday 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Green Island Tuesday 10:30 a.m. and Friday 11:30 a.m.47. The parents and children can select reading materials in _. A. East Hills B. Summer Reading ClubC. Green Island D. Re

24、aders Service Center48. Students can take part in _ activities in Summer Reading Club. A. drawing B. singing C. swimming D. dancing 49. Story time activities are held on _. A. Friday 10:00 a.m. B. Tuesday 10:00 a.m. C. Monday 10:30 a.m. D. Wednesday 10:30 a.m. B A little girl walked to and from scho

25、ol every day. Though it was not fine and clouds appeared in the sky that morning, the little girl made her daily trip to school as usual. When school was over, winds became stronger and it began to rain. The mother of the little girl felt worried that her daughter would be afraid and that lightning

26、might frighten(惊吓) her child. Following the bright light of lightning, the mother quickly got into her car and drove to her childs school. As the mother drove along the road, she saw her little girl walking alone in the rain. To her great surprise, she found that when a lightning came, her daughter

27、stopped, looked up and smiled. Another lightning came and then another followed. With each lightning, the little girl stopped, looked up and smiled. Inside the car, the mother asked her daughter, “What were you doing? Why did you look up and smile when the lightning came?” The little girl answered w

28、ith a smile, “Mum, you know, God was looking at me. Each time I felt a little afraid walking in the rain, God would take a picture of me. I knew he was playing a game with me.”50. The little girl went to school _ every day. A. by car B. on foot C. by bus D. by bike51. At first, the mother felt worri

29、ed because . A. she couldnt look after her daughter B. her daughter hadnt taken her umbrella C. she had something more important to do D. her daughter might be afraid of lightning52. According to the article, we can know that the little girl was .A. proud B. shy C. brave D. nervous C Stay as safe as

30、 possible during an earthquake. Be aware that some earthquakes are actually foreshocks(前震) and a larger earthquake might occur. Reduce your movements to a few steps to a nearby safe place. If you are indoors, do “duck, cover and hold”. Duck or drop down to the floor, under something strong, such as

31、a table or a desk, cover your head and face with your arms and hands and hold on to that table or desk so that it does not move away from you as the ground shakes. Do this until the shaking stops and it is safe to move. Stay inside to avoid being injured by falling glass or building parts. If there

32、isnt a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch(蜷缩) in an inside corner of the building. Stay clear of windows, fireplaces, and heavy furniture that may fall over. Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside. Research has shown that most injurie

33、s occur when people inside buildings attempt to move to a different location inside the building or try to leave. If you are outside, get into the open and stay there. Move away from trees, buildings, signs and power lines. Once in the open, stay there until the shaking stops. The greatest danger ex

34、ists directly outside buildings, at exits and alongside exterior walls. Ground movement during an earthquake is seldom the direct cause of death or injury. Most earthquake-related casualties(伤亡) result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects.If you are driving, you may not realize w

35、hat is going on at first because the car may feel like it is going to blow up. Stop the car in as clear and open an area as possible and stay in it until the shaking stops. If it is a really bad quake, turn on the radio to find an emergency channel to get information. Follow the directions of people

36、 directing traffic. If you are in a mountainous area, watch out for falling rock and other debris that could be loosened by the earthquake. If you are at the beach, move quickly to higher ground or several hundred yards inland.53. Which of the following pictures means “duck, cover and hold”? A B C D

37、 54. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?A. Ground movement during an earthquake is the main reason of death.B. You should keep your windows, fireplaces and heavy furniture clear. C. Stop your car in the clear area and get out of it if an earthquake happens. D. Run away f

38、rom the beach as quickly as possible if an earthquake happens. 55. The passage is mainly about _during the earthquake. A. ways of keeping you safe B. the importance of keeping safe C. ways of finding safe places D. researches on how to keep safeDTony Buzans grades were going down at university. Disa

39、ppointed with his low marks, he went to the library to find a book on how to use his brain. He was directed to the medical section. Confused, he said to the librarian, “I dont want to take my brain out, I just want to learn how to use it.” Her reply was simple: “Theres no book on that.” “I thought t

40、o myself,” says Buzan, “if I buy a little radio, I get an instruction manual (说明书). If I buy a microwave, I get an instruction manual. But for the most important machine in the world, no instruction manual?”Fifty years later, Buzan has become the worlds leading speaker on the brain and learning. In

41、the late 1960s, he invented the mind map, a visual representation of thought processes. This kind of thinking has become a popular tool for planning, organizing, problem solving, and communicating across the world. He has since authored and co-authored over 100 books that have appeared in more than

42、30 languages.“I think in most cases, people use less than 1 percent of their brains,” he says. But how do you expand this 1 percent? How do you become the best student you can be? According to Buzan, the answer is simple. You take a section of whatever it is that you are trying to learn, he says, and you read it for its essence (精髓、要素). Then you make a mind map of all the important details. For a truly effective mind map, you start with a colored image in the center of your page. Draw the first image that comes to mind on the topic you are mind


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