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《2016外研社新标准英语六年级下册全册知识点及检测(共22页).docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016外研社新标准英语六年级下册全册知识点及检测(共22页).docx(22页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上最新版外研社六年级下册全册知识点整理与练习模块一1. What do you want? 你想要点什么? “What”特殊疑问词,对事或物进行提问。 “want”的用法,“want”可以直接加名词,也可以接动词。 “want to do sth.” 意为“想要做某事”,want to eat想要吃,want to drink想要喝2. Is it really a dog? 它真的是一条狗吗?(1) 原句= Is hot dog really a dog? Is it? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.3. It looks good!它看起来很好

2、!4. Can I help you? 我能帮助你吗? 同义:What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么? can+动词原形5. And to drink? 喝点什么呢? 还可以说:And what do you want to drink?你们想喝点什么?6. Thats two hamburgers, a hot dog and three colas.一共是两个汉堡,一个热狗和三杯可乐。把点的餐看作一个整体,用“Thats”7. How much is it? 多少钱?(1) “money金钱”不可数名词,应用“how much”来提问。How much +is +单

3、数? How much is the hot dog? How much +are +复数?How much are the hamburgers? How many+可数复数 How many apples do you want? How much+不可数 How much juice do you want?8. Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.十三美元二十五美分。 dollars和cents用复数。9. Its ten yuan. 十元钱。 yuan元, jiao角, fen分, 没有复数形式,后面都不加s.10. food(食物)

4、: hot dog 热狗, hamburger汉堡, chicken鸡肉, fish鱼, noodles面条, rice米饭, vegetable蔬菜,sandwich三明治,biscuit饼干,egg鸡蛋,ice cream冰激凌,pear梨,orange橘子,apple苹果,banana香蕉,watermelon西瓜11. drinks(饮料): juice果汁,milk牛奶,cola可乐,tea茶, water水模块二1. We are going to have a picnic in the park.我们将在公园里野餐。主语+be going to+动词原形+,一般将来时的肯定句的

5、构成。2. When are we going to eat?我们将在什么时候吃饭?(1) “when”特殊疑问词,对时间进行提问,可以指具体的时间点,也可以指一段时间范围内的时间。(2) “What time”只指具体的时间点。-When are we going to read books? Tomorrow morning. 此处不能用“What time”.-What time do you get up? = When do you get up? -At seven oclock. 3. What time is it? 现在几点了? 同义句:Whats the time?4. W

6、hat are we going to do? 我们将要准备做什么呢?5. Lets go.让我们走吧。 Lets +动词原形。 Lets play chess.6. The ducks are eating our picnic. 鸭子们正在吃我们的野餐。 主语+be+现在分词(doing)7. It will snow in Harbin. 哈尔滨将会下雪。 It will be warm and sunny in Dalian. 大连将会晴朗。 It will + 动词:rain下雨,snow下雪 It will + be+ 形容词:windy有风的, cold寒冷的, sunny晴朗的

7、, warm暖和的, hot炎热的,cool凉爽的,cloudy多云的。 模块三重点短语和句型一、 短语:an interesting day有趣的一天 on Saturday在星期六 .have a picnic野餐 . in the park在公园里 send photos寄照片 in the tree(s)在树上 look at.看. look hungry看起来饿了 in the sky在天空 under the tree在树下 in the water在水里 look out of.向.外面看 on the train在火车上 wear a big hat戴一顶大帽子 in this

8、 photo在这张照片里二.句型:1. I had a very interesting day on Saturday.上个星期六我玩的很开心。【had表示的是过去式。一般过去时态是表示过去某一时间经常发生的动作和存在的状态。常与过去时间连用,如:yesterday, last year, an hour ago, just now等等。动词要用其过去式。】 2. I am sending some photos.我正在给你寄照片。【“am sending”是现在进行时态,表示现在正在进行或发生的动作。其结构:be(am.is,are)+动词ing的形式。Be要随主语变化,注意动词ing的变

9、化规则。肯定句的句式:主语+be(am,is,are)+现在分词+.。如:I am watching TV now.我正在看电视。Be的变化:I+ am,You+are,She/He/It +is,We/They/You +are;】再如:He is playing.他正在玩。 练习:他们正在做什么?他们正在跳舞。 3. I miss everyone in China.我思念在中国的每一个人。【in China是一个介词短语,在这儿作定语,修饰everyone,指“在中国的每一个人”】4. 必背句型。 In this photo, the sun is shining. The birds

10、are singing in the tree. 在这张照片里,阳光明媚。小鸟在树上唱歌。What are you doing? 你在做什么? Im cleaning my room. 我正在打扫我的房间。5. 现在进行是中动词ing形式变化(1) 一般的动词在后边直接加ing如:play playing (2) 去e加ing的有些需要记: write 写 use 使用 have 拥有,度过 take 带 dance 跳舞 live 居住 ride 骑车 give 给 come 来 shine 发光,照耀 drive 驾驶 change 改变 leave 离开(3) 还有双写末尾辅音字母的你能

11、记住吗?put putting 放下 sit-sitting 坐下shop-shopping 购物 swim-swimming 游泳 练习(一)你能跟据图片的意思把下列单词补充完整吗?(5) h_t s_ _ny r_ _n w_ _m sn_ _(二)选出不同类的单词。(10)1 ( ) A. dollar B. yuan C.cent 2 ( ) A.windy B.sunny C.rain 3 ( ) A. noisy B.careful C.card 4 ( ) A.hamburger B.hot dog C.milk 5 ( ) A.sing B.ring C.shining 6 (

12、 ) A.baseball B.football C.blackboard 7 ( ) A .red B.black C.apple D.green 8 ( ) A .yuan B.dollar C.cent D.pound 9 ( ) A.going B.sing C.having D.swimming 10( ) A.it B.we C.they D.you 三 选择正确的单词填空。(5)1. I want_(eatto eat) a hamburger. 2. When are we going to_(playplaying) football?3.The picnic_(areis)

13、 wet. 4.Lingling _(amisare) going to play chess at eight oclock.5.Look! Its_(going to rain raining) now.四.选择题。(15)( )1. Were have a picnicin the park. A.go to B. going toC. going( )2. is it? Its eighty dollars.A. How many B. How muchC. How old ( )3. _colas do you want? Four colas, please. A. How man

14、y B. How much C. How ( )4. are we going to eat? At half past twelve.A. When B. WhatC. Where( )5. Im looking _ of the window. A. for B. at C. out( )6.It is going to _tomorrow. A. be sunny B. hot C. warm( )7.We a very funny day on Sunday. A. have B. had C. has( )8. It _good. A.look B.looking C.looks (

15、 )9. Look ! It _rain soon . A. is B .is going to C. was ( )10. Listen!The boys _ singing. A. is B. am C. are( )11. We _going to fly kites. A. is B. am C. are( )12. Will you take a ball? No, I _. A wont B doesnt C isnt( )13. She will_ basketball tomorrow. A play B playing C plays( )14.Ill have a clas

16、s_ Monday. A on B in C under( )15.It will_ in Beijing. A be windy B windy C snows五用动词的适当形式填空。(15)1. Listen! She is_ (sing) an English song. 2.Susan and Linda_ (play) basketball last Sunday. 3. My father _ _ (watch) TV now. 4.I _ (listen) to music now.5. _(be) careful. 6.Look! The teachers are _ (fly

17、) kites in the park.7. We_( have ) a picnic in the park yesterday . 8. It_ (rain ) soon . 9. In this photo , It_( snow ) . 10. What do you want_( eat ) .六你能根据图示回答问题吗?(10)1 2 3 4 5$ 3.751. Whats the weather like? 2. Is it a cola? 3. What are you going to do? 4. What time is it? 5. How much is it? 七 根

18、据短文内容回答问题。 (10) My name is Ben. I am from China but now I am living in London. There is a very large Chinatown in London. I went there for Spring Festival with my aunt and my uncle. At night we saw a lion dance. The lion danced in the street. It was red and gold. There were beautiful lights everywhe

19、re. There was music, too. We had a great time!1.Where is Ben from?_ 2.Where is Ben now?_ 3.Where is Chinatown?_ 4.Who went to Chinatown?_ 5.What colour is the “lion”?_Module 4复习要点一、词汇在超市 at the supermarket 某人买某物buy sth for sb 生日聚会birthday party 飞走fly away提,搬carry 稍后later 气球balloon 落下fall 楼梯stairs 混乱

20、mess 小心 be careful二、句子1 Shes buying things for your birthday . 她正在为你的生日买东西。2 Am I going to have a birthday party ? 我将有一个生日派对吗?3 Who can help me ?谁来帮帮我?4 I cant carry everything. 我拿不动它们。 I cant carry them all.5 Im on the phone.我在打电话。6 The orangs are falling.橘子掉了。 Everything is fall. 所有东西都掉了。 The cola

21、 is falling.可乐掉下。The apples are fall down the stairs.苹果从梯子上掉下去了。The balloons are flying away气球飞了。 The eggs are broken.鸡蛋摔坏了。7 What a mess!一片混乱!练习:用动词的适当形式填空:1. Listen! She is_ (sing) an English song.2. Look! The teachers are _ (fly) kites in the park.3. My father _ _ (watch) TV now.4.I _ (listen) to

22、 music now.6.Susan and Linda_ (play) basketball last Sunday.四模块知识点及练习 姓名_一、 听问句,选答句。(10分)( )1.A.Shes in the room. B. Shes writing a letter. C. Shes my mum.( )2. A. Here you are. B. Thats right. C. I can help you. ( )3. A. I cooked dinner. B. I am cooking dinner. C. I want to cook dinner.( )4 .A. Yes

23、, he does. B. No, he cant. C. Sorry, I cant. ( )5. A. Happy Birthday. B. Happy New year. C. Merry Christmas.二、根据所给字母,写出下列单词的正确形式。(5分)1.l f y (飞)_ 2.a a y w(离开) _ 3.t a i s s r(楼梯) _ 4. u p e r a s r e t k m(超市) _ 5. l l o n o b a(气球)_6.a r c d(卡片) 7.f l u c r e a(小心的) _ 8.i r b h t y d a(生日)_ 9. S e

24、 m s (混乱)_ 10.e l p h(帮助)_ 三、选出不同类的一项。(10分)( ) 1. A. took B. went C. eat( ) 2. A. falling B. flying C. sing( ) 3. A. hungry B. rain C. hungry( ) 4. A. putting B. sitting C. doing( )5. A. phone B. help C. carry四、写出下列单词的现在分词形式。(5分)1.run _ 2.ride _ 3.swim _ 4.write _ 5.jump_ 6.sing 7.draw 8.see 9.take

25、10.get 四选词填空。(10分)away in on at up1. There are some birds _ the trees. 2. She is_the supermarket.3. It is raining. The birds are flying_. 4. I went to the Cuiping Mountain _ Sunday. 5. Class begins. Please stand_. 五、请将汉语短语前的字母代号填入相应的英语短语前。(10分)( )1.help me ( )2.birthday party ( )3.buy things ( )4.ru

26、n away ( )5.pick up ( )6.get off the bus ( )7.make a cake ( )8.fall down ( )9.not at all ( )10.look atA. 捡起 B.下车 C.逃跑 D.看. E.做蛋糕 F.掉落 G.帮助我 H.生日聚会 I.一点也不 J.买东西六、将下列句子补充完整。(10分)1. She is (buy)things for your birthday. 2. I (have)a birthday party? Yes, you can. 3. I can (carry) this bag. 4. Simom! Com

27、e and (help) us.5. They (say),“Happy Birthday, Daming!” 6. My newspaper (fly) away. 7. The balloons (fly) away. 8. He will (pick) up the apples. 9. He (stand) up. 10. Who can (help) me?七、 单项选择。(10分)( )1.Hes buying things your birthday. A.in B.on C.for( )2.Shes_the supermarket. A.in B.at C.on( )3.I a

28、m_Damings birthday card. A.make B.making C.made( )4._is it? Its five am. A. What B. When C. What time( )5.The pears are falling_ the staris. A.under B.around C.down( )6. _a clever boy! A.What B.How C.Which.( )7.Who can help me?Sorry , I _ carry the bag. A.cant B. can C. Dont( )8.Im making _birthday

29、card. A. Daming B. Damings C. Damings( )9.Look! Lucy is _a new bike today. A. jumping B. running C. riding( )10._,he cant. A.Yes B.Ok C.Sorry ( )11.I can _that. A.do B.does C.did( )12.Im talking the phone. A. in B.on C.at( )13.Now this photo. A.look in B.look at C.look to( )14.Who can help me _the s

30、tairs? A.up B.on C.in( )15.He will pick_the apples. A.on B.up C.in( )16. He is very fat. So he cant_ fast. A. running B. run C. ran( )17. Oh! My books are _ . A. falling B. faling C. fall( )18. I cant carry all _. A. this thing B. these thing C. these things( )19. The chair is very heavy. Be_. A. ca

31、re B. careful C. carefully( )20. I am _ my hands on my head and eating an apple. A. putting B. put C. puting八、连词成句。(12分)1. all I carry cant them _2. falling stairs the are down apples the _3. ducks eating picnic the our are _4. is/ supermarket /at /she/ the/. _5. am /a/ making /I/ you/ card/ birthda

32、y/for. _6. buying shes your for birthday things _九、下列每个句子中只有一处错误,请找出错误用“”标明并做修改。 1.Whats time is it? _2. I am look out of the window. _3. Were haveing a picnic. _4. Its going to hot in Harbin. _5. It look good. _6. The birds are singing on the trees. _7. Im going to play the football. _8. Our picnic

33、 are wet. _9. We are going to go to home at six. _10. I am send some photos. _十一、阅读短文并回答问题:(5分)(一)Today is my sister Candys birthday. We are busy with the birthday party. My mum and dad are at the supermarket. They are buying things. They bought fish, vegetables , pork and chicken. My uncle can make

34、 a cake. She is making a fruit cake. My brother is drawing a picture for Candy. I can play the piano. I am going to play at the party. My grandparents will also come to the party. It will begin at seven oclock and finish at nine oclock. We will have a good time. ( )1. Today is Candys birthday. ( )2.

35、 My mum and dad bought fish, pork and eggs. ( )3. My aunt is making a birthday cake. ( )4. I will draw a picture for Candy.( )5. We are going to have a great birthday party for two hours. 五模块知识点短语start to 开始 get hot变热了 get dark变暗了 do exercise做锻炼 the third time第三次 the first time第一次 the second time第二次

36、 have an ice cream吃冰淇淋 cross the street过马路 talk to sb.和某人说话 do ones homework做某人的家庭作业 have lunch吃午饭 have a party举办晚会 ride ones bike骑某人的自行车 do exercise做锻炼 read a book读书 call out大声的叫 wake up叫醒 get up起床 have a party举办晚会 come in进来 play the suona play the flute句型:1. Daming is playing the suona, but the phone rings. 大明正在吹唢呐,突然电话响了。Daming is playing the suona again, but the bell rings.大明再次吹唢呐,但是门铃响了。Daming is playing the suona for the third time, but the dog start


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