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《基于plc的机械手系统设计外文文献翻译(共13页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《基于plc的机械手系统设计外文文献翻译(共13页).doc(14页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学生姓名:何友良学 号:专 业:电气工程及其自动化指导教师:谢富珍 副教授学 院:电气与电子工程日 期:2016.02.16 外文资料翻译要求一、 译文内容须与课题研究或调研内容高度一致。二、 译文翻译得当、语句通顺,不少于4000字。三、 译文格式要求:译文题目(即一级标题)采用小三黑体、二级标题采用四号黑体、三级标题采用13磅黑体;图题和表题采用五号宋体,外文和符号采用五号Times New Roman;正文采用小四宋体,外文和符号采用小四Times New Roman,行间距为20磅;A4纸双面打印。四、 原文及译文一起装订,顺序依次

2、为封面(背面为外文资料翻译要求)、译文评阅(单面打印)、译文、外文原文。译文评阅评分:_(百分制) 指导教师(签名):_ 年 月 日译文:机械手的发展与研究 随着我国工业生产的飞跃发展,自动化程度的迅速提高,实现工件的装卸、转向、输送或是操持焊枪、喷枪、扳手等工具进行加工、装配等作业的自动化,应越来越引起人们的重视。 机械手是模仿着人手的部分动作,按给定程序、轨迹和要求实现自动抓取、搬运或操作的自动化装置。在工业生产中应用的机械手被称为“工业机械手”。生产中应用机械手可以提高生产的自动化水和劳动生产率;可以减轻劳动疲劳强度、保证产品质量、实现安全生产;尤其在高温、高压、低温、低压、粉尘、易爆、

3、有毒气体和放射性等恶劣的环境中,它代替人进行正常的工作,意义更为重大。因此,在机械加工、铸、焊接、热处理、电镀喷漆、装配以及轻工业、交通运输业等方面得到越来越多广泛应用。 机械手的结构形式开始比较简单,专业性较强,仅为某台机床的上下料装置,是附属于该机床的专用机械手。随着工业技术的发展,制成了能够独立的按程序控制实现重复操作,使用范围比较广的“程序控制通用机械手”,简称通用机械手。用于通用机械手很快的改变工作程序,适应性较强,所以他在不断变换生产品种的中小批量生产中获得广泛应用。机械手是一种能自动化定位控制并可重新编程序以变动的多功能机器,它有多个自由度,可用来搬运物体以完成在各个不同环境中工


5、杂,但基本的组成形式是相同的,一般由执行机构、传动系统、控制系统和辅助装置组成。1. 执行机构 机械手的执行机构,由手、手腕、手臂、支柱组成。手是抓取机构,用来夹紧和松开工件,与人的手指相仿,能完成人手的类似动作。手腕是连接手指与手臂的元件,可以进行上下、左右和回转动作。简单的机械手可以没有手腕。支柱用来支撑手臂,也可以根据需要做成移动。2. 传动系统 执行机构的动作要由传动系统来实现。常用机械手传动系统分机械传动、液压传动、气压传动和电力传动等几种形式。3. 控制系统 机械手控制系统的主要作用是控制机械手按一定的程序、方向、位置、速度进行动作,简单的机械手一般不设置专用的控制系统,只采用行程

6、开关、继电器、控制阀及电路便可实现动传动系统的控制,使执行机构按要求进行动作动作复杂的机械手则要采用可编程控制器、微型计算机进行控制。二、机械手的分类和特点 机械手一般分为三类:第一类是不需要人工操作的通用机械手。它是一种独立的不附属于某一主机的装置。它可以根据任务的需要编制程序,以完成各项规定的操作。它的特点是具备普通机械的性能之外,还具备通用机械、记忆智能的三元机械。第二类是需要人工才做的,称为操作机。它起源于原子、军事工业,先是通过操作机来完成特定的作业,后来发展到用无线电讯号操作机来进行探测月球等。工业中采用的锻造操作机也属于这一范畴。第三类是用专用机械手,主要附属于自动机床或自动线上

7、,用以解决机床上下料和工件送。这种机械手在国外称为“Mechanical Hand”,它是为主机服务的,由主机驱动;除少数以外,工作程序一般是固定的,因此是专用的。三、工业机械手的应用 机械手是在机械化、自动化生产过程中发展起来的一种新型装置。近年来,随着电子技术特别是电子计算机的广泛应用,机器人的研制和生产已成为高技术领域内迅速发展起来的一门新兴技术,它更加促进了机械手的发展,使得机械手能更好地实现与机械化和自动化的有机结合。 机械手虽然目前还不如人手那样灵活,但它具有能不断重复工作和劳动、不知疲劳、不怕危险、抓举重物的力量比人手大等特点,因此,机械手已受到许多部门的重视,并越来越广泛地得到

8、了应用。(1) 机床加工工件的装卸,特别是在自动化车床、组合机床上使用较为普遍。 (2) 在装配作业中应用广泛,在电子行业中它可以用来装配印制电路板,在机械行业中它可 以用来组装零部件。(3) 可在劳动条件差,单调重复易子疲劳的工作环境工作,以代替人的劳动。 (4) 可在危险场合下工作,如军工品的装卸、危险品及有害物的搬运等。(5) 宇宙及海洋的开发。(6) 军事工程及生物医学方面的研究和试验。 应用机械手可以代替人从事单调重复或繁重的体力劳动,实现生产的机械化和自动化,代替人在有害环境下的手工操作,改善劳动条件,保证人身安全。20世纪40年代后期,美国在原子能实验中,首先采用机械手搬运放射性

9、材料,人在安全室操纵机械手进行各种操作和实验。50年代以后,机械手逐步推广到工业生产部门,用于在高温污染严重的地方取放工件和装卸材料,也作为机床的辅助装置在自动机床自动生产线和加工中心中应用,完成上下料或从刀库中取放刀具并按固定程序更换刀具等操作。机械手主要由手部机构和运动机构组成。手部机构随使用场合和操作对象而不同,常见的有夹持托持和吸附等类型。运动机构一般由液压气动电气装置驱动。机械手可独立地实现伸缩旋转和昇降等运动,一般有23个自由度。机械手广泛用于机械制造冶金轻工和原子能等部门。 机械手是在自动化生产过程中使用的一种具有抓取和移动工件功能的自动化装置,它是在机械化、自动化生产过程中发展

10、起来的一种新型装置。近年来,随着电子技术特别是电子计算机的广泛应用,机器人的研制和生产已成为高技术领域内迅速发展起来的一门新兴技术,它更加促进了机械手的发展,使得机械手能更好地实现与机械化和自动化的有机结合。机械手能代替人类完成危险、重复枯燥的工作,减轻人类劳动强度,提高劳动生产力。机械手越来越广泛的得到了应用,在机械行业中它可用于零部件组装 ,加工工件的搬运、装卸,特别是在自动化数控机床、组合机床上使用更普遍。目前,机械手已发展成为柔性制造系统FMS和柔性制造单元FMC中一个重要组成部分。把机床设备和机械手共同构成一个柔性加工系统或柔性制造单元,它适应于中、小批量生产,可以节省庞大的工件输送


12、械工业冷加工作业中的较多,而在铸、锻、焊、热处理等热加工以及装配作业等方面的应用较少。因此加工作业的物件重、形状复杂、环境温度高等,给机械手的设计、制造带来不少困难,这就需要解决技术上的难点,使机械手更好地为加工作业服务。同时,在其他行业和工业部门,也将随着工业技术水平的不断提高,而逐步扩大机械手的使用。2、 提高工行业机械手的工作性能机械手工作性能的优劣,决定着它能否正常的应用与生产中,机械手工作性能中的重复定位精度和工作速度两个指标,决定机械手能否保质保量的完成操作的关键因素。因此要解决好机械手的工作平稳性和快速性的要求,除了从解决缓冲定位措施入手外,还应发展满足机械手性能要求价廉的电液伺

13、服阀,将伺服控制系统应用于机械手上。3、 发展组合式机械手从机械手本身的特点来说,可变程序机械手更适应产品类型、设备更新、多品种小批量的要求,但是它的成本高,专用机械手价廉,但适用范围又受到限制。因此,对一些特殊用途的场合,就需要专门设计、专门加工,这样就提高了产品成本。为了适应应用领域分门别类的要求,可将机械手的结构设计成可以组合的形式 。组合式机械手是将一些通用部件根据作业的要求,选择必要的能完成预定机能的单元部件,以机座为基础进行组合,配上与其相适应的控制部分,即成为能完成特殊要求的机械手。它可以简化结构,兼顾了使用上的专用性和设计上的通用性,更于标准化、系列化设计和组织专业化生产,有利


15、为“智能机器人”。所谓“智能”是包括:识别、学习、记忆、分析判断的功能。而识别功能是通过“视觉”、“触觉”和“听觉”等感觉“器官”认识对象的。具有感觉功能的机器人,其工作性能是比较完善的,能够准确地夹持任意方位的物体,判断物体重量,越过障碍物进行工作,自动测出夹紧力大小,并能自动调节,适用于从事复杂、精密的操作,如装配作业,它具有一定的发展前途。智能机器人是一种新兴的技术,对它的研究将涉及到电子技术、控制论、通讯技术、电视技术、空间结构和仿生机械学科。它是当代自动控制技术的一个新兴的领域。随着科学及的发展,智能机器人将会代替人做更多的工作。原文: The development and res

16、earch robots Along with our country the rapid development of industrial production, rapidly improve degree of automation, implementation artifacts of handling, steering, transmission or toil for welding gun, spray gun, spanner and other tools for processing, assembly operations such as automation, s

17、hould cause the attention of people more and more. Manipulator is to imitate the people part of the action, according to a given program, track and demanding acquirement, handling or operation of the automatic device. Applied in the industrial production of the manipulator is referred to as industri

18、al manipulator. Application manipulator can improve the automation of production water in production and labor productivity; Can reduce labor fatigue strength, to ensure product quality, implement safety production; Especially in high temperature and high pressure, low temperature, low pressure, dus

19、t, explosive, toxic and radioactive gases such as harsh environment, it instead of people normal work, the more significant. Therefore, in the machining, casting, welding, heat treatment, electroplating, spray painting, assembly, and light industry, transportation industry get more and more extensiv

20、e application, etc. Manipulator institutional form is simple, strong professionalism, only as a loading device for a machine tools, special-purpose manipulator is attached to this machine. Along with the development of industrial technology, produced independently according to the process control to

21、 achieve repetitive operation, using range is wide program control general manipulator, hereinafter referred to as general manipulator. General manipulator used to quickly change the working procedure, adaptability is stronger, so he is in constant transformation in the medium and small batch produc

22、tion of products are widely used. Manipulator is a kind of can automatic positioning control and can change to programming with multifunctional machine, it has more degrees of freedom, can be used to move things to complete the work in different environments. In China the low level of wages, plastic

23、 products industry still belongs to the labor-intensive, the use of the manipulator has become more popular. The electronic and automobile industry in Europe and the United States multinational companies very early in their factories in China introduced automatic production. But now the change is th

24、e industrial intensive distribution in south China, east Chinas coastal regions local plastic processing plant also began to manipulator show more and more interest, because they have to face high worker turnover rate, as as the challengewell s brought about by the workers pay inductrial injury fee.

25、一、The composition of the manipulator Manipulator is in the form of a variety of, some relatively simple, some more complex, but the basic form is the same, generally by the actuators, transmission system, control system and the auxiliary device. The actuator manipulator actuators, by the hand, wrist

26、, arm, pillars. Hand is grasping mechanism, which is used to clamp and release artifacts, as a human finger, can complete staff of similar action. Is connected to the fingers and wrist arm components, can be up and down, left and right sides and rotary movement. Simple manipulator can not the wrist.

27、 Prop used to support the arm, can also according to need to make it move. The driving system movement of the actuator by the transmission system to achieve. Common mechanical transmission system of mechanical transmission, hydraulic transmission, pneumatic transmission and power transmission etc. S

28、everal forms. The control system of manipulator control system main function is to control the manipulator according to certain procedures, movement direction, position, speed, simple manipulator is generally not set special control system, only the stroke switch, relay, control valves and control c

29、ircuit can realize dynamic transmission system, the executing agency action in accordance with requirements. Action complex manipulator should adopts the programmable controller, microcomputer control.二、classification and characteristics of the manipulator Robots generally fall into three categories

30、 the first is general manipulator doesnt need manual operation. It is a kind of independence is not attached to a host device. It can according to the need of the task program, the operation of the provisions to complete. It is with the characteristics of common mechanical performance, also has gene

31、ral machinery, memory, intelligence of three yuan. The second is the need to do manually. Called Operating machine. It originated in the atom, military industry, first by Operating machine to complete a specific assignment, later to use radio signal Operating machine to explore the moon and so on. U

32、sed in the forging industry Operating machine falls under this category. The third kind is to use special manipulator, mainly attached to automatic machine or automatic line, used to solve machine tool material and workpiece to send up and down. This manipulator in a foreign country is called the Me

33、chanical Hand, it is in the service of the host, driven by the host; Except a few working procedures generally is fixed, so it is special. 三、The application of industrial manipulator Manipulator is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a kind of new type of device. In rec

34、ent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robots development and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve

35、 better with the combination of mechanization and automation. Manipulator although it is not as flexible as manpower, but it can have repeated work and labor, do not know fatigue, is not afraid of danger, snatch heavy weights strength characteristics such as larger than man, as a result, the manipul

36、ator has been brought to the attention of the many departments, and have been applied more and more widely.(1) Machine tools machining the workpiece loading and unloading, especially in automatic lathe, use common combination machine tools.(2) Widely used in the assembly operation, it can be used to

37、 assemble printed circuit board in the electronics industry, it can be in the machinery industry to assemble parts.(3) Can be in working conditions is poor, repetitive easy fatigue of the work environment, to instead of human Labour.(4) The development of the universe and the ocean.(5) Military engi

38、neering and biomedical research and test. Application of robots can replace people in dull, repetitive or heavy manual work, to realize mechanization and automation of production, instead of human in harmful environment of manual operation, improve labor condition, ensure the personal safety. In the

39、 late 1940 s, the United States in the nuclear experiments, firstly adopts manipulator handling radioactive materials, people in the security room to manipulate manipulator for various operation and experiment. After the 50 s, robots gradually extended to industrial production department, for use in

40、 high temperature, serious pollution of local leave work pieces and the loading and unloading materials, as auxiliary device in the machine tool automatic machine, automatic production line and processing center in the application, complete the material up and down or from libraries take put the kni

41、ves and replace tool operations such as fixed procedure. Manipulator is mainly composed of hand and motion mechanism. Hand mechanism varies according to the usage situation and operation object, the common are holding, hold and the adsorption type etc. Motion mechanism usually driven by hydraulic, p

42、neumatic, electric devices. Manipulator can be achieved independently of scaling, rotation and lifting movement, generally speaking, there are 2 3 degrees of freedom. Robots are widely used in machinery manufacturing, metallurgy, light industry and atomic energy etc. Manipulator is used in the produ

43、ction process automation with grab and move the workpiece is a kind of automatic device, it is in the process of mechanization, automation production, developed a new type of device. In recent years, with electronic technology, especially the wide application of electronic computer, the robots devel

44、opment and production has become a high technology developed rapidly in the field of an emerging technology, it promoted the development of the manipulator, make the manipulator can achieve better with the combination of mechanization and automation. Robots can replace humans do dangerous, repeat th

45、e boring work, reduce human labor intensity and improve labor productivity. Manipulator have been applied more and more widely, it can be used for parts assembled in the machinery industry, processing the workpiece handling, loading and unloading, especially on the automatic CNC machine, combination

46、 machine tools more common use. At present, the manipulator has developed into a flexible manufacturing system of FMS and flexible manufacturing cell is an important component of FMC. The machine tool equipment and manipulator of a flexible manufacturing system or flexible manufacturing unit, it is

47、suitable for medium and small batch production, can save a large workpiece delivery device, structure is compact, but also has a strong adaptability. When the workpiece changes, flexible production system is easy to change, is advantageous to the enterprise continuously updated marketable varieties,

48、 improve product quality, better adapt to the needs of the market competition. But at present our countrys industrial robot technology and its engineering application level and foreign than there is a certain distance, scale and industrialization level is low, research and development of the manipulator has direct influence on raising the automation level of production in our country


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