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《2015新版PEP小学英语四年级下册第五单元测试题(共16页).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2015新版PEP小学英语四年级下册第五单元测试题(共16页).doc(16页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上四年级英语下册第五单元测试题(1)Name_ Class_一 根据英语写出中文意思。1. jacket_ 2.shirt_ 3.skirt_ 4. dress_5.sweater_6.T-shirt_7.whose_8.coat_9.pants_ 10.sock_ 11.shorts_ 12.jeans_ 13.shoes_ 14. theyre=theyare_15. yours_ 16.mine_ 17.pack_ 18.wait_ 二 写出中文意思。 1.-Are these yours? _2.-No, they arent. Theyre Chen Jies

2、._3.-Is this Johns? _4.-No, it isnt. Its Mikes._ 5.-Whose coat is this? _6.-Its mine. _7.-Whose pants are those? _8.-They are your fathers. _9.-Ilikethegreenskirt._ - Me too. _10.Putonyourshirt. _ 11. Hangupyourdress._12. Takeoffyourhat. _ 13.Washyourskirt._ 14. Putawayyourpants._15.-Whatcolourare t

3、hey? _ -White._ 16.-IsthatyourT-shirt? _ -Yes,itis./ No,itisnt._17.PleasepassmemyT-shirt._18.-Wherearemynew socks? _ 19.-Theyareonthetable._20.Yourefunny. _21.Whosecapisit?_22.Chen Jie has a green apple._23.Sarah, can you help me, please?_三连词成句1、dress, my, is, where (?) 2、this, jacket, is, whose (?)

4、 3、green, brothers, T-shirt, my, is, baby (.) 4、colour, is, her, dress, new, what (?) 四选择适当的答案。 ( )-1.-Whose book is it? - . A. Its Mike. B. Its Mikes. C.Its Mikes ( )2.- have a big classroom. classroom is clean. A. We/ We B. Our/ Our C. We/ Our ( )3.- likes apples. There are many apples in bag. A.

5、He/ Her B. He/ His C. He/ He -( )4.- is that man? -He is Mr. White. A. What B. Who C. Whose ( )5.- is my car? -Its under the tree. A. Whose B. Who C. Where ( )6.- is it? -Its black. A. What B. What clour C. Who( )7._ are my socks. A.These B.This C.It五、给图片选择对应的单词。将单词序号填在图片下面的括号里。A. jeans B. dress C.

6、skirt D. sweater E. pants F. jacket G. shirt H. shoes I. shorts J. socks ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、给下面的汉语选择正确的单词。( ) 1. 红色的 A. rad B. red C. reb D. rod( )2. 蓝色的 A. dlue B. bleu C. blue D. bloe( ) 3. 黄色的 A. yelow B. yellow C. rellow D. yeloow( )4. 绿色的 A. dreen B. grren C. green D. gle

7、en( )5. 白色的 A. wite B. whita C. white D. Wihte.七、单项选择。( ) 1. - _ is my T-shirt? - Its on the sofa. A. Where B. What C. What colour( ) 2. - _ is your dress? - Its red. A. Where B. What C. What colour( ) 3. -Is this your sweater? - _ A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. - Is that yo

8、ur T-shirt, Dad? - _ A. No, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No, is it. ( ) 5. -Whose skirt is this? - Its _ A. Zhang Peng B. Zhang Pengs C. Zhang Peng is( ) 6. My jacket _ blue. My socks _ white. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is( ) 7. Where _ my shoes? A. is B. am C. are( ) 8. -What are these? - _ A. Its y

9、our baby pants. B. They are your baby pants.( ) 10-Whose bag is it?-Its_. A.my B.mine C.me八、给以下问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What colour is your jacket? A. They are blue.( ) 2 What colour are your jeans? B. They are on the bed.( ) 3. Is this your T-shirt? C. They are your baby pants.( ) 4. What are these? D. Its

10、 green.( ) 5. Where are my socks? E. Yes, it is.九、连词成句,注意标点符号和字母大小写。1、like the white I sweater (.) 2. What your is colour skirt (?) 3. this your Is T-shirt (?) 4. shorts my are new (.) 5. Where your is blue pants (?) 十给下列单词分类。将序号写在横线上。 A.shirt B.yelllow C.your D.shorts E.white F.her G.you H.he1.服装:_

11、2.颜色:_3.物主代词_4.人称代词_四年级英语下册第五单元测试题(2)Name_ Class_一、 根据录音内容,将下面每组中你认为符合录音内容的图片画圆圈圈住。1、 2、 3、 A B A B A B4、 5、A B A B二、听音,选出你所听到的单词,并把序号填在括号里( ) (1) A. dress B. skirt C. cat( ) (2) A. shirt B. orange C. apple( ) (3) A. egg B. jacket C. coat( ) (4) A. hat B. chair C. desk( ) (5) A. sweater B. dress C.

12、milk三、根据录音内容,填上正确的序号。( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、 根据你听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,将其字母序号填入句子前面的括号里。( )1、A、Yes, its Johns。 B、Yes, its my clock. C、No, they arent.( )2、A、Its purple. B、Its mine. C、Its 9:10.( )3、A、Theyre shoes. B、Its a jacket. C、Its my story-book.( ) 4、A、There are two. B、Its 6:10 C、Theyre four.( )5、

13、A、No, it isnt. B、Its on the bed. C、No, they arent.五、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。()1、Is that your ?A、T-shirt B、coat C、jacket ()2、Can I use your ?A、skirt B、pen C、ruler ()3、What colour is your ?A、orange B、dress C、coat ()4、Whose are these?A、glasses B、shirts C、jeans()5、My are old.A、shorts B、shoes C、socks()6、Mikes cap

14、 is .A、yellow B、blue C、white六、听录音,给下列图片标序号。(用阿拉伯数字表示) () () () () ()() () ()七、听录音,选出与录音内容相符的图片。(将其字母编号填在题边的括号里)1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( )A B A B A B A B A B 4.( ) 5. ( ) 八、听问句,选答句。( ) 1. A. Yes, it is. B. Its 5 oclock. C. Its red. ( ) 2. A. No, it isnt. B. Yes, its a shirt. C. Thank you.( ) 3. A. Yes, it i

15、s. B. Yes, they are. C. No, it isnt.( ) 4. A. Theyre Amys. B. Its Amys. C. Theyre on the desk.( ) 5. A. Red. B. On the bed. C. Its Amy.笔试部分一 选出正确的单词或短语1. Are these _(your /yours)? Yes ,they are.2. Is this Johns ? No,its_(Mikes /Mikes).3. My_(shoe/shoes) are white.4. Theyre_(Chen Jie / Chen Jies).5.

16、Where are my new _( sock/socks)6. _ (What /Where ) colour are they?7. I want to wear my _( white /sweater).二 按要求做题。1. These are Chen Jies(变为一般疑问句)2. Is that Johns?(变为复数句子)3. Are these yours,Mike?(作肯定回答)4. Is this Wu Yifans?(作否定回答)5. Is this your sweater? (作肯定回答)三 放学了,同学们正在整理物品准备回家。请选择合适的选项补全对话。A. Wh

17、at time is it? B:_A. Peter,is this yours? B:_ My hat is red .It is Amys.A. _ C.Yes,it is. A.Here you are. C._A. No,it isnt . B. Is this yours,Amy? C.Its four oclock.Its time to go home . D.Thank you!四 改错(找出错误,并在横线上改正。)( )1.is that your hat? _ A B C( )2.Is this your skirt? No,it is._ A B C( )3.I like

18、 this pants._ A B C( )4.Is this Johns?_ A B C五 判别读音是否相同,或( )1.little table ( )2.me apple ( )3.uncle people ( )4.table let六 仿照例句写句子。例如:Are these yours?(Sarahs) Yes,they are. /No,they arent.They are Sarahs.1. Are these Mikes? (Wu Yifans)2. Is this Amys? (Chen Jies)七 给下列句子选择正确的答语。(一)( )1.Can you help m

19、e,please? A.No,they arent.( )2.Where is the dress? B.Yes,it is.( )3.Are they pants? C.Its Zhang Pengs.( )4.Whose coat is that? D.OK.( )5.Is this your skirt? E.Its on the bed.(二)( )1.Where is my skirt? A.Youre welcome.( )2.What colour is your dress? B.Its Amys.( )3.Is this your jacket? C.Yes,it is.(

20、)4.Whose sweater is it? D.Its on the chair.( )5.Thank you. E.Its green.八 阅读对话,选择正确的答案。Mum:Can you help me ,please? Chen Jie: OK! Whose coat is this?Mum:Its mine. Chen Jie: And those ? Whose pants are those?Mum:They are your fathers Chen Jie:Mum,where are my new shorts?Mum:What colour are they? Chen

21、Jie: Blue.Mum:They are on the bed.( )1.Whose coat is this? Its _. A.Chen Jie B.Mums C.Chen Jie( )2.Whose pants are those ? Theyre _ A.Chen Jies B.Mums C.Chen Jies fathers( )3.Chen Jie has new _. A.shoes B.pants C.shorts( )4.What colour are the shorts? A.Blue B.White C.Green四年级英语下册第五单元测试题(3)Name_ Cla

22、ss_一、看一看,选出不同类的单词,并把正确答案填在括号里。( ) 1、A. desk B. jacket C. chair ( ) 2 、A. shirt B. orange C. skirt( ) 3、A. sweater B. dress C. milk( ) 4、A. hat B. coat C. mine( ) 5、A. sock B. sheep C. pants二单项选择( )1. Are these yours? A. yes, they are B. yes, it is. C. no they are( ) 2. Are these yours?A. No,they are

23、nt B. Yes,they arent C. Yes,it is( ) 3. Whose _ are these? A. shoe B. shoes C. shoes( ) 4. Whose pants these? A. is B. are C. for( )5. Whose dress is this? Its_. A. me B. Chen Jies C. She三、请翻译下列句子。Take off your hat. 译: Put on your shirt 译: Wash your skirt. 译: Hang up your dress, 译: Put away your pan

24、ts. 译: 四、根据下列给出的单词,重新组合一下,把词连成句子。1、whose these are pants(?) 2、like that I skirt green(.) 3、coat whose this is(?) 4、to its go home time (!) 5、yours these are (?) 五、从B中选择合适的答案来回答A的问题,把序号填到前面的括号中。 1、( ) What colour is the hat? A、No, they arent.2、( ) Where is the T-shirt ? B、Theyre mikes.3、( ) Are these

25、 yours ? C、 Its mine.4、( ) Whose coat is this? D、Its pink.5、( )Whose pants are these? E、Its on the bed. 六、选择最佳答案。( ) 1、I like that green skirt._A、Thank you. B、Me too. C、Good idea.( ) 2、Is this your jacket?A、Yes, it is. B、Yes, they are. C、Yes, its yours.( ) 3、The pants are my _Afathers Bfather Cfathe

26、rs ( ) 4、Are these Mikes ? A、No, it isnt B、Yes, they are. C、No, they are.( ) 5、 pants are these? Theyre Mikes.A、Whose B、Who C、Whos( ) 6、Look! These are my blue shorts._A、Its nice. B、Fine, thank you. C、Theyre great.( ) 7、_ is it? Its blue.A、 What B、What colour C、Where七、给下列句子选择正确的答语。()1.Whose pants ar

27、e these? A. No, they arent. ()2.Where is the shirt? B. Yes, it is.()3.Are these yours? C. Its Zhang Pengs.()4.Whose coat is that? D. Theyre Chen Jies.()5.Is this your skirt? E. Its on the bed.八、选出不同类的单词。xkb 1. ( )1. A. clothes B. pants C. dress D. skirt( )2. Ashirt Bjacket Cwhite Dshoes( )3.Aone Bpe

28、ncil Cpen Druler( )4.Ababy Bwhose Cwhat Dwhere( )5.Aeight BT-shirt Cten Dtwelve( )6.Athis Bthat Cit Dfive九、看图,选择恰当的句子,将序号填在括号内。A、Wash your skirt. B、Take off your hat.C、Put on your shirt. D、Put away your pants.E、Hang up your dress. 1 ( ) 2 ( )3 ( ) 4 ( ) 5 ( )十找出不同类的单词。( )1.A.shirt B.blue C.sweater (

29、 )2.A.white B.green C.colour( )3.A.when B.who C.weather ( )4.A.yours B.my C.mine( )5.A.shop B.coat C.sock十一选择最佳答案( )1.I like the _. A.red shirt B.shirt is red C.a red shirt( )2.Is this your dress? -_. A.Yes,I am. B.Yes, it is . C.No,it is.( )3Whose is it ? Its_. A.Zhang Peng B.blue C.Zhang Pengs.( )4.What are these ? _ are my old shoes. A.This


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