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《2022年电大网考大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案4.docx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年电大网考大学英语B统考模拟试卷及参考答案4.docx(13页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、精品学习资源高校英语 B 统考模拟试卷及参考答案 4第一部分交际英语此部分共有 5 个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4 个选项,请你从 A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项;1. Its good to have seen you again. Bye. A.Good luck.B. Its getting late.C.Have a good dream.D.I want to see you.正确答案: A题目解读:译文:很兴奋再次见到你,再见!解读:答案A 祝您好运;答案 B 太晚了;答案 C好梦;答案 D我想见你;正确答案选 A;2. I was r

2、ather dissatisfied with my performance. A.You are too proud.B.She is too excellent.C.Take it easy.D. Im satisfied with the film.正确答案: C题目解读:译文:我对我的表演真的很不中意;解读:答案A 你太自豪了;答案 B 她太杰出了;答案 C别紧急;答案 D我很中意这部电影;正确答案选C;3. Its just round the corner.A.How about the corner.B.Excuse me. How do I get to Holiday Hot

3、el.C.Is it justice.D.what is it.正确答案: B欢迎下载精品学习资源题目解读:解读:回答是在拐角处;答案 A 这个角落怎么样?答案 B 对不起,我该怎么去假日酒店?答案 C是公平的吗?答案 D这是什么?正确答案选 B;4. Hello. How are things. A.They are too expensive.B.Im not doing anything righ t now.C.Oh, not so bad.D. Its interesting, isnt it.正确答案: C题目解读:译文:你好,这些东西怎么样?解读:答案A 他们太贵了;答案 B 我

4、现在没有做什么;答案 C 哦,不是特殊差;答案 D很有意思,不是吗?正确答案选C;5. How often do you go dancing. A.I will go dancing tomorrow.B.Yesterday.C.Every other day.D.Ive been dancing for a yea r.正确答案: C题目解读:上文是问频率,所以下文只有答案C才是回答频率的;其次部分阅读懂得此部分共有 2 篇短文,每篇短文后有5 个问题,每个问题后有 4 个选项,请你从 A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项;The purpose of this p

5、art of the book is to help you become more ef ficient in reading by speeding up the process generally. Most people欢迎下载精品学习资源can learn to cover material much faster than they do now while mainta ining a high level of comprehension.Improvement in reading efficiency has several major benefits. We n eed

6、 reading skills to benefit from the wealth of information that isnow available in printed form. Most people get the rough outlines oftheir daily news from television and radio. However, the printed word still provides the in-depth coverage of topics that really produceswell-informed people.Readingis

7、 also a great source of enter tainment for many people. For students, it is the primary method of s tudying.The time you now spend reading can be made much more productive by in creasing your reading rate. For some people this will mean that theycan obtain more information in the same length of time

8、. For others it will mean that time now devoted to reading can be used in other more interesting and profitable ways.To determine how fast you are reading, you first have to get some idea of the number of words in a given passage. Then you simply divid e the number of words by the number of minutes

9、it takes to read. That will give your rate in words per minute.6. The passage is taken from.A. a story bookB. a news reportC. a report on a scientific researchD. a book on reading正确答案: D欢迎下载精品学习资源题目解读:由“ The purpose of this part of the book is to help you become more efficient in reading by speeding

10、 up the process generally.” 可以看出这篇文章来源于一本关于阅读的书,正确答案选D;7. Which of the following statements is NOT a benefit from reading ac cording to the passage.A. Readingwill help readers get more information.B. By reading readers will have a in-depth coverage of daily news.C. Students must read so that they ca

11、n master knowledge.D. Improvement of reading helps readers get outlines of daily news.正确答案: D题目解读:由文章可以看出文章并没有讲改进阅读可以帮忙读者明白新闻的大致,正确答案选 D;8. This passage mainly discusses.A. different kinds of readingB. the importance of improving reading skills and how to calculate reading rateC. reading as a source

12、 of entertainmentD. different ways to improve reading speed正确答案: B题目解读:文章主要讲的是进展阅读技巧的重要性和如何方案阅读的速度,正确答案选 B;9. Readingefficiency in Paragraph 2 means.A. the average reading rateB. the ability of reading fast with a good understanding欢迎下载精品学习资源C. reading materials readers likeD. reading habits正确答案: B题

13、目解读:“ reading efficiency”是阅读效率的意思,所以正确答案选B;10. Reading speed can be calculated by.A. counting how many words a reader has readB. dividing the total number of words a reader read by the time he spends on readingC. timing how many minutes a reader has readD. asking help from the teacher正确答案: B题目解读:由文章

14、“ Then you simply divide the number of words by the n umber of minutes it takes to read.”可以知道提高阅读速度可以通过分段分时间阅读,正确答案选 B;A symbol is something that is used to represent something else. Nu mbers, letters, and words are all symbols that show ideas.The easiest symbols to understand are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

15、6, 7, 8 and 9. We can put these 10 symbols together in different ways to make e very possible number. All people on earth understand the ideas shown by these mathematical symbols. In fact, scientists think that if we m eet living things from space, we will use mathematical symbols to try to talk to

16、them.Letters are symbols we can use to write a sound. We put letters to gether to make words. Words are symbols, too. For example, we want t o write the idea of something that is living. It is made of wood, and it has leaves. We use the word tree. Other languages use different words to make their sy

17、mbols tree.欢迎下载精品学习资源The Egyptians made one of the earliest forms of writing called hie roglyphics. They used pictures to represent people and stories. We ca n still see examples of hieroglyphics in museums. They are very diffi cult for us to read.Europeans began to use picture symbols on road signs

18、 about 50 years ago. People speak many different languages inEurope, but they can drive in all European countries because of the picture symbols inthe road signs.11. All the following are symbols except.A.lettersB.treesC.numbersD. words正确答案: B题目解读:由文章地一段可以知道“ Numbers, letters, and words are all s ym

19、bols that show ideas”并没有提到 B,所以答案选 B;12. In the first sentence of the passage, the word represent means .A.findB.askC.giveD.show正确答案: D题目解读:“ represent ”是表示、描画的意思,这里意思接近的只有单词sho w, 正确答案选 D;13. The easiest symbols to understand are.A.picture symbolsB.lettersC.mathematical symbolsD.signs正确答案: C欢迎下载精品学

20、习资源题目解读:由原文“ The easiest symbols to understand are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8 and9”可以知道最早的象征符号是数字,正确答案选C;14. In this passage, hieroglyphics most probably refers to.A. writing in pictures, not wordsB. writing in words with picturesC. writing in words onlyD. writing with letters正确答案: A题目解读:“ hieroglyphi

21、cs ”是象形文字的意思,“ They used pictures to represent people and stories ”象形文字用的是图画表示人和故事,正确答案选 A;15. Which of the following is not true.A. Numbers can be used to talk to living things from space.B. Hieroglyphics is still used inEgypttoday.C. Words are symbols that show ideas.D. People speaking different l

22、anguages can read road signs.正确答案: B题目解读:答案 ACD都是文中提到的,由“ We can still see examples of hi eroglyphics in museums”可以知道象形文字现在只存在于博物馆了,所以现在已经不适用了,正确答案选 B;第三部分词汇和结构此部分共有 5 个未完成的句子,针对每个句子中未完成的部分有4 个选项,请你从 A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项;16. These are common materialswe are all familiar.欢迎下载精品学习资源A.about w

23、hichB. of whichC.with whichD. to which正确答案: C题目解读:这些是我们都很熟识的一种一般的物质;由于be familiar with是固定搭配,所以正确答案为 C;17. We can obtain knowledge from other sourcesbooks.A.besideB.besidesC.apartD.except正确答案: B题目解读:主要区分 besides 和 except ,前者表示除了仍有,后者表(排)除了其他的,所以依据题意,正确答案为B;18. The sun rises in the east and sets in th

24、e west, so it seems as if the sunround the earth.A.circlesB.is circlingC.be circlingD.were circling正确答案: D题目解读:太阳从东边升起从西边落下,就似乎太阳绕地球转了一圈一样;it seems as if对于一种客观事实的虚拟,用 were doing ,所以正确答案为 D;19. Although the town had been attacked by the storm several times, _ done.A.a few damages wereB.few damages we

25、reC.little damages wasD.a little damages was正确答案: C题目解读:虽然这座城镇被暴风雨突击了很多次,但是只受了一点缺失; altho ugh 引导的句子表示转折,后半句要说明缺失的微小,由于 damage是不行数名次,并且 little 表示微乎其微,意思更加精确,所以正确答案为 C;欢迎下载精品学习资源20. He helped memy homework.A.withB.toC.aboutD.of正确答案: A题目解读: help sb do /help sb do“帮忙某人做某事”; help sb with st h“帮忙某人某事”,固定搭

26、配,所以正确答案为A;第四部分完型填空短文中共有 10 个未完成的句子,针对每个句子空缺部分有4 个选项,请你从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确选项;The water level of oceans rises and falls21twice a day. This movement of water is called the tide. Tides are caused by the22of the sun and the moon on the earths surface; since the moon is much closer, it affects the

27、 tides more than the sun. When23is directly overhead, it actually pulls on the water that is24it. This causes the water level to25because water is pulled away from the earth. As the moon disappears over the26,the p ull27and the water level settles back towards the ocean botto m.When the water reache

28、s its highest level, we have high tide. And when the water reaches its lowest level, we have low tide. From its28point, the water rises gradually for about six hours29it reaches high tide. Then it begins to fall continuously for about s ix hours until it reaches low tide. Then the30begins again.21.

29、A. quicklyB.slowly欢迎下载精品学习资源C. alternativelyD.repeatedly正确答案: C题目解读:依据上下文意思,这里表示海水一天涨潮,落潮变化两次,表变化的词语用 alternatively,正确答案选 C;22. A. strengthB.pullC. driveD.power正确答案: B题目解读:依据自然科学尝试,潮水是受太阳和月亮的引力影响变化的;表示引力用 pull ,后面也多次提到了引力 pull ,正确答案选 B;23. A. the sunB.the moonC. the earthD.the star正确答案: B题目解读:依据前面的意

30、思是当月亮靠近时,对海潮的影响大于太阳,即这里表示月亮,正确答案选B;24. A. belowB.overC. besideD.inside正确答案: A题目解读:当月亮引力作用时一般是涨潮,而太阳引力作用时是落潮,所以这里应当填 below 表示吸引水到月亮下面,正确答案选A;25. A. riseB.fallC. moveD.float正确答案: A题目解读:月亮引力吸引水往上运动,当然是涨潮,正确答案选A;26. A. surfaceB.tree欢迎下载精品学习资源C. mountainD.horizon正确答案: D题目解读:依据上下文表示月亮消逝在地平线,正确答案选D;27. A.

31、risesB.increasesC. lessensD.shortens正确答案: C题目解读:月亮消逝在地平线上,即它的引力就变小了,表示降低变小用less ens,正确答案选 C;28. A.longestB.shortestC. highestD.lowest正确答案: D题目解读:依据后面的意思,海水逐步上升差不多六小时后到达最高点即涨潮,推断出这里应当是最低潮,正确答案选D;29. A.untilB.althoughC. even ifD.after正确答案: A题目解读:表示海水上升需要六个小时才能到达高潮,与后面相对应until it reaches low tide,所以正确答

32、案选 A;30. A.workB.circleC. tripD.business正确答案: B题目解读:依据上下文意思,最低潮过后六小时逐步到达高潮然后又开头回落到达最低潮,然后又开头逐步到达高潮,如此周而复始,表示循环的意思用ci rcle ,正确答案选 B;欢迎下载精品学习资源第五部分英译汉请把以下 3 个句子翻译成中文;31. Apple here like water and sunshine.试卷解读:这里的苹果喜爱水和阳光;32. There is a large amount of energy wasted due to friction.试卷解读:由于摩擦而损耗了大量的能量;33. As is known to all,Chinais a developing country.试卷解读:众所周知,中国是一个进展中国家;第六部分写作要求你依据下面所给的题目用英语写出一篇不少于80 词的短文;34. My College Life欢迎下载


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