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1、精品学习资源2021 届英语复习模块才能检测:阶段质量评估(五)(外研版必修5)120 分钟150 分第一卷(挑选题)其次部分英语学问运用(共两节,满分35 分)第一节语法和词汇学问(共15 小题;每道题1 分,满分 15 分)21. Mother asked me to repeattelephone numbersecond time so that she could write it down.A. the; theB. the; aC. an; theD. an; the【解读】选 B;考查冠词;第一个空特指所提到的电话号码,用定冠词;“a second time ” 意为“再一次,

2、又一次”;22. On Christmas Eve, a bell is usually rung as afor children to enter the room, where they re delighted to find the trees lit up wtih presents.2021 泰安模拟A. signalB. symbolC. markD. sign【解读】选 A;考查名词辨析; signal 信号; symbol象征; mark标注,记号; sign(招) 牌,迹象;在此句中铃声响起是孩子们可以进入房间的信号;23. , they had no chance of

3、 winning the war.2021 长春模拟A. As they fought bravelyB. Bravely though they foughtC. Brave as they foughtD. Now that they fought bravely【解读】选 B;though 引导的让步状语从句,用陈述句也可用倒装句;as 意为“虽然,尽管”,引导让步状语从句时,从句要用倒装语序;本句中如用as, 应为 Bravely as they fought ;24. I m going toethpark this afternoon. That s a good idea. Bu

4、t how will you get there. .I didn t think of it.欢迎下载精品学习资源A. It s easyB. That s rightC. That s a good pointD. You are right【解读】选 C;That s a good point “说得对,所言极是”,符合题意;25. these two cultur es carefully and you ll find their differences.A. Compare withB. ComparingC. Comparing withD. Compare【解读】选D;此处为“

5、祈使句 +and+陈述句”句型,祈使句应以动词原形开头,compare可用作及物动词,后直接接宾语;compare with “与相比较”,不符合题意;26. I warned my sonafter drinking.A. never to driveB. to never driveC. never drivingD. never drive【解读】选 A;warn sb. not to do sth.表示“警告某人不要做某事”,never to do sth.比not to do sth.语气更强;27. If you areabout the Pyramids in Egypt, ju

6、st read the book written by Dr. Brown.A. anxiousB. curiousC. seriousD. puzzled【解读】选B;依据句意,此处应指“对奇怪的”,应选B;A 指“担忧的”; C 指“严峻的”; D 指“困惑的”;28. I got caught in the storm ;I would have been here sooner.A. howeverB. anywayC. otherwiseD. although【解读】选C;考查副词;however “无论如何,然而”;anyway “不管怎么说”; otherwise “否就,要不然

7、”;although “虽然”;句意为:我遇到了暴风雨,否就我早就到了;29. The story of Super Voice Girls has not ended yet and many fansfor the games in 2021.A. will waitB. are waitingC. have waitedD. waited【解读】选B;考查时态;句意:“超级女声”的故事仍没终止,很多歌迷们正在等待着2021 年的竞赛;此句中的“等待”表示现在的状态;所以用现在进行时;欢迎下载精品学习资源30. You d better concyeorunrself your own b

8、usiness and not mine.A. with ; toB. with; withC. with ; onD. abou;tat【解读】选 B;句意:你最好做好自己的事,不要管我;concern oneself with/about sth.意为“关怀某事”,其次空省去了concern oneself ;应选 B;31. PK, whichplayer killer, is a term that was from online games.A. serves asB. stands forC. regards asD. applies for【解读】选 B;句意: PK 代表“ p

9、layer killer ”,是来源于网络嬉戏的术语;stand for“代表”;32. Can you think of some casesdrivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didn t obey them.A. whyB. whereC. asD. which【解读】选B;句意:你能想出一些司机明明知道交通规章却不遵守的情形吗?where引导定语从句修饰先行词cases;33. Near the tablea poor dog, who desired to satisfy his hunger withfell from the

10、table.A. laid; somethingB. lay; thatC. laid; thatD. la;y what【解读】选D;句意:桌子旁躺着一只可怜的小狗;它希望用桌子上掉下来的食物来解除它的饥饿; lie 作为“躺”讲时,过去式,过去分词分别为lay, lain ;with 为介词,其后须加宾语从句,故用what 引导的名词性从句作其宾语,且what 在宾语从句中又作主语,其他结构不符合语法;34. It was with great joyhe received the news that his lost daughter had been found.A. becauseB

11、. whichC. sinceD. that【解读】选D;考查强调句型的用法;“It was+被强调部分 +that ”这是表示强调的固定句式;去掉 It was 和 that 之后句子可仍原为: He received the news that his lost daughter had been found with great joy.句子意义完整; A、C 两项引导缘由状语从句,与主句意义不符;which 不用于强调句型;故正确答案是D 项;35. Accessthe mountain-town is often difficult because of the bad roads.

12、欢迎下载精品学习资源A. ofB. withC. toD. on【解读】选 C;句意为:由于路况不好,进入山城总是很难;access to.进入;接近,为一固定用法;其次节完形填空(共 20 小题;每道题1 分,满分 20 分)In a national spelling contest in America,an 11-year-old girl was asked to spell a certain word.But with her 36 voice the judges were not sure if she spelled the word with the letter Aor

13、 E.They talked it over and37 decided to simply ask her what she had said.By now, the girlknew she had 38 the word.But instead of lying, she told the truth that she had said the39 letter so she lost the contest.As the girl walked off the 40 , the entire audience stood to their feet clapping to applau

14、dher 41 . Later, dozens of newspaper reporters wrote about this 11-year-old girlshonesty, even when it42 her the contest.But the fact is that she43the biggest contest that day: the contest of her44 .Probably the biggest test of our character and honesty is what we would do if we knew wewould never g

15、et 45.This young girl could easily have 46and nobody would have known it欢迎下载精品学习资源but herself.But that s just it: She would know she did wrong.Itf you47 ,yosu been said,“I欢迎下载精品学习资源make yourself cheap.” This young girl was strong and smart enough to prize her own48 and character more than the prize

16、from a spelling 49.Her respect for herself was more importantthan any50others might give her for winning a contest.She knew she would have to live with herself and the 51 she made in that moment would have a long-lasting influence.It s so true that the choices you make today 52what you are tomorrow.

17、Our children will53 our behavior much more than our advice.So if we want them to54to be honest, we must show them the way by being honest ourselves.Remember, our kids are55 what we do and how we live even when we don t think they see or know.36. A. highB. sweetC. toughD. soft【解读】选D;从下文评委们没有听清,打算去问女孩

18、说的什么可知,女孩说话的声音应是轻柔的,故要用soft;37. A. finallyB. kindlyC. secretlyD. totally【解读】选 A;由上句的“ They talked it over and. . .”可知经过评委的一再争论,最终仍欢迎下载精品学习资源是打算问一下女孩说的是什么,故用finally ;kindly友善地; secretly 隐秘地; totally全部地;38. A forgotten B mispronounced C misspelledD lost【解读】选 C;依据上文提到的“ a national spelling contest ”可知此

19、处是指女孩拼错了,应选 misspelled ;39. A correctB wrongC differentD same【解读】选B;由上文提到女孩拼错了,但是女孩没有说谎,而是将真相讲出来,故这里要用 wrong ,她说了错的字母,由此她也输掉了这场竞赛;40. A. stageB. studioC. testD. classroom【解读】选 A;从下文的 the entire audience stood to their feet clapping to . . .这一语境可知女孩是从竞赛的舞台上走下来,应选stage;41. A. braveryB. honestyC. coura

20、geD. cleverness【解读】选 B;从上文的 instead of lying, she told the truth可知女孩是诚恳的,下文中也提到了女孩的诚恳; bravery 英勇; courage 士气; cleverness 聪慧;42. A. cancelledBcostC offeredDwasted【解读】选B;与上文女孩输掉竞赛相呼应;cost在文中意为“使失去,付出的代价”;43. A. achievedB. brokeC. wonD. defeated【解读】选C;从表面上看女孩是输掉了一场拼写竞赛,但她却赢得了另外一场竞赛:一个人的品德竞赛的成功;44. A.

21、reputationB. knowledgeC. lifeD. character【解读】选D;honesty (诚恳)是做人的一种品德,故在这里要用character ;下段中的Probably the biggest test of our character 也有提示; reputation声誉; knowledge 学问; life生命;45. A. paidB. awardedC. caughtD. reported欢迎下载精品学习资源【解读】选 C;从上下文可知,即使女孩说谎也不会有人知道,故这里用get caught 被人抓住;46. A. escapedB. liedC. ch

22、angedD. answered【解读】选 B;此处为虚拟语气;女孩本可以很简单地撒谎,除了她自己别人不会知道;47. A. acceptB fightC cheatD insist【解读】选 C;本句为谚语“ If you cheat, you make yourself cheap.”48. A. conscienceB feelingC diligenceDmodesty【解读】选 A;conscience 指做人的良知; feeling 感情; diligence 勤奋; modesty 指人的谦逊;49. A contestB championC judgeD expert【解读】选

23、 A;与第一段第一句照料,可知这里要用contest,指拼写竞赛;50. A. senseB. prideC. respectD. awareness【解读】选C;由上句的Her respectforherself可知后面应为别人对她的敬重,应选respect ;51. A. planB. conclusionC. discovery【解读】选 D;与下文的D. choiceIt s so true that the choices you make today. . .相呼应,这里作者指出,一个人在这样一个时刻所做出的挑选会对一个人产生长期的影响;52. A. makeB. changeC.

24、 keepD create【解读】选 A;这里 make 表示“使成为”;今日所做出的挑选影响着明天会成为什么样的人;53. A. giveB. takeC. followD. set【解读】选 C;孩子会仿照我们的行为,follow 仿照,照着某人的样子做;54. A. grow upB. bring upC. take upD. come up【解读】选A;考查词组意义;依据语境,作者此处是说“假如我们想要孩子长大成为诚恳的人, 我们必需要第一诚恳”;欢迎下载精品学习资源55. ArecordingB inspectingC correctingDwatching【解读】选 D;由 eve

25、n when we don t think they see or know可知,作者要表达的意思是“我们的孩子在凝视着我们的一举一动”,身教赛过言传;第三部分阅读懂得(共 20 小题;每道题2 分,满分 40 分)A原创猜测题 Athens OlympicchampionLiu Xiangignited (使灼热) theOlympicsportscenterwith victory in the men s 110m hurdles final at the 11th Chinese National Games.The 26-year-old Liu exploded out of th

26、e starting blocks and hit the line first in 13. 34 seconds.The result was good enough for the 2007 world champion to win the title, but far off his former world record and personal best of 12. 88 seconds.“ I just wanted to keep the pace, keep steady. I kept watching my opponents during the race.I di

27、dn t make my utmost to spurt(冲刺) , ” Liu said after the race. Ji Wei of the People s Liberation Army, who placed first in the heats, finished second in 13. 42 seconds.“ Thanks a lotfor the Shandong people s support and also the media. I felt great tonight,” Liu added.“ After I accepted the surgery,

28、I was in doubt of myself and cannot see my future. But with onematch after another, I gradually recovered. I believed in myself,” said Liu.As the first Chinese male athlete to win an Olympic track gold, Liu is one of the nation s favorite sports stars like NBA Houston Rockets center Yao Ming.Support

29、ers were shocked and heartbrokenwhen Liu limped (一瘸一拐地走) out of the Bird s Nest last year at the Beijing Olympics due to the foot injury.Thirteen months later, the strong-minded man thrilled the home crowd with strong comeback in Shanghai and proved he still had the strength to catch up with current

30、 record holder Dayron欢迎下载精品学习资源Robles of Cuba.Liu s victory made him become the first Chinese athlete to win an event in a row inthree straight Games.“To be a triple champion(三连冠) was great. I still hope to win the fourth next time,” said Liu.56. What s the main idea of the passage.A. Liu Xiang pick

31、ed gold at National Games.B. Liu Xiang is the first Chinese male athlete to win an Olympic track gold.C. Liu Xiang is a strongminded man.D. Liu Xiang surprised his fans with strong comeback.【解读】选 A;考查文章的主旨大意;由文中第一、二段以及最终两段可知, 本文主要环绕刘翔在全运会摘金而进行报道,故A 项正确; B、 C、D 三项都是文章中的一部分,范畴小了;57. What does the unde

32、rlined word in the third paragraph mean.A. high temperatureB. hot weatherC. intense feelingD. the race before the final【解读】选D;推理判定题;通读整篇文章可知,刘翔获得本次全运会的冠军,所以纪伟的第一应当是在预赛中获得的,故此处的“heat ”应为预赛之意,所以D 项正确;58. Which of the following statements about Liu Xiang is TRUE.A. Liu Xiang became an Olympic champion

33、again.B. Liu Xiang became the world champion in 2007.C. Liu Xiang finished the men s 110m hurdles final this time in less time than his world record.D. Liu Xiang is not satisfied with his performance.【解读】选B;细节懂得题;细读文章前三段可知,刘翔获得的是全运会冠军,并且成果不及他的世界纪录,但他对自己的表现比较中意;由此判定A、 C、D 三项错误,由 “ The result was good

34、 enough for the 2007 world champion to win the title. . .”可知 B 项正确;59. After the foot injury,.A. Liu still took part in Beijing Olympic Games and satisfied his supporters8 / 18欢迎下载精品学习资源B. Liu was as active as beforeC. it took Liu 13 months to recoverD. Liu didn t doubt his own ability and was full

35、of hope about his future【解读】选C;细节懂得题;由文章的四至七段可知,刘翔在北京奥运会上曾令他的支持者特别扫兴、难过;他曾一度对自己的前途感到迷茫;并且他用了13 个月的时间来复原, 所以 C 项正确;60. From the passage, we can conclude that.A. Liu Xiang and Yao Ming are both national stars in trackB. Liu Xiang thrilled his home crowd with strong comebackC. Liu Xiang is the first Ch

36、inese athlete to win an event in a rowD. it is promising for Liu Xiang to compete with Dayron Robles【解读】选 D;推理判定题; B、C 两项是文中的事实 , 不符合题意要求; Yao Ming 为篮球运动员,故 A 项不正确;由倒数第三段可知,刘翔康复后的竞赛成果使人们对他与 Dayron Robles 的对抗布满信心,所以 D 项正确;B原创猜测题 You probably didn t know who James Cameron was, but you muasvtehheard of

37、 or seen the movie he directed Titanic 1997, which was the most successful film to date.Since that time Cameron has been at work, but he has not spent his time on another love story. Instead, it has been Avatar, which he conceived (构思) 14years ago and spent four years making, at a cost of $400 milli

38、on2.7 billion yuan. The blockbuster(大片) is a huge hit in the US.British newspaper The Independent calls it“ the most ambitious 3D film ever released”欢迎下载精品学习资源a movie revolution offering as big a leap in our viewing experience as the change from black-and- white television to color,” writes Eddie Wr

39、enn, reporter with British newspaper Daily Mail.If you ve had previous experience of 3D, your impression will be one of a flattish (平的)image with the occasional (偶尔的) object “ flying ” at you.However, Cameron s newlydeveloped technologies have made a difference the entire screen has depth, taking on

40、 the appearance of a window through which you are watching a“ world ” on the screen. Rather than a flat, moving painting, it has adistinct (明显的) foregroundand background.“ In effect,thecinema screen becomes a theater stage, ” according to Wrenn.Althoughthemovie s cutting-edge (前沿的) technologieshavea

41、rouseddiscussion, Cameron stresses that “ film, as ever, is about story.”Avatar focuses on Jake Sully, a former Marine who was paralyzed(瘫痪) in a war on Earth. Heparticipates in the Avatar program, which repairs his body. He is sent to Pandora, a rainforest- covered planet populatedby beautifulbutte

42、rrifyingcreatures called the Na vi.They are humanoid (类人的) beings, consideredprimitive (原始的) byhumans.However,when humans decide to invade their planet and claim it as their own, they see they were mistaken.The blue skinned Na vis are great warriors (战士) .Jake finds himself caught between the Earth

43、s military forces and the Na vi, and must chsides in a battle which will decide the fates of the two planets.61. According to the passage, which of the following about Avatar is WRONG.A. It was thought up by James Cameron 14 years ago.B. It took four years to make it.C. Many people in the US enjoy s

44、eeing it.D. It costs more than any other film.【解读】选 D;细节懂得题;依据其次段可知A、 B、C 三项正确,其次段中只提及这部影片花了 4 亿美元,但并没说花费最高;应选D;62. This 3D film by James Cameron.A. is the same as the previous 3D filmsB. shows you a flat and moving paintingC. makes the cinema screen look like a theater stage欢迎下载精品学习资源D. adopts the

45、technology which has been widely used【解读】选 C;细节懂得题;依据第四段中的 Rather than a flat, moving painting, it has a distinct foreground and background. “ In effect, the cinema screen becomes a theater stage, ” . . . 可知;63. We can conclude from the passage that.A. Jake Sully in Avatar is not imaginary but realB. James Cameron is the director of both Titanic and AvatarC. American newspaper The Independent thinks highly of AvatarD. Eddie Wrenn thinks Avatar only offers the change of colors【解读】选 B;推理判定题;依据倒数第一、二段可知 Jake Sully


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