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《2022年PEP小学英语三级下册《Unit3AtthezooBLet’stalk》教学设计.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2022年PEP小学英语三级下册《Unit3AtthezooBLet’stalk》教学设计.pdf(9页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Unit 3 At the zoo B Lets talk 课前跟学生熟悉互动,交流感情;欣赏歌曲At the zooStep 1 Warm-Up1. Greetings! T: Hello, boys and girls! Im your new friend. Nice to meet you. Ss:Nice to meet you too. T: Thank you. Let me introduce myself. T(PPT 展示):Ss:Wow T:Children look at me .(渗透文本 Look at the elephant.)Am I beautiful? 精

2、品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - - Ss:Yes. T:Do you remember “I have a small mouth.”?Ss:Yes. (PPT呈现 small 并教读. 操练:领读 3 遍- 小组-2-3 学生读-PPT巩固) T:Do you remember “I have a long hair. ”?Ss:Yes. (PPT呈现 long 并教读 . 操练:领读 3 遍-小组-2-3 学生读-PPT巩固)【设计

3、意图】:通过自我介绍,拉近与学生的距离。利用与学生的 free talk,介绍自己,引出新词small、 long,并教之,为新课学习做铺垫。【教后反思】:本环节完成后,比较好的地方是学生比较喜欢老师的自我介绍环节,对老师的图片很感兴趣。两个单词的达成度比较高。Step 2 Presentation. (一)整体感知文本,理解文本大意T: Children,do you like animals?Ss:Yes. T: Today is sunny.Lets go to the zoo.Ss:Yeah. T: Our old friends(PPT呈现 John、 Mike、 Chen Jie)

4、 want to go 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - - to the zoo too. Let s go together. But there are so many animals in the zoo. What animal are they talking about? Next listen and answer. T: Got it? S1: The elephant. 【设计意图】:第一遍带着简单的问题听,让学生从

5、整体、初步理解感知文本.(二) 带着问题视听,获取对话细节信息, 学习句型 It has a.和 It has.and. T: Great! (强调 the 的读音) We know they are talking about the elephant. Whats the elephant like? Listen and answer.(Check the answer并引出主句型 It has a.板书,教读。操练方式:领读三遍 -小组读 -男女生读 -句子接龙。 在处理 It has 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 -

6、- - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - - a short tail.时教读单词 tail) 趣味操练:T: We know the elephant has.(引导学生完成 ) And what does Mike say about the elephant? Listen and answer. (Check the answer . 板书另一主句型It has. And.并教读。) 【设计意图】:通过两次分层次的listen and watch,让学生能够把握本节课的主要语言点。并在两次不同问题的listen and answer下

7、学习课文,同时在此过程中完成对本课重难点的突破。【教后反思】:本环节做得比较好的地方是教师肢体语言的利用,特别是教授 It has a long nose, 师用自己的手和胳膊形象的模仿大象,学生们都哈哈大笑,并边说句子边做动作,学习兴趣非常高;不足的地方是对主句型It has.and.的操练力度还不够,个别学生的反应还是未能达到教学目标。在以后的教学中,我一定从各个层面加强句型的练习。精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - - (三) 整合

8、主句型 It has a. It has.and. 并做操练(一问一答 ,微格展示)1.运用 It has a. It has.and. 完成对 the elephant的描述,整合主句型。T:Boys and girls, look, what s the elephant like? Ss: It has a. It has.and. T: So clever!2.Lets play a guessing game.【设计意图】:通过电脑简笔画学以致用,为学生提供更多情境中说的机会 ; 猜一猜的游戏,学生的参与度非常高,真正做到了寓教于乐的效果。Step 3. Practice 1. Ne

9、xt lets listen and imitate.(听音仿读 ) Open your books and turn to. Listen, point and imitate. PPT: Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. (注意你的语音语调。)2.Read in pairs.( 师生读,注意加肢体语言) 3.Roles play(生生读 )(让学生角色扮演的时候渗透句子精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 9

10、页 - - - - - - - - - - come here,children.) 4.This time take out your pens,and Circle the sentences about the elephant. Read them.( 加汉语提示。 ) 5.I like your voice.Then, finish the sentences about the elephant. 【设计意图】:通过听音仿读,纠正学生发音;通过对大象的描述进行文本重构,进一步加深对文本的掌握, 为接下来的拓展活动做铺垫。【教后反思】:本环节做得比较好的地方是圈出描写大象的句子,完成

11、文本重构,学生做的很轻松。不足的地方是意义操练较少,需改进。Step 4Production 拓展 1.听 We have known the elephant is our friend. Now let s see my friend. First listen and choose “Who is he?”(课件展示) Maybe my friend has big head.Next lets listen and choose. 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 9 页

12、 - - - - - - - - - - 拓展 2 说 Draw your friend and talk about them. Children, this is my friend. What about your friend? Next you can draw your friend and talk about your friend in pairs.If you friend is a animal,you can use this. If you friend is a girl,you can use this. If your friend is a boy,you c

13、an use that. You can do like thisgot it?OK,lets begin.(师与一生做示范,并小组合作,然后起来展示2-3 组。)注意时间,看时间而定展示的组数。拓展 3 语篇 情感渗透 Our friend 欣赏各种类可爱的动物,其次出示杀戮动物的图片,让学生明白 We should love animals. 【设计意图】: 通过听一听、说一说的活动,从听 My friend 到谈论 Your friend,再到 Our friend 体现了活动的递进, 学以致用, 实现了有效拓精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢

14、迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - - 展。从情感处出发,教育学生要爱护动物。【教后反思】:上课之前,自认为本环节设计的环环相扣,课堂效果应该很好,我急于表达设计意图了,未留给学生更多的时间来展示,以后一定注定教师示范的度。Step 5 Progress 1、Summary. 利用板书 ,引导学生进行总结: OK, boys and girls What have you learned today? You can read together. 【设计意图】:总结本课所学,引导学生对本课知识点的回顾。2、Homework. 设计并珍藏你朋友的个人档案(可以在电脑上制作 )。板书设计:Unit 3 At the zoo Part B Lets talk精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - - It has a. It has.and. 精品资料 - - - 欢迎下载 - - - - - - - - - - - 欢迎下载 名师归纳 - - - - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 9 页 - - - - - - - - - -


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