2022年初二英语上册Module-8-Accidents-知识点总结 .docx

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1、初二英语上册(外研版) Module 8 Accidents学问点总结一、重点词汇pale原文再现You look pale.你看起来脸色惨白;基本用法paleadj.惨白的;无力的Why does your face look so pale. What s wrong with you.为什么你的脸色看起来是如此惨白?发生什么事了吗?appear原文再现While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.当交通灯变红的时候,一辆车突然从拐角显现;基本用法1. appearvi. 显现

2、(过去式: appeared过去分词: appeared现在分词: appearing第三人称单数:appears )A woman suddenly appeared in the doorway.一个女人突然显现在门口;The sun appeared on the horizon.太阳显现在地平线上;2. appear做系动词,意为:显得,似乎The old man appears to be in good health. 这位老人显得健康;学问拓展 -相关单词1. disappearv. 消逝,不见The snow will soon disappear when the warm

3、weather comes.天气变暖时,雪很快就会融解;2. appearancen. 外貌,外观He had the appearance of a college student.他的模样就像个高校生;round原文再现While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.当交通灯变红的时候,一辆车突然从拐角显现、基本用法1. roundprep.绕过,到 的另一边,环绕Suddenly a car came round a corner on the opposite side.突然

4、,对面的街角处拐过一辆汽车; They were sitting round the kitchen table. 他们正围坐在餐桌旁;2. roundn. 圆,圆形;循环;They dance in a round.他们围成圆圈跳舞;3. roundadj.圆形的;弧形的;The round sun was setting.圆圆的太阳就要落山了;4. roundadv.处处;在四周Shall we look round first.我们先四处看看好吗?corner原文再现While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeare

5、d round the corner.当交通灯变红的时候,一辆车突然从拐角显现;基本用法cornern. 角落,拐角处; in the corner意为:在角落He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage.他坐在一节二等车厢的角落里;学问拓展 -词义辨析: on the corner/in the corner/at the corner/around the corner on the corner物体表面的角上in the corner物体内部的角落里at the corner物体外部的角落上(拐角处)around the corner即将

6、来临The Spring Festival is just around the corner.春节即将来临;hit原文再现So did the car hit the boy.那么车撞上小孩了吗?基本用法hitv. 打,撞击(过去式: hit过去分词: hit现在分词: hitting三单: hits ) She hit him a hard blow.她狠狠地打了他一拳;hit/beat sb. on/in the+身体部位,指:打着某人的 身体部位 注:面积大的,会凹陷的用in ;小的,硬的,突出的地方用on ;hit sb. in the face打在某人脸上hit sb. on th

7、e nose /jaw打在某人鼻子上 / 下巴上学问拓展 -词义辨析 beat/hit/strike这些动词均含有 “打”之意;1. beat :一般用词,含义广泛,指连续打击,嬉戏、竞赛或战争中作打败解;也可指心脏“跳动 ”;Hes alive -his heart is still beating.他仍活著 心脏仍在跳;2. strike :一般用词,多指急速或突然一次猛击;仍可表示“擦着 火柴 ”;时钟 “敲响 ”;“突然想起 ”A terrible thought suddenly struck me. Had anyone broke into house.我突然有了一个可怕的想法;

8、已经有人闯入房子吗.3. hit :一般用词,常与 strike 换用,侧重有目标的猛击,强调用力击中;glad原文再现No, I m glad to say.没有,我兴奋地说;基本用法gladadj.兴奋的,愿意的Glad to see you.很兴奋见到您;They were so glad to be together.又能在一起,他们真是太兴奋了;in time原文再现The car stopped in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.车准时停下,但是小男孩从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了膝盖;基本用法in time

9、准时He might get here in time, but I cant be sure. 他可能准时来到这里,不过我不能确定; The doctor came in time to save his life.医生准时来抢救他的生命;学问拓展 -词义辨析 in time/on time1. in time及“时 ”,指的是不迟到或在提前的时间之前做某事,后面可接不定式或for 短语;2. on time准“时 ”,指按规定的时间或指定的时间做某事,后面不行以跟不定式或for 短语;Joe was just in time for the bud. Joe 正好赶上那班汽车;They g

10、ot there on time to see the exhibition.他们准时到那儿,去看了那个展览;fall off原文再现The car stopped in time, but the boy fell off his bike and hurt his knee.车准时停下,但是小男孩从自行车上摔下来,摔伤了膝盖;基本用法fall off削减;跌落When you are learning to ride a bicycle, you often fall off.在你学骑自行车时,你常常会从车上摔下来;学问拓展 -词义辨析: fall 词组1. fall down掉下来,摔倒

11、Babies often fall down when they learn to walk.婴儿在学走路时常常摔倒;2. fall behind落后He didnt want to fall behind in his studies.他不想在学习上落后于别人;3. fall into落入The boy fell into water and had to be pulled out at once.男孩掉入了水中,必需立刻拉上来;risk原文再现So when you re on your bike, think aboutthe risk of an accident.因此你骑自行车的时

12、候,要想想事故的危急性;基本用法1. riskn. 危急What do you do to lower your risk of stroke.你要做些什么来降低你患中风的风险呢?take risks/a or the risk of doing sth.指:冒风险做某事If you refuse to take risk, you can t have better. returns假如你决绝承担风险,你就不能获得很高的回报;2. riskv. 冒风险,用于 risk doing sth ,意为:冒险做某事He didnt want to risk getting wet, because

13、he had only one suit.他不想冒险弄湿,由于他只有一套西装;attention原文再现Pay attention, stop at the red lights and what else.留心留意,红灯停 仍有什么?基本用法attentionn. 留意,留意力pay attention指“用心,集中留意力 ”, pay attention to sth/doing sth指“集中留意力于某事 ”We want you to pay attention.我们期望得到你们的关注;We should pay attention to our spoken English.我们应当

14、留意英语口语;side原文再现Don t walk side by side w ith your friends.不要跟伴侣肩并肩走;基本用法siden. 边,侧面,方面We put a notice on the side of the box.我们在箱子的一侧贴了警示标;side by side肩并肩;相互支持地The two children are walking side by side.那两个孩子肩并肩地走着;学问拓展 -相关短语hand in hand手牵手face to face面对面heart to heart坦诚地shoulder to shoulder肩并肩地back

15、to back背对背地hand in hand手拉手地arm in arm臂挽臂地step by step逐步地bite原文再现I was trying to pick it up when it bit me again.我想把它捡起来,这时它咬了我一口;基本用法1. bitev. 咬,叮(过去式: bit 过去分词: bitten现在分词: biting三单: bites )Both sisters bit their nails as children.两姐妹都像小孩儿一样咬指甲;We were all badly bitten by mosquitoes.我们都被蚊子咬惨了;2. bi

16、ten. 咬;一口He took another bite of apple.他又咬了一口苹果;climb原文再现It climbed out and hid somewhere.它爬出去,藏在了什么地方;基本用法climbvt.& vi.爬上,攀登(过去式: climbed过去分词: climbed现在分词: climbing三单: climbs )He picked up his suitcase and climbed the stairs.他拎起手提箱,爬上了楼梯;climb up指“向上攀爬 ”The old lady climbed up the stairs with diffi

17、culty.这位老太婆艰巨地爬上楼梯;hide原文再现It climbed out and hid somewhere.它爬出去,藏在了什么地方;基本用法hidevt. 隐匿;隐瞒(过去式: hid 过去分词: hidden现在分词: hiding 三单: hides ) Hearing someone come in, he hid himself behind the curtain.听见有人进来了,他一闪身藏在了窗帘的后面;Dont try to hide your mistakes.不要掩饰你的错误;throw原文再现I threw it across the kitchen, and

18、 it landed on a table.我把它扔到厨房另一端,它落在桌子上;基本用法throw vi.投掷;丢;抛(过去式: threw过去分词: bitten现在分词: biting三单: bites ) Throw me that dictionary.把那本词典扔给我;He threw the ball to another player.他把球传给另一个队员;学问拓展 -相关短语1. throw away 扔掉,丢弃He threw away the old sofa. 他把旧沙发扔掉了;2. throw at 向 扔Dont throw stones at my dog.不要用石

19、头打我的狗;pain原文再现As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse.当医生们检查他的时候,疼痛更厉害了;基本用法painn. 痛楚,身体某部分的疼痛I felt a sharp pain in my lower back.我感觉到后腰一阵剧痛;She gave me some medicine to dull the pain.她给了我一些可减轻疼痛的药;worse原文再现As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse.当医生们检查他的时候,疼痛更厉害了;基本用法wors

20、e 是 bad/badly的比较级,既可以做形容词,也可以做副词;1. worseadj.更坏的;恶化的The weather is getting worse and worse.天气越来越坏;2. worseadv.更坏地,更糟地He is behaving worse than ever. 他的所作所为比以前更坏;medicine原文再现As soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day.他们知道是哪

21、种蛇咬他后,立刻给亨利开出正确的药,他其次天就回家了;基本用法medicinen. 药;医学This medicine has done me a lot of good.这药对我帮忙很大;吃药,表示为: take this/the medicineEven though I take medicine, I feel worse than I do yesterday.虽然吃了药,却似乎比昨天更严峻;学问拓展 -词义辨析: pill/medicine/drug/tabletpill 做 “药丸 ”讲, pill 和 tablet可以互换,但 pill仍可以指 “避孕药 ”;安眠药可以说 a

22、sleeping pill. medicine有时可以和 drug 互换;但该词除指治疗疾病的详细药物,特别是内服药以外,仍可以引申指对健康有益的其他治疗方法;drug广义上指任何用于治疗目的的药物,狭义指麻醉剂,特别指能使人上瘾的毒品;tablet药片,安眠药也可以说成a sleeping tablet;二、重点句型While the lights were changing to red, a car suddenly appeared round the corner.当交通灯变红的时候,一辆车突然从拐角显现;基本用法本句包含一个由 while 引导的时间状语从句,while从句的侧重点

23、在于描述动作正在发生的状态,它的意思是:当 while大事正在发生的时候,另一件事如何;从时间的角度来看,while表示的是一段时间,是一个过程,因此必需用连续性动词;While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV.当妻子正在看报纸的时候,我正在看电视;While Jim was mending his bike, Lin Tao came to see him.正值吉姆修自行车时,林涛来看他;While they were talking, the bell rang.正在他们谈话的时候,上课铃响了;You can t d

24、o your homework while you re watching TV.你不能一边看电视一边做家庭作业;While John was sitting biting his nails, I was working out a plan to get us home.约翰坐在那里咬指甲时,我想出了一个回家的方法;出题建议在语法专练模板下,挑选时间状语从句下“引导词的选用 ”,题型可挑选:单项、完成句子等,同时在关键词中输入: while ;So when you re on your bike, think about the risk of an accident.因此当你骑自行车的

25、时候,要考虑事故的危急性;基本用法本句包含一个 when 引导的时间状语从句, when 引导的时间状语从句表示 “当 的时候 ”,既可以指时间段也可以指时间点,从句中既可用连续性动词又可以用非连续性动词,且动作既可以和主句的动作同时发生又可在主句的动作之前或之后发生;When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas.他小时候就常常试验一些新的设想;when she came into my roomI was just reading a book.她走进我房间时,我正在看书;Were you writing when the te

26、acher came in.老师进来的时候,你在写信吗? Sorry , I was out when you called me. 对不起,你打电话来的时候我出去了;I thought of it just when you opened your mouth.就在你要说话的时候,我也想到了;学问拓展:词义辨析: when/as /while这三个词都可以用作连词,表时间关系,但有区分:1. as当“(在) 时候”往往可与 when或 while通用,但它着重指主句和从句的动作或事情相并发生;如:I saw him as he was getting off the bus.当下公共汽车的时

27、候,我观察了他;2. when“当(在) 的时候 ”主句和从句的动作或事情可以同时发生,也可以先后发生;It was raining when we arrived.当我们到达的时候,正下着雨;3. while当“(在) 的时候 ”表主句的动作或事情发生在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程之中;从句通常为进行时态;它有时可与when 通用,但它只能指一段时间(a period of time) ,而不能指一点时间(a point of time );Please don t talk so loud while others are working.别人在工作的时候,请勿大声讲话;出题建议在语法专练

28、模板下,挑选时间状语从句下“引导词的选用 ”,题型可挑选:单项、完成句子等,同时在关键词中输入: when ;Anything else.仍有什么吗?基本用法本句实际为一个省略句,完整的句子为:Is there anything else. 同时 anything 为复合不定代词,形容词修饰复合不定代词,需后置;There is nothing wrong with the radio.这收音机没毛病;Can you tell me something interesting.你能告知我点儿好玩的事吗?One day, when Henry was working in a restauran

29、t, a snake suddenly appeared and bit his hand.一天,亨利正在餐厅工作,一条蛇突然显现,咬了他一口;基本用法本句中包含由 when 引导的时间状语从句,表示“当他正做 的时候 ”,此处强调主句和从句的动作同时发生,when 可以替换为 while ;When /While he was reading, he fell asleep.他看书时睡着了;He asked me a question when/while I was speaking.我在讲话时,他问了我一个问题;I was trying to pick it up when it bit

30、 me again.我刚要把它捡起来,它又咬了为一口;基本用法本句中包含一个由 when 引导的时间状语从句,可以翻译为“这时 ”;when 引导的时间状语从句中既可以用连续性动词也可以用非连续性动词,此处不能和while 互换;I was helping my friend download the movie Kung Fu Panda II when the telephone rang.我正帮伴侣下载电影功夫熊猫2 ,这时电话响了;Mary was riding her bicycle to the park when she was hit by a car.玛丽在骑自行车去公园的路

31、上,被车撞了;As the doctors were checking him, the pain got worse.当医生们给他检查的时候,疼痛更严峻了;基本用法本句包含由 as 引导的时间状语从句,as 引导时间状语从句时,通常具有如下特点:1. as从句表示的也是一件事情正在发生,另一件事也正在进行当中;但与while 从句不同的是, as 从句用的一般不用正在进行时,而只是一般过去时;as 从句一般可以翻译成“边 边”;例如:The students took notes as they listened.同学们边听课边做笔记;As we talked on, he got more

32、 and more excited.我们连续往下谈的时候,他越来越兴奋;The little girls sang as they went.小姑娘们一边走,一边唱;2. as表达的大事, 往往只是主句动作发生的背景或条件时,as 只是一个次要的时间说明, 不像 while从句有强调 while动作本身的意思;因此, as 常常翻译成 “随着 ”之意;As the time went on, the weather got worse.随着时间的推移,气候更加糟糕;The atmosphere gets thinner and thinner as the height increases.随

33、着高度的增加,大气越来越淡薄;As years go by, China is getting stronger and richer.随着时间一年一年过去,中国变得越来越富强了;出题建议搜寻由 as 引导的时间状语从句时,在语法专练模板下挑选时间状语从句下引导词的选用,题型可挑选单项、完成句子等,同时在关键词中输入:as ;As soon as they learnt what kind of snake bit him, they gave Henry the right medicine, and he left hospital the next day.他们知道是哪种蛇咬他后,立刻给

34、亨利开出正确的药,他其次天就回家了;基本用法本句包含 as soon as引导的时间状语从句,表示“一 就”,在句子中的位置比较敏捷,而且可以用于各种时态;I ll write you as soon as I get there.我一到那儿就给你来信;(一般现在时)留意: as soon as引导的时间状语从句中,当主句是一般将来时时,从句用一般现在时;As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with pleasure.我一进门, Katherine就兴奋的叫起来;(一般过去时)I ll return the book as soon as I h

35、ave read it. 我一读完就把书仍回去;(现在完成时) Andrew left as soon as he had drunk his coffee.Andrew 一喝完咖啡就走了;(过去完成时)出题建议搜寻由 as 引导的时间状语从句时,在语法专练模板下挑选时间状语从句下引导词的选用,题型可挑选单项、完成句子等,同时在关键词中输入:as soon as ;So if a snake bites you, take out your mobile phone or camera.因此假如蛇咬了你,拿出手机或相机;基本用法本句包含 if 引导的条件状语从句;主句是如下三种情形时,从句通常

36、用一般现在时:1. 当主句是一般现在时或是一般将来时时;2. 当主句是祈使句时;3. 主句含有情态动词时;本句中从句是一般现在时,主句为祈使句;If she doesnt come, she will be sorry.假如她不来,她会遗憾的;Have a good rest if you are tired. 假如累了,你就好好休息一下;We must study hard if we want to pass the final exam.假如想通过期末考试,我们必需努力学习;But as you know, the snake won t smile.但是正如你所知,蛇是不会笑的!基本用

37、法本句中 “ as you know 是”由 as 引导的非限制性定语从句;as 引导的非限制性定语从句可以放在句首,也可以放在句中,但是 which 引导的非限制性定语从句不能放在句首;Kate was late for school, as often happened.=Kate was late for school, which often happened.凯特上学迟到,这是常有的;as 引导非限制性定语从句,仍有“正如 ,犹如 ”的含义;As is known to all, China is a developing country.众所周知,中国是个进展中国家;As is w

38、ell known,great changes have taken place in China.众所周知,中国发生了庞大的变化;三、重点语法when/as/while引导的时间状语从句这三个词都可以用作连词,表时间关系,但有区分:1. as“当(在) , 时候”往往可与when或 while通用,但它着重指主句和从句的动作或事情相并发生;如:I saw him as he was getting off the bus. 当下公共汽车的时候,我观察了他; as仍可以表示随着 , ”之意;Asthetimewenton, theweathergotworse.随着时间的推移,气候更加糟糕;T

39、heatmospheregetsthinnerandthinnerastheheightinc reases.随着高度的增加,大气越来越淡薄;2. when“当(在) , 的时候”主句和从句的动作或事情可以同时发生, 也可以先后发生;从句中既可以使用连续性动词,也可以使用非连续性动词;It was raining when we arrived.当我们到达的时候,正下着雨;Dont forget to return this book for me when you go to the library.你去图书馆时,不要遗忘替我仍这本书;3. while“当(在) , 的时候”表主句的动作或事

40、情发生在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程之中;从句通常为进行时态,并采纳连续性动词;Please don t talk so loud while others are working.别人在工作的时候,请勿大声讲话;Please do not trouble me while I am writing my homework.我写作业时请不要打搅我;when/as/while引导的时间状语从句词义辨析 when/as /while这三个词都可以用作连词,表时间关系,但有区分:1. as“当(在) , 时候”往往可与when或 while通用,但它着重指主句和从句的动作或事情相并发生;如: I s

41、aw him as he was getting off the bus.当下公共汽车的时候,我观察了他;as仍可以表示随着 , ”之意;Asthetimewenton, theweathergotworse.随着时间的推移,气候更加糟糕;Theatmospheregetsthinnerandthinnerastheheightinc reases.随着高度的增加,大气越来越淡薄;2. when“当(在) , 的时候”主句和从句的动作或事情可以同时发生,也可以先后发生;从句中既可以使用连续性动词,也可以使用非连续性动词;It was raining when we arrived.当我们到达的

42、时候,正下着雨;Dont forget to return this book for me when you go to the library.你去图书馆时,不要遗忘替我仍这本书;3. while“当(在) , 的时候”表主句的动作或事情发生在从句中的动作或事情的进展过程之中;从句通常为进行时态,并采纳连续性动词;Please don t talk so loud while others are working.别人在工作的时候,请勿大声讲话;Please do not trouble me while I am writing my homework.我写作业时请不要打搅我;高考不提分,赔付 1 万元,关注欢乐学 明白详情;


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