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1、精品学习资源欢迎下载精品学习资源留意事项:2021 年云南省中学学业水平考试英语 试题卷全卷四个部分,共8 页;总分值 100 分,考试用时 120 分钟欢迎下载精品学习资源1. 本卷为试题卷;考生必需在答题卡上解题作答;答案应书写在答题卡的相应位置上,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效;2. 考试终止后,请将试题卷和答题卡一并交回;其次节单项填空共15 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 15 分从题中所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上;26. I love singing and dancing. I want to beactor in t

2、he future.A. aB. anC. theD. /27. do you study for a test. I study by working with my classmates.A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. Where28. Summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do. I m not sure. Maybe Ito the beach.A. goB. wentC. will goD. have gone29. Can you speak Chinese, Steve. Yes, only. I have b

3、een in China for only one month.A. fewB. a fewC. littleD. a little30. The Third China-South Asia EXPO was held in KunmingJune 12th to June 16th.A. onB. inC. atD. from31. Excuse me, are there any book stores around here., but there are some on Center Street.A. Yes, there areB. No, there aren tC. Yes,

4、 there isD. No, there isn t32. You are supposed to be more careful to make fewerwhile you are writing.A. troubleB. matterC. mistakesD. problems33. WeChat 微信 is very popular.the youngthe old are getting interested in it.A. Neither norB. Either orC. Not only but alsoD. Between and34. Mary used toin th

5、e countryside, but now she is used toin the city.A. live ; liveB. live ; livingC. living ; liveD. living ; living35. May I watch TV now, mum. No, you. You must clean your room first.A. may notB. needntC. cantD. mustn t欢迎下载精品学习资源36. It s reported that there are more than 300smokers in China, nearly a

6、 third of all the smokers in the world.A. millionB. millionsC. million ofD. millions of37. useful robot. It can help with the housework like a human servant.A. HowB. What anC. How aD. What a38. The volunteersmany signs to remind people to protect the environment.A. put onB. put upC. put downD. put o

7、ff39. You shouldn t eat too much junk food. It s bad for your health. Youre right.junk food I eat,I will be.A. The less ; the healthierB. The less ; the healthyC. The more ; the healthierD. The more ; the healthy40. I wonderat 6:00 yesterday afternoon. I was doing my homework in the reading room.A.

8、what were you doingB. what did you doC. what you were doingD. what you are doing第三节完形填空共10 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 10 分从题中所给的 A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出能填入空白处的正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上;It was in autumn. Ayoung woman wasill. She41in the hospital. Therewas a tree42her room. She saw the leaves fall down. Day after day, there

9、 were less and less leaves on the tree. The woman was very43. She didn t want to eat or drink, and she didnt want to talk. The doctor asked her to44and take a walk. She wouldn t do that. She becameworse day by day. One day she said, “When the last leaf falls down, I will die,45.”An old artist knew t

10、hat. He decided to help this woman. One night, all yellow46fell down. The artist painted a green and yellow leaf, then put it in the tree. The next morning,47the woman looked out of the window and saw the last leaf, she was filled with48. She wanted to be alive. She didn t want to fall down like oth

11、er leaves. From then on, she became49and lived a long time.Don t50your hope at anytime.41. A. playedB. stayedC. studiedD. worked42. A. outsideB. insideC. fromD. under43. A. gladB. relaxedC. sadD. interested44. A. fall asleepB. get readyC. hurry upD. get up45. A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. neither46. A. f

12、lowersB. plantsC. leavesD. trees47. A. ifB. beforeC. untilD. when48. A. hopeB. dreamC. interestD. happiness49. A. worse and worseB. better and betterC. harder and harderD. thinner and thinner50. A. give outB. give inC. give upD. give away欢迎下载精品学习资源第三部分阅读懂得 共 15 小题;总分值 25 分AHave you heard about paper

13、-cutting.Paper-cutting is an importantart forminChina. Paper-cuts were used formany purposes, and everythingcan become the theme 主题 of paper-cuts, from people to the things that can be found in everyday life such as birds, flowers and animals.Each paper-cut brings out the personal ideas of the autho

14、r作者 . People express traditional culture or their own feelings with differentstyles of paper-cuts. For example, when someone marries, we put up some red paper-cuts on the wall, dressing table or other furniture to express our best wishes.It is easy to learn paper-cutting but very difficultto make it

15、 perfect. We need a long-time practice to learn how to use the scissors and how to paint. More over, we need to learn some cutting skills.At present, in many parts of China, paper-cutting skill has become a must for women and asymbol of a clever mind.依据短文内容,判定以下句子的正误;正确的填“T”,错误的填 “F,”并在答题卡上将该项涂黑;共 5

16、 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 5 分51. Not everything can become the theme of paper-cuts.52. People express traditional culture or their own feelings with the same paper-cut.53. It is not easy to make a perfect paper-cut.54. When we learn paper-cutting, we don t need to learn cutting skills.55. Women must learn pape

17、r-cutting skills in many places of China.BIt was nearly dark, the sun was dropping down the mountains far away. Little Tom came back home, with tears in his eyes.“What s the matter, Tom. How s your trip. ”his mother asked with a big smile.“Ifailed. Themountain is so high and full of big or small sto

18、nes on the way, I still go ahead. But I was tired andit was so late that I had to come back.”Tom cried.“It doesn t matter, you are only 14 years old after all. You will have another chance. ”his mother said. “But, standing at the top of the mountain is my dream. ”Tom said. His father came over and a

19、sked,“Did you see the green trees on your way to the mountain. ”“Sure, and there are a lot of beautiful flowers by the side of the road.”Tom replied. “Did you hear the birds singing. ”his father asked. “There were many kinds of birds singingin the trees, and the sound was very sweet.”Tom said. “Did

20、you feel the beauty of nature.”his father asked. “Yes, the blue sky, the white clouds, the green trees and the colorful flowers made a nice picture. ”Tom answered. “Thats enough. ”his father smiled and said, “Please remember, son. For often, achieving what you expect is not the most important thing.

21、 Althoughyou didn t reach the top of the mountain, you got a lot on the way. ”It is true that not every goal will be achieved, not every job will end up with a success, and欢迎下载精品学习资源not every dream will come true. The most beautiful scenery 风景 is on the way.依据短文内容,从题中所给的A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选出正确选项,并将所选答案

22、涂到答题卡的相应位置上; 共 5 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 10 分56. Tom got back homewhen the sun was dropping.A. slowlyB. sadlyC. quicklyD. early57. Toms parents wanted Tom.A. to be friendlyB. to be happyC. to be cleverD. to be healthy58. What s the main reason that Tom didnt reach the top of the mountain.A. The mountain was s

23、o high.B. The way was full of big or small stones.C. He was tired and it was so late.D. He was only 14 years old.59. Tom saw a lot of things on the way to the mountain except.A. clear waterB. blue skyC. colorful flowersD. green trees60. The writer tries to tell us that.A. the goal is not importantB.

24、 everyone should climb the mountainC. the mountain is very beautifulD. the process 过程 is more important than the resultCThese days, more and more Chinese people enjoy sending and receiving messages on the phone. It can help them to get the latest news and communicate with friends. But I think I shou

25、ld read more books besides the textbooks, the more, the better. It can open my eyes and improve my language skills. Of course, it also can help me to get good grades. Do you know how to read more and learn more. Here are some tips for you. Clear your purpose for readingBefore you start reading, ask

26、yourself why you are reading this book. Most people read for two main reasons, pleasure or knowledge. Clearing about your reading purpose can not only helpyou choose the books you really need to read, but also remind you why reading the book is important to you, so you will keep reading and complete

27、 the book faster. Read only what you are interested inNo matter what you are reading, it is important to enjoy what you read. Your friends may tell you the books they love, but those books might not necessarily be the ones you enjoy. Give up books that you don t enjoyYou may have chosen books that y

28、ou are interested in, and they are right to your purpose. But while you are reading them, there may still be some books that you dont enjoy reading. Whenever you realize that you arent enjoying the book you are reading, give it up. Remember readingshouldn t be a chore. Set a reading goalIt is intere

29、sting that I read the books borrowed from libraries faster than those I bought. The reason is the books I bought don t have a due date. I don t need to return those books. Having a欢迎下载精品学习资源reading goal helps you work out how much reading you need to do in a week or even a day. Before you read each

30、book, ask yourself what time you need to complete this book by.依据短文内容,从题中所给的A 、B 、C、D 四个选项中,选出正确选项,并将所选答案涂到答题卡的相应位置上; 共 5 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 10 分61. According to the passage, the writer might be a.A. teacherB. doctorC. studentD. scientist62. Why do most people read books.A. To get the latest news and com

31、municate with friends.B. For pleasure or knowledge.C. To open their eyes and improve their language skills.D. To get good grades.63. What should you do when you find the book which you are reading is boring.A. Keep on reading.B. Set a reading goal.C. Read the books your friends love.D. Give up the b

32、ook.64. The underlined words “due date”meanin Chinese.A. 星期B. 借期C. 仍期D. 日期65. This passage mainly tells us.A. how to read more and learn moreB. how to choose a good bookC. how to read fasterD. why we should read more books第四部分写作 共三节,总分值 20 分第一节依据句意, 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空, 并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上;共5 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 5

33、 分66. Mother is my first teacher. She teachesa lot about life. I 67. The little girl is running after a butterflyin the garden. happy 68. No pains, no gains. Withouthard, no one can achieve success in life. work 69. Soccer is played by so many people all over the world, but only a feware truly great

34、. play 70. The overseas Chinese in Yeman gotwhen they saw Chinese soldiers coming to their help. excite 其次节将以下句子中汉语部分译成英语,留意使用适当的形式,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置上;共 5 小题;每题 1 分,总分值 5 分71. Now Chinese teenagers have plenty of chancesall kinds of outdoor activities. 参加 72. I had a bad cold. The doctor told me to tak

35、e the medicine. 按时 73. Inorder to improveher listeningskills,Wang Lingoften listensto Englishnews and watches. 美国电影 74. Children todaytheir parents too much. They should learn how to look after themselves. 依靠、依靠 欢迎下载精品学习资源75. China is a great country with aof more than 5,000 years. 悠久的历史 第三节书面表达总分值10 分Growing up with提示:在你的成长过程中,确定有人陪伴你、帮忙你、影响你、感动你,让你能够健康欢快地成长;请以“ Growing up with ”为题,用英语写一篇短文;要求: 1. 请把题目补充完整;2. 语言流畅、书写标准、卷面洁净,词数不少于60 个;3. 文中不得使用真实、校名,否就以零分计;4. 将短文写在答题卡上;写在本试题卷上无效;欢迎下载精品学习资源欢迎下载


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