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《温室气体核算规程-PowerPointPresenta.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《温室气体核算规程-PowerPointPresenta.pptx(49页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、Yufu ChengYufu Cheng程裕富程裕富Guangzhou, Guangzhou, 1010/2010/2010国际碳管理系统国际碳管理系统International Carbon Accounting SystemsOutline 提纲Introduction to iCET 能源与交通创新中心简介。能源与交通创新中心简介。Carbon Accounting Protocol 碳计算的协议。碳计算的协议。EU experience 欧盟的经验。欧盟的经验。USA experience 北美的经验。北美的经验。Important players in China 中国的重要的碳核算

2、与管理机构。中国的重要的碳核算与管理机构。ECRs role in Carbon accounting能效与碳注册系统在碳计能效与碳注册系统在碳计算的重要意义。算的重要意义。The Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation (iCET) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) registered in Beijing, China and Pasadena, California. iCETs core mission is to mitigate climate chan

3、ge through the promotion of clean, low-carbon and energy-efficient policies and technologies in China. 能源与交通创新中心是一家在中国北京和美国加州注册的非赢利,非政府组织,其宗旨是能源与交通创新中心是一家在中国北京和美国加州注册的非赢利,非政府组织,其宗旨是通过在中国推动清洁,低碳和高能效的政策和技术来减缓气候变化的压力。通过在中国推动清洁,低碳和高能效的政策和技术来减缓气候变化的压力。Projects 主要项目主要项目: Low Carbon Transportation 低碳交通低碳交通

4、Climate Changes 气候变化气候变化Energy Efficiency 能效能效Sub-national collaboration on Clean Development 地方政府的清洁发展的合作地方政府的清洁发展的合作Supported by Charity Foundations, United Kingdom and California Government.主要的支持单位是基金会,英国政府,加州政府主要的支持单位是基金会,英国政府,加州政府iCET Introduction能源与交通创新中心简介能源与交通创新中心简介China Energy and Carbon Re

5、gistry中国能源与碳注册系统中国能源与碳注册系统Funded by Rockefeller Brother Fund and Hewlett Foundation由美国洛克菲勒兄弟基金会和惠普基金会的资助The goal is to set up a reporting system for Energy and Carbon Registry, this system is complied with ISO GHG emission standard.为中国开发和建立一套符合ISO标准的碳排放与能效注册系统“中国能源与碳注册系统(CECR)” Establish baseline to

6、 inform reduction strategy You cant manage what you dont measure! Prepare for regulation建立一个节能和减排的基准:你无法控制你不知道的参数, 同时为将来对温室气体的监控打下基础。Protocol and Standards协议和标准Green House Gas ProtocolPAS 2050ISO 14064 Shadow Price of Carbon.Green House Gas ProtocolThe Greenhouse Gas Protocol is the most widely used

7、 international accounting standard for businesses and other organizations. Developed by the World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in collaboration with more than 350 leading businesses, it is the basis for nearly every GHG standard and program

8、 in the world.在全球最为广泛使用的温室气体清算标准,是由世界资源研究院和世界可持续工商理事会和350家知名企业共同开发。它是世界上几乎所有温室气体清算的基础。PAS 2050This publicly available specification (known as PAS2050) has been developed in the UK by the British Standards Institute, Defra and the Carbon Trust. Its goal is to provide a consistent framework for assess

9、ing the full life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of goods and services. PAS2050 was published in Autumn 2008.PAS2050 是由BSI, Defra 和Carbon Trust 共同开发,于2008年秋季公布。主要是为产品的生命周期碳排放的清算提供 一致性的理论和标准基础。ISO 16064ISO 14064 is the acronym widely used to refer to a group of ISO Standards specifying the quantifica

10、tion, reporting, monitoring validation and verification of greenhouse gas.Part 1 (ISO 14064-1): Specification with guidance at the organization level for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removalsPart 2 (ISO 14064-2): Specification with guidance at the project level for qu

11、antification, monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emission reductions or removal enhancementsPart 3 (ISO 16064-3): Specification with guidance for the validation and verification of greenhouse gas assertionsshadow price of carbonArising from the Stern Review, the shadow price of carbon is a m

12、echanism put forward by the UK Government to embed the environmental cost of carbon into policy and investment decisions. Although only introduced in late 2007, the idea is gaining traction among businesses keen to integrate carbon emissions data into their bottom line accounting。EU Experience 欧盟经验U

13、K 英国英国Carbon Disclosure Project 碳披露项目碳披露项目 Carbon Trust 碳信用碳信用 Other EU countries 其它欧盟国家其它欧盟国家International Carbon Action Partnership CDP-碳披露项目The Carbon Disclosure Project is an independent not-for-profit organization Headquartered in UK碳披露项目是一个独立的非盈利机构,碳披露项目是一个独立的非盈利机构, 总部在英国。总部在英国。Investor CDP 为投

14、资者而设立的碳披露项目为投资者而设立的碳披露项目Public Procurement 公共管理公共管理CDP Water Disclosure 碳披露项目的水披露碳披露项目的水披露CDP Supply Chain 碳披露项目的供应链碳披露项目的供应链CDP-碳披露项目CDP sends out its annual information request to companies worldwide on 1 February, after which the online response system is open for data input from disclosing compa

15、nies. Corporations should submit their CDP response by the 31 May deadline.碳披露项目每年二月一日向全球的公司挤出信息邀请,同时开通碳披露项目每年二月一日向全球的公司挤出信息邀请,同时开通网络以便收集信息,网络以便收集信息, 要求公司在要求公司在5月月31日完成信息。日完成信息。The report data is based on excel数据的回报是以数据的回报是以Excel的形式的形式CDP-碳披露项目NoImageCarbon Trust 碳信用The Carbon Trust is a not-for-pro

16、fit company with the mission to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy, based in UK. Cut carbon now byProviding specialist advice and finance tohelp organizations cut carbonSetting standards for carbon reduction Cut future carbon emissions byLeading industry collaborations tocommercialize techn

17、ologiesInvesting in early stage low carboncompaniesOpening markets for low carbontechnologiesCarbon Trust 碳信用v Providing specialist expertise and finance to help businesses lead the move to a low carbon economyv Setting clear standards for carbon reductionv Catalyzing low carbon innovationCarbon Tru

18、st 碳信用v Providing specialist expertise and finance to help businesses lead the move to a low carbon economyv Setting clear standards for carbon reductionv Catalyzing low carbon innovation17ICAP Established in Portugal国际碳行动伙伴关系在葡萄牙成立NoImage18ICAP Mission国际碳行动伙伴关系的使命To contribute to the establishment

19、of a wellfunctioning global carbon market by:为建立奏效的国际碳市场作出贡献Sharing best practices and learning from each others experiences.交流最有效的做法并相互学习。Building and strengthening partnerships amongst governments建立并加强政府间的合作Ensuring that design compatibility issues are recognized at an early stage.保证在早期发展时就设计一致和共通

20、性问题19ICAP Membership国际碳行动伙伴关系会员29 Members: 29 个会员 EU members: European Commission, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, UK and Denmark.欧盟会员:欧盟,法国,德国,希腊,爱尔兰,意大利,荷兰,葡萄牙欧盟会员:欧盟,法国,德国,希腊,爱尔兰,意大利,荷兰,葡萄牙,西班牙,英国和丹麦。,西班牙,英国和丹麦。 WCI members: California, Arizona, Oregon, Wash

21、ington, New Mexico, Manitoba, and British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec. 西部气候策略成员:加利福尼亚,亚利桑那,俄勒冈,华盛顿,新墨西西部气候策略成员:加利福尼亚,亚利桑那,俄勒冈,华盛顿,新墨西哥,明尼苏达,大不列颠哥伦比亚,渥太华河魁北克哥,明尼苏达,大不列颠哥伦比亚,渥太华河魁北克 RGGI members: Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York区域温室气体策略成员:缅因,马里兰,麻省,新泽西和纽约州区域温室气体策略成员:缅因,马里兰,麻省,新泽西和

22、纽约州 New Zealand, Australia, Norway, and Tokyo新西兰,澳大利亚,挪威和东京新西兰,澳大利亚,挪威和东京2 Observers: Japan and Ukraine 两个观察员:日本和乌克兰两个观察员:日本和乌克兰20ICAP国际碳行动伙伴关系MRV Conference in Brussels on May 19 and 20, 2008 hosted by the European Commission2008年五月19到20日由欧盟委员会主办,在布鲁塞尔召开可测量,可汇报,可认证大会。ICAP MRV Subcommittee and Exper

23、ts Group国际碳行动伙伴关系成立可测量,可汇报,可认证二级委员会和专家委员会MRV Conference Report and Discussion Paper国际碳行动伙伴关系会议报告和讨论文章21China-US Challenge and Opportunity中美两国的挑战和机遇Worlds biggest industrial country:USA and largest developing country, China. Together:中美作为最大的发展中国家和发达国家,一起共有:1/4 of the worlds population 1/4 的世界人口1/3 of

24、 the worlds economic output 1/3 的世界经济总产量1/3 of the worlds energy consumption 1/3 的世界能源总消耗1/2 of global CO2 emissions from fossil fuel use 1/2 的温室气体的总排放Source: World Bank, IEA, EIAUSA Experience 美国经验The Climate Registry 气候注册组织气候注册组织USEPA Climate Registry 美国国家环保局美国国家环保局California Air Resource Board 加州

25、大气资加州大气资源委员会源委员会R-20 行动行动The Climate Registry气候注册组织气候注册组织The Registry is a non-profit organization governed by states, provinces and tribes in North America 北美为基础的非营利组织The Registry is a policy neutral, non-advocacy organization 是一个政策中立,不倡议某一方面。The Registry is a membership organization with over 430

26、members from business, government, NGOs and academia 目前有回报会员430家。 What TCR Does?气候注册组织的功能 Help organizations measure and manage their carbon footprints 帮助机构测量和管理他们的碳足迹。 Maintain a GHG emissions registry 维护碳注册系统。 Provide expert technical support, training, tools, and resources at a low cost 以低费用提供技术支

27、持,培训,工具和各方面的资源。 Ensure members receive informative and timely policy updates 保证会员能及时得到气候变化的信息和政策的更新。 Create a community of members to share best practices 为会员们建立一个分享成功经验的社区 Recognize leadership in GHG reporting and reductions 找出在温室气体汇报和前排的姣姣者Staying ahead of the curve与时俱进International policy and rep

28、orting 国际政策和碳汇报国际政策和碳汇报The RegistryIs on the international Carbon Disclosure Standards BoardIs partnering with iCET to develop a China registryHas served as a resource on GHG reporting to India, Brazil, and the Philippines, among othersBoth iCET and TCR are accredited NGOs to the United Nations Fram

29、ework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)气候注册处与能源与交通创新中心都是联合国气候变化框架的观察员。Scope 3 范围范围3的汇报的汇报The Registry is working with the World Resources Institute (WRI) on developing a North American Scope 3 reporting standard2626 A Community of Best PracticesA willing President, a nervous Congress, a poised r

30、egulator一个有意愿的总统,紧张的国会和做好准备的国家环保局Getting the White House in order 白宫的政令白宫的政令 Executive order for federal agencies to report and reduce GHG emissions, assess collecting GHG data from suppliersCongress 国会的犹豫国会的犹豫 Comprehensive cap-and-trade bill passed in the House in 2009 Compromise legislation appea

31、rs unlikely this yearUS EPA 美国国家环保局美国国家环保局 Mandatory GHG Reporting Rule (takes effect in 2011) Tailoring Rule: requires certain major stationary sources to obtain a permit for GHG emissions (phased-in beginning Jan 2011)Canadian Case加拿大的经验 Mandatory GHG reporting program in place since 2004 “Alignin

32、g the approach of Canada and the United States to climate change and its multiple challenges is the most effective and realistic way for us to make the progress to which we have firmly committed.” Environment Minister Jim Prentice, July 2010Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (and observers)Western C

33、limate Initiative (and observers) Regional Programs北美的区域项目Midwest Greenhouse Gas Reduction Accord (and observers) (Observers shown with hatch marks)Claims of environmental leadership are under fire绿“洗”的惩罚31Trends to watch 发展趋势发展趋势Reduction targetsReporting thresholdsAlberta, EC - 50,000MTEPA 25,000M

34、T Waxman-Markey, WCI, BC10,000MTMassachusetts 5,000MTOregon2,500MT80% reduction by 205017% reduction by 2020Potential targets in Kerry-Lieberman-Warner bill, based on 2005 base yearShareholder climate resolutions40% increase95 in 2010 vs 68 in 2009Based on data from CeresCARBON FOOTPRINTDemonstrate

35、your leadership展示您的绿色领导能力Prepare for future regulation为将来的管制做好准备Address investor disclosure requirements 投资人的需求Increase operational & energy efficiency增加运行和能源的效率Manage your role in the supply chain管理好你在供应链中的角色The value of voluntary reporting: your carbon footprint is linked to many benefits自愿汇报所带来的好

36、处自愿汇报所带来的好处How The Climate Registry can help you气候注册处的作用TCR provide tools, resources and technical assistance to measure and report your emissionsrTechnical help desk 技术帮助服务rWebinars and training 网络培训和培训会rNew software toolCRIS 3.0 新的软件-气候注册信息系统TCR and its Board members provide major policy updates t

37、o keep you informed 气候注册办及其董事局成员为会员提供最新的政策建议。TCR helps you manage your risk associated with carbon 气候注册办能够协助您管理与碳有关的风险。TCR recognizes your leadership。气候注册办认可到你的领导力。34Flexible membership options to suit business needs灵活的会员种类灵活的会员种类Climate RegisteredReport your complete North American, third party ver

38、ified carbon footprint (Scope 1 + Scope 2 emissions are required, Scope 3 and global emissions are optional)Basic Membership Build capability and access Registry resources without having to verify or reportSilverPublish a carbon management plan and reduction goal, demonstrate best practicesGoldReduc

39、e your emissions by 5%, retain status for 3 yearsPlatinumReduce by 20%, maintain reductionWe are a one stop shop for carbon resources and support提供全面的碳信息和支持提供全面的碳信息和支持TCR partners include:Do you need a credible and pre-screened carbon expert to help you with your inventory, verification, or sustaina

40、bility planning? 为企业的碳管理,核算和可持续计划提供有信誉力的计划。See www.theclimatepages.orgSteps on the Carbon Measurement and Reporting 测量和汇报碳排放的步骤测量和汇报碳排放的步骤Scopes of GHG emissions温室气体排放的范围Climate Registry Information System气候注册的信息系统39Annual reporting timeline年度报告的时间表JanJanFebFebMarMarAprAprMayMayJunJunJulJulAugAugSep

41、SepOctOctNovNovDecDecJan April:Collect emissions activity dataMay June:Enter emissions activity data into CRISJuly Dec:Begin and complete verification activitiesDecember 15: Verification deadlineJune 30:Reporting deadlineBuilding Carbon Accountingand ReportingSystemCarbon VER MarketCDM Projects GHG

42、Protocol DevelopmentCarbon Verification Carbon Reporting Supply Chain ManagementLandscape of Chinese Carbon Market中国碳市场的格局中国碳市场的格局GHG Accounting TrainingActive players and their roles活跃的机构和他们的角色 Governmental Agencies implementation bodies NGOs providing training, tools and policy suggestions Consult

43、ing Companies providing services, tools and expertise Third-Party Verifiers quality control Methodology and Protocol Developers capacity building Carbon Emission Exchange carbon VER trading platform Companies - reportersWho are they?Corporate(some focus on CDM before) NGOs Academics Building Carbon

44、Accounting Key PlayersWRI: Research on protocols at different sectorsiCET: MethodologyToolReportingCNIS: International Standard Adaptation/Application Consulting companies, including law and accounting firm, such as PWC,ICF,IES Companies for developing standard: BSILeading Companies for internal pre

45、paration ERI: MRV Mechanism/Emission Factors CBCSD: Industrial Standards (cement, steel, etc.) WBCSD: Cement industry GHG reporting Universities and Research Institutes: Research and Analysis on the GHG emissionsISC/BSR/WWF: Business social responsibility training Who are they ?Companies: CQM, etcCN

46、ASAccreditation of Verification BodiesDOEs : TUV, SGS, CEC, CQC, etc Carbon VerificationThey are all waiting for CNCA to signal the “green light”.CEC: China Environmental United (Beijing) Certification Center 环保部中环联合认证中心CQC: China Quality Certification Center 中国质量认证中心SGS: Societe Generale de Surveil

47、l 瑞士通标技术公司TUV: Technische berwachungsvereine 德国技术监督委员会CNCA: Certification and Accreditation Administration of China 国家认监委CNAS: China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment中国合格评定国家认可委员会 CQM: China Quality Mark Certification Group 方圆标志认证集团GHG Trainingfor Companies and GovernmentsCalc

48、ulate GHG emissions ReportGHG Inventories Carbon Market And TradeVerify Calculations ECRReliable, public and standardized information on Energy and GHG EmissionsSupply Chain ManagementProtocol and Methodology DevelopmentECRs role in carbon accounting and reportingNational Targets and International O

49、bligationsiCETs Role in Carbon Accounting and Reporting, Globally and in China. iCET has strong support from world leaders on climate change such as California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Former Vice President Al Gore and President Bill Clintons Clinton Global Initiative. iCET , in partnership w

50、ith the leading software developer, Misys, and The Climate Registry, has developed state-of-the-art GHG accounting software, available in Chinese for ECR members to calculate corporate GHG footprints. This open source software is being used in other parts of the world (USA, Canada, Mexico so far) an


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