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《杭州专版2022中考英语复习方案第一篇教材考点梳理第18课时Units9-10九全课件人教新目标版.pptx》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《杭州专版2022中考英语复习方案第一篇教材考点梳理第18课时Units9-10九全课件人教新目标版.pptx(27页珍藏版)》请在得力文库 - 分享文档赚钱的网站上搜索。

1、第 18 课时Unit 9Unit 10(九全)第一篇教材考点梳理第一页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。基础检测清单词汇拓展名词1.electricity (adj.)带电的;用电的 (adj.)电子的 2.base (adj.)基本的 (n.)基础 (n.)地下室 (adv.)基本上*be based on 以为基础*base on以为基础3.pain (adj.)痛苦的 (adv.)痛苦地 (adj.)无痛的 *painkiller 止痛药*in pain 处于痛苦中*No pain, no gain.不劳则无获。*pleasures and pains 苦与乐 painlesselectr

2、icelectronicbasicbasisbasement basicallypainfulpainfully第二页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。词汇拓展形容词4.gradual (adv.)逐渐地 5.full (v.)装满 6.total (adv.)完全地 动词7.prefer (n.)偏爱 (过去式) (过去分词) 8.shut(过去式) (过去分词) 9.reflect (n.)反映 (adj.)反映的;反射的10.change (v.)交换 *changeinto 把变成*change ones mind 改变某人的主意*get changed 换衣服*in exchange 作

3、为交换11.behave (n.)行为 graduallyfill totallypreferencepreferredpreferredshutshutreflectionreflectiveexchangebehavior第三页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。短语归纳 动词短语1. 作出努力 2. 使(某人)感到宾至如归 3.伸出 4. 握手 5. 随音乐跳舞 6. 随歌曲唱 7. 挣钱 8. 演奏乐器 9. 解决问题 10.顺便访问;随便进入 11. 把擦掉 12. 特地;格外努力 13. 四处走动 14. 避免交通拥挤 make an effortmakefeel at homehold

4、 outshake hands dance to musicmake moneysing along with songsplay an instrumentsolve problemsdrop by cleanoffgo out of ones waywalk aroundavoid heavy traffic第四页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。短语归纳15. 到处乱闯 16. 大动肝火;气愤 介词短语17. 既然那样;假使那样的话18.总共;合计 19.毕竟;终归 其他短语20.悲哀;沮丧 21. 大量;充足 22. 偶尔地;间或 once in a while get madrush a

5、roundin that casein totalafter allbe downplenty of/lots of/a lot of第五页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。佳句诵读 兴趣爱好1.While some people stick to only one kind of movie, I like to watch different kinds depending on how I feel that day. 有些人只喜欢看一类电影,但是我喜欢看不同类型的电影,这取决于我当天的感受。2.When Im down or tired, I prefer movies that can

6、cheer me up. 当我心情不好或疲惫时,我更爱看那些能让我高兴起来的电影。3.My father likes music that he can sing along with while my mother likes music that she can dance to. 我父亲喜欢他能伴唱的音乐,而我母亲喜欢她能伴舞的音乐。第六页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。佳句诵读文化习俗4.Each country has different rules about social situations.每个国家都有关于社交场合的不同规则。5.I always leave the house

7、 early to avoid heavy traffic because I think its impolite to keep others waiting. 为了避免交通阻塞我总是早离家,因为我认为让别人等是不礼貌的。第七页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。佳句诵读6.In many eastern European countries, you are supposed to take off your gloves before shaking hands. 在许多东欧国家,握手前你应该摘下手套。7.In Switzerland, its very important to be on

8、 time. So I make an effort to be on time when I meet my friends. 在瑞士,守时是很重要的。所以,当我与朋友见面时,我努力做到守时。第八页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。佳句诵读8.In France, people put their bread on the table. But in China, we always put our food on a plate or in a bowl. 在法国,人们把面包放在桌子上。但在中国,我们总是把食物放在碗碟里。9.In many countries, it is impolite

9、to show up at someones house for the first time with empty hands. 在许多国家,第一次去别人的家里时空着手是不礼貌的。第九页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。语法链接1.that, who和which引导的定语从句的用法。2.be supposed to do sth. 的用法。3.be expected to do sth. 的用法。4.It is+adj.+to do sth.的用法。第十页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦 preferv.更喜欢【题1】在空白处填上合适的内容(1个单词),或括号内单词的正确形

10、式。(1)My nephew prefers meat vegetables, which makes him heavier. (2)Im sleepy. I prefer (sleep) at home to going out for a walk. (3)He prefers (read) rather than (watch) television. tosleepingto readwatch第十一页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦【题2】根据汉语意思完成句子。我更喜欢通过大声读来记忆单词。I English words by reading them alo

11、ud. = I English words by reading them aloud. prefer memorizingprefer to memorize第十二页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦【归纳拓展】第十三页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦 supposev.推断;料想【题3】根据汉语意思完成句子。(1)你可以假定A等于B。You can that A equals B. (2)许多人认为他已经50多岁了。Many people to be over 50. (3)在汽车里每个人都应该系安全带。Everyone is a seat-bel

12、t in the car. (4)火车本应在半小时之前到达。The train was supposed half an hour ago. (5)你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。You to smoke on the bus. are not supposedsuppose suppose him supposed to wear to arrive第十四页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦【归纳拓展】第十五页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦 take off脱下(衣服);(飞机等)起飞【题4】用take 的相关短语填空。(1)How many teeth

13、 did the dentist ? (2)He everything the teacher said just now. (3)I think visitors should their litter when they leave the beach. (4)In many eastern European countries, you are supposed to your gloves before shaking hands. (5)When did the plane ? (6)Its our duty to our parents when they are old. (7)

14、People of all ages can the activity. take part in take outtook downtake awaytake offtake off take care of第十六页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦【归纳拓展】1. take off是动副短语,若代词作宾语,需要放在take和off之间,且代词需用其宾格形式;若名词作宾语,放在off前后均可。2. take的其他相关短语:take care of 照顾take over 接管take place 发生take away 带走take out 取出take up 占据tak

15、e part in 参加take it easy 别紧张;放松take after (外貌或行为)像take down 拆除;往下拽;记录第十七页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦 worthadj.值得;有价值(的)【题5】用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。The problem is well worth (discuss) a second time in case we make the wrong decision. 【题6】根据汉语意思完成句子。这是一本很有教育意义的书,因此很值得读一读。The book is very educational, so . it

16、is well worth readingdiscussing第十八页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦【归纳拓展】注意一般来说,worth前可用well, really, very, much, hardly等词修饰。第十九页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦 except/besides/beside/but/except for【题7】用except, besides, beside, but或except for填空。(1)I like sports very much. swimming, I also like playing footbal

17、l and skating. (2)The street is clear some cars parking along its two sides. (3)I havent told anybody else about the secret you. (4)We all like singing Tom. He prefers reading a lot. (5)A number of houses are being built the river. Besidesexcept for but/exceptexcept/butbeside第二十页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小

18、测核心考点聚焦【词义辨析】词条意义及用法except意为“除之外”,排除后者。着重强调在同类人或物中除去一个或几个besides意为“除了(还)”,不排除后者。指在整体中加入一部分beside意为“在旁边”,相当于next tobut和except的用法基本相同,且习惯上用于every, all, any, nothing, no, nobody, who等词后except forexcept for指排除非同类,常在说明基本情况后,再从细节上加以修正第二十一页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦 Laughing for two hours is a good way to

19、 relax!笑两个小时是一种很好的放松方式!【题8】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Its a good way (study) English by watching English movies. (2)Whats wrong with Lucy? (wait) for you for so long makes her really angry. Waitingto study第二十二页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。随堂达标小测核心考点聚焦【归纳拓展】1.v.-ing形式(短语)作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。Waiting for him for so long makes m

20、e angry. 等了他这么长时间让我很生气。2.a way to do sth. 意为“做某事的方式或方法”,动词不定式to do sth.作后置定语,修饰a way。This is a good way to solve the problem. 这是解决这个问题的一个好方法。第二十三页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。核心考点聚焦随堂达标小测.单词拼写根据句意及首字母提示写单词。1.I think its more convenient for her to study English with an e dictionary. 2.The girls won the match and e

21、verybody p them for their wonderful performance. 3.I am getting used to Western customs g . I am not so worried. 4.Its not easy for us to m a foreign language. 5.This song made him r his happy life with his wife. electronicpraisedgraduallymasterrecall第二十四页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。核心考点聚焦随堂达标小测6.When we go a ,

22、we need a passport. 7.Its good to know some table m when you have dinner. 8.Youd better b yourself in public. 9.In our country, we are pretty r about time. 10.Its a pity that all the classmates in my class went to the Great Wall e me. abroadmannersbehaverelaxedexcept第二十五页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。核心考点聚焦随堂达标小测.

23、语法填空在空白处填上合适的内容(1个单词), 或括号内单词的正确形式。A young man told off(责备) a kid for eating on the subway in Hong Kong. The kids mother got 1.(mad) about the young mans attitude and they started to argue with each other. This happened last year and has caused a huge argument on the Internet. Some people think the

24、2. (behave) of the kid, was bad because eating is not 3. (allow) on the Hong Kong subway. 4. (other) say that, because theres no such rule in many other cities, its reasonable that the tourists didnt know about it. madbehavior allowedOthers第二十六页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。核心考点聚焦随堂达标小测James Tien, chairman of the

25、Hong Kong Tourism Board, asked both sides 5. (calm) down. “Both parties(当事人) should learn to see things from 6._ other side,” he said. “Hong Kong citizens should be more polite and explain local rules 7. tourists.”He also thinks that travelers should improve their 8. (manner). “Social customs are different in different countries and cities,9. travelers should follow the local rules.” When traveling, if you are not sure how to behave 10._(polite), just remember “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” to calmthetomannerssopolitely第二十七页,编辑于星期六:十一点 十分。


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