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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上It的用法It的用法在高考中也是重现率较高的语言点,尤其是it用于强调句。其考查方式多通过“单项填空”进行,偶尔也出现在“短文改错”和“完形填空”中。一、要点点拔1代替上文中提到过的人或事物。指代人时,一般用于小孩或身份不十分明朗的人。1) Who is the baby? Its my teachers son2) Who is that gentleman? Its my friend TomHe(不可用It) wants to see you2用于表达天气、环境、时间、距离、季节等。例如: 1) Its half an hours walk from here

2、to our school2) Its nice and warm here3) But its two oclock now, and its time for us to go to school3用作形式主语.it 没有具体意义,而只是帮助把真正的主语移至句子后尾,使句子显得平稳一些,能借it 给移至句子后尾的主语有三种:一种由不定式表示,一种由动名词表示,一种由从句表示。 1).It 替代真正的主语动词不定式短语.It is easier to say than to do .It is a good act to help the others. 2).it 替代真正的主语动名词短语

3、,以动名词短语做主语的句子,主要在以no good, no use, no harm, dangerous, foolish 等词作表语的句中. Its no harm drinking running water in that area。 Its foolish talking like that.3).it 替代从句作主语,用从句做主语的带it 的句子很多,常见的有下面几类: It is a pity (a shame ,a fact ,a wonder ,a good thing,etc. )thatIt is a shame that he didnt pass the exam.

4、It is strange ( surprising,obvious,true, good,possible,clear,etc.) that 。It was clear that they had no desire for peace. It seems (happened ,turned out,etc.)thatIt seemed that things were not as they expected. It is said( decided ,expected ,etc)that It is said that the tickets have been sold out .4.

5、用作形式宾语。当复合宾语中的宾语是不定式,ing短语或从句往往用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末,句子重心后移。1) We find it difficult to learn English well in such a short time2) We think it no use crying over spilt milk3) We made it clear when and where we were going to have the meeting5用于强调句型,即“It is/was被强调部分that/who/whom+其它”句型之中。 使用该句型有以下几点请注意: 强

6、调句的谓语is或was永远用单数. It was yesterday that I met your father in the street不管被强调部分是哪种状语,只能用that连接,不得使用where、when等连词. It was in the street that I met your father yesterday被强调部分为人时,可用who(主格或宾格)和whom(宾格)代替that,用that也行。1) It was your father that/whom /who I met in the street yesterday2) It was I that/who me

7、t your father in the street yesterday强调句中 也要注意主谓一致、人称一致和否定转移的问题。1) It is they who are our friends2) It was not until ten oclock that we got home last night注意不要混淆强调句和其他从句。It is wasthat为强调句标志,去掉后仍可组成一个完整的句子,只是没被强调,而其他从句一般不具备这一特征。比较: 1) It was ten oclock when we got home last night我们昨晚到家时已十点了。2) It was

8、 at ten oclock that we got home last night我们昨晚是在十点到家的。第一句不是强调句,when不可改为that,因为去掉it was和that后,只能组成“We got home ten oclock last night”这样一个不完整的句子;第二句是强调句,that不可改为when二、常用句型及考点I. 形式主语型 1. It is clear (obvious,true,possible,certain) that 2. It is important (necessary,right,strange,natural)that 掌握本句型,应该记住

9、所列举的形容词,并且记住that后的从句应用虚拟语气 (should+动词原形),should可以省去。 3. It is no good (use) doing sth 4. It is a pity (a shame ) that 本句型中,that后的从句一般用虚拟语气 (should十动词原形),should可以省去。表示出乎意料,常译为“竟然”。没有这种意义时,则不用虚拟语气。 5. It is time (about time,high time) that 本句型中that后的从句应该用虚拟语气。 6. It is the first (second)time that 7. I

10、t is said (reported,learned)that 8. It is suggested (ordered) that 本句型中的过去分词应该是表示请求、建议、命令等的词,that后的从句要用虚拟语气(should十动词原形),should可以省略。常译为“据建议;有命令”。 9. It happens (seems,appears) that 10. It takes sbto do sth 11. It doesnt matter whether 12. It is kind (of sb) to do sth 本句型中的不定式如果需要逻辑主语,则须要前置介词of,而句型中的

11、形容词必须是能表示逻辑主语特征的形容词,常见的有bad,brave,careless,clever,cruel,foolish,honest,horrible,kind,lazy,modest,naughty, polite,rude,silly, stupid,wise,wrong等。 13. It is necessary ( for sb) to do sth 14. It is (just) like sb to do sth 本句型为“某人(恰恰)是样子”。用来表示赞扬或不满,若用否定式,则表示怀疑。 例:Its like him to leave the work to other

12、s 他就是这样的一个人,把工作推给别人。 15. It is up to sb to do sth 本句型表示“谊由某人做”。II强调句型 It is+ 被强调部分+that/who 本句型中被强调部分可以是主语、宾语或状语。强调的主语如果是人,that可以由who换用。III其他句型 1. It issince 本句型主句中用时间作表语,一般用现在时或完成时,since引导的从句常用瞬间动词的一般过去时态。主句如用一般过去时,则从句用过去完成时。 2. It iswhen 本句型中的when引导的是一个时间状语从句,主句中的it指时间,表语由具体的时间充当。 3. It looks (see

13、ms) as if 本句型中的as if引导一个状语从句,常译为“看起来好像”。如果与事实不相符合,则用虚拟语气 例1 It looks as if he is ill (真的病了) . 例2 It looks as if he were ill (没有生病) .Exercises:一单项选择1.It was at the gate _ he told me the news. A. that B. what C. which D. when2.Is _necessary to tell his father everything A. it B. that C. what D. he3.Wa

14、s it in this palace _ the last emperor died?A. that B. in which C. in where D. which 4.Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?A. now B. man C. that D. it 5.Was it during the Second World War _he died? A. that B. while C. in which D. then 6.Is _necessary to complete the design before Nationa

15、l Day? A. this B. that C. it D. he7.I dont think _possible to master a foreign language without much memory work. A. this B. that C. its D. it8.Does _matter if he cant finish the job on time?A. this B. that C. he D. it 9.It was not _she took off her dark glasses _ ,I realized she was a famous film s

16、tar. A. when; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; then10.Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _didnt help. A. he B. which C. she D. it 11._is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language. A. There B. This C. That D. It12. Is _ possible to fly to

17、the moon in a spaceship? Anow Bman Cthat Dit13Our food and service are better than _ used to be.Ait Bwe Cthey Dthem14_ appears to me _ the report must be truth.AThat; it BIt; that CIt; it DThat; that15He feels _ duty to help others.Athat he Bthat his Cit he Dit his16Take _ easy. The roads are icy.Ai

18、t Bthem Cus Dyou17The TV sets made in China are much better than _ in Japan.Athat Bthose Cthem DIt18 Have you found the bike you lost yesterday? Yes, Ive found _ already.Ait Bthat Cthe one Dthat one19. Im looking for a flat. Would you like _ with _ garden?Ait; the Bit; a Cone; a Done; the20_ was _ w

19、ho I met in the museum this morning.AIt; him BIt; he CThat; he D. That; him21It was in the rice fields _ we had our League meeting.Awhere Bthat Cin which Don which 22_ you come to the party so late?AWhy is it BWhy it isCWhy it is that DWhy is it that23 Were all three people in the car injured in the

20、 accident No, _ only the two passengers _ got hurtAthey were; that Bthere was; thatCit was; who Dthere are; who 24I don t think _ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work .Athis Bthat Cits Dit25It was not _ she took off her glasses _ I realized she was a famous film starA. when

21、; that B. until; that C. until; when D. when; then26.It was not until 1920 _ regular radio broadcasts began.Awhile Bwhich Cthat Dsince27_ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.AThere BThis CThat DIt28It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with a face and an hour

22、 hand was made.Athat Buntil Cbefore Dwhen29It was only when I reread his poems recently _ I began to appreciate their beauty.Auntil Bthat Cthen DSo30I hate _ when people talk with their mouths full.Ait Bthat Cthese Dthem31 Why dont we take a little break? Didnt we just have _ ?Ait Bthat Cone Dthis 3

23、2.Was it during the Second World War _ he died?(MET88)Athat BWhile Cin whichDThen33.Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship?(MET88)AnowBthatCitDMan34.I dont think _ possible to master a foreign language without much momory work(MET90) AThis Bthat CitsDIt35._ is a fact that English is being a

24、ccepted as an international language(NMET95)AThere BThis CThatDIt36.It was about 600 years ago _ the first clock with face and an hour hand was made (NMET97)Athat Buntil CbeforeDwhen37._computers play such an important part in our daily life?AWhy it is thatBWhy is it thatCWhy was it thatDWhy is it38

25、. Was it during the Second World War _he died?A. that B. while C. in which D.then39. Is _ necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab?A. everyone B.this C.her 40. Is _ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship? B.that 41. I dont think _ possible to master a foreign la

26、nguage without much memory work.A.this B.that C.its D.it42. She heard of a terrible noise, _ brought her heart into her B.which C.this D.that 43. Alice received an invitation from her boss, _ came as a B.that C.which D.he44. Does _ matter if he cant finish the job on time?A.

27、this B.that C.he D.it45.Toms mother kept telling him that he should work harder, but _ didnt help.A.he B.which C.she D.it46.The weather turned out to be very good, _ was more than we could expect.A.what B.which C.that D.it47._is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.A.Th

28、ere B.This C.That D.It48.I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have B.those C.them D.one49.It was about 600 years ago_the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.A.that B.until C.before D.when50.I hate _ when people talk with their mouths B.that C.these D.them5

29、1.It was only when I reread his poems recently_ I began to appreciate their beauty.A.until B.that C.then D.so52.It is the ability to do the job _ matters not where you come from or what you B.that C.what D.it53.It _ you that _ to;is; are C.are;are D.are;is54.Was_that I saw

30、last night at the concert? you B.not you D.that you 55._ electricity plays such an important part in our life? A.Why is it that B.Why is it C.Why it is that D.Why is that 56.It was _ he said _ disappointed me. A.what;what B.that;that C.what;that D.that;what 57.It was in the lab _ was taken

31、 charge of by Professor Harris _ they did the experiment.A.which; that B.that; what C.whom; that D.which; where58.Many people now make a rule to buy cards for their friends before Christmas.A.themselves C.that D.this 59.Someone is at the door, who is ?A.this B.that D.he 60.It is raining ca

32、ts and dogs. .A.So it is B.So is it C.Neither it isD.Neither is it 二.分析it成分,辨清相似句型。1._ is well know to us all that the earth is round._ is well known to us all, the earth is round. A.That B.As C.It D.Which2. _doesnt matter much whether hell come to the party. I feel _ an honour to be invited to spea

33、k here. A.this C.that D.what 3. _ no wonder that he has passed the exam. _ no need for you to wait here. A.There being B.It was C.It is D.There is4. Was it the house _ Abraham Lincoln was born? Was it in the house _ Abraham Lincoln was born? A.that B.where C.which D.both A and B5. Its very kind

34、 _ you to help us. Its very important _ you to keep the balance of nature. A.for B.of Dwith .6. It is no good _ such a thing. Its of no importance _ such a thing. do C.doing D.done7.Its time that we _ to school. It is the second time that we _ to Beijing. A.go B.went C.have been D.hav

35、e gone8.Its tomorrow _ he is going to Beijing. It was 8 oclock _ he went to school. A.that B.when C.before D.since9.It is 3 years _ he joined the army. It will be 3 years _ we meet again. A.before B.after C.since D.when答案:一单项选择1-30 ABADA CDDBD DDCBD ABACA BDADB CDABA 31-60 CACDD AB ADC DBCDD BDDAA BBBAA CABCA二.分析it成分,辨清相似句型。21.CB 22.BB 23.CD 24.BA 25.BA 26.CB 27.BC 28.AB 29.CA专心-专注-专业


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