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1、 分 类 号 : 密级 : 学校代码: 10165 学 号: 20131026J 教育硕士专业学位论文 图式理论在农村初中英语阅读教学中的应 用 The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching in Rural Junior Middle School 作 者 姓 名 : 高嫒 专 业 方 向 : 学 科 教 学 ( 英 语 ) 导师姓名: 国华副教授 2015 年 3 月 The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching in Rural Juni

2、or Middle School Gao Yuan A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS School of Foreign Languages LIAONING NORMAL UNIVERSITY 2015 学位论文独创性声明 本人承诺:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下所取得的研究成果。论文中除特 别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含他人和其他机构己经撰写或发表过的研究成果,其 他同志的研宄成果对本人的启示和所提供的帮助,均己在论文中做了明确的

3、声明并表示 谢意。 本学位论文作者完全了解辽宁师范大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,及学校有 权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交复印件或磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本文授权 辽宁师范大学,可以将学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库并进行检索,可以采 用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文,并且本人电子文档的内容和纸质 论文的内容相一致。 保密的学位论文在解密后使用本授权书。 学位论文作者签名 : 紐 学位论文版权的使用授权书 签名日期 : 年 7月访日 辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文 摘 要 阅读是从书面语言获取信息的一种复杂智力活动,也是从书面语言获得意义的心理 过程。在初中英语教学中阅读

4、是一个极其重要的环节,它是学生获得英语知识和技能的 重要途径。对大多数农村初中学生来说,如何有效地提高阅读能力是个很困难的问题, 他们除了词汇语法等方面的欠缺,更多的是缺少西方文化、科学和地理等方面的背景知 识,他们难以从阅读材料中获取准确的意义和信息。教师可以利用图式理论的相关知识, 帮助学生对所读篇章进行文化补白。于是,为了解决教学现状中的问题,作者试图探索 如何有效地把图式理论引入到英语阅读教学中,以期能通过利用图式理论改善英语阅读 教学进而帮助学生提高英语阅读能力。 针对农 村中学不容乐观的英语阅读教学现状,作者首先回顾了阅读理论,图式理论 及图式理论在阅读教学中的运用,借助于图式理论

5、的支持,结合自己的教学实践,试图 探索以下两个问题: 1.以图式理论为指导的初中英语阅读教学能否提高学生的英语阅读 能力? 2.在图式理论阅读教学方法的影响下,学生能否获得有效的阅读技巧和策略?并 试图以图式理论为指导,探索适合农村初中英语阅读教学的课堂教学模式。 本研究的实验对象是辽宁省台安县新华农场中心学校九年级两个班的 60 名学生, 九年一班 ( 30 人)为实验班,九年二班 ( 30 人)为控制班。实验班 用图式理论指导英 语阅读教学,控制班采用常规教学方法。研究分别对两个班学生进行问卷调查,和测试, 并用 SPSS 对实验结果数据进行了分析和讨论。 研究结果表明,图式理论适用于农村

6、初中的英语阅读教学,运用图式理论可以有效 提高学生的英语阅读能力和阅读兴趣,同时学生也获得了有效的阅读技巧和策略。因此 , 为了提高学生的阅读能力,在农村英语阅读教学过程中,教师应该充分利用图式理论, 尽可能帮助学生创建、丰富、激活和巩固他们头脑中的文化图式知识,尤其对于和本国 不同的文化加以讲解,以此来帮助他们提高阅读理解能力。 关 键 图 式 理 论 ; 英 语 阅 读 教 学 ; 农 村 初 中 The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching in Rural Junior Middle School Abstra

7、ct Reading is a complicated intelligent activity which makes readers acquire information from written language as well as a psychological process which helps readers obtain meaning from written language. As an extremely crucial component for English teaching and learning at middle school stage, read

8、ing is a critical path for students to obtain English knowledge and skills. However, for the majority of the middle school students in rural areas in China, it still remains an obstacle to efficiently improve reading ability. In addition to their weakness in vocabulary and grammar, their background

9、knowledge of western culture, science and geography etc, is far from sufficient. Consequently, they often fail to capture the accurate meaning and information from the reading materials. Teachers can help students understand the target passage in the process of cultural additional using the related

10、knowledge of Schema Theory. Therefore, in order to cope with the problem, this research is carried out to explore ways to how to improve Junior Middle school students9 English reading ability applying Schema Theory. To address to the unsatisfying teaching status of English reading in Junior Middle s

11、chool, the author first provides an overview of the basic concepts and theories about reading and Schema Theory in particular as well as its application in the teaching of reading. Then with this theoretical rationale combined with empirical teaching practices, the author is intended to explore the

12、following two research questions: 1. Will the schema-based teaching method be able to improve students9 reading comprehension abilities? 2. Will students be able to acquire useful reading skills and strategies by means of schema-based teaching method? Furthermore, with Scheme theory as the theoretic

13、al guide, the author strives to explore a suitable class teaching mode which fits English reading teaching at rural middle schools. This research includes 60 students from two classes in grade nine of a Middle School in Tain county of Liaoning province with one as experimental class and class two as

14、 control class. Schema theory is applied in the English reading teaching in the experimental class, while normal teaching method is adopted in the control class. Two questionnaire surveys, pretest and posttest are carried out. Then the data collected was analyzed by SPSS software. According to the r

15、esearch results, Schema theory is suitable to the English reading teaching at rural middle schools and it has effectively improved students9 English reading ability and inspired their reading interests. In the meanwhile, students have also obtained useful reading skills and strategies. Therefore, it

16、 suggests that to improve the students9 reading ability, English teachers should utilize Schema Theory in their teaching to try their best to help students create, enrich, activate and consolidate the cultural schema knowledge in their minds. Particularly, different cultures should be explained to s

17、tudents, so as to help them improve their abilities of reading comprehension. 辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文 Key Words: Schema theory; English teaching reading; rural middle schools The Application of Schema Theory in English Reading Teaching in Rural Junior Middle School Contents J 商 . I Abstract . II 1 Introduction

18、 .1 1.1 Research background and significance .1 1.2 Purpose of the Research .2 1.3 The structure of the research .3 2 Literature Review .4 2.1 The study on reading . 4 2.1.1 Reading mode . 4 2.1.2 Definition and classification of reading strategies .7 2.2 Schema theory .9 2.2.1 Definition of Schema

19、theory .9 2.2.2 Classification of schema .9 2.3 The Application of Schema theory in reading teaching .10 2.3.1 Utilizing reading approaches to conduct reading teaching .10 2.3.2 Enhancing students? linguistic schema in reading teaching .11 2.3.3 Reinforcing content schema in teaching reading .12 2.3

20、.4 Strengthening formal schema in reading teaching .12 2.4 Research on the application of Schema theory in reading teaching abroad. 13 2.5 Research on the application of Schema theory in reading teaching at home. 15 2.6 Current status of English reading teaching in ruralmiddle schools .15 3 Research

21、 Methodology .18 3.1 Research questions .18 3.2 Research subjects .18 3.3 Research instruments .19 3.3.1 Questionnaires .19 3.3.2 Pre-test and post-test .19 3.4 Research process .20 4 Data Collection and Analysis .22 4.1 Results and discussion of the questionnaires .22 4.2 Data collection and analys

22、is of pre-test and post-test .23 5 Conclusion .27 5.1 Major findings .27 5.2 Limitations of the research .27 5.3 Suggestions for research in the future .28 References .30 Acknowledgements .49 1 Introduction 辽宁师范大学硕士学位论文 With constant development of the society, cross-country communication becomes in

23、creasingly vigorous. As a result, grasping a foreign language shows substantial significance in particular. As far as English learning is concerned, it requires skills and capabilities regarding multiple perspectives, among which how to improve English reading ability possesses more importance. 1.1

24、Research background and significance Reading is a process of thinking as well as a process of cognition. However, during the teaching course, we frustratingly discover that there are still some students who are bewildered with English reading without effective improvement in reading efficiency. As i

25、ndicated by observation and researches, improving reading ability is subject to various impacting factors, including language and culture factor, non-language and culture factor, intelligent factor and non-intelligent factor and so on. As a middle school English teacher, the author finds out that so

26、me teachers still resort to the traditional teaching method of intensive reading, namely the grammar teaching mode which includes linguistic phenomenon explanation, difficult points explanation, phrases usages elaboration, grammar rules analysis, practices on making sentences, sentences translation

27、and so on. Under such teaching mode, students9 knowledge scope is narrow, analytical ability is poor and they often fail to grasp the passage from an overall perspective. However, the new English curriculum standard has raised higher requirement for students9 English practical application ability, w

28、hich will inevitably request teachers to enhance their teaching method and adopt new teaching concept as guidance. Complying with above requirement from the new English curriculum standard, Schema reading theory gradually comes into the public view in recent years as a joint achievement worked out b

29、y cognitive psychologists, linguists and artificial intelligence experts. This theory is raised out by Carrel and Eisterhold(1983), which interprets reading as that while readers are obtaining information through a bottom-up reading mode, they need to predict, judge and correct the fresh information

30、 absorbed based on their existing information in a top-down mode at the same time. During this process, the former mode emphasizes analysis on detailed features, such as vocabulary, phrases and syntaxes and so on, reflecting an understanding process for the input information which turns from lower l

31、evel to the upper level; whereas the latter mode stresses to identify the overall structure of the passage based on previous experience or background knowledge, standing for an acquisition process for the overall meaning. As held by Eysenck and Keane (1990), 66when the perceptive objective have matc

32、hed with certain psychological image in readers mind, cognitive and understanding process will be accelerated; instead, under mismatch scenario, such process will become more difficult to identify and understand. Therefore, in their view, reading process majorly relies on The Application of Schema T

33、heory in English Reading Teaching in Rural Junior Middle School readers9 efforts to make predictions on the passages using existing information. Then through multiple times of validation or denial, readers will gradually get close to the level of understanding and finally grasp the understanding for

34、 the passage. During this process, the existing information which is stored in the brain in a special way is called “schema”. According to Schema Theory, schema can be classified into three types: linguistic schema, content schema and formal schema. Linguist schema refers to readers9 master degree f

35、or the reading materials, namely knowledge in terms of phonetics, vocabulary and grammar etc. Content schema stands for readers9 familiarity degree for the passage theme. Formal schema means readers9 understanding degree for the genre of the passages, namely readers9 text knowledge. As suggested by

36、Schema Theory, success of reading comprehension lies in the readers9 activation degree to the schema knowledge stored in their brain. In other words, effective reading and understanding course is a cognitive process where existing schema in readers9 brain is constantly activated and enriched into ne

37、w schema. However, for a long time, application and research of Schema theory are majorly adopted in the English reading teaching in university with quite a limited number of people utilizing it to direct English reading teaching at middle school or senior high school. This is because reading texts

38、at middle school are shorter in length and simple in content. Thus few people have attempted to apply this theory to the English reading teaching in middle school. Therefore, in order to compensate for such gap, the author is intended to apply Schema theory as theoretical guidance for English readin

39、g teaching at middle school in order to validate its directional significance. “Compulsory Education Standard”( 2011) has clearly defined the required reading level for middle school students. To be specific, students should ube able to overcome the disturbances of new words and understand reading materials at respective level with mastering of general meaning of the material; they should flexibly select reading strategies in accordance with different reading targets; they should unders


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