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1、 Domest icat ion and Fore ign i zat ion: A Case Study of Three English Versions of Shen Congwens Short Story The Husband 归化和异化: 对沈从立短篇小说丈夫三个译本的研究 学位论文完成日期 : 指导教师签字 : 答辩委员会成员签字 : 2006 年 3 月 Acknowledgements So complex a master thesis will inevitably come to rely on the help of many people. Of them I

2、am first of all indebted to Associate Professor Xu Minhui, my supervisor, who has given me patient instruction, insightful advice, helpful encouragement and continuous support in the course of my composing this thesis. I also would like to express my thanks to all the other teachers of my postgradua

3、te courses: Professor Zhang Delu, Professor Zhao Deyu, Professor Liu Rushan, Professor Deng Hongfeng, Professor Liu Jing, Professor Yang Lianrui, whose enlightening lectures have greatly broadened my academic horizon and promoted my researching ability. Finally, I am grateful to my dearest mother, f

4、ather and husband, whose words and support always flood my heart with a sea of loving care and encouragement. Once more, I am bound in an inadequate expression of my gratitude to Professor Xu Minhui, who painstakingly read the whole manuscript and proposed sparkling ideas for its improvements. I am

5、deeply grateful. Zhao Fengcai Qingdao, March 2006 归化和异化 : 对沈从文短篇小说丈夫三个英译本的研究 摘要 从 20世纪 70年代,随着文论和文学翻译领域出现文化的转向,归化和异化 的二元翻译策略之争逐渐成为翻译理论的热门话题之一。归化是在翻译中采用透 明、流畅的风格,最大限度地淡化原文陌生感的翻译策略。异化则是在一定程度 上保留原文的异域性,故意打破目标语常规的翻译。作为文化转向的产物,归化 和异化必然包含了深刻的文化、诗学乃至政治的内涵。如果说直译和异译只是语 言层次的讨论,那么归化和异化则是将语言讨论延伸至文化、诗学和政治层面。 对文学

6、翻译来讲,译作应尽可能地把原文的文化色彩传递给目的语读者。沈 从文先生是一位有着独特风格的作家。如何将其湘西文化色彩浓郁的小说译成同 原文风格一样的译入语著作,是一个值得探讨的课题。同时,随着多元文化的发 展,各文化中的 “ 异质 ” 更容易被其他文化所容纳。那么汉译英文学翻译是不是 也应该跟随这样的发展倾向,更多地寻求异化策略呢?本篇论文意在通过对沈从 文先生的短篇 小说丈夫三个英译本的分析探讨翻译中归化和异化的选择以及 在中译英的翻译中这对二元策略的发展倾向。希望能给汉语著作的英译,尤其是 文化色彩浓厚的文学作品翻译提出一些值得注意的问题和借鉴。 该论文共分五个部分: 第一章是导论部分。引

7、入归化和异化翻译策略的概念、起源和国内外学术界 的争论;同时介绍了整篇论文的框架结构。 第二章回顾了归化和异化的发展以及国内外理论界对于这对二元翻译策略 的争论。在国际翻译论坛,奈达被认为是归化论的代表,而美籍意大利裔学者韦 努蒂则将归化异化之争引入了白热化状态,他也被认为是异化 论的代言人。而以 色列学者左哈尔从历史文化角度提出的多元系统论,英国学者巴斯内特和勒菲弗 尔的文化翻译观,及德国功能派翻译代表汉斯 .弗米尔和克里斯蒂安娜 .诺德提出 的“ 目的论 ” 等等也都从不同角度对这一对翻译策略提出了不同的理论。 第三章从宏观和微观两个角度分析了整个翻译过程中影响归化和异化选择 的各种因素。

8、 第四章是论文的主体,共分五部分。首先提出该篇论文的出发点、研究方法 和目的;第二部分对沈从文及其充满湘西风情的写作风格进行研究。在文学翻译 中,为了能把原作的精神翻译过来,这一步是必不可少的;第三部分介绍了短篇 小说丈夫的内容和主题;第四部分从对三位不同译者的介绍论述了其翻译风 格及在丈夫译文中所采用策略的总的倾向;第五部分则从五个角度详细探讨 了三位译者在具体的翻译过程中对于地方民族文化信息承载量大的文化词语所 采用的不同策略。 第五章为全文的总结。 综合对丈夫三个英译本的比较探讨,可以看到三位译者在处理含有丰富 文化内涵的文学作品时的一个从归化转向异化的非常明显的总的倾向。这证明了 在

9、政治、经济和文化不断全球化的今天,异化翻译将对弘扬中国文化发挥更好的 作用。同时,在具体的翻译过程中也可看到,归化和异化依旧是一个相互交叉的 情况。也就是说,译者在尽量保持原语文化色彩的同时,还要考虑到译入语的可 接受性,使语言符合译入语的规范要求。翻译从根本上讲是语言的活动,只有 遵循语言内在的规律才能达到文化信息的传递。语言不可能脱离特定的文化背景 而独立存在,而文化因素又是复杂多变的,这就要求译者在处理文化因素时保持 适度的灵活性,因时而异,因地而异,针对不同的情况采取不同的策略。 关键词:翻译策略; 归化;异化;湘西风情;地方民族文化信息 Domest i cat i on and F

10、ore i gn i zat i on: A Case Study of Three English Versions of Shen Congwenfs short story The Husband Abstract The present thesis is intended for probing two opposite translation strategies: domestication and foreignization. The former refers to the translation strategy in which a transparent, fluen

11、t style is adopted in order to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers, while the latter designates the type of translation in which a target text deliberately breaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original. Since the 1970s of las

12、t century, cultural studies have attracted more attention in the field of translation theory. This culture turn9 has led to the ever-heating argument between domestication and foreignization, which has turned translation strategies from linguistic level to cultural, poetic and political concern. Mor

13、eover, literature translation requires transferring the original cultural codes as much as possible to TT readers, Shen Congwen is a Chinese indigenous writer, whose works embedded full local color of West Hunan. Therefore, it is worthwhile analyzing the English versions of his fictions. By contrast

14、ing the three English versions withtheir)riginal, the thesis aims at offering some implication on the general tendency of translation strategy in translating cultural-bound literature, especially for Chinese-English literary translation. It falls into 5 chapters. First, a general survey of domestica

15、tion and foreignization is put forward. Then the structure of the thesis is proposed. Second, both studies abroad and at home are reviewed from a historical point of view. The focus of dispute is attended to with care. Third, since translation does not happen in a vacuum, factors influencing domesti

16、cation and foreignization are analyzed in detail, ITI both on macro loveb and micro levels. Fourth, the focus is on the comparison of three English versions of The Husband translated respectively by Ching Ti, Gladys Yang, and Jef&ey C. Kinkley. Ample examples are cited to reveal the worth of domesti

17、cation and foreignization in dififerent situations. This part is the main body of the thesis. At last some enlightenment might come out of the issue: First, a general tendency adopted by the three translators is obviously from domestication to foreignization, which demonstrates, since globalization

18、is a trend in many aspects, including economy, culture and language, people, contrary to the past, are more cosmopolitan and more willing to contact and tolerate the heterogeneity in other cultures. Second, an interwoven adoption of domestication and foreignization has been still observed in concret

19、e translating process, which indicates that in tran culture-specific literary works, cultural codes as well as readability (by abidi target language convention) of the TT are all elements to 奢 be taken into account. Though translation is essentially the transfer of language, the latter can not stand

20、 alone from a certain cultural backdrop, the factors of which are often subtle, complex and in constant change. That is, it requires more flexible adoption of translation strategies. Key Words: Translation Strategy; Domestication; Foreignization; Local Color of West Hunan; Local Peoples9 Culture Inf

21、ormation. iv Contents Acknowledgments Chapter One Introduction . 1 Chapter Two Literature Review on Domestication and Foreignization .3 2.1 Overview of Domestication and Foreignization . 3 2.2 Studies Abroad . 4 2.2.1 Nida9s Formaland functional equivalences . 4 2.2.2 Venutis Foreignization vs. Dome

22、stication: Resistanceagainst the Anglo-American Culture . 6 2.2.3 Other Studies . 7 2.3 . Studies at Home . 8 Chapter Three Factors Influencing Domestication or Foreignization on the Macro and Micro Levels . 10 3.1 Macro-Factors . 11 3.1.1 Cultural Asymmetry. v . 11 3.1.2 Historical Background . 13

23、3.1.3 Language Reality . 13 3.1.4 Political Interference . 14 3.1.5 Ideology . 15 3.1.6 Aesthetic Stereotype . 16 3.1.7 Needs of the TT Reader . 17 3.2 Micro-Factors . 18 3.2.1 Purpose of Translation . 19 3.2.2 The Translators Attitude toward ST and His Cultural Attitude . 19 Chapter Four Analysis o

24、f Domestication and Foreignization in The Husband . 22 4.1 Reason for Choosing the Story, Departure Point . 22 4.2 Shen Congwen An Indigenous Writer of International Recognition . 23 4.2.1 Life and Works Inseparable from West Hunan . 24 4.2.2 Themes and Language Style . 26 4.3 The Husband A Short St

25、ory Embedded with Chinese Local Color . 28 4.4 A General Survey on the Three English Versions . 29 4.5 Comparison in Culture-Bound Vocabulary . 32 4.5.1 Translation of Words of Ecological Culture . 32 Translating Names of Places . 33 Translating Words of Living Habits . 34 Tr

26、anslating Seasons . 36 4*5.2 Translation of Words of Material Culture . 37 Translating Musical Instruments . 37 Translating Food . 38 . Translating Clothes and Ornaments . 39 4.5.3 Translation of Words of Language Culture . 40 Translating dialect 40 Translatin

27、g Metaphors . 42 4.5.4 Translation of Words of Religious Culture . 44 4.5.5 Translation of Words of Social Culture . 45 Translating Forms of Address . 45 4_5.5.2 Translating Allusions . 47 Chapter Five Conclusion . 50 Bibliography . 53 Domestication and Foreignization: A Cage Study of Three

28、Translations of Shen Congwen Short Storv The Husband Chapter One Introduction Domestication and Foreignization are two basic translation strategies which provide both linguistic and cultural guidance. They are tenned by American translation theorist L.Venuti (qtd. in Schafiner 1995:4). According to

29、Venuti, the former refers to 4tan ethnocentric reduction of the foreign text to target-language cultural values, bring the author back home/5 while the latter is an ethnodeviant pressure on those (cultural) values to register the linguistic and cultural difference of the foreign text, sending the re

30、ader abroad. (Venuti, 1995: 20) Generally speaking, domestication designates the type of translation in which a transparent, fluent style is adopted to minimize the strangeness of the foreign text for target language readers, while foreignization means a target text is produced which deliberately br

31、eaks target conventions by retaining something of the foreignness of the original (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:59). The dichotomy of domestication and foreignization can be traced back to the German theologian and philosopher Schleiermacher5s argument in his famous lecture On the Different Ways of Tr

32、anslating given in 1813, In that lecture he argued that there were only two different methods of translation, “either the translator leaves the author in peace? as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him; or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards

33、him.55 (Venuti, 1995:19-20; R. Schulte and J. Biguenet) The binary model for describing translation strategies has been remaining an eternal dilemma in the translation studies. The disputes over the opposition of literal and free translation, formal-equivalence and dynamic equivalence, adequate and

34、acceptable translation, fluent and resistant translation, long last and never seem to be solved. However, the focus of most translation controversies had been at the level of linguistics. It was not until 1970s that cultural studies have been brought to attention in the field of translation theory (

35、王东风, 2002: 24). The move from translation as text to translation as culture and politics was termed by Mary Snell-Homby as t4the cultural turn55 in 1990 (Jeremy, 2001: 127)? which is largely developed by Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere. Domcsticstion and Forgignization: A Case Study ot Three Trans

36、lations of Shen Congwen s Short Storv The Husband This has evoked the ever-heated debates over domestication and foreignization and brings the translation strategies from linguistic level to all cultural factors taken into consideration and pays more attention to the final goals and effects of trans

37、lation, as a cross-culture activity. Translation strategies selected by a translator determine the whole orientation of his translation; they permeate every step in the whole process of translating as well. Domestication and foreignization are subject to the influence of many factors, which can be c

38、lassified into two levels: macro-factors and micro-factors. The present thesis falls into 5 chapters. Chapter 1 is an introductory part? in which a general survey of domestication and foreignization is put forward. Then the structure of the thesis is proposed. In Chapter 2 studies on domestication a

39、nd foreignization at home and abroad are reviewed from a historical point of view. The focus of dispute is attended to with care. Chapter 3 unfolds a detailed analysis of factors that have much to do with the macro and micro levels that influence the translators selection of different strategies. On macro level elements cultural asymmetry, historical background, language reality, political interference, ideology, aesthetic stereotype and needs of the TT reader are discussed. The micro level focuses on purpose of translation, and translator attitude toward ST and his cultu


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